Rise of the Tower

By Jelly Muffin

Published on Sep 25, 2024


Rise of the Tower 3



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The huge hairy giant sat naked on the cold metal examining table, his hands covering his genitals.

A stethoscope was moved slowly over his massive muscular chest.

Not a sound could be heard from the heart beating somewhere inside.

"Now when you say you felt some pain, would you describe it as sharp? Or would it be more of an ache?"

The Tower looked at his clothed boyfriend and sidekick sitting nearby, unsure of himself, then answered.

"I have no idea what any of those words mean, doctor."

"Hmmmm. I see," said the amicable rotund bald man as he pondered what to do next.

The doctor then picked up a small rubber hammer, and hit the gigantic hero's knee very slightly.

It did not move.

"I guess I shouldn't have expected that to work either."

The hero and sidekick glanced at each other once more.

Nathan finally interjected.

"Doctor this isn't just a case of the flu, here. This is The Tower! The Walking Wall itself! He simply should not be able to be hurt!"

The doctor nodded, slowly.

"I suppose you're right, boy. We can skip the formalities then. One moment please."

The fat round man then waddled to the other side of the lab, then from behind a curtain, rolled out a massive laser gun device! The short bald man then slowly and surely pushed it all the way back across the room, tiny wheels squeaking the whole way, until it was pointed directly at The Tower's head.

The beam weapon looked like it could melt through the walls of Fort Knox!

And the tip of the huge laser was now touching The Tower's forehead!

Something was comically unright here....

"Uh, doctor?" asked The Tower, while superhuman, still never really liked any sort of gun aimed directly at his temple.

"Oh, I'm sorry. This looks bad doesn't it!" the overweight man laughed to himself, while leaning against the huge energy weapon thing with a grin. "Let me explain!"

"Your powers Tower seem to grow from your pent up masculinity. As you described earlier, once you achieved some measure of release with Mr. Quick here, you became vulnerable to harm for some time."

It was the orgasm! Nathan could not believe their luck!

Not only was the boy horrified to learn that it was him whom had caused his hero damage, but also that it was due to their frolicking!

"You mean he can't have sex!" exclaimed The Tower's sidekick, no longer seeing the point in being alive.

"Not without reducing his abilities dramatically, Nathan," said The Doctor with a sad smile. "But not to worry young man, they don't call me "The" Doctor for nothing!"

"Who calls you The Doctor?" questioned the naked hero.

"My patients."

The hefty man then flipped a switch on the weaponlike metal cone device next to him, and the electronic contraption came to life with a dizzying amount of blinking lights as it powered on.

"I believe this may have all started with the hallucinations you have been telling me about Tower. They seem to have excited you to the point of causing your current weakened state. These have to be related!"

"Then we have to stop them!" said The Tower forcefully. He would do whatever it took to regain his invincibility!

"Quite," said The Doctor. "But first we have to find where they are coming from. And I doubt it's from inside!"

"Then from where?" queried Nathan.

"My theory is this lad. The Tower can not be effected from anything within our universe. So the source has to be from without!"

"From outside our universe?" said the hulking nude hero incrediously.

"Precisely!" exclaimed the fat bald man. "Now if you'll hold still one moment, this should not hurt in any way at all whatsoever!"

The Doctor pulled a trigger on the device and a beam erupted from its huge tip to envelope the hero's head!

The man had been correct, however. There was no pain in the slightest!

"Let's see now..." said the rotund overweight medical professional.

Turning various dials and knobs, the fat scientist analyzed the readouts with intense concentration.

Some moments passed.

"There! There it is!" exclaimed the man suddenly, jumping to his feet. "A signal from another dimension, attuned exactly to your brainwaves Tower!"

"Can you stop it, Doctor?" asked the hairy giant.

"Stop it? Tower, its source lays outside the fabric of our very reality!" said The Doctor, shaking his head. "You could at least give me a few minutes."

The man nearly fell over laughing.

The Tower looked at his sidekicked whom was equally baffled by "The" Doctor's behavior. Usually "mad" scientist meant criminally insane! Not daffy!

However when the bizarre overweight man had been given the requested hundred or so seconds, he had indeed arrived at a plan of action!

"Alright, in order to reach this dimension in question, boys, we first have to find it!" explained the man in excitement, dashing around the room. "And there are about an infinity and a half universes to search."

"That's a lot... right?" asked Nathan not sure what the man was trying to say.

"Quite!" said The Doctor. "But our hero here is acting like some sort of resonating dish, collecting these waves into himself from wherever they are emanating!"

"Meaning?" prompted the hero once more, as the man had become destracted by one of his tools.

"Meaning that we can use you Tower, to find the original source of the broadcast!"

"Let's do it then," said the huge hero, ready to be himself once more.

"There's only one issue though," said The Doctor, looking a bit nervous.

"And that is?" said The Tower calmly. The handsome supersoldier was used to always having to do it the hard way.

"You're going to have to have sex," said The Doctor blankly. "Wild hot kinky sex."

The "hard" way, it was!

Next: Chapter 4

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