Rise of the Minotaur

By ozzalone65

Published on Dec 29, 2021


This is a fictional tale of the creature that has always seemed to excite me when I saw him in story and mythology. The Minotaur. Body of a man, head of a bull but with a fantastic form and the typical bull hung proportions. Huge dick and massive nuts. Normally this beast is considered evil or bad. But this new tale makes the minotaur the victim of misunderstanding. And our hero helps to bring them to their true station in life. As master of the sun human mortal form.

Hope you enjoy....

Rise of the Minotaur (9)

... I was moving through the forest again. On my way to nowhere. Just trying to find a new home. Maybe a new village I could live. Mine was horrible and hated me. Or I just hated everyone in it. Either way I had to leave. I had been caught in a bad situation sometime before when I was attacked by a pack of wolfen. Then chased to what I figured my room in a cave behind a waterfall. A place that was the home of something far more intimidating than wolfen. It was the lair of the minotaur Drago. The beast that had come home just as I was about to be killed by the vicious wolfen. And he in the process of ridding his home of the vermin he saved my life. Even healing my wounds after I had collapsed. And he even fed me which was more than such a solitary creature might do. And I so appreciated him and what he had done for me. So other than my disdain for my village on what I desired as being evil. I added to that my distrust of anything they may have said about the world beyond the gates of the village. For they had this creature completely wrong. He was not the horrifying killer that they made him to be. He was better than any man or woman I had encountered back home.

"I wish you well beast Drago" I said back to the direction of the falls.

I moved on for another hour or so. Trying to figure which way would lead me to a place to call home. Some other village that was not so hateful as where I had come from. And I knew not how long or how far I would have to go. But I was passing over a natural bridge a short time later when I heard sounds in the forest. Movement. And it was getting closer. I grabbed at my knife as I worried what it may be. I prayed it not to be the wolfen again. That I would be spared another attack by the beasts. That I could pass through the forest in peace. But I was wrong. For as I stopped just a few yards from crossing the bridge I saw one of them. A dark hairy show of movement beyond the trees I had just passed through.

"Oh noo!" I chirped "Not again. Please. Not again!"

I trued to move back towards the bridge. Then one moved through the trees. I ran, back over the bridge as fast as I could. Almost flying over it. I then ran into the forest back on the other side. I was determined to get away from them. But as the wolfen crossed the bridge then came after me. Gaining quickly. And before I knew it they caught up to me and I was tackled by one of them. Falling to the ground hard.

"Noo!" I screamed again "Noo!" "Leave me alone"

I took the blade and did drive it into the beasts shoulder. He howled and let go. So I scrambled to get up. But that was when the next one jumped me. This hit made me lose the blade. Then the first one turned back on me. Growling from his injury. I figured that this time I was dead.

"Now." The angry wolf bellowed "Now you die"

I closer my eyes for not to see it coming. Praying it would be quick. But that was when the third wolf shouted. "Minotaur!" And then there was a thunderous rumble. And then the wolfen on me pulled off. I looked up to see the huge minotaur Drago there.

"Get off of him" he growled at them

Then the three decided to counter and try ad attack the huge beast. I was a stupid move but they trued anyways. The first flying as the it brute bull easily swatted him away. But the other two charged him. I got up as I saw this beast had saved me again. I saw my knife and ran for it. Then as the Wolfe jumped I the bull I rushd them. I thrust my blade into one of the Wolfe and he howled. The minotaur saw this ad grabbed it by the next tossing aside. But the turf attacked his thigh. Digging teeth into it. The bull roared and slammed his mighty hand down on the wolfen. I heard a crack as the beast fell to the ground in a whimper.

"Come!" He shouted "Lets get out if here before me arrive"

I quickly grabbed my things and followed the minotaur back. Back to his lair at the falls. To where I knew there was some safety. Thia beast was the least frightening to me. Even beyond the tales of horror I had been told about his kind.

"Maybe everyone is wrong?" I pondered

We walked back mostly in silence. The beast only advising me which way to turn through the forest. We returned back to his lair and he said that I should stay there until the wolfen moved off. Saying that they did not stay in one place too long. And that maybe after a fee days I could move on with where ever it was i was headed.

"I really have no place where I am going" I said "I have no current home" "An outcast?" The beast asked as he sat therr at his huge table. "There are many of your kind" "I presumed it so as you were not in caravan or horseback"

I looked at him curiously. Apparently he had seen this before. So I asked him about this. Maybe he knew which direction to take to do d a new home.

"No you are not the first" he said "And this is why i aided you" "Those usually cast from those vile places are free spirits. Thinkers" "You do mot follow the laws scribed in those books that most if your kind follow"

And as he spoke about it, I thanked him again for saving me. For keeping the wolves from killing me.

"You have been most generous" I said to him "If there is something I may do for you" "I am in your debt"

He huffed back that there was no need. And then he got up. The beast looked astonishing. His body a sculpture at muscle and hair. A fantastic frame of male power. My eyes trailed of his incredible physique as he moved through the room. I pulled my eyes from him when he looked back at me. Then he said he would be back in a bit. He wanted to get cleaned up. That he was going to bath in the river. He suggested I do the same. To 'wash off the stench of the wolfen'. I raised my arm and smelled myself. He was right there was an oft smell about me and I cringed at it.

"See" he said

And then he grabbed a drying cloth. Tossing me one as well. Then he headed out to the other side of the falls. I sat that for a moment before. Getting up and going out as well. Following the huge beast outside. When I headed out and down the rocks from the waterfall I saw the minotaur below.he had reached the edge of the river and started to undo his loin coverings. His huge muscles taught as he reached for the straps. Flexing and he pulled at them. The awe I had for his awesome beauty showing on my face. My mouth agape as I followed his motions.

"My God look at him" I said to myself "That body is a spectacular thing to behold"

My eyes were stuck to his awesome body. Just studying him with eyes that were growing hungry. And then he puled off the loin clothe. Dropping it to the ground just at the edge of the water.

"Ohh my God!" I almost shouted as I saw him. All of him.

He was now completely naked. And all his penis and sack were out for display. The penis was thick and looked like a stubby arm that hung there from his crotch area. And then I looked below to see the largest balls I gad ever laid eyes upon. The swing below him as he moved into the water. Easily one of them was bigger than both of mine. And the sack hung down far lower than his meaty staff. The beast looked over at me as I gasped out from the sight. He smiled a bit and then stepped into the water. Then he lowered himself into it. Down deep enough to cover his chest. I quickly removed my garments and rushed into the water as I felt myself starting to get erect from seeing his awesome body and rod. He had me excited to see his full beauty. And I was utterly lost in it...

More to come

Next: Chapter 10

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