Rise of the Minotaur

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 29, 2021


This is a fictional tale of the creature that has always seemed to excite me when I saw him in story and mythology. The Minotaur. Body of a man, head of a bull but with a fantastic form and the typical bull hung proportions. Huge dick and massive nuts. Normally this beast is considered evil or bad. But this new tale makes the minotaur the victim of misunderstanding. And our hero helps to bring them to their true station in life. As master of the sun human mortal form.

Hope you enjoy.... +++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++

Rise of the Minotaur (8)

... "What are you doing in my lair. Wolfen" the voice said...

Then there was another snort and a thunderous bellow. Then the sounds of stokes and high pitched whimpers. I felt as the wolfen that was on me was yanked away and then another squeal. Then the brush of air as it passed over me. Then heavy thuds as yelps and cries filled the room. Then there was more vries and then I heard one of the wolfen crying out to 'get out if there'. Then there was almost silence, except for a snort and a heavy breath. I stayed there on the floor. Not moving. For I knew that somehow the wolfen were gone now.i was spared their killing me. But what had frightened them so. What was even more fierce than 3 wolfen. I did not know. And I feared if I stopped playing dead that I would find out and still be killed. But then came the deep voice again

"Who are you?" I heard him say "And what are you doing here?"

And that was when I looked up. I gazed up to see a huge beast thing. The head of a bull and the body of a man. And my God what a body. The incredible physique of the huge creature that stood near 8 feet high was musculature I had never known a man could have. A vast broad chest that had dark fur on it. A line of light fur passing along the center and around the bottom if his pectorals and then down his belly as the beast stood there glaring at me. He was magnificent to behold. Save for the head of an animal. And below only a look cloth covered his midsection his legs thick and strong with finer black for moving down them. I could not help notice something moving around in them.

"Well?" He glowered at me "I am ever so sorry" I stated in fear "I was trying to hide from. From the wolfen." "I. I. I am sorry" "I shall leave you sir"

I picked myself up and then let him know I would leave him. And apologized yet again. I started to move and was struck with a sharp stinging in my arm. That was when I looked to see that I had been severely scratched by the wolfen. There was blood trailing down my arm

"Wait" the beast then said "You are injured" "Come let me see"

The huge beast moved over to me. He grabbed at my arm. His hands were massive on me. The huge animal could crush me with those hands if the beast wished. But as he looked at my arm he handle me with almost the gentlest care.

"Sit" he said "I will get a salve to put on that"

Then he moved across the chamber and to another room I had not noticed before to the left. He came back with a bowl that was covered woth a cloth. The beast sat down next to me and placed the salve on my injured arm. The big fingers rubbing some of the strange feeling and strange smelling paste. But I quickly felt a nice cooling on my arm. Like ice was touching it. I looked at the huge beast before me. His face intense as he covered my arm with the salve. I then recalled what he was. All the fear before with the wolfen had my brain frozen in any thought other than my impending doom. But now as I was calmer. Surprising so next to the huge creature I knew that he was a minotaur. A beast that was supposed to be a monster of Supreme violence. But I was currently not seeing it. Yes he was violent when he attacked the wolfen (although I did not see it) he was not now. He was tender almost. Showing a modicum of concern for my injury. And I would not have questioned his protecting his home from the invading wolfen. I looked at the huge head and the horns pushing out from the area above his temples. I looked at them. Large and imposing. Then I looked at his face. His eyes were dark yet there were tiny flecks of shimmery green in the dark brown of them. Ever so tiny they were but I could see them as he moved. Like tiny flickering stars in a dark sky. It was strangely beautiful.

"There" he said as he wrapped my arm in a damp cloth he had prepared. "It should heal in a few days" "Just keep this on"

He patted my arm and then got up. I looked at his awesome firm as he got up. But as he did the loin cloth around his crotch area lifted some. There I could see a very large bulge of something still confirmed in the hide codpiece that covered his private parts. He had to be very large down there. And I could not help but get a twitch in my own trousers. He turned away from me and I was now looking at his huge back and buttocks. Again I was starring to feel excitement at this specimen of maleness.

"You should be fine" he gruffed as he headed back to the other chamber. Returning the salve to what he had fir retrieved it from

I got up and looked around for my bag. I knew I should leave him as he seemed to not want anyone around. But as I git up I became very dizzy. That was when I toppled over and landed at the base of his large bed. I was out for a few moments. When I opened my eyes again I saw him crouched down next to me. His hand on my back as he rubbed at it

"What. What happened?" I asked as I turned "Hmm. The salve" he then said "Its meant for me" "So maybe stronger than your body is accustomed to" "You may feel like this for a while" "Here. Lay on my bed" "Rest"

He easily pucked me up and placed me into the massive bed. The massive arms flexing as he placed me down. I smelled an almost cinnamon scent about him. I had not notices it until now. Being this close to the beast. It was delightful. And as I grasped his arm when he moved me I had felt the strength in those enormous arms. I lay there and watches the best. He bent down and collect my bag from the corner where it was flung. Then he placed it on the table to the right. Them he went back out to the other chamber.

"Bed is comfortable" I sighed "A lot better that the rough ground"

I found myself drifting off to sleep as I lay there. Finding the first bit of comfort and oddly safety here in this creatures lair. And it was a good sleep. For the most part. Deep and peaceful. I awoke sometime later and the beast was not there. I sat up and still felt a bit light headed. But I supposed I would be okay. I looked about for my bag and figured I should leave him. I did not want to wear out the little welcome I had received from this bulls kindness. I got up and looked over to where my bag was. I wished he was there so I may formally thank him for his hospitality. That was when I smelled something. It was something cooking over a fire. Some wonderful scent of food cooking. I instantly felt a grumble in my stomach and I was now hungry.

"Where is that coming from" I said to myself

I decided to follow the smell. It lead me out of the main chamber and out towards the way I came in. There near the falling water if the falls was a fire and something over it. It was a pig or something like that. Then i saw him, the minotaur come back in from the outside. His massive frame silhouetted in front of the cascading water. The huge brown shoulders seemed almost blot out the light coming in

"Ah you are up" he then said "Come. Sit here and eat" "You will need your strength"

He crouched near the cooking meat. He tore some off and handed me a wooden plate. And offered me the seat on a wooden bench he had there near the fire. "Come eat" he said again

I smiled at the beast as he hunkered down and sat across from me on the other side of the fire. Then h grabbed some more for himself. I looked at the beast across the fire from me. The flickering flame showing his face. There were a few scars on his cheek. Probably from any number of attacks and skirmishes. Them I looked at those eyes again. And again I saw the tiny flashes in them from those miniscule flecks in them.

"Yes?" He asked if my staring at him "It was very kinda of you to share a meal with me" "And to dress my wounds sir" "Very very kind."

He looked over and just nodded his head. Not saying a word. I then assured him I would be leaving his cave soon

"Again most appreciated" I added "And I shall leave you to your humble home shortly" "As i have intruded enough of your time and generosity"

I finished the meal he offered and then got up. I then saw him get up too. He then came over to me as I offered his plate back to him. Then i stood up before this giant beast. I then went to get my bag so I could indeed leave. It felt heavier, but thought it due to my arm. It was still a bit achy from my assault.

"I have placed some supplies in your bag" the beast said "You were low" "And I cannot leave you without rations for your journey"

Again I thanks him for his kindness. And I wished him good health. Then I turned to leave him.he actually smiled at me and waved. Then calling out for me to 'be safe'

"You too sir" I call back "Drago" he called back "I am Drago" "Thank you Drago" I said back

I gave him my name and then waved back before turning back and leaving. Passing the falling water at the entrance to his place. Then i stepped out and headed off again. Stopping across the river to look back at the falls. Smiling at it. Knowing that all the stories of the minotaurs I had heard were wrong. Entirely wrong. I found one that was very kind. I headed off saying his name. Drago

"Goodbye Drago" I softly said to the wind... +++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 9

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