Rise of the Minotaur

By ozzalone65

Published on Jun 26, 2023


This is a fictional tale of the creature that has always seemed to excite me when I saw him in story and mythology. The Minotaur. Body of a man, head of a bull but with a fantastic form and the typical bull hung proportions. Huge dick and massive nuts. Normally this beast is considered evil or bad. But this new tale makes the minotaur the victim of misunderstanding. And our hero helps to bring them to their true station in life. As master of the sun human mortal form.

Hope you enjoy.... +++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx Rise of the Minotaur (17)

..."Prepare for war" was what the leader had said

And the village did. Over next few days we prepared the men and women for the incoming battle to protect our village from the religious zealots. Threatening to force they views upon us. I really hoped his secondary wish would be true. That Drago who had left us after he found the danger to us, that this huge bears would aid us in survival. To bring his bretherend to saves us from annihilation. We were a small place compared to the large village that threatened us. This was my hope. That my hero of before would once again be my hero.

"Please come back" I silently huffed to the sky "I wish to see you again my friend"

It was a few days in that one of our scouts came back to the village. Rushing in in horse and bolting off it to get to the leaders.

"They are coming!" He shouted "They are coming!"

The leaders came to the square where he was. Asking how long away they were. He mentioned they would be there by the morning.

"How many?" Came the next question "Over a hundred" he said back "Well over a hundred"

There was a sigh of dread form the other elders. Worried that we were indeed doomed. That no one would come to our aide. That we were indeed on our own. And we would surly be annihilated. Wiped out so they could conquer another village to spoil with their vile teachings. I ran to my home and grabbed my own weapons. I would fight for my new home as it was the greatest one I ever would have. Getting myself ready for the death that was on its way. We had many along the upper lines of the main wall. Bows and arrows ready. others in the main square near the big gates. Ready should they break through the gates. And a few handfuls outside and ready to ambush outside the village lines. We had to use all possible avenues of attack to make sure we let them know they would not take a our humble village easily. And even though I had not been there that long, I was ready to die for my new home.

"They are coming" someone said in the early morning "Be ready"

Everyone was ready. Swords and arms bared and ready for the final battle. I was amount those in the square. Sword and blade at the ready.

"Fire!" Someone shouted

And the fighting began arrows flying about at oth ends. And already one of our arrowmen falling from an arrow hitting it's mark. Doon their army was rushing the gates. And the gate pushed against the wave. Holding strong. But they bashed against it again and again. Someone from outside the gates shouted 'there, from behind!' and the push at the gates stopped for a moment. There was shouts and cries out there. Pain and death outside the gates. And our team in the outside was quickly overwhelmed. Falling to the horde. Then they rushed the gates again and again. The heavy push soon making the hinges give and the gates pushed opened. Then the horde of the enemy pushed through the opening and at the ones standing there waiting for them.

"Push them back!" Someone yelled "Push them back!"

I rushed into the mele. Driving my sword into a villain. Then turning to avoid an assault in myself. Then swing at another. The swords meeting in mid air. I feared that we were all doomed. There were too many of them. And we were quickly falling to them. One by one in our small village.

"A horn!" Someone called out

Yes. There was the trumpet sounding of a horn from outside the gates. Then someone from the opposing village screamed. 'behind us!' then there were screamed outside the gates. That was when the horde inside turned and headed back out. That was when I saw on huge beast push through them at the gate. It was a minotaur. He swung hard with a heavy club and smashed it to a man. Then his horn was thrust into another. And other scream insued. Then more minotaurs rushed the gates. There among then was Drago. My huge hero. Barreling through the crowds. Swinging at the men in uniform as they were the enemy. Leaving and protecting those in our side. All dressing in plain clothing.

"Smash them. The uniforms!" He growled "Kill them all!"

He looked almost frighting in his fury. Taking down multiple men at the same time. All I could do was watch the awesome sight before me. His massive arms and body moving as he attacked them. I found myself getting aroused by it and him. For he is as a stunning creature to look at. Those huge arms and body and muscle tensing as he struck. Yes it was a beautiful sight to behold. And I desired him more than ever. Wanting him to just take me there amidst the battle. To show the vile humans true desire. That this was what we fought for. Having affection for whomever we so desired

"Take them all!" He he bellowed "Take all the enemy down!"

And one by one the enemy fell. Until the few that could retreat and escape did. Fleeing back into the forest and beyond. Heading back to their home. Most likely to warm of the rising of the minotaur. And to be frightened, of so frightened. But I was not of course. I was happy and joyful that Drago and his kind came to our aide. Keeping our losses at a minimum. Whilst the enemy lost most of their army in this attack. I ran to Drago and hugged him tightly. Pressing my face to his broad chest. Feeling the heat and sweat on him. Again becoming quite aroused by it and him.

"We are grateful to you" said one of the elders "We are most please to assist a good place such as you have made here" Drago said back

The counsel asked what they could give them in return for their assistance in this. That was when Drago looked at me. He smiled and said he wanted me in his bed. I smiled back at him and then we finished collecting bodies and burning them. Then I brought Drago to my home and assaulted him sexually....

+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx To be continued

Next: Chapter 18

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