Rise of the Minotaur

By ozzalone65

Published on Apr 19, 2023


This is a fictional tale of the creature that has always seemed to excite me when I saw him in story and mythology. The Minotaur. Body of a man, head of a bull but with a fantastic form and the typical bull hung proportions. Huge dick and massive nuts. Normally this beast is considered evil or bad. But this new tale makes the minotaur the victim of misunderstanding. And our hero helps to bring them to their true station in life. As master of the sun human mortal form.

Hope you enjoy.... +++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx Rise of the Minotaur (15)

... I awoke to a bright and sunny day. There was nary a cloud in the sky. There was a light breeze that struck my face as I lay there in my last forest bed. A soft tender caress of wind that passed over me. I sat up and looked about. The sounds of birds filled the trees around me. I had to get up and head out soon. Zion was still quite the distance from me. So I collected my things and headed back out. If all went well I should reach them my early evening. I stopped a few hours in at a river that was flowing down from the mountain. Wading in and taking a much needed bath. then ate again and headed back towards the road to Zion. I knew from the trees when I woke that there was a road carved through the forest for some distance from the village. I wanted to find that and follow it the ready if the way, as I was tired if moving through trees and forest.

"What is that?" I huffed as I heard something near by

I moved through some more forest as I saw a horse and cart with a handful of people moving along the forest floor. I stopped just shy of where the groups moved. Unsure of who they were. But as I looked through the brush I saw I had reached the road. A passage cut through the forest and they were heading through it. In there way to the village.

"Maybe they are from it?" I thought "Maybe I should .."

My head pictured many thoughts as to what would happen if I sprung out at these folk as they moved along the road. Would I be a threat to them. And were they safe to speak to.

"If it is indeed Zion. They should be good" I said to myself "Would they not be?"

I then took a breath and then moved through the last threes and into the rod behind them. Then I called out to them, getting their attention with a shout and a wave of my hand

"Hello. Good afternoon" I called out "I am hoping that you can assist me"

A man in the group turned an the cart stopped. He was a tall and striking man. Dark hair and full beard in his face. Dark eyes under a heavy eyebrow. He looked at me and then stepped over to me. Moving cautious towards me. A large staff in hand.

"Hello back sir" he said to me. "And whom might you be?"

I stepped back a it. Wary of his next moves. He was bigger than myself and looking quite intimidating. It I need to know if he was from Zion. So I asked this of him.

"Please excuse me sir" I stated "I am lost" "I was hoping you could lead me to Zion" "I am told it is a safe haven"

He regarded me for a moment. He too moving cautiously towards me. His hand at the ready with his long staff. I took a other breath and continued to ask him about this place I was hoping was the village I had seen from the hills. I worried now that I may have veered in the wrong direction and to just a other loathsome village that held to the 'oh so sacred teachings'. But I felt in my heart that this was not where I had landed. I felt that the village near by was Zion. I felt it in my bones that was true.

"I have traveled ever so far sir" I continued "And I wish for the safety of Zion" "For I am unwelcome in my old home"

The man then closed the gap between us. His face softening as he seemed to see my truth in my face. The he smiled a bit

"Forgive me" he then said "I know if your suffering" "We are all from such places that you have come from" "I am Dayrin" he added. "Come friend, join us" "We are headed home to Zion"

I smiled and moved towards the cart. A woman smiled at me and offered me a peach. Telling me to eat. I sighed as I had indeed found the right path. That these good people were from Zion and they would take me there. I would finally feel safe. We reached the village shortly after. I was taken over to the main council to meet with the village elders. All were kind and just had some questions for me. Just to know more of me and why I was there.

"You all this way alone?" One of them asked "I had to" I stated "But I had a bit of help"

They looked at me curiously. Then one of them asked what help I acquired, and by whom. They were taken aback when I told them of the Minotaur that gave me aide. Telling of my struggle with the wolfen and how this huge beast came to my rescue. It was received with some surprise that a minotaur was an ally to humans. And one of them told me that they were known for their ferocity towards humans. I of course defended the beast and his kind. For I was not going to let someone tarnish the name of a good creature. Suggesting that their fears is based off what we had been taught in our old lives. That because they were not made of flesh same as ourselves the priests and such declared them evil.

"I can assure you" I stated with some certainty "The minotaurs are solitary and wish just not to be bothered" "And only defend what is theirs" "And only out forefathers decreed them demons"

Many looked at me as if mad. Yet some pondered what I said. Pondered the teachings that they have been trying to get away from. But still commented on their wariness of trust with these creatures.

"Mark my word" I stated "One day. We may need these beasts"

The thoughts lingered and then I was given a place in the village. It was a good place and I felt very welcomed. But I always thought of my hero the minotaur. Hoping him okay and safe. And wishing he was here with me...

+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx To be continued

Next: Chapter 16

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