Rise of the Minotaur

By ozzalone65

Published on Mar 1, 2022


This is a fictional tale of the creature that has always seemed to excite me when I saw him in story and mythology. The Minotaur. Body of a man, head of a bull but with a fantastic form and the typical bull hung proportions. Huge dick and massive nuts. Normally this beast is considered evil or bad. But this new tale makes the minotaur the victim of misunderstanding. And our hero helps to bring them to their true station in life. As master of the sun human mortal form.

Hope you enjoy.... +++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++ Rise of the Minotaur (10)

... I washed myself off in the river. But I stayed there until the huge minotaur got out and left. For the whole time I was looking at him I was excited from gazing at his body. His awesome body. This beast that had rescued me from the danger of the wolfen, not just once but twice. This beast I was told was dangerous and a killer. This I was finding to be utterly false. All I had been told about him and his kind was lies. Pure lies. Of could what had I expected from a place that deviled me and my sexual desires. Sexual desires that were now currently fired up as I watched this fantastic male beast.

"He is incredible to look at" I huffed

And as I looked at the huge bull creature I found myself reaching underneath the water and grasping at my hard penis. Yes I was very very hard as I had my eyes all over him. His huge broad back and shoulders, those massive arms that were thicker than a mans legs. And the broad vast chest of muscle that was firm and toned to perfection. But it was that glimpse of his huge equipment that reached my most sexual parts. Seeing the mass if his member and those very very large balls. Never had I seen such a sack before. Several times larger than my own sack. And I surmised one of them alone was bigger than both of mine. And that was just from the view I had.

"I can only imagine how much seed he had in there" I said to myself "Must be a bucket load"

This alone excited me all the more. For I knew how much I could muster on a day when I had not erupted in days. And I thought that that was substantial. My memories pulling up seeing myself shoot out my seed. The strings of it as it jettisoned from my penis. Then I imagined the same image with this huge beast. And the explosive would it would make as he blew. I knew mine was a soft 'thwat' when I burst like that. His explosion I imagined thunderous. Thick ropes of his seed blowing out like a volcano. This was what j could imagine. And it was a sight I wanted to see. Then the huge beast stepped out of the water. His massive form rising up and back out. His buttocks looked big and meaty, like the rest of him. And I was just lost in seeing his thigh muscles flexing as he walked. Then when he got to the shore he grabbed the larger towel he had brought and began to dry himself off. Turning just so that I could see his large appendage as it hung before him. It seemed a bit larger and pushing out father from him. Was he getting erect? That was my first impression

"Oh my. Is he?" I said to myself "It is bigger" "Looks incredible"

I licked at my mouth as I stared at that huge stem protruding from his crotch. Then i looked up at him and he was looking back at me.

"Come. Lets get back" he said "Here I have a towel for you"

I was afraid to come up out if the water as I was definitely erect. And I did not want this beast to see my predicament. So I said I wanted to stay in a bit longer. To 'wash off the filth' of the wolfen. He half smiled and then lay the towel down. Saying that he would get some wood for the fire.

"It may be a cold night tonight" he then said. "I shall be back in a short time" "Make yourself at home"

He then hefted up his bull package as he put back on his codpiece and loin cloth. Wrapping the straps around and tying it. Then he headed off. Into the forest again. I watched his awesome body walk off. And then grabbed at my dick again. Feeling its hardness in my hand. I did start back up towards the shore. But i was pulling on my very hard member as I did. All that was in my head was this beast and his huge equipment. Imagining how big it would get in his hand. How I wanted to see it, and touch it

"Hmmf. Yess!" I said to myself "Incredible beast" "And his body is just stunning" "Yes. And that rod. That big rod he holds" "Ughn. And that massive sack. My God what a sack!"

I was pulling on my penis madly now. Then stepped out more as I was nearing an orgasm. Yes this huge minotaur had me so wanting his body and rod that i burst forth. A cascade of my semen spraying out before me and into and on the water.

"Ughn. Yes, yes, yes my big beast" I cried out "Yess!"

I actually fell back into the water as I lost balance in my excitement and eruption. My seed flying up out of my penis and into the air. Then landing there on the water as I splashed down into it. I was then overcome with the water all around me. I feared I may drown as I was still convulsing from my intense orgasm. I rose up out if the water after a short recovery and getting some air as I flailed about. The beast had left me there to get supplies. But all I wanted was him. The minotaur Drago. I wanted to behold his awesome body before me. I wanted to worship it in all it's magnificence. And to go and pleasure this beast that had come to my rescue already twice. To take hold of his massive rid and those gargantuan balls. To adore them and feed on the seed they had in them. And from their size I could only imagine the amounts of seed they produced. I licked my lips as I waded up to the shire again. Then dried off and headed back to the sanctuary if his lair behind the falls. I went inside and sat there at the large table. Awaiting the beasts return. I knew I had to thank him for all his aide. And it would be in a way that we would both enjoy. I know I would. Sometime later Drago returned to his lair. He had caught some rabbits for food again. He had the bodies attached to a large tree limb. He saw me and smiled. Then he said to follow him. That he would cook these up for a meal. But wanted me to watch the flames and he went to get some water. So I did and he did.

"Thank you" he said. "I sometimes hand to go get the water first before cooking.". "I am obliged to assist you sir" I said back

Then we ate and the sat there in the cave. Relaxing after a good meal. How I wished I had a good wine to go with it. But I was far from wine or such things. I was just happy that I was safe from harm here in the minotaurs home. The beast sat back and looked almost stunning. His huge muscles body looking utterly fantastic as he sat there a few feet from me. I reached over and placed a hand to his knee. He regarded my hand and asked me what I was doing. I of course replied. My hand caressing his meaty leg and knee. Moving over the tiny hairs that covered them.

"You have been most kind" I then said to him "I wish to repay you sir"

His eye brow cocked up at me as I said this. Then his legs spread more as he sat there. And then he asked what I meant by this

"What do you mean thank me?" He asked

There was almost a smile on his big face as he sat there before me. It seemed he knew what I was saying just by the expression in his face. Then I moved my hand up his thigh. Slid it up that meaty leg and moved up towards his crotch. And again he seemed to spread his thighs all the more for me. Letting me do what I wished I looked up at his bulging crotch. I could see that my actions were starting to show some excitement in the beast. The bulge seemed to throb before me.

"What is your plan?" He asked again "How will you repay me?" "Like this" i then said

And that was when I moved my hand up to his big big bulge. My pal cupping the huge lump there. I said she'd as I felt the thing throb against me now.

"It is alive" my head chirped


To be continued

Next: Chapter 11

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