Rio Slave

By John Smith

Published on Jun 26, 2013


Don't read this if you aren't of legal age to view this where you live. It contains sexually explicit material. All names, places, and events are entirely fictional, and any similarities to real-life events are entirely coincidental.

Rights to this story lie exclusively with Nifty and myself. If you wish to reproduce it in part or in whole, contact me. Do not reproduce otherwise.

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Finally forced it out. Sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoy it. More to come.

Hazily remembered adjustments and repositioning, being held close, and pulling

away, burying my face to hide from the sun, all made for a somewhat restless

sleep. I'm pretty sure we didn't do it again, though.

I groaned with stiffness and achy muscles as I drew myself up and pushed my

feet onto the floor. Everything felt sticky and ill-used. My butt was sore

and dried sweat clung to me and made me think of bathing. Hunching over, I

rubbed my eyes and cursed mornings, although it was likely 6 p.m., but it was

morning to me.

My movements must have disturbed Jose, because I felt the bed move as he woke

up himself and made wakeful groans of his own.

"Uhhhh, ay gracinho, hey cutie, come here. I'm lonely," He called from across

the bed.

"If I come over there, you'll never let me go. I have things to do tonight," I

mumbled, not turning my head to look at him.

"What's that? Come closer, I can't hear you," he replied, the feigned innocence

dripping from his words. He stretched out his leg and with his big toe,

started poking my ass.

"I'm taking a shower!" I protested loudly.

I tried to get up, but he quickly jumped over and grabbed me by the hips and

pulled me across the bed. He settled down with his back against the wall and

pulled me between his legs and my shoulders resting on his chest.

I could feel him growing along the small of my back, but I was in a bit of a

pissy mood, and didn't want to give him any satisfaction of responding.

"Mmmm, this is nice. You're nice. I had a nice time last morning, too." He

whispered into my ear.

"At least we know you know one adjective. You're making progress," I gave in

and jibed.

"Ouch, what do I do to deserve this kind of treatment. You take advantage of

me then make me feel cheap," He said, just about nailing himself to the

cross," And here I was, making you breakfast."

He brought two fingers to my lips and pushed through my teeth. I considered

sucking on them, like he wanted, but bit down instead, though not very hard.

"Since you're reducing yourself to a nipping dog, I think morning head would

be too dangerous for me to attempt," he said gamely.

"Or, how about this?," he cooed as he put one hand under my backside and

reached around with the other and wrapped around my hardening erection.

I gasped as his fingers pushed through my sore ring. I was very tender, some

tears came to my eyes, but I couldn't help bucking into his palm. He pulled

my foreskin up and over, then down and rubbed my exposed glans with his

rough fingertips. I'm average sized, and his big hands could cover my whole

cock and work it like soft clay.

"I'm no expert, but I think you're in heat, little pup,"he joked.

"Ahhh,"I cried out,"Woof, woof."

Laughing behind me, he dug deeper into my hole, reaching and scissoring his

two fingers onto that spot that made me wild. I was nearly to the edge.

"Fuck....Fuck me now!" I pleaded," I'm about to come!"

"Can't have that, at least not yet anyway," he chided as he pulled his hand

away from my throbbing dick.

He was still digging into my backside and I couldn't help whimper and my

eyes threatened to roll back into my head with pleasure.

Suddenly he hooked an arm under my knees pushed them together and slid me up

his torso, to where his big cock could shove through my buns.

I really was smarting from last night; I wanted his cock, but I needed a bit

of relief.

"Wait,"I asked him while swatting his cock away with a free hand," Some lube,


"Hmmm, I don't know," he mulled out loud," How about...I'm thinking of a

number, between one and five..."

Jesus, was he really going to do this?

"vai te foder, cara de cu!," I cursed at him, while trying to wriggle

free," Go fuck yourself, fuck face! Let me go!"

"Wrong answer, miho," he grunted in my ear.

Lowering me down with one arm, and positioning his cock to my hole, I

couldn't help but to fall onto him. It pushed me open and tore down to the


"Ahhhhoooohhahhh," I screamed. I couldn't get out any words, just a string

of consonants, my tongue lolled uselessly in my open mouth, I felt split in two and my hole burned like hell.

He yanked me up by my knees again, until he was nearly out, then let me slide

back down again, punching my guts and prostate.

All pretense of composure was gone, I was sobbing with every thrust and

grabbing at the sheets and the air with my fingers and toes. I was drooling,

and it slid down my chin

After some time, he let me rest and let my legs fall down, his dick still, it

seemed to me, halfway through my torso.

He brought his legs around and pinned mine down, then forced them apart, spread

eagled. Leaning back a bit, but still sitting up, he grabbed me in a choke hold

and pulled me to his chest.

My hips had nowhere to go but wherever his went, locked down as I was, and as he

started bouncing me with short, violent thrusts, his cock just pulverized my


My brain seemed to switch off, the cock ripping me apart reached into the very

core of me. His muscular arm tightened around my throat, and my lungs started

aching for air.

My vision was going blurry, little lights flashed and stung my eyes. I was so

sensitive, and sensory deprived, when I felt an orgasm being forced out of me

by the pressure on my prostate, I was sure the cum shooting out of my dick

contained the rest of my innards, that I was spent, obliterated.

The strong grip on my legs and throat lessened suddenly, he shot in me, his seed

squirting and squishing through my insides, gushing into those parts that had

been squeezed out of me and onto the sheets. The void was filled, almost to


He brought his arms to his side, and without his support, I started falling face -down, onto the bed. His still hard cock was pulled out of me, his helmet

scooping out some of his come and splattering it along my back. I couldn't

even think of moving.

Sometime late, he pulled himself up and slid of the bed. Standing beside it,

he reached over and played with my ruined hole. He ran his index finger around

the inside of it, stirring his come and causing the loose ring of my entrance

to tingle.

I was fecund with his essence. How could I still be me, with so much of him

dripping it's way inside me?

He might have said something to me then, but he left the room with a slap on my


Time and space yawned before me, and I was lost in darkness for an interminable

amount of time before I found myself again, somewhere. I felt weak and shattered

as I got an arm under myself and pushed my body up.

I didn't even want to reach down below my waist, I knew what I'd find. I took a

look at the clock, and trying to catch a flickering thought, I stared at the

red digital letters, trying to form them into something I could understand.

"Oh shit," I said out loud. I had a contact to meet at 8, and it was nearly 7:35.

I leveraged myself out of bed and stood onto the floor. Limping a bit, I walked

to the bathroom door.

I could hear the shower going, and when I slapped the door panel, it shone red

and the door remain shut. I couldn't face him, I just couldn't knock on the door,

I thought to myself as I sank against the door, my face resting on the warm


I stood there, leaning, listless, for a minute or so, then made my way over to

the kitchen counter and grabbed a cellulose towel.

His come had oozed out of my ass and dripped down my leg to my ankles. I bent over

and dried them, and up my leg, to my backside, and gingerly dabbed that dry too.

Going back into the bedroom, I stood at my cabinets and tried to piece together

something to wear.

I couldn't bring myself to slip into my usual tight briefs, so I grabbed a pair

of his boxers and stepped into them. Without the elastic even stretching, they

slit down my waist and rested on the biggest part of my ass.

I pulled them up again as I slid on some loose jeans and a collared t-shirt. I zipped up a light hoodie, the hickeys from last night were very visible along

one side of my neck.

Getting some sneakers on and giving my hair, I grabbed my keys and messenger bag,

and hurried out the door.

I stood on the doormat, looking at the wall in front of me for a minute or so.

I was a mess. Dried come everywhere, I'm sure I smelled like it. Sweaty. Red-eyed.

Is this really how I leave my own damn home?

A storm of conflicting thoughts surrounded me as I made my way to the garage and

onto the street. Even early in the evening, the sidewalks and roads were full. You

could hide in crowds like Rio had. Even from yourself.

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