Rio Slave

By John Smith

Published on May 13, 2013


Don't read this if you aren't of legal age to view this where you live. It contains sexually explicit material. All names, places, and events are entirely fictional, and any similarities to real-life events are entirely coincidental.

A story that's been rolling around in my head for a few months, finally forced it out.

Rights to this story lie exclusively with Nifty and myself. If you wish to reproduce it in part or in whole, contact me. Do not do so otherwise.

Boss was a difficult man to work for. He asked extraordinary things of those who worked for him, and didn't let failure go unpunished.

I kept this in mind as I descended the rickety freight elevator that led to his offices, beneath a warehouse in the industrial sector of Santa Cruz.

I hadn't failed this day, I successfully withdrew the funds from an account I had stolen the access to. It was dangerous to take from city council-members but refusing an order by Boss is suicidal. Still, as the mesh door opened, I couldn't help but being nervous.

"You're expected, but early," his machine pistol-toting doorman noted from his desk opposite the elevator, as I stepped into the room.

"Not by too much, Sergio. Should I wait?"

"No," he replied as he approached me,"I do have to pat you down though."

Ugh, this is humiliating, I thought to myself as his hands ran down my sides. Still, Sergio was a gentle giant, to people in Boss's good graces that is.

"You're clear," he said.

Walking up to Boss's office door, he knocked three times in quick succession. The door slid open, and after nodding to Sergio, I walked inside.

Boss wasn't immediately visible, some poor soul was giving him a lap dance behind his large desk. The bitch was grinding onto him, and had it's legs around his torso.

The boss was well known for his proclivities, and I no choice but to stand at attention until I was acknowledged.

The bitch was slight of build, and skinny, and against it's dark complexion, the whip marks along with Boss's brand on it's lower back stood out dramatically. Loose black curls came down to it's neck, and bounced as it undulated on his crotch.

"Like what you see, branquelo?" The boss asked from behind the bitch.

I was as anglo as it got, for anywhere, and in the melting pot that was Rio, I stood out, to say the least. I was used to jokes about my appearance.

"Nah, boss, not my thing."I said, untruthfully," Call me antiquado, but I prefer my bonecas willing from the start. I also prefer them to be bonecas."

"Hahaha,"he belted out, while pushing his plaything off his lap and onto the ground,"You always make me laugh. This menino just thought he was a man," a frightening smile grew across his face," Now, he is nothing. Soon, he will be less than nothing!"

Once you became Boss's possession, your lifespan was usually measured in months. He was very rough on his things. I had seen this one for a number of weeks now, I couldn't afford to pity it though.

"Now, our business. When my friend the councilman next buys a drink, will his card be declined?"

"Sim,"I replied,"yes. All the dinheiro is in some temp accounts, ready to be laundered."

"Ah, no worries, straight politicians have very little anyways. Maybe now he'll be a bit more friendly"

His attention drifted back to the thing on the floor. It was debasing itself, whimpering at his feet. He kicked it, and after it let out a sharp yelp, it was silent again.

"Is that all sir?" I asked, anxious to get out of there.

His eyes raised to look at me. He stared a long time, his dark brown eyes wandering up and down my frame.

"I think so, my man, I think so. I'll send someone to tell you about the next job within a week or so. You have been making me happy lately, let me know if I can make you happy sometime."

I couldn't help but shiver at that last bit, and the back of my neck was damp with sweat. I could not afford to attract his attentions, dammit.

"I'll keep that in mind, sir,"I said as casually as I could,"tchao boss."

I turned around, opened the door and slipped into the waiting room.

"Boa noite Sergio, see you later."

"Wait, Yuri," the doorman called out. I turned around and he had slid a wad of bills to the end of his desk," here's a bit of cash. Keep it to yourself."

"Obridago," I muttered, turning red. It wasn't my fault I didn't get to hold on to much of what I got, and I hated that people knew about it. I slipped the money into my sock.

"Goodbye, keep your nose clean jovem. See you soon."

I nodded as i turned around in the elevator. The room vanished from sight as it ascended.

Warm air greeted me as I exited the elevator at street level. It was dark, but I knew I was being watched, that this alleyway was safe, despite appearances.

My motorbike was up on it's stand near a wall. The small green Honda was my prized possession.

Hopping on, I palmed the ignition and felt it roar to life. Twisting the accelerator

I sped through the quiet warehouses until I got to a side street lined with seedy apartment buildings. I was new to the decidedly low rent, but legitimate neighborhood, but with little traffic this late, I managed to get home in good time.

As I approached the street level garage in front of my apartments, I pressed the button on my key chain and the doors creakily slid into the ceiling.

Jose's bike, a sportier black Kawasaki, was in the middle of the garage, so I slipped mine in to the right.

Climbing off, I walked out of the carport and closed the door behind me. Making my way to the stairs, I was careful not to slip on the narrow steps.

When I got the the door, I paused and sighed a bit before I opened it up. I never knew what I was coming home to, but it's not like that was anything new.

Keying the pad and entering the code opened the door, and I walked into the kitchen. From the front door. the bathroom was on the left, and the open door on the right opened into our three roomed apartment's bedroom. The kitchen was cleaner than I usually come home to, but fairly basic, just a two burner stove, a sink and some cabinets. The right wall had a dining table with two chairs and a mini-fridge humming away in the corner.

I could hear Jose's snores coming from the open door. Stepping quietly to the door. I could see he was fast asleep, face down. His broad brown back raised and fell as he breathed.

Suddenly I became aware as to how dirty I was. Road dust and sweat stuck my clothes to my skin.

Pulling of my shirt as I walked to our small restroom, the door admitted me without a touch. I threw it on the floor and kicked off my shoes. I rolled down my socks and put them and the rest of my clothes in the laundry. There was little chance of Jose finding them there, because I'm the only one who ever did laundry.

As I glanced up from the hamper, I caught myself in the mirror. I suppose it wasn't too bad, I was thin, with a bit of tone, though I didn't really care much for working out. I'm pale, with pinkish undertones, and freckles on my shoulders and across the bridge of my nose. I'm about 170 cm, and have light brown hair I wear in a bit of a tangle to my ears. I have narrow features, and blue-green eyes.

I bunched the shower curtains to the side and stepped in to the tub/shower. The water came out cold, but soon warmed up. With a washcloth in my hand I rubbed the troubles of my day off my skin. I think a lot in the shower, the steam seems to clear my mind.

I had just about decided to get out when I felt footsteps next to the tub. Turning my head I could see Jose's silhouette through the curtains. He was tall, about 190 cm, and much more muscular.

I pivoted back to the shower head and tried to ignore him, but the tub shook as he

climbed in behind me.

"Ay, comida,"He said into my ear as he grabbed me around my chest,"you woke me up. I don't really mind though, I love your wet buraco."

With his other hand he was squeezing my ass, and I could feel his dick poking me in the back.

The water was cooling down, but my face was getting hot. He was nuzzling the back of my neck and I was almost shaking with anger.

"Umph!" he cried as I elbowed him in the stomach. I quickly turned around as he backed up against the wall, the breath knocked out of him.

"I am not your whore,"I yelled, loud enough to be heard over the water,"At one time when you said you loved me, you were thinking of more than where you wanted to stick your caralho, your dick!"

"And another thing,"I continued, ignoring the hurt look growing in his eyes," You brag about it! People, important people, think of me only as your bitch! You take my money, spend it all on booze, and act as if you owned me!"

I couldn't help it, but tears were running down my face. I hoped that the now cold water would hide it.

"That's it, I'm finished,"I choked out,"I'm leaving. Find some other fool to lead on."

I slid the curtain aside and, dripping wet, I grabbed a towel as I was getting out and quickly got as dry as I could. I yanked up the hamper lid, grabbed my clothes and started putting them on. Jose wasn't moving in the shower, but had stood up.

I had managed to get them on and exit the bathroom door when I heard the water being turned off. I went in to our room, and rummaged around in our small closet til I found a duffle bag. Stuffing whatever I thought i'd need for the next couple days into it, I turned to see Jose blocking the doorway, naked and soaked.

"Get out of my way,"I snarled at him,"I'm leaving you. For good!"

I tried to push my way through, but he was unyielding. Wrapping his arms around me, he held me tight against his chest.

"You bastard!,"I hissed pathetically as I flailed around, trying to hit him,"Let me go!''

I tried to break away, but I couldn't. I struggled for a while longer, but knowing how futile it was, I gave up and sunk into his embrace. By now I was sobbing into his cool skin.

"How can I have any pride Jose? How can I hold my head high being this way?,"I asked.

"You were right, you are mine, Yuri. You are not, however, my bitch, or my whore. I love you! If I never got to touch you again I would still lie next to you on the other side of the bed. God, on the floor even!"

"I promise, I wont drink so much. I will never shame you again, what we have, is ours alone. I get big headed, and run my mouth, but not anymore," he declared as he ran his hand through my hair.

I could feel the resolve melting away, but I continued,"I want more, I need respect. I'm a man, who has been your friend since we were boys!"

He pulled back and looked into my eyes then smiled and said,"Come now, friend. It's nearly light out. Lets go get some some empadinhas, like we used to."

I was always annoyed how easily he could change the subject, and how easily I fell into just following him around, but I was hungry, and kind of liked it.

"Well, you had better get dressed. You aren't good for much other than looking at, and with the way things are going, you can't afford to be showing it off for free." He laughed as he pulled out some clothes from the dresser and put them on.

"Careful,"he growled, giving me a randy look,"You'll give me a big head."

"Psh,"I replied as I made my way to the front door," nothing worth anything comes out of either of your big heads."

The front entryway slid open and we made our way to the garage. Ducking under the ascending garage door, he started to make his way to his bike.

"Not so fast," I called out to him,"You're riding with me."

I knew sitting back-seat would irk him, but after a quick pause he climbed on behind me. I should really stop blowing my relationship capitol on such petty things, I mused to myself as I keyed it up. Though once his arms were wrapped around my chest, I chuckled at myself a bit. It was worth it.

It wasn't a long ride to our favorite empadinha place, but the streets were just beginning to get crowded with people going to work. Pulling up, Jose hopped off and I pushed the bike onto its stand.

There was one person in line in front of us. Jose turned to me and said cheerfully ,"I'll have a chorizo."

I gave him a look then stepped up to order. I hadn't really expected him to pick it up though. Jose works most nights as a bouncer, but money runs like water through his hands.

We sit down on the curb and I hand him his pastry. Taking my first bite I close my eyes, savoring the buttery and flaky crust and savory fillings.

"Remember when we were kids,"he reminisced " Whenever we got enough money for one of these, we would split it. Remember that?"

"I do. I also remember you would finish your half first and would convince me to give me some of mine. Good thing you've grown out of stuff like that," I replied with as straight a face as I could manage.

"Well, back then, it only took a kiss to get you to do whatever I wanted. I have sweat a bit more if I want to wear you down now."

"Lets get back home. I have a suitcase to decide whether to unpack,"I jibed as I stood up.

I wiped my hands on my shorts and made my way onto the bike. He was close behind me as he jumped on right after.

The hum of the motor couldn't disguise the big, hard snake shoved up against my ass. He was tense and bucking behind me as I tried to concentrate on weaving through the rush. His big hands grabbed my hips and I had to struggle to catch my breath.

Somehow I made it into the garage and when we came to a halt, the door close behind us. He pulled me off the bike with him and pressed me into the wall. In the unlit garage, I couldn't see, but I could feel his hands roughly rubbing up and down my sides, I could feel the warmth of his body and his teeth on my neck.

He started to pull down my pants, but I reached out and stopped him. "Lets go upstairs," I gasped.

"Alright,"He said, not skipping a beat, almost dragging me by my arm out the garage and up the stairs. His thrusting against my backside made it a bit of a challenge as I fumbled at the lock. Stumbling inside I broke for the bedroom, I didn't want to do it on the linoleum.

Right behind me pushed hard on my shoulders and fell hard on top of me on the bed. Between the biting on my neck, my face in the sheets, and his body crushing me, I could barely breathe. Not seeming to care, he pushed my head down has he pulled himself up, standing behind me on the floor. Yanking down my shorts, he ran a hand over my bare ass before drawing it back to spank it.

"Unph!" I cried out, muffled, as he kept slapping. The sharp pain was all I could concentrate on when he made contact, and the anticipation between strokes was almost as consuming.

"Ay, Yuri, I'll never get tired of how red you get." Pulling my head sideways, he glared into my eyes,"What do you want next, baby?"

Panting, I told him what, by then, my body was crying out for," Por na bunda, por favor; take me in the ass, please!"

"If you insist,"He chuckled," but first I want a taste."

I crawled further onto the bed and turned on my back. I tossed off my shirt and raised my legs in the air.

Already unclothed himself, he prowled over and kissed me on the lips. His tongue shoved its way in and took possession of my mouth. His dark eyes were closed and his brow furrowed, sweat dripping off it onto me.

Pulling away he pivoted around, and started lapping at my hole. His cock was on my face. It was thick and nearly 23 cm. I grabbed it and wrapped my mouth around it.

Thrusting, he forced it down my throat. I gurgled, my throat ached from the assault. The smell coming from the balls covering my nose drove me wild. Musky and spicy, with something raunchy and sweaty, I could barely stand it.

The stubble on his face scratched already raw butt cheeks and the tender skin between them. His tongue circling, and his fingers prodding and stretching, until my hole gave way and quivered with every touch.

I gasped for air as he pulled out of my mouth and climbed down off the bed, facing me. Lifting me up with a hand on the small of my back, with the other he used his fingers to loosen me up.

"Aaaaah,"I couldn't help but moan, his rough skin was scratching my insides. Positioning his cock in his palm, as soon as his fingers were out, his head pushed inside.

"Fuck, fuck," was all I could say as he wedged his monster ever so slowly deeper. My hole tingled and twitched as I writhed beneath him. There seemed to be no end to it. Opening his eyes, he gazed intensely into mine, and smirked as he bottomed out and made me gasp.

Bringing back his hips he pulled out almost the whole way, then slam! He shoved it back in. The world seemed to flash white with pain and ecstasy as he thrusted, and during the moments in between, the anticipation of the next one made me ache. In and out, the rhythm possessed me.

Pushing me farther onto the bed he came in closer with his knees and with his torso in between my legs he bent over me and started chewing on my neck. I wanted him to stop, I bruised easily and I knew it would leave a mark, but I couldn't get any words out beyond moans and whimpers. He possessed me, reduced me to an unthinking thrall to his presence and physicality. I could barely conceive that I existed as anything other than a hole to fuck or waves of pleasure rippling from his sucking and biting on my sensitive skin.

I don't know how long I was swallowed up so, but some time after we changed positions. Holding onto my legs, he turned me around and lifted up my stomach with his forearm so that I was all fours. Latching his big hands around my hips, he braced my trembling body as he began jack-hammering my ass with abandon. What had been a purposeful rhythm devolved into a mad pounding.

Slap! Slorp! Thud! The noises of his attack filled the room, and try as I may, I couldn't help but cry out. It would have been moans if not for the powerful thrusts that felt as though they were re-arranging my guts. As it was, they came out as an,"Ughughughughugh!"

A flicker self consciousness made me hope all of our neighbors had gone to work, because I knew the thin walls wouldn't do much to muffle the sounds and movements that were being made.

My dick seemed to be straining at it's seams and precum was flying everywhere as it was jerked around. It was all I could do to remain upright, I hadn't seen to it. Jose slid a hand down my thigh and around my cock. It only took a few jerks but I was soon spent. Rather than slowing down, he sped up, fucking me close and tight, so fast, so fast.

My own insides spasming must have pushed him over the edge. He tensed up, stiffly clinging to me as his final thrusts released his come deep up my ass. His cock throbbing inside me, he fell down and flattened me on my stomach, causing his cock to bounce one last time into me.

Our heartbeats raced and breath heaved, until gradually settling down to normal. I was aware of his bulk resting on me, his softening cock still in my ass and his come oozing out and squishing between his pelvis the small my back and pooling down between my legs. The sheets were wet with sweat from both of us and his raunchy musk permeated everything. The bed was a vuco-vuco, a battlefield

"Hey, move, I have to clean up," I finally got out from the side of my mouth."You're crushing me."

"Não, I don't want to leave your warm coisinha, your pussy. You're staying right here until we fall asleep."

"Alright,"I sighed," lets lay on our sides though, I can hardly breathe, fatso"

"Mmmm,"he mumbled assentingly as he rolled over, taking me with him. His grip abated for a few moments and I broke free and jumped out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. My ass sloshed as I moved and walking was slick.

"So cruel...."I could hear him yell after me, but I wasn't going to sleep covered in our juices.

Running a washcloth under the faucet, I wet it and rubbed my back, my thighs and between my legs. I could have gone for a shower, but I was going right back in bed afterward, so I didn't bother..

Sure enough, when I looked i the mirror, there were big red marks along one side of my neck. The bastard never considered that I had to walk around the next day. No, he considered it, just didn't care.

Turning around, my ass was red too, and, pulling a tender butt cheek aside, my hole had looked better too. It was red and puffy with a bit of a gape, and since had I wiped a bit more of his cum had dripped out. It did turn me on, though I'd never admit it.

Jose was lying where I left him and stretched out his arms to greet me. I cuddled down next to his chest and lay beside him.

"Minha nega,"He whispered in my ear,"I don't like it when you do that."

"You'll like it less when I leave for good,"I, somewhat unfairly, jabbed.

That was a miscalculation.

His breaths sped up and he began to shake. He was getting angry, and I was trapped in a bear hug.

"I'm sorry,"I offered submissively," I won't leave."

"Damn right you wont, puta, whore," he spat out through grinding teeth.

He pulled back then pushed me face-down into the bed.

"You are mine," he commanded, positioning himself over me.

"And this is mine," he continue, shoving himself inside me.

"Aaaah," I moaned, raising my head off the pillow. My ass had just begun to settle back to normal, his cock shoving its way felt like the reopening of a wound.

"And this is also mine," he added, pushing my face down with an outstretched arm.

He began fucking me slowly, almost leisurely taking his time, being sloppy, but always firm. This was not making love. Rough was one thing, but this was casual, nonchalant. The way you'd fuck an object. Something you owned. It ate away at my soul.

Whereas I had lost myself the time before, this time, the sensations came to the forefront. A slow slide out. A pause. A plop as he dropped back in.

I shut down a part of myself for a while, until he trembled and let loose inside of me, then slumped down and stilled.

I stayed awake for a long time after that, and with my head turned, watched late morning shine it's way into noon through the curtains on the window.

Eventually, exhaustion won out, even against the uncomfortable weight of someone I didn't know whether I loved or not anymore bearing down on me.

Hope you liked it. Promise more...sometime. Send me an email if you have any comments, questions, etc

Next: Chapter 2

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