Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Apr 9, 2014


Chapter 7: Vulcan and me...

*[Author's Note: *Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that this chapter will be in Aiden's point of you. Now we get to see what goes on in that little head of his. I hope this won't confuse anybody. Cuz I mean, it's been all Vulcan till now....right...anyway, ENJOY J Let me know what you think okay?]

Aiden POV

I really don't like it in this house. "Hey brat!" Oh great, my dad is awake. "Yes sir?" I said as I entered the living room. He just looks at me like I mean nothing to him and turns to sit in his chair. "Get me a beer." He demanded as he turned on the TV. I do as I'm told, as I always do. I come back with his beer and he just swipes it from me. He stares at my face and eyes my bruised cheek. I put my hand over it and looked away. "I'm going to go do my homework." Of course I didn't have any homework. I just wanted to leave. Being alone in a room with my father is just so infuriating. I want to punch him but I know I can't. "Maybe if you weren't born, you're mother would have stayed." And there it was. He says that to me every day. He may word it differently each time, but it's the same in the end. I should never have been born.

I went up to my room and sat on my bed, thinking about today. Vulcan made me feel better. A boy with a strange name had turned my insides to mush since the day he found my ring. Every time I think I'm falling he's there. I keep waiting for him to hurt me in some way and he doesn't. He hides nothing and just keeps smiling. Then he held me today and my skin felt like it had burst into flames. My body goes into turmoil whenever he touches me and I start to wonder what it would be like to have more of that, more of his touch. "Shit..." My body was doing it again. I lie back and just stare up at my ceiling. "Vulcan..." I thought back to when he held me and my thoughts started making up the rest. I started thinking about the smallest things. My mind trailed his features, like how full his lips were, how soft his skin was, his dimples when he grins, how his eyes are a deep grey, how his hair can't decided if it's blond or auburn, and the look he has whenever he says my name. I groaned as I felt my face grow hot. I cursed.

My body was reacting to the mere thought of him. I could feel myself getting hard. "I need to calm down, like right now." I say through gritted teeth. It was pathetic that even the smallest things could get my dick's attention. "HEY YOU LITTLE SHIT! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" My attention immediately snapped back to reality. I sat up and pushed myself out of bed. I ran downstairs to find my dad holding a picture frame. "Yes, sir?" "You see this?" He sneers as he holds the picture to my face. It was my dad and mom on their honeymoon. "Yes sir." I reply. He whacks me across the face with it. The glass shatters and some of it is embedded in my cheek. I pull them out and hiss at the pain. "If you weren't born she'd still be here!" He shouted, grabbing another picture. This time he throws it at me. I hits my forehead and I fall. He's drunk and angry, I know it. I curled up on my side, knowing full well this wasn't over yet. I try to go numb, but I feel it as soon as his foot makes contact with my stomach. Then I remember Vulcan's voice. "Find me..." Those words echoed throughout my mind as my beating continued. I don't know what came over me but something in me found the courage to get up and run.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" My dad's voice meant nothing to me at this point. I pulled open the front door and just ran. I didn't know where I was going but I only had Vulcan on my mind. He said to find him, and even though he went to the trouble of writing down his information for me, I wasn't about to go back into that house to get it. So I just ran, not stopping even as my chest began to hurt. I glance over my shoulder to see if he had followed me. I slowed down as I saw no one behind me. My legs felt like jell-o and my heart thumped faster than it ever had before. I looked up to see a convenience store and a familiar face walk out of it. That familiar figure eyed me a moment. "Seth..." I mutter. He looked at me as if confused. I walked over to him, my body getting heavier from the effort. "Seth..." "Aiden?" He stared at my face and was immediately horrified. "Dude, what the hell happened to your face? Holy shit your forehead!" I can't hear him at this point. His voice is a blur to me. "Vulcan...I need Vulcan." Then everything turned dark.

"Aiden? Aiden can you hear me?"

"Dude he needs to see a doctor."

"I don't think he'd want that Seth."

"Well he's bleeding all over your bed Vulcan, what else can we do!?"

"All right, geez! Aiden, can you hear me? Wake up."

Blurred voices become clear as I recognize Vulcan and Seth. I slowly open my eyes, squinting to adjust to the sudden invasion of light. "We need to get you to a doctor. Can you hear me?" Vulcan's worried face comes into view and I can't help but smile. "I hear you..." "Good, we have to get you to a hospital." He looks to Seth. "Call an ambulance." I try to say no, but my words wouldn't come out. "Easy Aiden..." Vulcan looks worried. "Vulcan I..." I must have passed out again because everything seem to fade before I could finish my sentence.

I woke up to the smell of morphine. I was met with white walls and a white ceiling. I squinted, not used to the light yet. "Hey," I recognized Seth's voice. "hey Vulcan he's awake!" I felt movement on the bed and looked to see Vulcan sitting by me. "Dude, what the hell happened to you? You worried the hell outta me." I managed to smile. "I'm sorry." He just sighed and hung his head. "I'm going to kill that old man of yours." "Holy shit your old man did this?" Vulcan looked at Seth and then gave me an apologetic look. I shook my head and kept my smile. "It's all right." "You are not going back there Aiden." Vulcan said. Seth looked at me and then at Vulcan. "He's right Aiden, you can't go back there." "When you get out of here, you're coming with me." Vulcan declared. Seth smiled. "I knew you'd say that." Vulcan grinned at him. I just closed my eyes and relaxed, because for the first time in a really long time I wasn't afraid. "All right, I'll come with you." He looked like a little boy when I said that. He got up quickly, smiling brightly. Seth chuckled and sat down by me. "Go home and get a room ready for him or something. I'll watch him." Vulcan was in child mode now. I thought he'd start bouncing up and down. "All righty then!! Call me when he can leave Seth." He waved as he ran out the door. I shook my head.

"You know what Aiden, I didn't really like that you and Vulcan were getting along." Seth said as soon as Vulcan disappeared. I turned to look at him. "But that was just because I was jealous. Vulcan is my best friend, he's like a brother to me and I thought that if you came into the picture....we'd stop being friends." He started twiddling his thumbs. "I actually tried steering him away from you by telling him the stories floating around about you." Should I have been mad at that? "So you're the reason why he asked me about that." I muttered. He seemed to hear me because he suddenly tensed. "He asked you huh? I'm sorry." I shook my head. "It's all right." I thought back to when Vulcan held me and now I know I had Seth to thank for that. "But see, I have no reason to hate you." He went back to twiddling his thumbs again. "So, can we be friends?" He asked. I stared at him wide eyed. "You want to be friends?" He looked at me now. "You don't want to?" Was he pouting? "Um sure...we can be friends." His face brightened and he grabbed my hand. "Cool!" I didn't know what I had gotten myself into but I didn't care. I actually had more the one friend. This was a first for me. Hell, I was experiencing a lot of firsts. I wasn't afraid, I met someone who wouldn't hurt me, I had the courage to run, I talked to a spirit in front of someone, and now I had more than one friend. This all started with Vulcan and me.

Next: Chapter 8

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