Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Oct 25, 2014


Epilogue: Five Beautiful Years Later...

Vulcan P.O.V

Dear Vulcan Gather the guys and meet me on the school roof on the first of November, I'll call you. Love, Seth P.S. I sorta have a surprise.

That's what the letter says, and today is the designated date. "What's happening today?" Aiden asked as he leaned over me to look at the letter. "I have no clue." I looked at the letter again and felt a sense of sadness as I traced Seth's handwriting with my finger. I miss him so much. A lot has happened. After we parted ways to go to college, something clicked and Seth kicked it into high gear. He studied his ass off and worked himself sick until he was able to graduate early with a degree in Classic Greek History. After that he seemed to disappear for a while. I mean, sure he wrote and called from time to time but it felt rushed. "I know you miss him." Aiden said as he put his arms around me from behind. Five years...five years have gone by without seeing Seth.

I turned around. Aiden had changed so much in five years. He was now an inch shorter than me, his eyes shining with hope and happiness, his shoulders were broader and his voice was much deeper. But even though he changed so much on the inside, he was still the same Aiden on the inside. The same gentle soul. "So we have some time to kill." He said suggestively. I smirked at the idea. "It appears that we do." I pulled him to me, kissing him deeply as I set both hands on his beautiful ass. I pulled away slightly, to stare down at his heated face. But before we could get any further, my sister barged into the room. Over the years the concept of knocking has become nonexistent with her. Aiden blushed when he saw her. "Maia, knock dammit!" I scolded. She waved me off. "Whatever...can I borrow the car?" I just stared at her. "What for?" "I have a date remember? I told you about it earlier." What happened to my sweet sister? "Tell Chase I said hi." I said as I tossed her the keys. She smiled. "Thanks Vee." She said as she ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek. She did the same with Aiden before running out the door. "It seems like yesterday she was crushing on Seth." Aiden said as he chuckled. I sighed. "Yeah well, a girl's gotta move on sometime." Maia and Chase have only started dating recently, and by recently I mean it's been four months...and counting. I want to shoot him. "I know that look." Aiden said as he eyed me. "You're sister is growing up, get over it." I pouted. I can't get over it. She's my sister dammit! I sighed in defeat and released Aiden. The mood was completely dead. Aiden laughed. "Well if we're not gonna have sex, how about we call Brett and Eli over." I smiled. "Might as well...then we can go see Seth together."

Aiden P.O.V

After Vulcan left for college, it was just me and Maia. Sure Valerie stopped by sometimes to make us food, but it was mostly just me and Maia. At first it was hard. I mean, I was practically raising an eleven year old girl. But it got easier, and my relationship with Maia grew into something much deeper. She was like my daughter. When I graduated high school I made sure to apply to a local college so I wouldn't be too far from Maia. I knew I had the choice to leave but I wanted to be near her. I got good grades and I got a job. It was great. I wrote Vulcan. We Skype, text, email, basically everything we could do to keep in touch. He's changed so much. He's was so mature now. He was taller, leaner, sexier, he was just plain gorgeous. His hair still had an identity crisis and his eyes were still captivating...and he was all mine. I am the luckiest guy ever.

"Hey man, what's going on?" I saw that Vulcan was on the phone. "Are you busy today?" He paused for the reply. "Oh you are? Well it doesn't matter you're coming with me anyway. Give Eli my love okay thanks bye." He said with kissy noises as he hung up the phone. "Change of plans, we're kidnapping them." He said with a grin. I smiled and shook my head. "Honestly...you know they have a life right?" That they did. They were legally wed. No really, they got married at a Macklemore concert. It was right after Eli graduated. Brett took him out to see Macklemore and Ryan Lewis and that concert date turned into an engagement which escalated into a wedding. "I knew those two were destined for great things." Vulcan said as he picked up a magazine that had Eli on the cover. See, while Eli was in college he was approached by a modeling agency. Since then he's been raking it in. Brett became a teacher at our old high school, and Vulcan is now a social worker. As for me, I became a writer. I'm currently working on this book called Rings and Promises. It's going to be based on our lives. It's still a work in progress though.

Just then, I heard the phone ring. Vulcan answered it and for a second his eyes widened. The call only lasted about a minute but when whoever it was on the other line hung up, Vulcan still looked shocked. "We gotta go." He said. "Where? Maia took the car." I said. He cursed under his breath. He looked at the phone then dialed a number. He waited until he finally got an answer. "Brett! No time just get over here!" He hung up and then came over and hugged me. "Seth's back!" He said. He sounded so happy. I hugged him back. I can finally see Seth again. We have a long overdue cuddle session! But first I'm going to punch him so hard he will hurt for a week. Why? Because he disappeared that's why! "VULCAN!" Vulcan let go of me at the sound of Brett shouting his name and honking the car horn. We ran out of the house and jumped in. "Head for the school." Vulcan said. "What? Why?" Eli asked. "No time just drive!" We got there fast. Vulcan was being a real backseat driver, so Brett finally got fed up and broke the speed limit. I swear if we were going any faster we'd be traveling forward in time. "Now why are we here?" Eli asked. Vulcan grabbed Eli and Brett's hands and ran towards the school entrance. I followed after them. We barged in and ran up a few flights of stairs until we came to a screeching stop. The door to the school roof was cracked open. "Why are we here!?" Brett asked, clearly irritated. "Seth's back." I whispered in reply. This seemed to be a moment for Vulcan. Brett and Eli looked at me in shock. "Are you serious?" Eli asked. I nodded. Vulcan reached his hand out and placed it on the door, slowly pushing it open. "Seth?" He called out. "Hey bro." Vulcan was greeted by the smiling face of Seth. He was so different now. His skin was darker, like he spent most of his time out in the sun. It had a healthy glow. He was so well toned and beautiful. "Damn..." Eli muttered. He noticed it too. Seth was stunning now. His dark hair and chocolate eyes, his deep voice and gorgeous smile, it was like he was made to be stared at. Even Brett was staring. Just then, a beautiful shy woman stepped out from behind him, holding a sleeping baby. "No way..." I said. "Surprise?" Seth said with a sheepish smile. Vulcan hugged him fiercely. "You motherfucking asshole! How dare you!?" But there was no venom to his words. His gaze turned to the woman. "Sorry, I didn't mean to curse in front of a lady." She shook her head. "It's all right." She said. "She's your surprise?" Vulcan asked. Seth nodded. Seth looked towards us and motioned us closer. "Guys, this is Lydia." She smiled. She was absolutely gorgeous. "Seth...did you...is this..." Vulcan couldn't form complete sentences. He was staring at both Lydia and the baby in her arms. "Yeah...she's my wife, and this" Seth said as he took the baby from Lydia. "is my son Zane. Today is his first birthday." The baby stirred in his arms as he opened his eyes and saw us. "Meet your uncles." He cooed as he gently rocked little baby Zane. "Your wife? Your son?" Brett asked. Seth nodded. "Dang bro, you went and got all grown up on us." Brett said as he grinned.

"Dude...you weren't kidding when you said you had a surprise." Vulcan said as he bent down to get a good look at Zane. "He's gorgeous. Clearly he takes after his mother." Vulcan teased. Seth kicked him. Lydia laughed. "He's told me so much about you all." "My name is Vulcan, welcome to the family." He said as he held his arms open for her. Her tears were instant as she held Vulcan. "I'm Aiden." I said as I kissed her cheek. Vulcan let her go and everyone began hugging her and the baby, as if they were a part of our family from the start. "So that's why you disappeared." I said as I stood near Seth. Lydia had taken the baby so that he could be properly introduced. "I wouldn't say disappeared. I just got caught up is all." Seth said, a calm smile on his face. I held his hand. "I had initially planned to punch you." I said. He looked at me. "But I won't." He chuckled. "I missed you Aiden." He hugged me. I hugged him back. "She's beautiful." I said. "Thank you. She's everything to me. I love her and Zane so much it hurts." "I'm glad you're happy bro." I said as I pulled away from him. Seth looked back at the guys and then at me. "I'm home." I smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. Lydia came back with the baby. She looked up at him with love in her eyes. Seth bent down and kissed her gently. Their son stirred between them and they chuckled. "Welcome back brother." Vulcan said with a loving smile on his face. Seth smiled back. This was indeed a surprise...but the greatest surprise ever.

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