Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Oct 23, 2014


Chapter Thirty-One: Perfect End To Our Beginnings...

[Author's Note: Yeah...I'm not happy either.]

Seth P.O.V

I got accepted into two of the colleges I applied to. The University of California at Berkley where I was kinda hoping to study law, and then...the University of New Orleans. I thought that maybe I could go and get a firm grip on my roots. Granddad never had a bad thing to say about New Orleans. He said that the birth place of jazz was always the place to be. I wanted to go. I wanted to see what he saw. I wanted to learn what he learned and maybe know him better. All this stuff with the guys has made me want to be better. I want to come back as the best version of myself. I want to live a life that I'm proud of. "New Orleans..." I said as I looked down at the acceptance letter. "Here I come." I smiled as I held the letter to my chest and thought about my granddad, and I felt happy.

Vulcan P.O.V

I only applied to one college because I knew where I wanted to go. I applied to UOC at Berkley like Seth because I want to study law. I want to be a lawyer or a social worker, really I just want to help people. I wanted to take all the experiences I've had and use them to do good for others. Most of all, I want to help children. Really, I just want to live to the best that I'm capable of. I know that because I have Aiden I can do anything. With him, I feel invincible. I loved him so much. I want to make him proud. I want to be proud of myself. I wanted to live with no regrets. I want to come back as a better Vulcan. After Aiden finishes high school and applies to whatever college he wishes, I want to make sure that he doesn't want for anything. That's why, I'm going to try hard. "Get ready for me." I said as I looked at my acceptance letter. "Vulcan Magnus don't like to play."

Brett P.O.V

I got accepted, accepted into NYU. I want to be a teacher. I want to be able to help others, and maybe, be a good influence. I want to be proud of myself and not regret anything, but I also really want Eli to be proud of me. As I stare at Eli's sleeping face, his beautiful skin, and his slightly parted lips, I feel as though my life is complete the way it is. I have everything. I have a beautiful boyfriend who I am deeply in love with, I have brothers who back me up no matter what, and I have a wonderful mom who supports me. Everything I've been through up till now has taught me many things, many important things that I've learned from and accepted. "I love you." I whispered as I brushed his hair away from his face. His skin was warm and having him lying next to brought a swell of emotions and I thought to myself...this is love. This is the love kind of love I was blessed with, the kind of love that makes you fill to the brim with happiness. When I go away to college, this love will remain the same, the only difference being distance. I knew that Eli and I were forever, deep down I knew it to be true. He was the one meant for me, and if there is such a thing as a next life, I want to be with Eli in that one too. He is my treasure. "I love you so much." I whisper again as I pull his closer. He mumbled something I couldn't hear and snuggled closer to me. His body fit perfectly with mine and I loved having his warm bare skin pressed against mine. "I love you Eli, forever and always." I whispered as I let his warmth lull me to sleep.

Aiden P.O.V

I knew that no matter what, these people, the people that I cherish more than anything, were going to go off and better themselves. At first I felt lonely, now I feel like them leaving is the best thing. They needed new life experiences, they needed to be out on their own and figure out what they wanted to do. I was going to wait patiently, and when I graduate, I was going to do the same. I also want to become better. I don't want to be weak and rely on anyone. I am a man, and as a man I need to be stronger. I need to be assertive and kind. I want to be better. But oh, how I'll miss Vulcan. I'll miss having him next to me, hold me, touch me, kiss me, I'll miss his warmth and smile, I'll miss his piercing eyes and his sincere spirit. Vulcan...I love you so much it makes my heart swell. I know it's for the best and I'll be cheering you on as you try your hardest to succeed in whatever you do. I will write, call, and even visit from time to time. I know our love will grow and our future will be a bright one. Everything, from the time you gave me back my ring till now, was so that I could be with you and become a better person. I love you so much Vulcan Magnus that I almost want to cry. But this is a new dawn for us all, and with it, our hearts will connect and be as one. We won't feel lonely because I'll know you all are doing your best.

Eli P.O.V

Brett, your eyes and your words are the only things that can unravel me. Under your gaze I feel my whole body heat up and my heart race like crazy, this is how I know how much I love you. I love you to the point where every breath you take becomes my happiness. If The Fates were real and you were their gift to me then I am the happiest man alive, and I know as time goes by and we see each other again, you will be different and so will I. I will become better, and I will watch over Aiden so he is never lonely. I've come to love them all. Vulcan and his overprotective nature, Seth with his quick temper and goofy personality, and my darling Aiden with his pure heart. They've become like brothers to me, sometimes they even seem like goofy children. Brett I hope our future is wondrous and bright, and I hope you are happy in all you do. Oh I love you so much. Lying here next to you, even while you sleep makes me happy. I hope to have it all with you. A big house, loud children, puppies running around, and maybe even a swing set. I hope we are all together for the rest of our days, and I know that these hopes will come true. I know because we're us, and we seem to defy logic in all its crazy forms. Brett I am so in love with you. I love you so much and hearing you whisper words of love to me, even as I sleep, makes me want you more and more. "I love you, never forget that." I mumble as I move closer to his body warmth. I love you.

Narrator P.O.V

They parted ways on words of "see you later" and "I love you". There were no tears and no sounds of sadness, only smiles and words of happiness. Seth hugged Aiden tight, kissing him on the forehead and ruffling his hair before stepping away, waiting for Vulcan. Vulcan grabbed Aiden into his arms and whispered more words of love. Aiden blushed, feeling warmth flood through him. He hugged Vulcan with all his strength. Vulcan pulled back just enough to kiss Aiden deeply, making it so a year's worth of kisses were made up. Aiden kissed back, savoring Vulcan's taste and the feeling of his lips. "I'll be back." He said. "I'll be waiting." Aiden said back, smiling as he did so. Vulcan walked over to his terminal, hugging Seth and exchanging words of how they will be total bad asses in their new schools. This would be the first time Seth and Vulcan were separated. Aiden knew it was hard for them, but they also understood that they were going to be together again. Brothers forever.

Brett's mom was in tears as she was going down the list of everything Brett was bringing with him. Brett nodded along and made sounds of annoyance here and there but he knew his mother's heart was in the right place. As he was all packed up, he held Eli's hand as they got in the car. Brett let his mom drive because he wanted as much time as he could get with Eli. His face was calm, even his smile. Eli felt at ease as well. He knew there wasn't going to be any sadness. He knew Brett would come back as a better man and he was going to be proud of him. "I love you." Eli whispered. Brett looked over, nothing but love in his eyes, and kissed Eli. "I love you most." Brett's mom broke out into more tears. "Aw mom!" Brett said with a little laugh. Eli laughed too and handed his handkerchief to Karen. "My baby is all grown up now!" "You still have me Karen." Eli said with a wink. Karen chuckled. "True..." As they got to the airport they got checked in. "I hope Vulcan and Seth will be okay." Brett said as he looked up at the flight schedule board. Eli nodded. "I know they will be, and so will you." Brett squeezed his hand. They spent their remaining time in silence, just holding hands and enjoying each other's company. They knew they didn't have to say anything. Everything was already known. Even when they parted it was in silence, with love in their gazes and smiles on their lips. They knew the love they shared, and it was binding.

Next: Chapter 32

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