Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Apr 5, 2014


I escorted him to class and watched him go in and take his seat. When I was certain he wasn't going to get jumped anytime soon I left. I decided to skip the rest of the day and go have a smoke break. I ran up to the school roof and stayed there, lying on my back and lighting up a cigarette. I stared up at the sky and watched the clouds flow with the breeze. "Aiden, huh?" I thought aloud. What was it about that frail looking kid that made me feel all territorial and frustrated? I wanted to do everything to protect him but I also wanted him to myself. Was it his face? He does have a pretty face. Maybe it was his eyes? Those eyes that look as though they've seen things no person should. Perhaps it was his body language? He moved like a scared child seeking shelter in small spaces, spaces that fit him alone. But even though I had all these questions floating in my head, my thoughts seemed to land on the image of his smile, that sweet smile that put a smoldering halt to my breathing. Why was I feeling this way about a boy I hadn't noticed until now?

Chapter Three: Vulcan

I must have fallen asleep, because when I had awoken to the sound of the bell signaling the end of school. I was groggy and my back was a little sore from lying on solid ground for so long. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, stretching my arms and legs. I slowly made my way to the door, but before I could reach it, it burst open and something had collided with me. It hit me and whatever it was caused me to lose my balance and I fell. I hit the ground pretty hard and groaned at the pain that shot up my back and hit my head. When I looked at what hit me, it was Aiden. "What the--" He looked at me and his eyes immediately widened. "Oh damn, are you okay!? I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? Let me see." He put both hands on my face and my skin immediately lit on fire. I clenched my jaw to keep from hissing. He tilted my head from side to side, checking to see if I was bleeding anywhere. "I'm fine Aiden really." I had to do everything I could to sound calm. My skin was still searing from his touch. He finally let go and smiled in relief. My breath hitched. Damn what is with this kid? "I'm sorry I bumped into you." Aiden said. "More like crashed into me." I said with a small smirk. "Now what's your hurry?" He didn't answer. He looked down and kept his eyes glued to the ground. "I couldn't find you. So I was going to hide up here." He mumbled. "What happened?" I asked. "Who's after you?" "A teacher..." He muttered. "A teacher? Who?" I was not in the mood to play 20 questions. "Biology...Mr. Ross...He wanted me to go see him after school and then...he..." He couldn't form his words now, he was shaking so badly. I was pissed off as hell. I smiled a slow and steady smile. "Let's go Aiden." I said as I stood up and grabbed his hand. I held it tightly in mine. "Where is your backpack?" "In biology class. I dropped it when I ran out." I nodded and pulled him with me. I was going to pay a little visit to Mr. Ross.

We got to Aiden's biology class and I peered into the door. Mr. Ross was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. He looked strained. I suddenly had a stroke of genius. I took my phone out of my back pocket and handed it to Aiden. "I want you to record every moment of this." I said. He looked confused but nodded nonetheless. I peered again and then looked at him. "The second I walk in, I want you to start recording got it?" He nodded. I nodded back and smiled. "It'll be okay." I winked at him and knocked on the door before I walked in. "Mr. Ross?" He looked at me. His face was slightly flushed and he still looked strained. "What?" He demanded. "I'm looking for Aiden, have you seen him?" His face turned even redder. "Why would you ask me that?" He sounded panicked. "Well none of his other teachers have seen him." I said, arching a brow. He calmed a bit. "Sorry I can't help you." "Are you okay? Your face is red and you look rather strained." I said as I closer to him. "Maybe you should go see the nu--" It was then I noticed his problem. He had a raging hard on. "Oh well damn..." I said, staring at the bulge in his pants. He gritted his teeth. "If you're done here, get out!" "Yeah, wouldn't wanna interrupt you while you snap one off." I decided to try and bait him. "Oh, my shoelace is sticking out." I bent over and tucked my shoelaces into my shoes. I could hear him hiss and his chair scraping the floor as he stood up.

"Well sorry for interrupting you." I said as I was about to walk out the door. "Wait..." He said. I almost smirked. "His stuff his here." I turned. "Oh really? Where?" He pointed to a chair in the front row. I walked over and just as I was about to pick up Aiden's backpack, a hand firmly gripped my shoulder and I was pushed down over the desk. "Hey what the hell!?" I feigned panic. I struggled a little, trying to make this look as real as possible. I looked over at the door and saw Aiden looking panicked. I shook my head at him, trying to tell him not to worry. "Well I can't help you find that little brat, but maybe you can help me." He said as he pressed his bulge to my ass and started grinding against my jeans. "Why is his stuff here anyway?" I asked. My anger was rising up again. "He ran out in tears." Mr. Ross replied nonchalantly. "Because you tried this with him." I concluded for him. He nodded and chuckled. "If he just gave in you wouldn't be in this position. Not that I'm complaining." I had to grit my teeth and try not to kill this guy on the spot. "So you like little boys?" I taunted. "If I tell Lee he'll fire you! I'll tell the cops and everyone in this damn city and you'll be ruined!" I shouted. He laughed. "You'll need proof my boy. It's your word against mine." I smirked. "You know Mr. Ross; I think I have all the proof I need." I stomped on his foot and he let me go. As he keeled over in pain, I head-butted him and then kicked him in the gut.

He staggered back and looked at me, anger evident in his eyes. I pointed at the door. Mr. Ross looked and saw Aiden standing there with my phone in his hands. He had stopped recording. He walked over to me and grabbed his stuff. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Don't worry about me." I smiled at him, and then turned to glare at Mr. Ross. "Your word against mine eh?" I played the recording. "Well I believe this is enough to get your ass fired and put in prison. Don't you think Aiden?" I turned to him. Aiden looked terrified to answer. Mr. Ross looked shocked. "You planned this?" "Well when you put it like that you make it sound horrible. I'm not the horrible person here Mr. Ross. I think that is pretty clear." I replied. "What are you going to do with that?" He spat, all anger showing on his face. "I am going to show this to Lee and maybe the board. How does that sound?" I was taunting him. I didn't know I could sound so devious. I was practically giddy from it all. When I heard Mr. Ross whimper I knew I got my point across. "It's been a pleasure." I teased and bowed. I grabbed Aiden and pulled him out of there.

"That guy is going to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter." I dragged Aiden to Lee's office and had him wait with the secretary while I talked to Lee. I showed him the recording. His face scrunched up with disgust and he almost bolted out of the room to kick Mr. Ross's ass. "Please don't let our names get out." I whispered. He nodded. "Don't worry; I'll see to it that he's taken care of." He whispered back. "Mr. Magnus it took a lot for you to do this." "Don't mention it. Seriously." I couldn't believe I had let another man grind up against me, but at least the school would be a little safer. "Thanks for taking care of this Lee." He nodded. "I'll get on the phone with the board and the police." I nodded and walked out. Aiden stood up right away. The look of relief on his face said that he was worried about me. It was nice. I ruffled his hair and lead him out. "Lee will take care of it." I said. Aiden sighed in relief. "I was terrified. I thought Mr. Ross really had you." "Well his brain didn't have dibs on the blood supply so it was a pretty easy win." Aiden blushed. "Oh..." "What? You didn't notice his hard on?" I smirked. Aiden shook his head. I laughed. "I'm just glad you're safe." I ruffled his hair again and smiled. "You know, you've helped me three times already and I don't even know your name." He pointed out. "Good point." I laughed again. "My name is Vulcan...Vulcan Magnus."

Next: Chapter 4

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