Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Oct 12, 2014


Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Eff!

[Author's Note: So what did you guys think? Loved it? Hate it? Think it needed a little something? Well let me know, because your thoughts matter to me. So my dear lovelies, this story is about to come to an end. I mean, not this very chapter, but soon. Anyway, if you liked this story and want me to write something else then please say so. I actually have an idea for another one but...well...I dunno. Anyway ENJOY! Love you! K, thanks bye.]

Seth P.O.V

So much time has passed since Brett's proposal. There were so many good times after that it was all so amazing. I watched everything play past me like an old movie on a projector. I was so happy with my life I couldn't even begin to imagine it without the people I've come to love more than anything. "Seth, what's up?" Vulcan asked as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "I'm just really happy for you guys, you know?" Vulcan did know. Because he was also very happy. He got to know and feel love on a very different level, and it all started with this little boy in front of us. This little boy who had it so rough, was now the most important person in our lives. "I really love you guys." I muttered. The only one who seemed to hear me was Aiden. He turned around and smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, letting me know he loved me too.

Here we are, standing outside Lee's office, about to find out if we graduate or not. Aiden was our moral support. "Dudes I'm freaking out!" Brett said. "Why? Your grades are fine." Aiden said as he waved off Brett's panic. "Yes but I did go through a brief jackass period remember? My permanent record must be shit." Brett said as he leaned on Aiden. "Pray for me little one." Aiden laughed. "Don't worry you're going to graduate." Lee came out then and looked at the crowd. "Before I start I just wanted to let you all know that this school year was the best one I've ever experienced." He looked at Vulcan and smirked. He held his arms out like the pope did. "Congratulations to all of you." There was a loud cheering and suddenly papers and binders were being thrown in the air. Vulcan went and jumped on Lee. "I love you, you crazy old bastard!" Lee chuckled and returned the hug. "Gonna miss you Magnus." Vulcan just grinned. "Don't worry, I'll visit." Lee feigned panic. "Please don't..." They laughed after brief silence. I sighed in relief. "Oh thank god I'm graduating." Aiden grinned. "See? I told you." I ruffled his hair. "When I go off to college I'm gonna miss you like hell." Aiden hugged me. "I love you Seth." I smiled and returned the hug. "Love you too little bro...I really do." Exams were over, we were graduating, my buddy was engaged, and whether or not I get accepted to any of the colleges I applied to, I know I did my best so I won't have any regrets. Now, it was time to get down and PARTY! "No we are not partying." Vulcan said suddenly. I jumped and began to wonder if he was reading my mind. "What why not!?" Oh, he was talking to Brett. Phew, for a second there I thought Vulcan was psychic. "C'mon, it'll be fun! We can have it at my house. Please? Pretty please?" Brett pouted. Vulcan sighed in defeat. "Fine...what time?" Brett brightened. "Starts at eight. See ya tonight bro!" With that he ran off, probably to go find Eli. "So I guess we're partying tonight?" I asked. Vulcan sighed. "Guess so."

I spent the rest of the day by myself. I needed some me time. I figured I should give Vulcan and Aiden their space. I'm sure they've had enough daily doses of Seth. I walked around town, because I knew that I would be leaving here soon. If not for college, then to travel. Even if I had to take it one bus ride and one plane ride at a time. I was going to find my own way. Having loving parents, awesome friends, and all in all just a sweet life, I was the happiest SOB alive. I walked everywhere, stopping at a few parks for little breaks or to get something to eat or drink. I was just content. As I kept walking, I found Eli at a tailor shop. I didn't even know we had one of those. I decided to say hello so I walked in. He turned around and his face brightened. "Seth, dude I would so hug you if there weren't pins in this jacket!" I laughed. "The hug can wait then. Wouldn't want you poking me." I said with a wink. "Someone might get jealous." He scoffed and rolled his eyes. The tailor on the other hand did not seem to find my humor at all enjoyable. Eli shrugged the jacket off and handed it to the tailor. "That would be lovely Martin thank you." Martin the tailor grunted and took the jacket from Eli. "Well aren't you the little rich boy." I said as Eli brother hugged me. He smacked my arm. "Shut up, it's for your graduation." I rubbed my arm and laughed. "Hey wanna go get some pizza? My treat." Eli said as he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack. I nodded. "Yeah sure, I could eat."

So we went to this little pizzeria that I didn't even know we had. Seriously, I've really gotta pay attention to my surroundings. Either that or I need to get out more. We ordered the house special and a couple of cokes and just relaxed in our booth. "So, how does it feel to be engaged?" I asked. Eli blushed. "It's amazing. Like serious awesome-sauce." He played with the ring on his finger. "I wonder how long Brett has had that." I said as I eyed it. Eli blushed a shade darker. "He said he's had it since his dad's um...incident...yeah." I arched a brow. "Oh...okay...no wonder he panicked." Eli looked up. "What do you mean?" "Well you know before he proposed he couldn't even form coherent sentences?" Eli nodded. "Yeah, I think that's why. When you jokingly asked him if he didn't wanna marry you, you may have set his mind at ease then." Eli still looked confused. "Because to him it was a sign that you accepted everything, even his jerk father's situation." Then the tears started. "Oh..." Eli said as he put a shaky hand over his mouth. "Oh geez, please don't. I meant it in a good way." I said in a panic. Eli laughed and wiped away the tears. "I know, I'm just..." "Happy? Touched? Wildly in love with Brett?" I added, finishing his sentence for him. Eli laughed again and nodded. "Yeah, all of the above." The pizza came and we dug in. It was so warm and the cheese was all melted so it was just a gooey mess. I was a happy boy.

Aiden P.O.V

So here I am lying next to Vulcan. He is sleeping so soundly, the faintest hint of a smile on his face, and here I am just staring at him. He's so beautiful. His blond-auburn hair, his beautiful bare skin, his full lips, and that beautiful smile. I felt my face heat up. I'm so in love. "What are you doing to me?" I whispered as I ran my thumb over his cheek. I snuggled closer to him and let his warmth wash over me. My eyes started to close and my body relaxed. I was then greeted by wondrous darkness and I began to dream.

I've had this dream before. The one where I'm standing in a dark space and watching my life go by in the form of images. "Aiden." That voice. That voice I've missed so much. "Lorelei?" I turned, looking for the source of her voice. Just then a pair of arms wrapped around me. They were warm and comforting. "My baby boy is all grown up." I immediately wanted to cry. "Mama..." I could feel her body pressed up against mine in a full hug. "You've found happiness in its truest form." She said, her voice so soft and melodic, like a beautiful melody from a music box. "Are you real?" I asked. She chuckled. "About as real as I can be. I just wanted to visit you. I'm so proud of you." Her hug grew tighter. "Be happy Aiden. I want you to always smile and laugh. I'm so happy that you've met the people you have in your life today." "Mama, can I look at you?" I asked. She let go. I took that as an okay and turned around. What I was saw was amazing. She hadn't changed at all. She was as beautiful as the day she left me. "I'm so glad I got to see you." She said as she began to fade. "Mama wait!" I said as I reached out for her. But instead of grabbing her hand, I grasped someone else's, and then I woke up.

"Dude are you okay?" Vulcan asked. My hand was outstretched as if I were reaching for something and he was holding it, he was the one who grabbed my hand in the dream. "I'm fine. I was dreaming." "Was it bad?" He asked, tightening his hold on my hand. "No...it was just...nostalgic I suppose." I replied, pulling him to me. I kissed him full on the mouth. He chuckled into the kiss and slowly pulled away. "I love you." He said as he caressed my cheek. I smiled up at him, grabbing his hand and bringing it to my lips. "I love you too." He kissed me till I couldn't breathe, and even then I didn't want to pull away. Vulcan, I love you more than you can ever imagine.

Brett P.O.V

Party is all set! Food, sodas, booze, music, and lots of space for dancing. I doubt many people will come, but as long as the people who matter most show up it's going to be a party. Just then the door bell rang. When I went to answer the door, I was surprised to see who was on the other side. "Nick?" My former team mate just looked at me. "Uh, yeah...can I come in?" Let's see...how about no!? "Please man? I kinda need to talk to you." I sighed and moved aside. "If this is some sort of trick to ambush me AGAIN, then be prepared because I'm so fucking over it that I'll beat the absolute shit outta all of you." Nick didn't say anything. "I heard you're having a party." He said after a minute of silence. "Why are you here Nick?" I asked, wanting him to leave as soon as possible. "I, um...I just wanted to apologize." He said. I arched a brow. "What?" He looked fidgety and couldn't even keep eye contact for more than three seconds. "I wanted to apologize. I was a dick and I'm sorry." I still couldn't believe it. "Why huh? Why are you here all of a sudden?" Nick sighed. "This guilt is driving me insane man!" Ah, so that's why. His conscience was giving him hell and he was here to quiet it. "Okay fine, apology accepted." I said. His face immediately changed. "Are you serious?" He asked. I nodded and folded my arms over my chest. "Yeah I am. I accept your apology, now please leave." Nick nodded. "I suppose I deserve that." He said as he made his way to the door. "Thanks man." He said, a slight smile on his face. I almost felt guilty...almost. "You're welcome." As he opened the door, there was Eli and Seth standing on the front porch. "Uh...hi?" Seth looked like he wasn't sure how to handle Nick's presence. Nick waved and walked passed them. "Are you okay?" Eli asked. I nodded. "Come in."

It started with just the three of us and then Vulcan and Aiden showed up. Soon more and more people showed up and we found ourselves with a full house. "Who are these people!?" I yelled over the blaring music. "The graduating class!" Vulcan yelled back. Dubstep blared throughout my house. There were people making out, getting drunk, and eating up all the food. "Hey have you seen Seth!?" Vulcan yelled. I shrugged and looked around. I found him making out with some girl and groping her boob. I tapped Vulcan on the shoulder and pointed to where Seth was. Vulcan laughed and choked a little on his beer. "You got condoms on you?" He asked. I nodded. "Why?" He pointed at Seth. "Because he is definitely getting lucky tonight! Where are they, I'll text him." He pulled out his phone. "There are some in my room, first door upstairs on the right." He typed down everything I said and sent it. We looked to Seth to find him pause his make out session. He looked for us. When he saw us he waved and pointed to his phone, giving us a thumbs up. I laughed and shook my head. I've made some pretty weirdly awesome friends. The party raged. The cops were called twice because of the noise and someone threw up in my mom's flower pot on the front porch. The party lasted till the wee hours and even then there were still some people getting their drunk on. This is the greatest night ever.

Seth P.O.V

Aw my head, the eff! "Yup...great party." I said as I sat up. I looked around to find myself still in Brett's house. I then heard a small groan and felt something shift beside me. I looked and found that girl I was making out with last night. "Are you okay?" I asked as I carefully shook her awake. She woke up and smiled. "Yeah...I'm fine. I suppose I should get dressed and leave." "I think we both need to do that." I said, looking around. She chuckled and got up. "Last night was fun." She said. I smiled. "Hey, um...just so I know that I really did...did I use protection?" She laughed and nodded. "Yeah you did...even if you didn't, I'm on the pill so there's nothing to worry about." She got dressed and gave me a hug. "Bye." With that she walked out the door. I debated whether or not to get dressed. I decided to give it a few.

A few turned into an hour and I was still half naked. "Are you awake?" I looked up and saw Brett coming down the stairs. "You macked out pretty hard last night." He said with a laugh. "You depleted my condoms." I arched a brow. "Are you serious? With just one girl?" Brett laughed harder. "Yup...nympho. When you finally screwed her into unconsciousness, you passed out too." Damn, a nympho? How the fuck did I manage that? Well shit! I dunno whether to be proud of myself or get tested. "Do you know her?" I asked. Brett shrugged. "She's dating some guy on the football team is all I know." "Holy shit I just slept with someone else's girlfriend!?" Brett laughed and shrugged. "I think it's better if this never leaves my house." I nodded in agreement. "Where is everybody?" Brett pointed to the ceiling. "Eli is still sleeping in my room...Vulcan and Aiden are sleeping in the guest room. They didn't wanna leave without you. Want some coffee?" "Coffee sounds golden." I got up and grabbed my shirt, pulling it on and running my hand through my hair, trying to smooth it out.

Brett poured me some delicious smelling coffee. I drank it straight and sighed as the warmth washed through my body. "So where's your mom?" I asked. Brett laughed. "She's out of town for work. Like I said earlier, this doesn't leave my house." I looked around at the mess we made. "I suppose we should clean up." Brett looked around and tsked. "That would be golden." So while everyone was asleep, Brett and I cleaned up. I took care of the living room since I was basically responsible for the biggest mess there. We cleaned, we goofed off, and we drank all the coffee. You know, looking at Seth I'm in awe at how far we've come. I used to be a douche and now I'm friends with this guy who saw things as black and white. There was no grey in his world. If there were, things would've been harder between us. Or maybe that's not it. If there was a grey area, Seth would probably be the same person just with a wider perspective. But the way he is now is just as good. "Hey Seth, thanks." I said. "For what? Helping you clean?" I shook my head. "For being my friend." He smiled gently. He walked over and hugged me. "We're bros dude. I got you." I hugged him back, tight.

We spent the rest of the time after that cleaning and making breakfast. The guys came down and sat at the table. "That was a great party." Vulcan said. Aiden nodded and leaned against the table. "Dudes when we graduate we won't be able to do this again. I mean yeah we'll celebrate but c'mon, we'll all be too busy applying for colleges and jobs." I said as I stacked some pancakes, eggs, and bacon on a plate for Vulcan. He thanked me and dug right it. I served everyone else and sat down. Seth pigged out. "You know you're right." He said with his mouth full. I rolled my eyes. "Please don't talk with your mouth full." Seth laughed and nodded. Aiden and Eli looked down. "Aw c'mon guys, it's only a year. Besides you two still have each other." Seth said as he noticed their sad faces. "We're just gonna miss you guys." Eli said. I smiled. "But we'll always be together." Seth stuck his pinky out. "I want you guys to promise me that we will meet up the second we finish college or whatever the hell we plan to do, okay?" Eli locked pinkies with Seth and nodded. We all did the same and at the moment, I felt connected to them all. I loved these guys so much. "We're all going to do the best we can and then come back as the greatest version of ourselves." I said. We all nodded in agreement. These guys are the greatest friends a guy could ask for.

Next: Chapter 30

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