Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Oct 7, 2014


Chapter Twenty-Eight: We'll always be together...

Aiden P.O.V

Ever since I met these guys I've been nothing by happy. Yes, I've had my share of sadness but I've learned from all that. Now I know that for me, happiness isn't some far off dream. Here I am, watching the boy I am madly in love with apply for colleges both by mail and online. He is so determined to make sure all our futures are secured. I watch Seth do the same, fumbling over applications and wondering about scholarships while Maia brings them milk and cookies. She comes over to sit beside me. "When my brother goes off to college, are you going with him?" She asked as she set the empty tray on her lap. I shook my head. "No, I'll stay here and graduate." I said, even though Vulcan and I haven't talked about it. "Really? Does that mean you'll be with me?" I nod, smiling down at her beautiful face. She grinned and leaned against me, watching her Vulcan and Seth fuss over locations and budgets.

Finally, after hours of nothing but scribbling and filing, Seth rolled over and screamed into a couch pillow. "I can't take it anymore!" Vulcan laughed and put his pen down. "Yeah I know what you mean." He turned to me and smiled. "Have you guys been watching us this whole time?" Maia and I nod. "Sheesh, come here you!" He says as he motions for Maia. Maia laughs as she hurries into her brother's embrace. "When I go off to college, are you going to miss me?" Maia shook her head and Vulcan feigned hurt. "Why not?" She grinned and pointed at me. "I have Aiden!" Vulcan looked at me and his expression turned sad. "Will you miss me?" I shrugged. "Probably..." He scoffed and grabbed the cushion Seth was holding and threw it at me. I caught it and set it aside. "Kidding! Of course I will. It's a whole year without you dude." He laughed as he let Maia go. "Don't worry about them Vulcan, my mom is here." Seth said reassuringly. "I'm not worried. I'll probably just be lovesick." Vulcan said with a fake pout. Seth rolled his eyes. "Great, late night phone calls about how much you miss Aiden...sweet, awesome...yeah..." Vulcan smirked. "Who says I'll call you?" Seth just gave him a look. A look that said, "Really? Really? You wanna go down this road with me?" mixed in with, "We both know you over-think things so I'm most likely your first call" and Vulcan just sighed. "Yeah okay you're right."

"Well..." Seth said as he got up. "Let's mail these bad boys." He puts his applications in a manila envelope while Vulcan does the same. Vulcan hands his to Seth. "I'll be back. Wanna come little lady?" He asked as he held out his hand to Maia. Maia nodded and grabbed his hand, not letting go as they made their way out. As soon as the door closed Vulcan jumped me. "Holy shit!" I cursed as he pulled me against him. "You need to bring your hormones to a level of about zero dude." I said as I was trying to push him off. He laughed and snuggled against me. "Relax, I just wanted to lie with you." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure, that's all it was." He laughed. "One year without you is going to be tough." He said, all seriousness in his tone. I sighed. "Yes but...this is something that could help all of us you know." He nodded. "Besides, I am confident that we'll be just as in love when we see each other again." I added. He laughed. "I know...I'm just so used to having you with me in my bed that it's going to be lonely without you." I laughed. "We'll always be in touch. Besides, graduation is like, what? A month away? We have plenty of time to get a lot of sex in before you leave." He looked up at me like a puppy that just got a new chew toy. "Really? Like, a lot?" I nodded. "Deal!" He said as he got up and carried me. "WHOA, WHOA!" He laughed harder as he ran up to stairs. "Dude, Seth will be back soon!" "He can deal!" Vulcan said back as he kicked open the door to his room. What have I gotten myself into?

Seth P.O.V

I know those horn dogs are gonna have sex I just know it. "Maia, what say you and I go get some ice cream huh?" The things I do for them. "Yay!" Maia said as she grabbed the envelopes from me and dropped them in the mail box. We had to walk a little ways down the street but I figured it was a good excuse to leave those two alone. Maia grabbed me and broke off into a run. "Whoa!" Haha, this little one is determined. We ran towards a bus stop and stood with a few others and waited. "I better call Vulcan and tell him where we're going." I said as I grabbed my phone outta my back pocket. I dialed the number and waited for an answer.

"Hello..." Vulcan said, out of breath. This is awkward...

"Dude, uh...gonna get some ice cream with Maia." I said, trying to sound as normal as possible and not totally weirded out because I caught my bro in the sack.

"Ah! Vulcan not there..." Was that a moan? Did Aiden moan!? Aw gawd are they STILL...

"Yeah okay whatever bye!" Vulcan hung up on me!

"Uh...yeah..." That was all I could manage to say as I pocketed by phone. The bus arrived and I was still freaked out. I'm beginning to wonder if ice cream is enough of a distraction. As we got on the bus and sat down I just kinda drifted. My mind went through what I was gonna do for my future. I was gonna go to college...then what? Work? Is that really what I want for myself? I know I want to complete my education, there's no question about that...but what happens after? "Seth, are you okay?" Maia asked. I looked at her and nodded. "Just thinking about what I'm gonna do with my life." She hummed in thought. "You mean after college?" She asked. I nodded. "Well you could always travel. Maybe then you'll find something you want to do...and if not, at least you saw the world." Did an 11 year old just say that? "Where would I go?" I asked, intrigued by the idea. "You could backpack through Europe." She suggested. I thought about it. "I guess that's not so bad." I smiled at her. "You're so smart." I tickled her and she giggled.

When the bus stopped, we got off. We looked around and found a little diner a little and decided to make that our hang out. As soon as we entered we were overwhelmed by the smell of apple pie. "Is this place for real?" I asked, looking around as if I had just landed into Narnia. "Welcome!" We were greeted by a kind looking old woman. "Come in dears." She said as she motioned for us to follow her. She lead us to a booth and handed us menus. "What would you like?" She asked. "I want ice cream." Maia smiled up at the woman. The woman smiled back at her. "Well then..." She flipped the menu over to where all the ice cream flavors were listed, and there were a lot of flavors. "Can I have a banana split sundae?" Maia asked me. I nodded. "Order whatever you want." She grinned and looked at the old lady. "I want that please." "Oh of course...and for you, young man?" "I'll have that apple pie I keep smelling...just bring the whole thing and a fork." I grinned. The old woman laughed. "My what an appetite!" She laughed and took the menus from us. "Coming right up." She left. "What a nice lady." Maia said with a smile. I smiled too and nodded. "I feel like we've stumbled into another dimension. I have never been here before." Maia agreed with me. "We should get out more."

As our orders came, I was astounded. "Whoa..." Maia's sundae was huge. I began to wonder if she was going to be able to finish that. My apple pie however looked like a giant flying saucer. This thing was bigger than my head. "Oh wow..." Maia said in awe. "Enjoy dears..." The old lady said with a smile. I nodded, unable to speak. As I tried my first bite I swear...I could've dropped dead then and there and not give a shit. This apple pie was bomb. No I'm not exaggerating, it's the absolute best. "Maia...I think I've just died and gone to heaven." Maia just nodded. "This is definitely not store bought ice cream." And with that, we ate like pigs. We ate like it was our last meal on earth. This place is forever engraved into my soul.

As soon as we finished we were unable to move. My pants were feeling a little tight and I doubt I was gonna be able to see my toes for a while. "Whew..." I said. Maia was just grinning. I couldn't believe she ate all that. The nice old lady came back and as soon as she saw out empty plates, she giggled. "Oh dear you two manage to finish everything?" We nodded. "That was the absolute best tasting pie I've ever had." I said with a grin. "Did you make everything ma'am?" She nodded. "Yes I make the pies and ice cream myself." Then her face turned sad, but she kept her smile. "Actually, you're our last customers." NO! Dammit! "What!? Why!? I just found you!" She laughed. "We don't get much business anymore...and I'm old. I'd like to rest now." She sighed. Maia and I pouted. "Aw...that's too bad." Maia said, looking down at her plate. "Oh! I have an idea!" The lady said as she left. Maia and I looked at each other. As soon as the lady came back she had packed us what looked like four pies and a gallon of ice cream. "Take this!" She said. "Our last pies for the day...and some ice cream for the little angel." "Oh wow, we couldn't!" I said. This was too much! "Oh I insist. Humor an old woman." She smiled as she pushed the goodies towards us. This day could not get any better. "All right...Mrs.?" "Just call me Clara." "I'm Seth...and this is Maia." I said as I smiled at her. She reached a shaky hand out and caressed my cheek. Such shaky hands made such delicious food. Yeah, she deserved to rest. "No charge. You are the first to eat a whole pie." "No charge? But we couldn't!" Maia said as she panicked a little. "Think of it as a gift." Clara was like a stubborn yet gentle grandmother. "We just found this place too..." I sighed. "Thank you Clara...you really made this day special." I grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers. She smiled and laughed, color rising to her cheeks. "You're gonna make this old woman blush."

After spending a couple more minutes with Clara, we had to leave before the ice cream melted. We hugged her and wished her well. As I carried the pies and ice cream, I wondered if Aiden and Vulcan were through yet. "Seth!" I heard someone call. Maia stopped and turned to me. "Did someone call you?" She asked. I nodded but was too afraid to move around too much for fear of dropping the pies. "Can you see who it is?" I asked Maia. She looked around. "Hmm..." Finally she looked behind me. "Oh! There..." She pointed. "It's Eli and Brett." She grinned. "Maia don't point now it's rude." She nodded and put her hand down. "Sorry..." I turned slowly and saw Eli and Brett running towards me. "Hey you!" Eli greeted. "What's with the—is that apple pie I smell?" Brett asked. I laughed and nodded. "We just got these at the diner back there." "Need help?" Brett asked. "Depends, are you gonna eat these?" Brett shrugged. "I might..." I laughed. "Geez, okay here..." I handed him the pies. "My car is back there if you want me to give you a ride." Eli said as he motioned behind him. "That would be bomb thank you." I said. Maia smiled. "Phew...I was beginning to wonder about the bus ride." I started imagining people going after my pie. "Yeah...let's not think about that." Eli laughed. "C'mon then."

We made it to Eli's car and got in. Brett gently set the food in the trunk. "Please don't get smashed apple pie." He muttered. I almost laughed. "Is apple pie Brett's favorite?" I asked Eli. He nodded. "He can't get enough of it..." "Then let's all just go to Vulcan's place and get fat. These apple pies are huge...trust me." Eli laughed and nodded. The drive home was quick, and it was then I realized Maia and I didn't go that far. Then how was it we've never noticed that little diner? "I can't wait for Vee to taste the ice cream!" I started to panic. "Oh shit..." I mumbled. Brett leaned over. "What is it?" "I hope Vulcan and Aiden are...decent." I whispered. Brett arched a brow. "Seriously?" He asked. "It was why we were out in the first place." I replied, a little more panicked now. "Well call him." Brett said. "I don't wanna walk in on them." "Why not? Make it even."I said with a smirk. Brett just punched me. "Yeesh, all right." I pulled out my phone and dialed Vulcan up.

"Hello?" He sounded normal.

"You decent?" I asked, lowering my voice a little so Maia wouldn't hear.

"More or less..." He replied.

"Great, we got company. Be there in a few." I said.

"Sure..." He hung up.

"Well I guess that's that." I said as I pocketed my phone. The rest of the ride was spent listening to music. When we finally pulled into the driveway, we were immediately greeted by a happy Aiden. No really, he was extremely happy. Like, you know how a little kid gets when he opens his first present on Christmas and it's exactly what he wanted? Yeah, he was that happy. He immediately jumped on Eli and hugged the hell outta him. "Whoa! Hey there dude, did you miss me that much?" Eli laughed. Brett immediately pulled the pies from the trunk and I grabbed the ice cream. "Open the door Maia." I said. She went and did as I told her to. As we went in we headed straight to the kitchen, where I found Vulcan spaced out while leaning against the counter. Brett set the pies on the table. "Can we eat now?" He was determined for those pies. I went over to Vulcan and waved a hand in his face. "Dude, you all right?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah...I just feel...different." He smiled. "Nothing bad right?" I asked. "Nah dude...I just realized that we're about to start a new chapter in our lives...and I know all of us will be together." I just stared at him, and after a good ten seconds I sighed. "That has got to be the corniest thing you've ever said." I said as I set the ice cream in front of him. He looked at the big tub and then back at me. "Where did you go?" He asked. "To Narnia..." I replied with a smirk. "Now get some plates so we can eat!" I said, because I noticed Brett eyeing the pies like an impatient kid in a candy store.

We ate like kings. Those pies were the most delicious things I've ever had. The ice cream was so good I almost cried. I mean, it was vanilla bean...but damn was it good. Especially with the pie. Those pies almost topped peanut butter for me. "Dude...Narnia is awesome." Vulcan said as he helped himself to another slice of pie. "How many is that?" I asked. He shrugged. "I lost count after the second box was opened." I laughed. "We're gonna get fat." "Well there goes my butt!" Eli said with a laugh. Brett leaned over and whispered something in his ear, and whatever it was made Eli blush like a school girl in a sappy anime. "I'm so full!" Maia said. "Hey could you save a slice for me to take to school? I wanna give it to Chase!" Vulcan nodded. "I'll try and keep these guys from eating it all." Maia grinned. "I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower. I'm all sticky from the ice cream." She did eat a lot, and it was mostly smeared on her face and hands. She got up and put her plate in the sink and then headed upstairs. "She's so cute. I want one." Eli said. "A sister or a daughter?" I asked. "A daughter..." Eli replied. Vulcan laughed. "Careful what you wish for. Girls are expensive." "You want kids?" Brett asked. Eli turned to him, trying to figure out the meaning of his question. "Well yeah don't you?" Brett didn't reply. He just stared.

"Dude...I think that was a wedding proposal." Aiden said. Brett choked. "Proposal!?" He looked at Eli so panicked, I was tempted to laugh. "You don't wanna marry me?" Eli asked with the cutest pout on his face. I was having trouble holding it in now. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud and ruining this perfect scene right here. Vulcan was having a hard time too, using Aiden to hide his face while he trembled with laughter. "Well it's not that I don't wanna marry you...it's uh...well I...we're young and see...are you sure you wanna...I mean..." Brett was completely screwing it up. "You're blowing it man." I sighed. Eli laughed. "Relax dude, I'm kidding." Brett just looked at him. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Eli asked as Brett's expression grew more serious. "Marry me." He stated. The rest of us were dead quiet. "Excuse me?" Eli was just as stunned as we were. "Marry me." Brett said again. He pulled out his wallet and in it was a small gold band. "Holy shit dude... if you're kidding now would be a good time to say so." Eli's face was a mix of emotions I didn't know whether to laugh or stand behind him in case he faints. "I'm not joking." I have never seen Brett with a more serious expression than the one he had now. "I've been meaning to ask you." Now he smirked. "I just couldn't pluck up the courage till now." Eli started laughing, then the tears came. "Yeah..." Brett laughed nervously. "Really?" Eli nodded and held out his hand. "Yes, I'll marry you." Aiden and Vulcan gasped while I stood there completely in awe. This was the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed.

As soon as Brett put that ring on Eli's finger, it was waterworks central. Eli was crying, Brett was crying, Aiden was crying while trying get Eli to stop crying, and Vulcan was just trying not to cry. Me? I was too happy to let tears blur this scene from my sight. This was beautiful. This was a moment to be taken in a photograph. This was a scene to be remembered forever. I realize that not everyone was going to feel the same way as me regarding this...but those people can suck it because it's happening and it's the most beautiful thing in the world. Love, in its truest form between two people who have seen the ugliest side of the other, is one to be cherished. "I am so happy for you guys." I said. Brett came and hugged me. "Dude, best man?" I almost fainted. That was the greatest honor ever. "Are you serious right now? Don't play with me Brett." He just laughed and let go of me. His expression was so gentle it was hard to believe this guy was an angry bully. "Yeah...I'm serious." I jumped on him, hugging him so tight and rubbing my cheek against his. "I'm all over it!" Brett just laughed and tried to push me off, but I was latched onto him tight. "Get off me!" He said as we started rolling on the floor. "Seth get off my fiancé." Eli said with a laugh. This time I let go. "Oh man there's so much to do! Location, food, tuxedos, music, and the guest list!" Aiden was in full blown party planner mode. "Hang on dudes! Let me enjoy engaged life first!" Eli said with a grin. Brett nodded in agreement. "I don't know when I want to get married, but I do know that I want you to be by my side always." Brett said as he gently kissed Eli. "I love you Eli, and I want you to always be in my life. I want it all. I want a house, I want a dog, maybe two...and I want kids. We can adopt, we can mix our sperm in a turkey paster I don't care. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our family." Eli had tears running down his face again. "Idiot...going and saying those things..." He looked down and cried. Aiden and Vulcan looked at each other, and I had a fairly good idea of where their thoughts were going. I sighed. "You guys...live happily."

Next: Chapter 29

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