Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Sep 25, 2014


Chapter Twenty-Six: Promise!

[Author's Note: I really need to find a way to end this stupid ass story already. -_- Well I hope you guys have enjoyed this story so far. Thanks for being patient with me.]

Vulcan P.O.V

"Hey Aiden..." Aiden sat with Maia on the couch, watching reruns of All That. "Yeah?" He looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. Damn I'm so in love with this boy. "Where's Seth?" I asked. "Oh, he'll be by later." He replied. I nodded and just stood where I was. It had been a week since our...um...first time together and I still feel giddy over it. I love him so much. "Oh, before I forget!" I was snapped out of my daze by Maia. "Vee, can I hang out with Chase tomorrow after school at his house?" I just looked at her. "Chase Yu?" She nodded. "Huh...what did his parents say?" I asked. "He said that they don't mind. His mom will be there of course. He made sure." She replied with a grin. Huh, the kid covered all the bases. "Well I guess. But you have to call me when you get there okay?" She nodded enthusiastically. She must really like Chase Yu. I stretched out and sighed. "Geez..." I muttered. I went up to my room and crashed on my bed. My little sister was growing up, I was deeply in love with Aiden, and I feel myself changing each day. But...it's not a bad thing. It's so new and different that with it, I know I can be better.

Seth P.O.V

"Hmm, I wonder if I should buy some snacks before I head over to Vulcan's. Well, it is kinda late isn't it. Popcorn maybe? No, how about nachos...I guess I could order some." Standing in a store and talking to yourself doesn't seem like the sane thing to do huh? I'll just get a few drinks and go with the nachos. As I stand in line and wait my turn, I play everything that happened in my head, from the time Vulcan met Aiden to the present. I gotta say, I'm really happy. I have more people to love and care for. I would take a bullet for those guys no questions asked. "Next!" I am pulled from my thoughts by the cashier. It was then I realized that she was the one I boned hard and never called back. "Oh shit..." I mumbled under my breath. I set my things on the counter and tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible. She rang everything up and charged me. She eyed me for a few moments, trying to get a good look at my face. It was then something clicked for her. "Oh I remember you." She said. Then the expression on her face changed and she slapped me. "That's for not calling me!" Everyone in the store eyed us. I felt myself blush as I paid for my drinks. "I'm sorry." I said. She bagged everything and shoved it at me. "Whatever..." I realized explaining myself would probably make it worse so I decided to just leave.

As I walked out the store I looked up at the sky and wished for a power outage. "I bet there are a lot of stars out tonight." I sighed as I made my way to Vulcan's house. I didn't take my car tonight, so the chances of me getting jumped were pretty high. "Oh right...nachos." I turned a corner and made my way to the nearest restaurant. I ordered up some nachos to go and waited. Just then, I spotted Brett walking over. He saw me through the window and waved. He ran into the restaurant and held out his fist to me. I bumped it and grinned. "What's up dude?" He asked. I just motioned to the place and smirked. "Just getting some snacks then I'm heading over to Vulcan's. What're you up to man?" He shrugged. "Just dropped off Eli. I got hungry and this place makes these amazing burgers so I decided to stop for a few." I eyed him. "Drugs or sex?" He laughed. "Sex...duh!" I nodded and laughed. It was then I realized that not long ago I would have kicked this guy's butt no problem...now I would do anything to keep him from getting hurt. "You know I love you right?" I said suddenly, I just wanted to make sure he knew. He stopped laughing and looked at me. "Uh...I'm with Eli, you know that. I didn't even know you were--" "Not like that numb nuts you know what I mean!" I said as I punched him on the arm. He flinched and laughed. "Sorry dude, it's just weird hearing you say that." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "NACHOS!" the waiter called. I paid for the food and picked up my take-out. "Hey, wait a bit and I'll drive you to Vulcan's." Brett said as he ordered his burgers. I nodded and we continued talking.

"So where did that come from?" Brett asked. "Where did what come from?" I asked back. "The I love you thing." He replied. I shrugged. "I've just been thinking a bit is all." He arched a brow. "Uh-oh, that's not good." I punched him again, this time harder. "Ow!" He yelped as he rubbed the sore spot. "I'm kidding. Look...I'm still getting used to this okay? Sometimes I expect all of this to be a dream and I'll wake up in the closet again." I grabbed his hand. "Dude, I'm not the type of person to abuse what I love. Now, the reason I said it was because I wanted you to know. I love you like a bro. You and Eli are my bros, just like Aiden and Vulcan are my bros. Feel better?" He eyed me then nodded. "You're weird Seth. It's like the world is just black and white to you, no grey." I smirked. "That just might be it." As his burgers came out he paid for them and we made our way to his car. We drove in silence but it wasn't the weird kind, it was the contemplative kind. "I love you too..." I heard him mutter. I smiled. "So now that our little gay moment is outta the way, what's new with you?" He laughed. "Well I applied for a butt load of colleges, I met Eli's parents, my dad is still an ass and wants me to attend some religious group that is supposedly able to "cure" gay, and my mom slapped him across the face for it." "Your dad?" I asked. Brett nodded. "Don't worry about it. He's far away from us." I nodded. If he were anywhere near any of us, he and I would have a problem.

When Brett dropped me off, I waved at him before running to the door. I contemplated knocking or just barging in. "Eh, be polite for once Seth." I knocked. "Coming!" I heard Aiden call. He came and opened the door, greeting me with a smile. "Hey Seth!" I held up the goods. "Nachos and sugary beverages, wanna get fat?" Aiden laughed and pulled me in. "Vulcan, Seth is here!" He called. Vulcan came running. "I smell food, what do you have!?" I rolled my eyes and gave him the goods. He opened the container with nachos and grinned. "I love you man!" He said as he ran off into the kitchen. "He's in a good mood." I commented. Aiden shrugged. "He's been that way for a while now." I looked at him. "Gee, I wonder why..." He blushed and it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Aiden playfully hit me on the arm. "Moron..." He laughed and turned, making his way into the kitchen. "Wait, where's Maia?" I asked. Aiden stopped and pointed to the couch. "Passed out..." I went over to check on her. I laughed as I picked her up. "I'll bring her to her room." I said. Aiden nodded and went into the kitchen. Maia mumbled little things here and there, snuggling against me. I made my way carefully up the stairs and towards her room. There, I gently laid her onto her bed and tucked her in. She mumbled a few more things then began snoring. I smirked and left the room. In the kitchen, Vulcan and Aiden were feeding each other. "Oh gross." Vulcan smirked. "Bitter one with no girl...shut up." I rolled my eyes. We ate, we fooled around and we hung out. I'm a happy boy.

>> Fast Forward >>

*[Author's Note: *Yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and skip ahead. This story is already long enough as it is. Thank you to everyone who has been patient with me and thank you to those who have been sending me emails. I appreciate all of you!]

Maia P.O.V

I'm nervous! Here we are standing in front of Chase's house and I'm just now feeling nervous. It's a really big house! "Scared?" Chase asked. He squeezed my hand and smiled. "Don't worry Maia, my family will love you." I nodded. I spent the entire day spacing out at school. At first I was excited but then I realized I knew nothing about Chase. I mean, he doesn't talk much so how am I suppose to know anything. We have gotten close lately and he's been teaching me new things. But now that I'm actually here, I'm scared. "Are you ready?" No, but I'm not gonna tell him that. "Okay..." I swallowed my nervousness. Just smile and be polite Maia.

"I'm home!" He said as we entered his house. His mother came and greeted him at the doorway. "Welcome home." His mom is so pretty. She is beautiful! "Is this your friend?" She asked with the most wonderful smile on her face. Chase squeezed my hand and brought me back to reality. "This is Maia Magnus. Maia, this is my mother." I held out my hand to her. "It's nice to meet you." I said with a smile. She shook my hand and then lead me inside. "Come, I have tea and snacks ready for you." She guided us to the backyard, where there was a pool and summerhouse on the other side of it. Chase is loaded, like extremely loaded. "Go wait in the summerhouse and I will bring over your snacks." His mother smiled and went back into the house. "You're house is pretty Chase." I said, feeling excited. "And it's so close to school!" He smiled at me and pulled me along into the summerhouse. We sat down and waited for his mother. "I hope you're comfortable Maia." He said. I nodded. "Yes...I am. Next time, come to my house okay?" He nodded. "Sure, I'd love to meet your brother again." I looked around, I thought the whole place was like a fairy tale. A beautiful mother, a beautiful home, a big back yard, it was like one of my story books come to life and Chase was the prince. I giggled at the thought. "What are you thinking?" Chase asked. I smiled at him. "You're the prince of this fairy tale!" I replied as I gestured to the whole place. Chase blushed. "A prince? Then...are you my princess?" This time I felt myself blush.

Just before I could say anything, his mother came with ice tea and a variety of tiny cakes and cookies. "Wow!" I said, grinning. Mrs. Yu smiled. "Now you two have fun, I'll be inside if you need anything." It was then I remembered something. "Oh Mrs. Yu, may I use your phone?" I asked. She nodded. "Come with me." I got up and followed her inside. I looked over at Chase and gave him a smile. He returned it and waved. "Hurry back now or I might eat all the cookies." I laughed and waved back. Mrs. Yu lead me into the kitchen and handed me the phone. I called my brother and told him where I was. After telling me to be home before dark, he hung up the phone. I put the phone back and thanked Mrs. Yu. "You know what Maia?" "What?" "You're the first friend he's brought home." I looked at her. "Doesn't he have friends?" I was confused. I had seen him talk with two others before. "Not really, I was beginning to worry. But now that I've met you I can rest easy." She petted me on the head and smoothed out my hair. "Now run along before he eats everything. That boy has quite the appetite." She smiled. She was such a pretty lady I was almost mesmerized by her. "All right, thank you for having me over." I said as I made my way back to Chase.

Chase P.O.V

Maia is so pretty. I was nervous about asking her over. I guess my crush on her started a while back. I don't know when exactly. I was just drawn to her. Then I wrote her that love letter, and I thought she wouldn't talk to me. But here she is, with me in my home and I'm overjoyed. She said we should be friends first, and in all honesty I agree. "Chase!" I looked up to see Maia running towards me, a big smile on her face. "You called your brother?" I asked. She nodded. "He told me to be home before dark." I smiled. "Then I shall ask mother to drive you." "Oh no, that's too much trouble!" I laughed at the look on her face. It was very considerate of her to think that way however I knew my mother would insist as well. Maia's gaze was then diverted to the tray. "So you didn't eat all the cookies!" She grinned and sat down, taking a cookie and popping it in her mouth. "You're a nice guy Chase." She said with a grin. I blushed. "Huh? Where did that come from?" She giggled and ate another cookie. "Your mom told me that I'm the first friend you've brought over." I looked away, trying to hide my face. "Why did she have to go and say that?" I mumbled. Maia must've heard me because she started giggling. "So where are your siblings?" She asked. "They must be playing in their room." I replied, thinking about my little twin brothers. "Wow..." I snapped from my thought and found Maia staring at me. "What?" I asked. She tilted her head to the side and smiled gently, her green eyes sparkling. "You're face just got all calm and beautiful all of a sudden." "B-Beautiful?" She giggled. That was the cutest sound I've ever heard. "You're siblings must mean a lot to you." She said as she ate more cookies. "They mean the world to me." I said, feeling calm. Maia was a strange girl. I felt that with her, I could change. "Maia, would you be my friend forever and ever?" She looked at me, confused at first. Then her expression changed and she grinned. "Forever and ever!" She held out her pinky. "Promise!" I locked pinkies with her and felt my heart beat faster. She may be strange, but she is wonderful.

Vulcan P.O.V

"It's getting dark, where's Maia!?" "Dude, calm down I'm sure she'll be here soon." Seth said as he took a drink of his coke. Aiden was eating a sandwich and patting me on the shoulder. "Chill out dude, she's fine." I looked out the window. I felt like one of those overprotective moms you see on TV that wants to know everything about their daughters. Just then, an expensive looking car pulled up. I ran to the door and practically tore it open. Chase stepped out and held his hand to Maia. He helped her out of the car and grabbed her bag as he closed the door behind her. He walked her to me and handed me her things. "Thank you for allowing her to come over to my house today." He said with a bright smile. "Maia, I had fun today." She grinned and hugged him. "I had fun too!" Then, a beautiful woman stepped out of the driver side. She was so beautiful I couldn't help but stare. "Bye Maia!" She called. Maia waved at her. "See you at school." She said to Chase as he was about to leave. He waved at her then made his way back to the car. The beautiful lady waved at us and got back into the car and drove off. "Did you have fun today?" Aiden asked. Maia nodded then went into the house. "I'll be in my room." I nodded, unable to say anything.

Seth waved a hand in my face. "Dude? Hello? Dude?" I snapped back to reality. "Huh?" Aiden punched me. "You were staring at that lady." Seth laughed. "Dude she was like, fairy princess beautiful." Aiden snorted then turned away. I realized then that I might have to sleep on the couch tonight. "You're always number one in my heart Aiden!" I called after him. "I know, but you're still not getting any." I sighed and looked down. "Aw man..." Seth laughed and clapped me on the back. "Don't worry dude...I promise you, you will be back in the saddle in no time. Just go and you know, work your magic." He pushed me towards where Aiden walked off to. "Go!" He said. I was beginning to feel bad for Seth. He was the only one without anyone. "Seth...does any of this make you uncomfortable?" He was quiet for a while, staring at me as if the gauge my meaning. When he got it, he gave me a dull stare. "You did not just ask that." I still looked at him, waiting. "No I am not uncomfortable. I'm happy for all of you." Seth said, determination on his face. "Now, go kiss and make up with Aiden." He laughed and pushed me again. I hope you meet someone soon Seth, I really hope you do.

Next: Chapter 27

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