Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Aug 9, 2014


Chapter Twenty Four: Some things never change...

[Author's Note: Wow that last chapter was really late huh? Sorry! So hey guys, I know I've been writing less and less and that's because I've been job hunting. Yup, now I work an office job...and it sucks bananas. So now I have more time to catch up and finish this story! Thanks for reading and as always I appreciate your comments. Enjoy!]

Vulcan P.O.V

So you're probably wondering what happened during that fight. See here's the deal. Seth and I kicked butt, well it was mostly Seth. I spent most of the time making sure he didn't hurt anyone too badly. Brett merely watched and cringed here and there whenever Seth landed some very sensitive blows. So now we're back at home. I'm nursing Seth and Aiden is making dinner. "Seriously dude, get a girlfriend." Seth looks up at me and pouts. "I thought you were my girlfriend." I hit him. He cringes from the pain but otherwise laughs. "Gotta hand it to those football nerds, they can really throw a punch." I was putting ice on the bruises on his face and stomach. He has a black eye and a small cut on his bottom lip. "Dude you can't go home like this." I said as I considered his mom's reaction. She'd have a fit! "You're right." Seth said as he got up to go use the phone. I use this opportunity to go check on Aiden. When I got there I found him wearing an apron. Now you know when you watch some anime or read manga and you see the really cute girl in an apron making you dinner and you get all hot and bothered? I feel like that only Aiden's a boy and in my mind there is nothing underneath that apron but his bare skin. I shivered at the thought. I sneak up behind him, careful not to make a sound as I wrap my arms around him and kiss his neck and shoulders. "Hey, what are you making?" He jumps a little and tries to look over his shoulder. I can see his ears have turned red. That only makes me want him more. Wow when did my hormones go into overdrive and not tell me? "Chicken pot pie?" He replied shakily. "Are you asking me or telling me?" I asked as I continued nibbling on him. He groaned and kinda went stiff. "Telling you." He replied. I pull his body closer to mine. "Really? What else are you making?" I asked, grinding up against him a little and enjoying the sweet sound of torment. "I...I..." He could barely get his words out and I don't know why, but that made me feel smug. Aiden turned around and pounced on me. I pushed him towards the table. He sat on top of it and grabbed me, wrapping his legs around my waist and kissing me into submission. I felt for the apron ties and practically tore it off him. I pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. I relished in his body heat, trailing kisses down his neck to his chest. I began nibbling and sucking, leaving small marks. He groaned and grabbed for my pants, clawing at my belt and brushing against my erection. I wanted him now!

"WHOA!" I jumped. I turned and Seth was standing in the kitchen doorway bright red and covering his eyes. "What the hell are you two doing!? We eat there!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. I reluctantly pulled away from Aiden and grabbed his shirt. "Here..." I said as I tossed it to him. He nodded his thanks and quickly pulled it on, clearly embarrassed. "Cock block." I muttered. "I heard that!" Seth said as he grabbed the apron and handed it to Aiden. "You two can go at it later, for now get dinner started. You might wanna calm down before Maia gets down here." He said as he pointed to my pants area. I looked down and straightened my pants. "Baseball...Justin Bieber...running over that mail man the first time I learned to drive..." "What are you doing?" Aiden asked. "Listing the things that turn me off." I replied. Seth raised a brow. "You killed a mail man?" "I did not kill a mail man. I merely ran over him and put him in the hospital." I said in defense. "Oh, it's gone." I said as I looked down. I shrugged and proceeded to walk out of the room. I figured if I stayed in there any longer I'd ravish Aiden despite Seth being there. I need Aiden's body against me for the love of sexual desire! I need a distraction. "Seth! Get over here, we're not done bandaging you up!" "Coming mom!" He said as he skipped into the room. "Don't ever skip again." He rolled his eyes and went over to the couch. "Ice me baby!" He said as he lifted up his shirt. Those bruises though...damn. Can't say I'm better off though.

I gotta hand it to them athletes. They can throw a punch. I went back to the kitchen and filled up on some ice. Aiden was making pie crust and completely ignoring me. Actually, he kind of looked lost in thought so I wouldn't say ignoring me, more like he hasn't noticed me. I shrugged. I can't bother him now otherwise dinner won't be made. I went back to Seth and put some ice in a wash cloth and balled it up, pressing it against his bruises. He sighed. "That feels nice." "Don't get too comfortable. You're gonna baby me next." He laughed and saluted me. "Aye sir!" I rolled my eyes. I have a goof ball for a best friend. "So if I hadn't walked in on you then, would you have done it in the kitchen?" Seth asked suddenly. I thought about it. "Maybe...my hormones kinda took over ya know?" Seth nodded. "Sorry dude." I waved it off. "Nah it's okay. There'll be other chances." Seth laughed. "Well you two are living together." Oh yeah, and since we're living together there will be many more chances for me to jump his bones and, with his consent, let the loving begin.

Aiden P.O.V

What...was...that? Vulcan has never done that before. I sighed. "Can't say I was much better." I was about ready to tear his pants to shreds if it meant I could feel him inside me. "Oh shit." I punched and kneaded the dough until events from earlier were pushed back. "I hope I made this pie crust right." I just hope it tastes good and no one gets sick and dies. I rolled it out and cut it in half, placing one side on the bottom of the pan and spreading the pot pie filling over it. I rolled out what was left of the dough and placed it on the top, tucking in the corners and cutting little slits in the center to make sure it cooked through. "I feel like a housewife." I chuckled. "And you look like one too." I heard someone say. I jumped. "Whoops, sorry I scared you. I just came in to get more ice. I'm babying Vulcan's bruises." I turned to see Seth's smiling face. I sighed and put my hand over my chest. "Jeez dude you effing scared me." He laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry!" He grinned. He turned and opened the freezer and pulled out an ice tray. He took a few cubes and wrapped them up in a small towel. "Hey you wanna take over for me?" He said as he held up the towel and wiggled his eye brows. I felt my face grow warm. "Um...I have to..." I gestured towards the oven. "Yeah I can do that." He said as he came towards me and pushed the towel to my chest. "Gimme the apron and go baby your man." He winked. I sighed and undid the apron, handing it to him in exchange for the towel.

"Seth! What's taking so long!?" Vulcan shouted. Seth pushed me out of the kitchen. "Coming!" He shouted back. I looked over my shoulder and wondered if I should stop him. "Go..." He whispered. When I left the kitchen and headed towards the living room, I found Vulcan lying on the couch with a small towel folded over his eyes. There was a small basin next to him with a couple more wet towels in it and a first aid kit. "Oh geez..." I muttered as I stared down a very naked Vulcan. Okay, not naked...more like in his boxers. He had a few bruises here and there but they didn't deter from his beauty. I felt the ice starting to melt in my hand so I went over and carefully iced his bruises. He hissed at first but eventually relaxed. "Well you're being oddly gentle." He said as he sat up slowly and removed the towel from his eyes. The second he saw me he smirked. "Oh, hey Aiden." I smiled weakly, too entranced by his body. "Yeah...hey. Seth told me to come baby you." He looked towards the kitchen. "He did huh?" His smirk turned into a full on smile. "How is it that you look like this and Seth looks unscathed? Well except for the black eye but still..." I was trying to distract myself. "Well Seth does have bruises too. They're mostly on his stomach." Vulcan's bruises were on the same area. I guess those football jerks were struggling if all they could go for was the gut. "I think they'll leave Brett alone now." Vulcan said as he reached for the ice pack in my hand and pressed it to his stomach. "That hurts good..." He sighed. I could feel myself blushing. I placed a hand over his. "Here, l-let me..." Aw man! "Sure...go for it." Vulcan said with the most suggestive smirk on his face. I grabbed the ice pack from him and gently started pressing it against his bruises, patting them down as I went from one to the other. He hissed here and there and after a while I realized it wasn't because of the bruises. "Aiden..." He reached for me and grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me down and pinning me to the couch. "Vulcan?" He looked at me with so much affection I almost cried.

"EXCUSE ME!" Well that killed the mood. We looked up to see Seth covering his eyes and moving towards the staircase. "Oh don't mind me I'm just gonna go upstairs and play some games with Maia. Maybe a little PS2 action...something to distract her for another hour." He smirked as he removed his hands from his eyes but kept them shut. "Am I close?" He asked as he waved his arms around. "To the right..." Vulcan guided him. "Almost...almost....there we are!" Seth tripped over the first step. "Oh okay...well have fun you crazy kids." He laughed as he ran up the stairs. Vulcan turned his gaze back to me. "Aiden...you know I love you right?" How could he say that with a straight face!? I looked away but I felt exposed. I put my arms over my face and tried to cover any signs of blushing and embarrassment. He pulled my arms away and kissed me. It was just like him, gentle yet aggressive. "What are you doing?" I asked as I gently pushed him away. He smiled and put my hand over his chest. I could feel his heart beating really fast. "I love you." He kissed me again and I almost lost it. I wanted him so bad right now. He seemed to sense it because I felt him fumbling with my pants. I felt myself getting hotter under him. The mood was definitely back. "I love you too..." I whisper against his lips as I help him with my pants. Soon I was naked and under him. We were on the floor and Vulcan had me. He could've asked for anything and I would have done it. He looked at me with love and wanting. I was so turned on I couldn't take him being so gentle. But he was, and that meant a lot to me. "I've never been with a man before." Vulcan whispered. I nodded, totally understanding where he was coming from. "It's okay..." I brought two of his fingers to my mouth and sucked on them. He looked at me with awe and let me guide him. When I was satisfied I pulled him down and whispered in his ear. Now...now our bodies would become one, and I couldn't be happier.

Next: Chapter 25

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