Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on May 21, 2014


Chapter Twenty One: Demons...

Aiden P.O.V

I can smell morphine. I must be in a hospital. Wow, it's been a while since I've been a patient. My head really hurts. I want to wake up but my body won't listen to me. "Please wake up." Huh? Who is that? "C'mon man..." That sounds like Brett. Aw why does he sound so sad? "Wake up dude." I can feel him squeezing my hand. Okay, I have to wake up. I need to see Brett. For whatever reason, he's set on me waking up. I need to wake up. "Aiden?" I pushed my consciousness forward as I willed my body to wake up. I opened my eyes slightly to get used to the light. It really reeks of morphine in here. "Brett?" My voice came out hoarse. Brett shot up. "Aiden! Dude!" "What happened?" I groaned. Brett sat back down and took my hand in his, placing it to his forehead. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "What are you sorry for?" I whispered. It hurt to speak with such a dry throat. "My dad...he's the one who hit you." I thought about it. "Okay...that's fine." I said. It really didn't matter who hit me. I just wanted Brett to be okay. "That's fine!? Dude you could've died!" He sounded angry. I looked Brett in the eye and gave him a sincere look. "Maybe, but I didn't. I'm here. See?" I squeezed his hand. His anger faded and the tears came. "It's all my fault." I shook my head. "Don't say that. It's not your fault." He looked at me pathetically. "If I wasn't..." I knew he was going to say "gay". I glared at him. "Don't you dare apologize to me about being the way you are. That's an insult to yourself...and Eli." It was like insulting the love between them.

"Okay...I..." He was easy to read. "Whatever bro, just get me some water." I said. I needed some liquids. He smiled and got up. "I'll be right back." He quietly left and I used his absence to get lost in my thoughts. "Wow, it's pretty quiet in my head." I muttered. I think this is the first time that I've ever gone blank without the help of Vulcan's pheromones. So I started humming Demons by Imagine Dragons and waited for Brett to hurry with my water. Half way into the song, the door opened and Brett came in with a tray of food and a pitcher of water. "Good thing you're coordinated." I said as I sat up slowly. "If it were anybody else, all that would've ended up on the floor." Brett smirked and sat down by me, placing the tray in his lap. He poured me a glass of water and handed it to me. "Can I feed you?" He asked. I arched a brow. "Excuse me?" He blushed. "Well...uh..." I smirked at his nervousness. "Feed me..." I said as I pointed to the soup. He grinned and started stirring it. "Say ah..." He teased in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes but opened my mouth anyway. The soup was warm and comforting. "Want some bread?" He asked. I nodded and he broke off a piece and placed it to my lips. I ate it and smiled.

He just kept feeding me until the soup was almost gone, the bread was half eaten, and the water pitcher was half empty. "Wow, you eat a lot." Brett commented. "Yet I never seem to get fat." I said as I patted my belly. "Yeah well just wait, soon your metabolism won't work the way you want it to and you'll get fat." I rolled my eyes. "Dude maybe that would scare me if I were a girl, but the last time I checked I had a penis so..." Brett chuckled and waved me off. He set the tray on the bed side table and dusted his pants for crumbs. "So are you feeling okay? The doctor said you might start feeling a little nauseous." "No I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I was glad my voice was starting to sound normal. I actually felt fine. "Brett..." I patted the space next to me. He eyed it and then at me. "C'mon..." I patted the spot next to me again and he got up and moved next to me. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "What happened today was completely not your fault. Your dad is just, forgive me for saying this, an asshole. I'm sorry but he is. Just know that Vulcan and I are always gonna be here for you." He placed his other hand on top of mine and nodded. I pulled him to me and hugged him.

"What's going on?" I let Brett go and met the face of a confused Eli. "Brett thinks I got hurt because of him." I replied. "I told you, it's not your fault baby." Eli said as he went over to Brett and put a hand on his shoulder. Brett nodded and smiled up at Eli. "I get that." "Aiden?" I saw Vulcan come through the door with Seth. He immediately jumped on me. "Are you okay!?" Vulcan asked, looking me over. I nodded and gently pushed him away. "Dude, chill...I'm fine." He sighed in relief. "Good...oh and Brett, your dad's still alive." He said that last part like he regretted it. Brett just sighed. "Was my mom there?" "Yup, wonderful woman." Vulcan replied, smiling at the thought of Karen. "When can I go home?" I asked. Everyone shrugged. "I'll go get a doctor." Eli said as he dragged Brett with him. "What? Why do I--" Eli gave him a look that pretty much shut him up. When they left, things got quiet. Vulcan sighed and sat down beside me. He pulled me against him and kissed the life out of me. He kissed me until I couldn't breath. I thought I was going to pass out. But his warmth was something I needed. It felt good to have him touching me. He pulled away and held me against his chest. "I'm so glad you're okay." "Um dudes, still here." Seth said, waving his hands in the air as if to signal his whereabouts. Vulcan laughed. "Sorry bro, I was just so freaked out." Seth grinned and sat down beside my bed.

I looked at them and wondered what I did to deserve friends like these. I reached for Seth's hand and squeezed it. He smiled at me and ran his thumb over my hand. I grabbed Vulcan's and held them together. "I have a favor to ask." They looked at me. I had met my mother and I think it's time I face my other demon. "I want to go see my father." They both went wide eyed. Vulcan was the first to get pissed off. "Hell fucking shit no!" I looked at him. "I have to face him." "No, after what that bastard did he's lucky I didn't go and rip his throat out." I smiled. "You're so quick to rage." He sighed. "I don't want you to go there alone." "That's why you two are coming with me." I said, smirking. Seth smiled mischievously. "You mean I get to meet your sperm donor and maybe kick his ass?" I rolled my eyes. "I would appreciate it if you didn't kick his ass." "Not even a little?" Seth pouted. "No." He did that lower lip thing and I almost said yes to him kicking my dad's ass. "Still...no." I said, though my voice didn't mirror my refusal. "So when do you want to go?" Vulcan asked. "When I get out." I replied. He didn't look happy but I was stubborn, and I was fully prepared to bug him about this until he relented and let me go. "Fine, we'll go." Vulcan said. I smiled and found myself counting the days before I could face my other demon and conquer it. I think I can truly be at peace if I face my father and move on from there.

Two weeks went by since that decision was made. For whatever reason, the doctors decided to keep me a while. They said they wanted to make sure I was fully recovered before releasing me. I had asked about Brett's father and Vulcan told me he was charged with assault and attempted murder. I didn't see how the attempted murder part fit in. All he did was hit me with a chunk of wood. Vulcan says I'm being too nice. Brett thinks his father deserves the wrath of Vulcan. I decided it was best to just let it be. Okay, enough with all that, it's time to face my father. "Are you ready?" Seth asked. I just nodded. My house didn't look any different, but it felt different. It didn't feel like a hell hole anymore. It felt like I was just standing outside anyone's house, like I hadn't spent twelve miserable years in this place. I took in deep breaths. "All right, let's do this." I knocked on the door and waited. I heard shuffling noises, then a thump, and then a light groan before my father answered the door.

He looked us over. Then he pinned his gaze on me. There was no emotion in his bloodshot eyes. In fact, he looked like he hadn't slept or cleaned up since I left. "Hi...dad." I didn't know how else to start off the conversation. He sighed and motioned for us to come in. Vulcan went in first then nodded towards us. I felt like the President being watched by the Secret Service. "Have a seat." My old man said as he sat in his usual chair and gestured for us to sit on the couch beside him. Seth sat down first. He was calm, happy even. But I knew if the situation presented itself, he would change and let his insane personality take over. "So um...mom came to see you?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. "Yeah she did. Brought divorce papers with her." My dad replied. I had always thought they had gotten divorced before mom walked out. "Oh...how'd it go?" That was the first time any flicker of emotion crossed his eyes. "I signed them...now she's going to marry some other guy." I knew that look on his face. I got up and walked over to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed a beer. I popped the cap off and walked back over, handing it to my dad. "Here..." That look said he was miserable. The same look he's had for years.

He took the beer from me then took a sip. "It just doesn't taste the same anymore." He looked at me. "What are you doing here kid? I thought you weren't coming back." "Mom said she talked to you. She said you wanted me back." He grunted. "I'm a lonely old man who treated his wife poorly and his son even worse." "Ah so you were aware of what you were doing." Vulcan said, ice in his tone. He was glaring at my dad. "Who are you?" Dad asked, without a hint of anger. He sounded curious. "You're son's boyfriend." Seth chocked. I turned and saw that he was trying not to laugh. "Sorry Aiden...I mean, I knew he was going to say it, but hearing it out loud..." He stifled more laughter. I couldn't see what was so funny about it. I turned to my dad, expecting some sort of reaction. "And you?" He asked Seth. "Aw, I'm Aiden's best friend!" He replied as he grabbed me in a headlock. I tapped out and tried to get free. "Geez..." I said as I rubbed my neck. "I see...so you've found something...somewhere better." My dad smiled. For the first time in forever he smiled, and it only made his face seem more sunken. Looking closely his eyes were dark and heavy rimmed, his cheeks were hollow, and he looked thinner. "I can't apologize for what I did. But I'm glad you came to see me. Now, I think you should go." I looked at him. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah, I'm just glad I got to see you." He stood up and so did we. He put his heavy hand on my head. "Be happy..." Then he left us there. He went down the hall, possibly to his room. "Well that was strange." Seth said. I nodded in agreement.

I stepped outside my house feeling kind of free but also worried at the same time. I couldn't fathom how my father could look so worn and regretful. I remembered an angry man, now...he was just a man. No anger, nothing. "I feel strange." I said. Vulcan wrapped an arm around me. "Don't worry...I think this is his way of saving face." I wondered. "Let's go home." Seth said as he laced his fingers in mine and pulled me along. I grabbed Vulcan's arm and dragged him with me. It's strange, I feel like I've gotten over something. But there's a feeling I have I can't shake. Maybe it was the look in my father's eyes. Still, I was happy I saw him. I expected anger, instead I saw regret. Whatever happened, I'm glad it did. It shocked my dad out of his rage and made him see some form of sense. Now I can move forward. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. "What the fuck was that?" Seth said as he jumped and turned towards the house. "That sounded like..." Vulcan looked at me then back at the house. He turned to Seth and nodded. They ran back towards the house. They opened the door and looked around. I couldn't move. If that sound we heard is what I thought it was, I didn't want to see.

"AIDEN!" Vulcan shouted. His voice echoed through the house. I stepped through the door and down the hall. I saw where Seth was standing, just outside my father's room. He had a look of pure fear on his face. His eyes were wide and his face turned pale. He turned to me then back into the room. I walked slowly, I knew what I was about to see. "Aiden I..." Seth said right before I looked through the door. Vulcan was kneeling beside my father's lifeless body. "I'm sorry Aiden." Vulcan said as he stood up. I didn't know what to do. It's like my entire mind just shut down. I stared at the gun in my father's hand and the blood gushing from side of his head. He shot himself. Vulcan pulled out his phone and called the police and requested an ambulance. I couldn't hear a word he said. I couldn't hear much of anything. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. "Aiden..." I felt someone hold me. Looking up I saw Seth steering me away from the room and taking me down the hall. He didn't let go the entire time. My legs gave out and I fell, taking Seth with me. I leaned against the wall and all of a sudden time sped up and everything caught up to me. I screamed. The tears came and I screamed so loud, I thought my throat would give out. But at that point I really didn't care. With the tears and the screaming I realized I didn't hate my father.

Seth cradled me against him. I stopped screaming at that point but I couldn't stop sobbing. Seth whispered soothing words and rocked me back and forth, trying to calm me down. When the police got here, Seth looked up and nodded towards the open room. They rushed down the hall. Vulcan came out and walked over to us. He had no expression on his face. He knelt down beside us and placed a hand on my cheek. When he saw my tears his expression changed and he looked sad. "I'm so sorry." He said. I looked up at Seth who got the message and let me go. I fell into Vulcan's arms and stifled my sobs against his chest. Everything faded for me at that point. I must have been in complete shock. I could register the people around me but I couldn't bring myself to react to anything. The tears hadn't stopped but I was no longer sobbing. A policemen named Bob came and asked us questions. He looked at me and I could see that he felt sorry for me. Vulcan and Seth told him the whole story while I just sat there and didn't say a word. I couldn't. I knew if I spoke, the screams would come back. When Vulcan and Seth finished, Bob nodded to them and walked over to a gruff looking man and filled him in on everything. "Let's go..." Seth said gently as he placed an arm over my shoulder. I followed.

Everything seemed to flow. There was a funeral, Seth and Vulcan organized most of it, my mother showed up with a man I guessed to be Evan, and when everything was over there was the burial. I watched as they lowered my father's casket. I tossed flowers onto the casket as they started throwing in the dirt. I watched and tried my hardest not to cry. "Bye dad." I said as I turned and let the other people put in their flowers and say their piece. Vulcan came towards me and handed me a handkerchief. "Are you okay?" I took deep breaths and wiped the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "Yeah...I am. I'm glad I faced him. I'm glad I saw him." Vulcan nodded and smiled at me. "We'll be here for you." Brett and Eli showed up and walked towards us. "Aiden I'm..." I stopped Brett before he could finish that sentence. "It's all right." I said. Eli hugged me. "I love you." He whispered in my ear before kissing me on the cheek. "I love you too." I whispered back before releasing him. Brett hugged me next. Before pulling away he placed one hand on my shoulder and lightly kissed me on the cheek. I smiled. "Love you too Brett." He blushed but otherwise nodded. He held Eli's hand and pulled him along, walking towards the grave of my father.

"This is hard." I said. Vulcan nodded. "I know." I knew he understood. I finally felt a little better. It would be a while before I got over this. But I knew I would have to face it and move forward. "I'll always remember him." Vulcan nodded in agreement. "Let's go see your mom." He said. I nodded and smiled. We walked around until we saw my mom standing by a tree talking with the man I guessed to be Evan. "Mom..." I said with a smile. She turned and ambushed me in a hug. "Are you all right?" She didn't look any better than me. Her eyes were red and puffy. "I'm all right mom." I said. She let go of me and smiled sadly. "Could we have lunch next week?" I asked suddenly. She turned to Evan who nodded. "All of us I mean." I said as I motioned to all four of us. Vulcan nodded in agreement. "That's fine with me." Evan said in his deep, warm voice. He looked very familiar to me, it was like I had seen him before. "Thanks." I said. I couldn't shake the feeling though. I turned and watched as the many people who came to the funeral talked amongst themselves, some crying, some remembering my father. "Dad...I love you." I knew I hadn't said it before, but I did. He's my father and nothing could ever change that. Vulcan placed a hand around my waist and pulled me against him. He smiled at me and I knew, I would never be alone to face anything on my own. I'd have a wonderful boyfriend and great friends with me. My demons no longer lived in me. They were free.

Next: Chapter 22

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