Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on May 9, 2014


Chapter Nineteen: Well It's About Time!

Vulcan P.O.V

"Aiden are you okay?" It had been silent since Seth left. Aiden kind of disappeared into his head. "Hmm?" He said after a minute. "Are you okay?" I asked again. He nodded. "Yeah, just...yeah." "It hurts doesn't it?" I asked. "You want to scream but don't really know why you should. You're confused to the point of heart ache and you want to go to her and tell her to burn, but you can't because she's your mother." He glared at me. "Thanks for summing it up Vulcan." "You love her." I said, obviously hitting a sore spot. "I know that!" He shouted. "I hate that I still love her! Thank you for making me feel worse you fucking asshole! I don't need you reading my shit mind right now!" He was about to storm off until I grabbed him. I twisted him around and slammed him on the floor. He winced but didn't make a sound. I straddled his waist pinned his arms over his head. "What are you doing?" He panicked. I smiled and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "It's just me." I said, assuring him I wasn't going to do anything more. Having him this close to me without taking him was murder on my hormones, but I had to be careful. He needed assurance.

"Vulcan..." I shushed him. "You know what?" I asked. He turned slightly. "What?" He whispered. "I'm kind of...glad your mother didn't take you with her." I let go of his arms and pushed myself up slightly so I could be face to face with him. "If she had you wouldn't be here with me." I said with a smile. I was truly happy that he didn't leave with his mother. I know that probably makes me seem awful, but it was the truth. If she had taken him I wouldn't have known this kind of love. "I wouldn't be here with you." Aiden whispered. He stared up at me, all anger draining from his face. I placed both hands on his face and stared into his eyes. "What are you doing?" He asked, a trace of embarrassment in his eyes. I realized then what I was doing and the position we were in but I really didn't care. "I figured this was the only way to get you to really listen." I grinned. He sighed. "Right..." "But..." I said, trailing off. He looked at me and waited. I smiled and decided to take the risk. I leaned forward and kissed him full on the mouth. He froze. His lips were so soft my hormones went into overdrive. When I finally let him go he gasped. "Vulcan!" His face turned bright red. I smirked. "Yeah?" He looked so confused it was adorable. "What was that!?" He looked panicked and scared. I smiled gently at him and decided to lay down, using his chest as a pillow. His heart was beating frantically. "What was what?" He didn't move or anything. He just laid there, frozen in what I suspect to be shock.

"Aiden...surely you know why I did that." I said, trying to hint at it. "I don't know!" He still sounded panicked. I looked up at him and ran my fingers over his jaw. "I love you. I've been in love with you." I was surprised at the confidence in my voice. His body relaxed and his heart beat slowed down and he sighed. "Don't make fun of me." He muttered. "I'm not making fun of you. I don't joke about stuff like this babe." I said as I laid back down on his chest. "There's no way...you're not gay." I laughed. "Does it matter? It doesn't change how I feel about you." "No, I'm just a curiosity for you." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself of that. I got up and looked at him. "Aiden, you are not a curiosity for me." I straddled him once more and took off my shirt. "What are you--" I shushed him. I put his hand over my chest. "Feel that?" I asked. He was silent. "It's warm." He finally said. I nodded. "Every time I'm near you, this happens. My skin literally feels like it's going to burst into flames." I moved his hand over my heart. "My heart is beating really fast." I laughed a little. "I wasn't planning on telling you my feelings this way, but...I don't know." I was running out of words. "You mean it?" He asked. "Mean what? That I love you?" I answered his question with a kiss. I deepened it, exploring his mouth with my tongue and savoring his taste. He seemed to get over his shock as he then began battling me for dominance. I wished then that breathing wasn't necessary because I didn't want to part from him. I felt myself getting hard and I knew I had to stop now.

I pulled away from him. He whimpered and that almost killed me. I took his hand off my chest and in mine. I placed a kiss on his fingers. "You're killing me." I said. His eyes were half lidded and his lips were red, matching the color of his blush. I placed his hand on my hard on and his eyes widened then. "See? Killing me..." I let him go and moved to lay down beside him. "So...you...since when?" Aiden grabbed my hand and held on to it. "Since when? Um...I don't know. I just know that you've been doing this to me for a while now." I smiled at my reply. I really didn't know when it was that this kid effected me in a way to was so new to me. I just knew that he was already in my heart before I knew what was happening.

"You know what?" I asked. He hummed in response and turned his head slightly to look at me. I met his gaze and grinned. "Falling in love is like tripping, breaking your nose, and wondering what the hell happened." "Where did that come from?" He asked while stifling his laughter. I shrugged. "So what are we going to do?" He asked as he calmed down. "What do you mean?" I asked. I really wasn't expecting anything to come of my feelings for him. I wasn't even sure if he liked me back. He let me kiss him, and I was surprised that he didn't deck me in the jaw for it. "Well..." He began. I waited anxiously for his reply. The silence seemed endless as he took his time forming whatever it was he was about to say. "Vulcan...I think it's pretty obvious that I love you back." I chocked on my laughter. I really tried hard to stifle it but I couldn't help it. I let it all out and broke into hysterical laughter. "What's so funny?" He asked, completely embarrassed. I put my arm under him and grabbed his hand. I pulled him on top of me and hugged him. "I didn't expect that!" He pushed himself up to look at me. "You know Maia's in the house right?" I shrugged. "It's cool, she knows." His eyes widened. "She knows!?" I nodded. "Yup, figured it out all on her own and then gave us her blessing." He smiled and shook his head. "That girl is going to be too smart for her own good." I nodded in agreement. "Seth knows...pretty much everyone but you noticed my feelings." He just stared at me. "I'm pretty much in the same boat. Looks like when it comes to each other we're pretty dense." I smirked and pulled him in for a kiss. "I should stop before I do something neither of us is ready for." He smiled down at me. "Yeah..." He kissed me one more time before pushing himself up. I was one happy mofo after that. I was spacey and stupid, right up to when I fell asleep.

The next day I had to run to Aiden's room and jump on him just to make sure it wasn't a dream. "Whoa what the hell!?" He laughed as I tackled him. "It's not a dream right?" I asked. He smiled and shook his head. "It's not a dream." I grinned then pushed myself off the bed. I carried him bridal style and kidnapped him, whisking him away to the bathroom where I plan to go at it like two inexperienced teenagers, which in a way we kinda are. After our mad groping and steamy make out session in the shower, we got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. We found Maia already awake. She looked at us and then sighed. "Well it's about time." Aiden and I looked at each other, wondering what she meant by that. "Orange juice anyone?" She asked as she poured herself a glass. "Maia...what do you know?" I asked carefully. She looked at me with a dull stare. "Well I know a lot of things big brother." Damn this girl is a smart ass. "Nevermind." I grumbled as I grabbed the pitcher or orange juice and a glass. I glanced at Aiden who looked embarrassed. "By the way congratulations." Maia said as she sat down and sipped her juice. "For what?" Aiden asked. "For getting together." She replied simply. I almost dropped my glass.

"Um, Maia..." Aiden tried to save the situation. I just shook my head. "Don't bother dude." I said as I gulped down my juice. Maia just grinned. "It's okay...I approve." Then she looked at me. "I want grilled cheese." I smirked and shook my head. "Coming right up my lady." I said as I took out all the fixings. "Go take your shower first." She nodded and made her way to the stairs. "Honestly that girl..." Aiden muttered as he chuckled and poured himself some juice. I nodded in agreement and began making the grilled cheese sandwiches. I always make mine with extra cheese because really, how can you have too much cheese? "Vulcan?" I snapped back to reality. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. I was just finishing up the last sandwich. "Um..." Aiden looked all shy and fidgety I almost laughed. "Can I have a kiss?" He asked. I grinned. I mean, I couldn't help it! This kid is just so effing adorable. "Hang on a second." I said as I turned off the stove and put the plate of grilled cheese on the table. I smiled down at him. His bright red face was just way too adorable. I leaned forward and started the kiss off small before deepening it. I was practically sitting on his lap and purring, the kiss was so good. One of Aiden's hands was running up my thigh, and it only made my hormones scream. I know it's too early to be aroused but seriously, he felt too good.

"KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS PEOPLE!" Aiden and I jumped at the familiar voice. We turned to find Seth at the kitchen entrance smirking. "Before you two start going at it, just remember that there's an 11 year old girl in the house." I looked at Aiden and found that I really was straddling his lap. "Well shit." I said with a smirk on my face. Aiden laughed and held me tighter. "Can't you wait like 30-45 minutes?" He whined. My face heated up at the thought. Seth laughed and came into the kitchen. He sat down and raised a brow. "Save it till later. You can pull a Brett and Eli and maybe go at it on the school roof." Now there's an interesting thought. "So I take it one of you made it official?" I raised my hand. "Well it's about damn time." He gave me a one of those looks that said, "what took you so long?" and I almost threw a sandwich at him. "Ooh, grilled cheese! Don't mind if I do!" He grabbed a couple and ate them. Geez this guy and his appetite.

Maia came downstairs a few minutes later and stuffed her face. I looked at Seth and then at Maia and wondered if this was what it was like to have and take care of children. I rolled my eyes at the thought and cleaned up the mess. When all was said and done, we got ready for school. I made sure Maia got on her bus before we sprinted for ours. When we got to the bus stop, the bus had just arrived and I thanked the lord that we made it. We climbed in and sat down, catching our breaths. As soon as everyone filed in, the bus took off. "Hey guys?" Seth and I looked at Aiden. "I think I'd like to see my mom today." Seth and I exchanged looks before turning right back to Aiden. "Are you sure?" Seth asked. Aiden nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." "Alone?" I asked. Aiden thought about it. "Yeah, I think I can handle it." He smiled at me and held my hand. I squeezed it and held it to my lips, placing a small kiss. "All right but..." I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone. "Here, take this. You know...just in case." Aiden looked at the phone and then at me. He took it from my hand and smiled. "You worry too much." I rolled my eyes. "Well I don't trust that woman." He pocketed my phone and smirked. "So uh..." Seth began. Aiden and I looked at him. "Can I be the one to tell Brett and Eli the good news?" I had almost forgotten about them. "Sure?" It came out as more of a question. I looked at Aiden who shrugged. We both turned to Seth and just nodded our heads. Seth grinned. "All right!" I really did hope Brett and Eli were going to be at school today. I miss them.

When we got to school, we looked around but there was no sign of out two missing friends. "Maybe not today." I mean Brett was pretty beaten up. Seth and Aiden sighed. I guess I'm not the only one who missed them. "Okay, let's just all get through today." I said, trying to cheer them up. It didn't work. Well whatever. We went to our specific classes and went through the motions as usual. Well accept in between Aiden and I would sneak off and get better acquainted. I gotta say this is fun. I never really thought I'd be doing this with anyone. Instead here I am sneaking lip locking sessions with Aiden and feeling him up like his body is some rare exotic treasure, which to me it is. He feels so good I just want to be touching him forever. I love this boy.

Next: Chapter 20

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