Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on May 1, 2014


Chapter Sixteen: Everything Hurts! Brett's change and Vulcan's Struggle

[Author's Note: Omglee I'm so sorry that this chapter is so late. I had like, a report, presentation, homework, and a take-home test that was all due on the same day for the same class.]

Brett P.O.V

I hurt like hell. Breathing hurts! "How long am I gonna be here?" I asked. Eli was pouring a glass of water and he set it on the table beside me. "I don't know." He helped me sit up. It hurt so much I wanted to scream but I held it all in. Eli held the water to my lips and I took careful sips before gulping down the water. "I'm going to call your mom." He said suddenly. The part of me that still wanted to hide told me to stop him. "Okay..." I knew there were going to be questions. I just...didn't know if I could answer them. "Just rest okay? I'll go and call her now." I nodded. When he stepped out to make the call I just stared up at the ceiling, recalling the events from earlier. I suppose this is karma at work. After all I was a jerk to people. Members of the football team, guys who I thought were my friends decided it was okay to bash on me. I knew that if people found out about me there would be some trouble, I just didn't think it would be this much. But it's all right...as long as they didn't touch Eli I'm fine. Eli...ever since I met that boy he has been nothing but wonderful. I really love him. I didn't have to worry about being anyone other than myself. He was the best part of me. "Brett?" I must have been so deep in thought to not see Eli return. "Yeah?" I smiled, even though the gesture hurt. "She's on her way." He replied, looking sad all of a sudden. "What's wrong?" He sat beside me and kissed me. He then leaned his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry...I know this isn't how you wanted to come out." I pulled him against me and kissed him, deepening it and savoring the taste of him. His lips were as intoxicating as the rest of his body. I cursed the need to breath as I had to release him. "I love you..." I said with a smile. His face turned red. "I'm glad this happened. It's pushed me in the right direction." Eli's expression turned gentle. "I love you too." He got up off the bed and sat down and a stool beside me. "Just in case your mom walks in..." He grinned.

We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company. I loved how I could do this with Eli. We didn't need words, we just needed the presence of the other. Eli suddenly laughed. "What's up?" I asked. "I'm just recalling Seth earlier. He was about ready to commit mass murder." Seth? "I'm sure Vulcan tried to stop him." I said. Eli scoffed. "Are you kidding? He said he was going to kill them and dance on their graves." I arched a brow. Eli noticed my expression and his face turned serious. "You're confused aren't you?" He asked. "It's because they care about you baby. That's why they were so quick to defend you. They were pissed off. I thought I'd have to sic Aiden on them." I looked down at my hands. "I was so worried about looking straight that I never stopped to wonder what kind of person I was becoming." I remembered all those times Vulcan stood up for Aiden. I balled my hands into fists. "I was an asshole. I just wonder...how could they forgive me so easily?" Eli put a hand on mine. I looked into his eyes and found no judgment. "It's because they saw the real you." Eli let go of my hand and smiled at me. "They are your friends now. They will be there for you." Just then my mom burst through my door like SWAT. "Brett!" She ran over to the bed and looked me over. "Oh my god your face! My poor baby's pretty face! Is that a black eye!? Who did this!? I will have a word with their mothers!" I couldn't help it. I started laughing. "This is no laughing matter young man!" "I'm sorry mom." I stopped laughing and took a deep breath. "It's okay mom. You don't have to call their mothers." "The police then." That's even worse. "Why did they do this to you?" She asked. I looked at Eli who nodded, giving me encouragement. "Because they found out my secret and they didn't like it." "Secret? What secret could you possibly have to incite such behavior?" My mom still looked angry so I was wary about telling her. "Mom...the truth is...I'm gay." The air in the room felt thinner as I waited for a response. She looked at me then at Eli. "Then you two are..." Eli nodded before I could. She just looked at me. "That's it?" She asked. Now I was confused. "What do you mean that's it? I just shot your chances of having grandkids in the head." She waved me off. "Oh come now, we live in a world where science has progressed. You can use a surrogate." All her anger from earlier seemed to disappear.

I looked at her. I was so effing confused I had no idea how to react to any of this. "So how long have you two been dating?" She asked Eli as she sat on my bed and patted the space next to her. "It's been a while." Eli replied as he sat down. My mother grabbed his hands and held them. "What's your name darling? Tell me everything about you." They started off on their own conversation and I was completely forgotten. I really thought she'd be angrier about this. "Um mom..." I really didn't know what to say. "Yes dear?" She smiled so brightly at me I thought I was gonna go blind. "You're okay with all this?" "Well of course I'm okay. What, did you think I was going to disown you?" She giggled. "Uh...yeah..." I replied. Then her laughter died and she turned serious. "You're my son, I will love you no matter who you love." "What about dad?" I asked. She sighed. "We'll tell him together." She said. I smiled. This woman was amazing. "Now tell me more about Eli." She said. We then broke off into a conversation starting from the very beginning of when I realized I was gay to where we are now. She glared at me a few times when I told her what an asshole I was. "I thought I raised you better." I smiled sheepishly as I continued my tale.

My mom sat quietly and listened, smiling whenever I talked about Eli and looked amazed whenever I talked about Vulcan or Aiden. "Really Brett, all this just because you couldn't accept yourself." She sighed. I looked down. "That's okay...you're a teenager. You're allowed to make mistakes. I just hope you learned from them." I nodded. "Yeah...I did." Then I smiled as I recalled Vulcan and Seth. They were so ready to kick the entire football team's ass. I chuckled. "Dance on their graves huh?" I muttered. Eli heard me and chuckled. "Hey mom?" "Yes dear?" She looked at me with gentleness and love. "Thanks you." She smiled and hugged me. Every part of my body was in pain, and yet it didn't matter.

Eli P.O.V

"If you'll excuse me ma'am..." I said as I walked over to the door. "Where are you going?" Brett asked. I smiled and winked. "I'm sure Vulcan would like to know about this." Brett smiled. "Yeah...tell him I said thank you." His mother looked at us both. "You must bring your friends over sometime sweetheart." I grinned. "You'll love them." She returned my grin with a gentle smile. "I'm sure I will." I waved as I walked out the door and shut it behind me. They needed some time together so she could get used to the idea. I mean, I know she was okay with it but he needs to really believe that.

I pulled out my phone and stared at it. "I should really call them." I looked through my contact and stared down at Vulcan's name. I clicked on his name and waited. Two rings in, he picked up but didn't greet me right away. Instead I heard voices arguing.

"Dammit Seth let go of me!"

"No, I don't wanna!"

"The room is spinning! Wheeeeeee!" Was that Aiden? Why is he laughing?

"Vulcan hic you know what? I love peanut butter! It's like...my soul in a jar. Oh my god I've been eating my soul!" What the hell? Is Seth drunk? He's not making any sense.

"Quiet! I'm on the effin' phone!"

Then I heard Vulcan clear his throat and then sigh. "Hello?" "Um...Is everything okay?" I asked. "Eli? Whoa...sorry you had to hear that." He laughed and then I heard a kicking noise and a crash. "Is Seth drunk?" "Yeah...Aiden kinda is too." He replied. "So what's up?" "Oh I just called to tell you Brett's fine...and his mom came to see him." I replied. "Uh-oh...how did that go?" He seemed nervous and I smiled. "Great actually. She's a wonderful woman." Vulcan laughed. "Phew, glad to hear it!" I laughed. "Sounds like you got your hands full. I'm gonna let you go now." Vulcan sighed. "This is the last time I let them drink." I shook my head. "Bye Vulcan." "Bye, Eli. Stop by anytime. Let me know when Brett gets out." I hummed in response and hung up. I can't believe the guy that can overpower Brett has problems handling two drunk boys. I laughed. "I can't believe this all started when they caught Brett fucking me." That was so embarrassing and frightening. I thought we were screwed. I sighed and looked down before deciding to go back to Brett's room. I'm going to stay with him till he gets better.

Vulcan P.O.V

I can't believe I'm being outdone by drunk idiots. "You know we have school right?" I asked, staring at Seth and Aiden wrestle each other. "That's tomorrow!" Aiden shouted as he pinned Seth to the floor. Seth flipped him over and pinned his hands over his head. "Gotcha!" He straddled Aiden and started tickling him. Aiden burst out laughing and tried to get free, struggling and wriggling out of Seth's grasp. "Seth, let Aiden go." I sighed. Seth pouted but released Aiden. "You're no fun Vulcan! You need to drink!" Seth grinned. "Where'd you even get the alcohol?" I asked. Seth's grin turned into a sly one. "Wouldn't you like to know..." I shook my head. "Idiots..." "Vee?" I turned around and found Maia standing behind me, rubbing her eyes and looking sleepy. "You were sleeping this whole time?" She nodded. "I came home from school and fell asleep." She said, followed by a yawn. I picked her up. "Seth and Aiden are a little stupid right now so you might wanna go back to your room." She rested her head on my shoulder and nodded. I chuckled as I realized I would have to carry her there. "You guys try not to break anything." I said before I headed upstairs. I wonder how Maia managed to sleep through all the yelling and fussing over Brett.

As I opened the door to Maia's room I found her books and papers scattered all over the place. She must have fallen asleep while studying. I laid her down on her bed and cleaned up a little. "Vee?" She called. I looked at her. "Hmm?" "Do you love Aiden?" I almost faltered. "Why do you ask?" I asked. "It's just a feeling." She replied. "It's okay if you do Vee. Just tell him when you're ready." With that she fell asleep. I couldn't believe I heard my 11 year old sister say that. I shook my head. I walked over to the door and took one last look at her before leaving. She's growing up way too fast.

When I went downstairs I found Seth and Aiden collapsed on the floor. They were out cold and snoring rather loudly. I contemplated on waking them up but just decided to leave them be. I wasn't about to disturb two sleeping drunks. I sighed. "Why were they even drinking in the first place?" I went back upstairs and grabbed a couple of pillows and blankets for them. "I should just smother them with these." I muttered as I went back downstairs. I put the pillows under their heads and covered them with the blankets. The snores died as they snuggled into the blankets. Aiden moved closer to Seth, I guess sensing body warmth. They looked like cats snuggled together. I was a little jealous. Aiden was so comfortable and free with Seth. But then, Seth is like that. He's easy to get along with so everyone can just be themselves. That's what I loved most about him. I could do or say anything and he'd understand right away.

I crashed on the couch and sighed. I looked towards Aiden and smiled. He's the best part of me. Ever since I've met him I've come to know another kind of love. With him I feel like the world isn't dead. I smirked. I was beginning to wonder if there would ever be a right time to tell him. "Vulcan..." I saw Aiden shift in his sleep. Why was he calling my name? I got up and went to see what was up with him. He was twitching in his sleep. "Vulcan...don't..." He reached out a hand. I knelt down and looked at him. "Aiden?" "Vulcan...I...please..." Then a single tear flowed down his cheek. Was he having a nightmare? I grabbed his outstretched hand and held it to my lips. "I'm not going anywhere." I said. He stopped twitching but the tears didn't stop. I leaned forward. "I'm never leaving you." With that, I gently kissed him. Even though it was a small kiss, it still meant a lot. His lips were soft and warm and that small action put my entire body in a frenzy. "I love you Aiden." I whispered as I moved away. I kissed his hand and went back to the couch. My struggle was far from over. I still have to find out if I even have a chance.

Next: Chapter 17

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