Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Apr 24, 2014


Chapter Fourteen: New Biology Teacher and a Whole Lot of Trouble...

*[Author's Note: *So someone emailed me and asked if I was a boy or a girl. Just so you know my real name is Andrea. My dad is the one who started calling me Andy. I had no idea that A-N-D-I-E was the feminine way of spelling it until like, the 3rd grade and by then I was already used to A-N-D-Y so I saw no point in changing it. So um...hope that clears that...and um...I hope I did okay with this chapter.]

Aiden P.O.V

School again...what a drag. I sighed as I grabbed my bag and waited for Vulcan and Seth to get ready. Dinner with Brett and Eli was fun. But I wonder if they'll even talk to us in school. I was also getting a new Biology teacher so I was kind of curious about that. As long as he or she isn't a pervert then I'm good. "You ready?" I jumped. I did not notice Seth at all! "Dude make some noise when you enter a room!" "Well if you weren't in Vulcan La-La Land maybe you would have noticed me." He said as he chuckled. I felt my face heat up. "I was not in Vulcan La-La Land I was thinking about Brett." "So you were in Brett La-La Land?" He asked, clearly joking but it was not making me feel any better. "Would you stop with the La-La Lands?" Seth just laughed a little. "All right, all right I'm sorry. Where's Vulcan?" "He should be down in a minute. I made sure Maia caught her bus." I replied. Seth nodded and turned towards the stairs. "HEY VULCAN! QUITE JERKING OFF AND GET DOWN HERE SO WE CAN GO!" Vulcan was gonna be so pissed at him. Just like I thought he came downstairs looking annoyed. "Jerking off? Really?" Seth grinned. "Well it got you down here didn't it? Now let's go!"

We ran to the bus stop and manage to catch the bus before it left. We sat down and caught our breath. "Hey Aiden, let me know if your new teacher is female, hot and single." Seth whispered from behind me. Vulcan rolled his eyes. I was glad he was sitting next to me. Every time he's close my body just wakes up. Okay, now I was in Vulcan La-La Land. "Don't get your hopes up buddy." Vulcan said. Seth laughed. "Aw c'mon, a guy can dream can't he?" Vulcan laughed with him and I just smirked. I had crazy love for these two. They made it seem like all the problems I had before never really happened and that it was all just a bad dream. Vulcan protected me and smiled at me, he called my name not with anger and hate, but with friendship and trust. I liked...no loved him. Then Seth came into my life and all of a sudden I find safety in his company. Who I am now, is a better version of myself. I'm happy and I feel safe and I know I can trust these two to keep me from falling. "Dude..." I jolted back into reality. We had stopped in front of the school. I must have been too deep in thought. "You coming or what?" Vulcan asked as he held out his hand. I took it and grinned. "Yeah sorry." He smirked and we made our way off the bus.

I was ready to face the day. As soon as I entered the building I got jumped by Eli. "Good morning!" He shouted. He was hanging off my back and I was surprised that I hadn't fallen over from the sudden attack. Seth and Vulcan grinned at him. "Good morning Eli." Vulcan said as Eli jumped off me. "Thanks for having us over last night." He said. Vulcan nodded. "Hey you're welcome." Vulcan ruffled his hair and Eli grinned up at him. "So where's Brett?" Seth asked. Eli looked around. "I'm not sure..." Then we spotted Brett by his locker with a bunch of the other jocks. He seemed very uncomfortable and I wondered if he needed help. "Dude, is he okay?" Seth asked. Eli sighed. "When we left your house last night he drove me home. He walked me to my door and he kissed me good night. But um...one of his cronies happened to pass by and see us so...I think he's being interrogated." Vulcan glared at the jocks. "Assholes..." Then we saw one of them punch him and that's when Vulcan and Seth snapped. "Oh hell no..." Seth muttered. He and Vulcan slowly made their way towards them. Eli and I followed but kept our distance. I could practically see the anger steaming off of them.

"Hey Brett, something up?" Seth asked with a fake smile on his face. Brett looked at him. "Please don't..." He muttered as he looked down. Vulcan wasn't having it. He held his hand out to Brett. Brett stared at it like it was a foreign object and then looked up at Vulcan. He looked at Brett with gentle eyes and a warm smile. "C'mon..." Brett sighed and grabbed his hand. "Thanks..." Seth was eyeing each one of the guys surrounding them with clear murderous intent. I had never seen this side of Seth. It was almost as if his body language was telling them that if they moved, they'd be on the ground in seconds. "Now here's what we're gonna do okay?" Seth began, that fake smile back on his face. "We're gonna go...and you're not gonna follow us. You're not gonna touch us, or even look at us. Because if you so much as blink at me wrong I will hurt you, and don't think I'm anything like Vulcan. He knows when to stop." Then the most insane look crossed his face. His eyes widened and his smile grew into a murderous one. "I don't..." He laughed. The other jocks shifted uncomfortably, they seemed nervous around Seth. Vulcan smiled at him. "You crazy fuck..." He muttered. Then Seth's look completely disappeared and all that was left was empty eyes. "Go..." And just like that they scattered.

"Damn Seth I thought you were gonna beat the crap outta them." I said. Eli looked at Brett, clearly wanting to go to him but didn't. We were in public, surrounded by other students. Brett looked at Eli. It was clear that they needed each other. Brett reached out his hand, and Eli took it. I could tell this was a big step for Brett, acknowledging Eli when all they've done was hide. "Is this you coming out?" Brett snickered. "By the end of the day I'm sure the whole school will know." Eli looked sad. "I'm sorry...we're usually so careful." Brett waved off his apology. "I'm not gonna say anything until someone asks. I'm not completely out yet. This is me taking baby steps out of the closet." He smiled down at Eli and ruffled his hair. "I'm sorry you have to put up with someone like me." Eli chuckled. "Don't even worry about it." I felt like this was a moment for the two. "Thanks guys." Brett said, looking at us. "I appreciate it." He looked at Seth. "Remind me not to piss you off. I mean, getting my ass handed to me by Vulcan was bad enough." Seth grinned. "Hey I got your back dude. They give you problems you call me." Brett smiled and for the first time I noticed just how good looking he was. Maia was right. Vulcan has a lot of pretty friends. I chuckled. "Hey guys not to kill the moment but we're gonna be late." They all suddenly went wide eyed. "Oh shit!!" Then we all split up and ran for our classes.

I was spacey most of the time. I barely remember getting through my classes but I somehow got to my biology class. "I gotta work on my sense of reality." I muttered. I pulled out my book and my notebook fully prepared to deal with this new teacher. The rest of the class flooded in and I heard whispers. All around me the girls were gossiping about Brett. I was getting annoyed. Then Lee came in with a huge smile on his face. "Class I'd like to introduce you to your permanent Biology teacher." When our new teacher walked in I was completely frozen. A wave of emotions so sick hit me as I saw her face. I wanted to scream, I wanted to throw up. I just wanted to get out of here. She was someone I hadn't seen in twelve years. She was...my mother.

"Class this is Leanne Straus." The class said their greetings and waved, putting on friendly faces to make her feel welcomed. I was glad I decided to sit in the back today. That was about the only thing I was happy about. I wanted out of here fast! I hid my face from her, hoping she wouldn't recognize me. I needed Vulcan. I needed him near me, holding me. I just wanted some form of contact with him so I'd know that this wasn't the beginning of hell. "Hello class I'm Leanne Straus and I'll be your teacher from now on." Even her voice was the same. Smooth and melodic. That same voice that sung me lullabies and read me stories. How can she just come back and show up like this!? "Well I'll leave you to it." Lee said and then glanced at the class. "Behave yourselves kids." He walked out and shut the classroom door behind him. I suddenly felt trapped and isolated. I was panicking and it got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up. "Can I help you with some--" One look at my face and all of a sudden she couldn't speak. "Please excuse me Ms. Straus." I said in a dead voice as I got my bag. She didn't say anything. She just looked at me with complete shock.

I ran out of the classroom and slammed the door behind me. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to drown out these feelings. I never thought that seeing my mother would make me so angry. I looked down at the ring on my finger. "You left...why did you come back?" Then something happened. I started to cry. I turned and ran for the roof. When I got there I started shouting, screaming at the top of my lungs till my throat hurt from it. The tears kept coming and I felt that I was right back to where I was before, in a dark void...hell. I finally stopped when all my tears dried up and my throat felt raw. I decided to just lie down and stare up at the sky. I needed Vulcan. I needed him to wake me up again. My happiness was suddenly shot and I felt empty. My mother was here. I thought that if I'd ever see her again I'd be calm about it. I never knew I'd have this bad a reaction to her being here. I suddenly felt silly. I was still angry, but I felt silly.

Just then, I heard footsteps and looked towards the door. I turned and saw Vulcan standing there. He was out of breath and leaning against the door. "I found you..." He said. I was confused. All of a sudden the tears came back and I was right back to sobbing. "Oh shit, Aiden what's wrong?" Vulcan panicked. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He seemed just as confused. "I dunno...I felt you calling me so I ran out of class to find you." I just looked up at him. He sighed and sat down. He pulled me onto his lap and cradled me. "Tell me what's wrong." I wiped away the tears and took deep breaths. "My new Biology teacher...she's my mother." Vulcan stiffened. "What?" "Yeah, as soon as she walked in I recognized her immediately." Vulcan's hold grew tighter. "What are you gonna do?" He asked. I just sighed. "I don't know...I didn't think I'd have this bad a reaction to seeing her." I started messing with the ring. "It's okay to feel that way. I mean, she left you. It's fine that you're angry. I'd be angry too." I clung to him. Him being here made me feel like I wasn't as close to hell as I felt.

"What am I gonna do about her?" "What can you do? She's teaching here. I don't know why she came back but you can't just avoid her." I snuggled against his chest and let his body warmth wash over me. "I won't speak to her." "Aiden..." Vulcan sighed. "No...I'll acknowledge her, I'll even make eye contact. But I won't speak to her." He sighed again. "Well whatever you want to do is fine." "Can we just stay like this for a while? I mean, just until my next class." I whispered, not sure he'd even consent to it but I needed him. He laughed. "Sure, as long as you'd like." We stayed like that and I was calm again. My body was awake and I was light. I didn't feel the need to cry anymore. It felt like Vulcan's body was made to fit mine and that I belonged in his arms. "Thanks Vulcan..." I said as I let his warmth take over and lull me to sleep. "Sure Aiden...anytime." He kissed the top of my head and cradled me. I was happy again.

Next: Chapter 15

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