Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Apr 15, 2014


Chapter Eleven: Bonding...

[Author's Note: You guys probably don't care about these notes anyway. But I finally got some sleep! (^o^)/ Was college suppose to be so infuriating? Eh, anyway I hope the random switches in the P.O.Vs didn't confuse you or anything. I just wanted to thank those who have been emailing me and giving me their opinions and support. It means a lot. ON WITH THE STORY!]

Vulcan POV

I did it again! Oh man what is wrong with me!? I mean, I just saw him reach out for me. Now my skin is on fire! AAAAAAHHHHHH! "Uh, dude...are you okay?" "Oh huh?" I looked up to see Seth staring at me like I had lost my mind. "I held Aiden." I said miserably. He just looked at me. "Yeah okay so?" "Dude don't you get it?" I asked, panicking again. "Uh, no..." "Is there something you want to share with the class?" Oh right, I forgot I'm in class. Which one was this again? Uh...physics. "Not a thing teach." I said as I leaned against my desk and went back to being miserable. I heard my teacher sigh and then go right back to scribbling equations on the board. Seth turned to me again. "So what's the problem? You hugged him, big deal." He whispered. Was it a big deal? "Yeah but...I mean...aw man I couldn't help it." Seth just sighed. "You're clueless." He said. I just looked at him. "What?" "Come on man think about it." He replied. I was so lost. "I notice that spark in your eye whenever you look at Aiden." He was smiling like an idiot now. "What the fuck are you talking about Seth?" I was frustrated at this point. He merely waved me off. "You have something more important to think about you know." I arched a brow. "What?" "Maia's birthday." Seth replied. I wanted to hit myself for almost forgetting.

I was lost the rest of the day between party planning and smacking away thoughts about Aiden. I sighed. "I'm in serious need of help." Luckily school was over now so I had time to think. Would Maia want a big party? I mean last time it was just the two of us but a girl only turns eleven once in her life. I wonder what Aiden would look like with birthday cake all over---whoa what the hell!? "I need to calm down, like WAY down." I walked into the boy's room and found Brett leaning over the sink. There was a smaller boy next to him tending to the bruise on his face and a small cut on his lip. "Whoops, my bad." I said as I was about to turn and leave. Brett looked up and his eyes immediately widened. He got all pissed off and punched the mirror which shattered. I was confused again. "Uh, is something wrong?"I asked, with an arched brow. The smaller boy looked worried about Brett. It clicked for me right then. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry." Brett just looked at me. "What!?" He said that like he wasn't expecting it. "What? I'm apologizing." I said calmly. He just kept that look. "Um, Brett...I really don't care...like at all." I pointed out. "But all those times with Aiden..." He cut himself off. "That was because it was Aiden and you hurt him so in return, I hurt you." I said simply. "Don't tell anybody." The smaller boy said. I looked at him. "Not my business so who would I tell?" "Aiden knows." Brett said. "He caught us earlier. I'm beginning to think this is Karmageddon." He managed a weak smile. I sighed. I really hated being nice, especially to Brett.

"All right, what happened?" I asked as I pointed to his face. "Oh, football practice. It's nothing." Brett replied. "Nothing? You're bleeding!" The smaller boy said in a worried tone. Brett smiled. It wasn't just any smile. It was an affectionate smile. The kind only meant for lovers. I was beginning to envy him. Ugh! "I'm okay Eli, really." He squeezed the smaller boy's hand. So his name is Eli huh? "Well okay then." I walked over to a sink and washed my face. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. "I'd go somewhere else if I were you. Anyone can walk in here." I said before walking to the door. I used my shirt sleeve to dry my face. "Later Brett." I said before I left. So Brett is gay. I can kinda get why he'd be the bully then. I mean, it's not right but I can understand his need to take his anger out on something. Although, did it have to be everyone around him? I sighed again and hung my head. Now where was I? Oh right, planning for my sister's birthday. NO MORE THOUGHTS ABOUT AIDEN!

Aiden P.O.V

I was already halfway home when I spotted Seth. He was grinning the whole time he was walking. I ran up and jumped on him. I was hanging off his back while he screamed. "Dude you scared me!" He yelled. He really is tall. My feet aren't touching the ground at all. "Yeah well stop grinning like an idiot and maybe you would have noticed me running." I said as I let go of him. "You're too light. You need a burger." He said as he suddenly pulled me along to the nearest burger joint. He ordered for us both. I sat down, completely taken to how fast we went from Seth being annoyed with me to me suddenly needing a burger. I looked up and Seth came back with more than we ate for lunch. "What did you do, flirt with Ronald McDonald?" He grinned. "Bon appétit."

We sat and ate everything. I had no idea I was so hungry. I think I gained like, fifteen pounds or something "You've changed." Seth said suddenly as he dipped his fry in his milk shake and ate it. I followed his example. "Yeah? How so?" I asked. He smiled. "You've become a little like Vulcan. You're more animated. You talk more now and you're not as scared." I sipped at my shake and unwrapped another burger. I ate in contemplative silence. "I have you to thank too." I said as I swallowed my food. "You're a great guy Seth." His cheeks reddened. "Nah, I mean...I tried to keep you and Vulcan apart." "Not this gain." I sighed. "I'm his only friend." Seth muttered. "Why is that?" I asked. "I was afraid you'd leave Vulcan. He'll never say it but I think he feels the same way. I mean, he and I have been friends since the beginning. But after his parents died he just stopped talking to anyone but me." I contemplated this. "Are you still scared that I'm gonna leave?" I asked. He grinned. "Nope." Then his grin faded. "But if you ever do, say a proper goodbye to us okay?" I was almost shocked. Seth had real depth. "I'm not leaving...but I promise that if I have to leave for any reason, I'd tell you guys." I took my last few bites and washed it down with my shake. Seth smirked. "You eat a lot for a small dude."

Seth P.O.V

Aiden...he's so...haha, I so wrong. He's a cool dude! Here I am walking Aiden home. "So you staying over?" He asked. I thought about it. "Well I dunno. But maybe. I mean, Vulcan might need help with Maia's birthday plans and all." He looked at me. "Birthday plans?" "Oh right, you don't know. Maia's birthday is coming up!" I grinned. Maia is the sweetest little girl ever! Mess with her, I break you. "Dude, your face just got all serious for second." Aiden pointed out. I snapped back to reality. "What? Oh...sorry, just thinking about Maia." I smiled, a little embarrassed that my thoughts were obvious. He just nodded in understanding.

We got to Vulcan's house and found Maia already home. "Huh..." I knocked on the door. "Hey Maia, let us in!" I shouted. She opened the door immediately and smiled. "Seth!" She squealed before jumping on me. I panicked and caught her. "Whoa there little lady!" Aiden laughed behind me. "Aiden's here!" She jumped down then lunged for Aiden. Aiden being smaller than me had no trouble catching her. He spun her around and then hugged her. "Haha, so I hear you're turning 11 soon?" Aiden asked. She nodded. "Yeah, yeah! This Saturday!" Great, so Vulcan had a day two days to get his butt in gear and put everything together. "Do you want a big party?" Aiden asked. "No, I want it to be just us." She seemed mad at the thought of anyone else coming. "Don't you want to invite your friends?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, just us!" I didn't know if that was adorable or a cause for a very long conversation. "Okay, let's head on in." I said as I pushed the door open.

We sat on the couch and Maia sat on my lap. "Okay, what's the real reason you don't want to invite anyone else?" I asked. She pouted. Aiden gave me a warning look. "The other kids at school make fun of me because I don't have a mommy or daddy." Now I was annoyed. "Okay then, just us." Aiden said as he stood up and picked her up from my lap. "We'll eat lots of cake and ice cream still we're sick!" She giggled. I sighed. "Honestly Maia..." I mumbled. She was too busy being swung around by Aiden to even hear me. I suppose I should tell Vulcan about this. Speaking of Vulcan, where the hell is he? "I'M HOME FAMILY!" Oh, there he is. He ran into the living room. "Hey, hey, hey! What I miss?" He was in too good a mood. "Well we were just talking about Maia's birthday." I replied. "Just us!" Aiden and Maia yelled at the same time. "Really? No friends?" Vulcan asked. Maia just pouted. "Just us man." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll explain later." I whispered into his ear. He nodded. "Okay then. Well I'm gonna take a shower. Maia, did you get your homework done?" Maia shook her head. "Well get to it little lady!" She nodded and ran up to her room. He smiled before disappearing up the stairs. I rolled my eyes. "What's he so happy about?" I looked at Aiden who shrugged. He collapsed on the couch on starting humming "All of Me" by John Legend. I sat on the floor and sighed.

"You like Vulcan right?" I asked. He stopped humming completely. "I'm sorry?" He sounded nervous. "Just a thought...I mean, it's okay if you like him as more than a friend." He got off the couch and sat next to me. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked. I gave him a look. "I'm being serious bro. I do think about stuff you know." He seemed uneasy. I think attempting to annoy me was his way of trying to change the subject. Aiden looked away, then down to the floor, then suddenly found his thumb interesting as he began to pick at it. "I...he's not gay Seth." I twitched. If only he knew. "Well, what's that got to do with anything?" "If he's not gay then what's the point in liking him?" Aiden asked, now looking a little worried. Has he been thinking about this? Vulcan better make his move....fast.

"A while back I was involved with an older guy." He started suddenly. I was completely put off by the sudden confession. "Back in middle school...I thought he loved me. He took care of me and was gentle all the time. He treated me better than anyone and the sex was great. But I was just a curiosity for him. Once he was satisfied I was immediately tossed aside. No notice, nothing...he just disappeared." "Are you afraid Vulcan is gonna be that way?" He looked up at the ceiling. "I'd die if he turned out that way. Vulcan, he's so...he saved me. I mean, when no one else even looked at me he smiled and called my name. He's protected me and hell, he's even let me stay in his home." I sighed. "You know what Aiden, you think too much. You're not even making sense anymore." I put my arm over his shoulder and pulled him closer to me, resting my head on his. "Vulcan is Vulcan. He's kind, brave, stupid, and he goes to any lengths for anyone he cares about. When it comes to you Aiden, Vulcan will always be there. He'd never throw you aside. You are no one's curiosity. You're our friend." He nuzzled against me. He shivered then got comfortable. "You're a great guy Seth." He sighed. "Thanks for being my friend." I blushed. "Dude, you and I should have been friends much sooner. I'm sorry I ever thought you were weird." He shrugged. "It's okay. I see dead people. That is weird."

"Yeah, I've wondered about that." I said. He chuckled. "When my mother left me with my father, I had a ghost mother for a while." I arched a brow. "A ghost mother?" "Yeah, her name was Lorelei. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She was my first ghost." I smiled at the thought. I think a ghost is way better than a mother that would leave you with an abusive father. "She sang to me, told me stories about her life, she followed me to school to keep me safe. People thought I was weird because I was the only one who could see her so it looked like I was talking to myself. But that was fine, because she was there." He sounded like he was falling asleep. "Lorelei crossed over when I started middle school. She said her door came." "What does that mean?" I asked. "She said that when it is time for a ghost to cross over a door appears." He replied. Aiden yawned and rubbed his eyes. "You're warm Seth, I'm getting sleepy." "Keep talking, this is the first time we've ever been like this." I said. He sighed. "You're right." He grabbed my free hand and just held it. "I saw Vulcan's mom. She's a beautiful woman. Maia looks just like her." I froze. "You saw her?" "Yeah, she came to me to deliver a message to Vulcan. He got to talk to her...even if it was through me." I squeezed him, I was happy. "You really were meant to meet." I don't think he understood what that meant but he didn't say anything.

"What are you guys doing?" I turned slightly and caught a glimpse of Vulcan with a towel over his head. "Dude, ever heard of a shirt?" I laughed. "My house, I can walk around shirtless if I want to." He said. "You two seem comfortable." His voice kinda dropped an octave. I was about ready to burst out laughing. He was jealous. I know his jealous voice and that was it. "We're just having a broment." I was probably making it worse. I heard some light snores then and turned to find that Aiden was asleep. He is so adorable! "He's like a kitten." I commented. Vulcan came and kneeled down beside us. "So what were you two talking about?" He asked. "Him mostly...a little of you." I replied. Vulcan reached out and touched Aiden's face. He seemed mesmerized it. Aiden's dark hair is soft and his are so clear it's almost as if he sees right through you. "He's pretty right?" I asked, teasing him a little. His face turned red and he dropped his hand. "Get him on the couch." He said. I picked him up as I stood and gently set him on the couch. "He's light as a feather. Strange considering we ate our weight in fast food earlier." Vulcan chuckled. "You did? Dang..."

"So where were you? And why were you in such a good mood?" Vulcan turned and looked at me. "I was talking to Lee...about Ross. Lee is a scary ass mofo." I arched a brow. "Go on..." "He used to be like...FBI or something before he became a principle. He went all private investigator on Ross's ass and found a lot of skeletons in the man's closet." "But how did Lee..." I was cut off by Vulcan's hand. "Dude...you do not want to know." He turned and walked toward the kitchen. Leave it to Vulcan to find pleasure in another person's misery. Of course if that person is Mr. Ross then he's fair game. I turned and looked at Aiden. I brushed his hair out of his face. "I'm glad we met..."

Next: Chapter 12

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