Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Apr 14, 2014


Chapter Ten: Brett...and other weird things

*[Author's Note: *So I haven't slept in...uh...when did I post the first chapter? Yeah since then so this chapter might be a little out there. Just a warning. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter.]

Aiden P.O.V

School was not as bad anymore now that I had people to hang out with. "Hey, so how about some food?" Seth asked as he put a hand over his rumbling stomach. I stifled a laugh. Vulcan chuckled. "Well wanna hit the cafeteria or just buy some food?" "Hey, let's sweet talk the cafeteria ladies and sneak some food." Seth said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Sweet talk the cafeteria ladies?" I asked as I arched a brow. Vulcan snickered and clapped Seth on the back. "Genius!" I was still confused. Vulcan turned to me. "Wait for us on the school roof okay? We'll only be a few minutes." I didn't know what was going on but I just nodded. I had a feeling that I didn't want to know. "Okay then..." I waved at them and made my way to the stairway and made my way to the roof. As I opened the door I was greeted with the most disturbing sight of my life. The one guy I didn't want to run into, the guy that made my high school experience hell, was in the middle of sex...with another dude. I almost died.

I tried to make my way back inside, but of course these escapes never go as planned and something always seems to make some sort of noise and you get caught. For me it was leaning on the door too much that when I tried to close it, it squeaked loud enough to be heard. The two amateur porn stars stopped what they were doing and looked up. "You!!" I sighed. This was going to take a lot of explaining. I can't believe I was sold out by a door. "Yes me..." I said. "What are you doing here?" He stood up and walked over. "Okay dude, I'm not answering any of your questions until you put your junk away." I said as I diverted my gaze elsewhere. The other guy looked scared. "Brett....what..." Brett looked at him. "It's okay, I got this." He tucked himself back in his pants and zipped up. "Thank you..." I said. The other guy sat up and looked around for his pants. Brett pointed to a spot behind him. "You were laying on them." His voice was calmer now. The guy put his pants on in a hurry and straightened his shirt as he stood beside Brett. He tried not to look worried but he was a horrible actor.

"Now, what are you doing here?" Brett asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm waiting for Vulcan and Seth. They went to get lunch." "What you saw....you tell no one. You hear me?" He glared ice daggers at me. "Yeah got it. Tell no one." I think my relaxed tone unnerved him. "I mean it!" I nodded. "Yeah I know." The other guy just stared at me. He was shorter than Brett, dark hair and nice tan skin. I nodded in appreciation. "Pretty..." I mumbled. Brett seemed to hear me because all of a sudden I was backed up against a wall. "You don't touch him." "Brett stop!" The other boy yelled. "Let me go." I said. He just looked at me. "What's with you?" I shrugged. "What do you mean? I'm still the same old Aiden Thrace." He shook his head. "No, you're less scared." "Well I don't have anything to be scared of." I said. I was proud of myself. Thanks to Vulcan, I wasn't scared to face everyday life. I didn't have to go back to the hell I grew up in and I had friends.

Brett let go of me. "Don't tell anyone." He said. "I won't. It's not my business anyway. I just stumbled upon it by accident." I shrugged. He looked at me suspiciously. He turned his gaze to his little lover and squeezed his hand. "Sorry about this Eli." He smiled apologetically. The guy, Eli, just shook his head and smiled back. "It's fine. I know he won't tell." He smiled at me. "You promise right?" I chuckled and looked away. "Now how can I say no when you look at me like that?" His smile brightened. "Thank you." "Now go, Seth and Vulcan should be here any minute." Brett nodded and exit the roof first. I looked at Eli. "You sure you wanna be in a relationship where you have to hide all the time?" His smile turned sad but his feelings for Brett never left his eyes. "I'm sure." I was surprised at Brett. "Hey, do you know why he picks on me?" I asked Eli before he left. "He doesn't want to. He feels bad every time he does something wrong. But he thinks if he picks on people, he seems more...straight." I rolled my eyes. "Jeez, all right fine. I'll forgive him." Eli smiled at me once more before he disappeared. I sat down and pondered everything. There really was a change in my personality. I was starting to act like Vulcan and Seth.

Speaking of my two little idiots, they came in a few minutes after Eli left. Seth had a sandwich in his mouth and was carrying a tray of food. Vulcan was shoving chicken nuggets into his mouth until his cheeks were puffing out. "Dude, chew your food." Seth said. Of course with a sandwich in his mouth it sounded like "Doo je woo hoo". I rolled my eyes. "Seth, don't talk with your mouth full." I grabbed a sandwich off the tray and sat down again. I ate in silence as I watched Vulcan and Seth fight over a slice of pie. "You guys must have been married in a past life." I commented. They stopped and looked at me. Then they looked back at each other.

"Honey I'm home!" Vulcan yelled.

"Welcome home dear!" Seth said with a girlish giggle.

They were doing weird poses like little anime characters doing something stupid.

"Honey guess what? I'm pregnant!" Seth exclaimed, grinning like an idiot.

"That's great! Let's make another!" Vulcan said as he lifted Seth bridal style and pretend to run off with him.

At this point I had had enough and threw my sandwich at them. They dodged it and broke out laughing. I started laughing myself and we all just collapsed, looking up at the sky. "You guys are weird." I said. Vulcan laughed a little. "What's life without any weird?" Seth hummed in agreement. "I'd be bored outta my mind if we weren't weird." My stomach growled then. "What a waste of a good sandwich." I said. "Hey no one said you had to throw it at us. Do you know what we went through to get that sandwich?" Seth laughed. "You flirted with some lunch ladies." I replied. Vulcan sat up. "Yup...and we scored a lot of food. Now eat up Aiden. We don't have much time before the bell rings." We sat in silence then, just eating up every last bit of food that was on that tray.

School was a lot more fun for me these days, and I wasn't afraid to go home anymore because I didn't have to. I had another place to go back to and it was wherever Vulcan was. I stared at the two in front of me. It was then I started to notice more, I mean more than I already have. Seth is slightly taller than Vulcan, something I haven't noticed before. He's well tanned and built like a swimmer, and if the light hits it just right you could see little light brown streaks in his dark hair. His eyes were the color of chocolate. I guess I never really looked at Seth but he was a good looking kid. Vulcan, on the other hand is who I find beautiful. Ever since he gave me my ring, I could never get him out of my head. His was toned and his skin was just a shade lighter than Seth's and I would find myself wondering what it would be like to just be able to touch it, even caress it. I didn't realize what I was doing, but by the time I snapped back to reality, we had stopped walking and Vulcan and Seth were staring at me. Apparently I was reaching out for Vulcan. "What the..." I was confused for a second. "Oh..." I wanted to slap myself for acting on my thoughts.

Vulcan just smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "What is it?" He asked. "I...uh..." I stammered. Seth arched a brow then smirked. "I'm gonna run to class now. Later guys!" He ran down the hallway and dodged every hall monitor. I was still lost. What was I suppose to say? "Now what was it you needed?" What was I suppose to say here? "Oh, I know!" He suddenly said. He grabbed me and hugged me in the middle of the hallway. People stopped and stared for a few seconds and some were even gossiping. Brett was there too and he looked like he wanted to say something. "Thanks...I needed that." Vulcan let me go and grinned. "That's cool!" He clapped me on the back. "Now I gotta get to class." He hurried off. "See you at home Aiden!" He called. Hall monitors tried to catch him but he dodged them like a super ninja.

I went to my locker and banged my head against it. "Great...now my body has a mind of its own. Just effing great..." "Hey..." greeted a soft voice. I turned my head and found Eli grinning like an idiot. "I saw..." He said. I just gave him a dull look. "Something is wrong with me." "Not really, you just like him." Eli said. "Yeah I know, that is what's wrong with me." I said back. Eli just laughed. "Don't worry about it. He's definitely not shy." "Vulcan's definitely not gay either." I groaned. Was this just occurring to me now? Eli put a finger to his bottom lip and turned slightly. "Oh I don't know..." He shrugged. "Nevermind!" He turned towards me, grinning again. "Hey, I wanna say thanks again." I gave him a small smile. "Don't worry about it." "You're Aiden right?" He asked. I nodded. "Well Aiden it's nice to meet you." He held out his hand. I shook it. "The name's Eli." Thanks to our earlier encounter I already knew that. Geez, earlier he looked like a scared puppy, now he just looks like any regular kid. In fact, I bet he's been told that he's annoying. I just shook my head and let go of his hand. "Great to meet you too Eli." I grabbed my book from my locker and shut it closed. I made my way to class and followed the examples of Seth and Vulcan and dodged hall monitors like a ninja.

Next: Chapter 11

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