Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Apr 2, 2014


Prologue: A-I-D-E-N

I found it by accident, a small gold band, too small for my fingers. I was walking down the hallway, late for class as usual but being me I didn't give a damn. Before reaching my designated class, I stepped on something. It made a horrible scratching noise on the floor before I lifted my foot up off it. I stared at the simple gold ring, wondering where it came from. I picked it up and looked it over, debating whether or not to throw it in the trash or actually be a good person and turn it in to Lost & Found. It was then I noticed a name on the inside of the ring.


"Aiden..." I read aloud. Why did that name sound so familiar? "Mr. Magnus!" Ah, I was wondering when I was going to hear the sweet sound of my name being yelled out so early in the morning. "Good morning Lee." I said. The man was a good two feet shorter than me. He was a good guy and I just loved pissing him off. It's all in good nature. He just glared at me. "You're late...again." I nodded. "Yup, what else is new?" "Well you could try being on time." He said. "Yeah I could but what are the chances of that happening." I smirked. He just shook his head. "Just get to class." He waved me off. "Hey Lee..." I called. He looked up. "Thanks for always greeting me in the morning." I said as I ran off. I heard him laugh and walk in the opposite direction. See, my home life sucks so it's nice to have someone scold me, greeting me in the morning. I got to my class and walked in like I owned it. My teacher glared daggers at me and I merely shrugged her off. I sat down and pulled out the ring again. Who is Aiden and why does his name sound so familiar.

"Hey man..." I heard a whisper behind me. I turned to meet the face of my best friend. "Why are you so late?" He asked. "I had to take Maia to school." I replied. He nodded in understanding. "So are you coming over tonight?" See, Seth and I have been friends since we were babies. Our moms were like, church sisters and our dads were drinking buddies. "Can't dude...gotta stay home and watch Maia." I replied with a shrug. He sighed. "I hear you...well maybe I can just come over and chill with you?" I thought about it. "You sure?" "Yeah, we can get our homework done and everything." He grinned. I smirked. "Sounds like a plan. Bring some snacks and we can watch a movie later." He nodded. "Oh hey dude, do you know someone named Aiden?" Seth thought about it. "Um, isn't that him right there?" He pointed to the dude sitting in the front. "You sure?" I asked. Seth hummed then nodded. "Yeah I'm pretty sure. Everyone picks on him." I stared at this small frail looking kid. "Why do they pick on him?" I asked. "Because he's a freak. He keeps saying that he sees dead people." I arched a brow. "You can't be serious." Before Seth could say another word, the teacher was standing right in front of us. "Is there something you want to share with the class boys?" She asked with her hands on her hips. I looked at Seth who was looking down at his notebook, trying to avoid eye contact. "Well no but since you're giving me this opportunity..." I looked back and said as I stood up. I walked over to that frail looking kid, offering my kindest smile and pulling out the ring. "You're Aiden right?" He looked up, startled at first and then he was just afraid. I could see it in his eyes. "Y-Yeah...why?" He asked nervously. I held out the ring. "I found it in the hallway." His eyes went wide for a second then his features softened as the sweetest smile played across his face. I almost faltered. I had never seen someone smile the way he did. He reached up slowly and took the ring from my fingers. Even from the slightest brush I could tell that he was shaking, and that his hands were soft and cold. "Thank you. I was scared I'd lost it." He said. I swear his face just glowed with his happiness. He was almost...pretty. "You're welcome. Be more careful okay?" I didn't even wait for him to answer. I just walked back to my seat and slouched in my chair. "You may continue." I said to the teacher. She just huffed and went back to the board, finishing up the math equations no one cares about. "So that's why you were asking? You wanted to propose?" Seth whispered. I turned and gave him a dull glare. "Really dude? I just wanted to return something lost, that's all." I shook my head and turned back to stare at the board. But try as I might, I could not help glancing at the frail looking boy. He wasn't stiff and nervous anymore. He was staring at the ring with a small smile and calm eyes. He clutched it in his hand before sliding it on his middle finger. How was it that I never noticed this boy until now? How could I not see someone like him right in front of me? He was beautiful. It was then I had to smack my thoughts into submission. There was no way I could be thinking like this about another dude, much less one who thinks he can see dead people.

Next: Chapter 2

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