Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Apr 27, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 26

Thank you for all of your well wishes. My health is improving. I hope you are still enjoying the story.

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Thank you, Zach for your editing skills and insights.

----------------------------- Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 26

Sean led the team of three boys doing the yards and Spring planting. The more they worked together the more relaxed the team became. Sean seemed reluctant to use the portable toilet, even after Zeke promised not to lock the door. Kenton wasn't yet comfortable being alone with Sean.

Working side-by-side Zeke and Rafe shared stories of living in the compound sharing a father and having so many aunts. It wasn't long before they told funny stories of almost getting caught while they were having guy fun.

"What's it like living in your car?" Zeke asked.

"For a day or two it's like camping. For the next week it's manageable. Then your just homeless. At least I had my car. Until Nephi needed me for the summer, I had no income. Desperate, I drove past his house only to find the charred remains. Begging on street corners isn't fun." Sean took a drink from his water bottle. "I was so grateful when Nephi saw me standing on the corner and brought me back to work."

"At least I had Special Forces training. I saw too many guys beat up for their shoes or blanket. Last week a group of guys were following Old Max. He's older and has been on the street for years. I opened the door and told him to get in. We found a safe place to park. The next morning, he was gone." Sean picked up his bottle again but set it down without drinking. "He left the flask and magazine. I've looked for him to return it but I haven't found him yet. We need to get back to work."

"Our clients are very pleased with the work from today and yesterday." Nephi handed Sean a plastic card. "Please take Kenton to buy clothes and things. Grab lunch. The rest of your assignment is back at the compound." It amazed Nephi how quickly the word "compound" had replaced house. Nephi needed to return to the new landscape design project.

The boys decided food took priority over shopping. They disagreed on where to eat. Sean suggested the food court at the mall everybody could get whatever he wanted. They had just sat down to eat when Kenton excused himself to use the restroom.

"Finish your story Sean." Rafe suggested.

"I'm not proud about the rest. I had been supervising a team of adults. Then yesterday Nephi gave me the three of you. I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong. I was sure he was getting ready to fire me." Sean took a bite of his food.

"The flask was sitting on the floor of my car. I put it and the magazine in my backpack. You know what happened. The only time I had tasted vodka was in the army. A boy was running toward the convoy with a grenade in his hand. I had no choice but shoot him." Tears filled Sean's eyes. "I still have nightmares. The boy fell to the ground and a moment later the explosion. My buddies gave me a drink and then another before I passed out." Sean finished eating and realized Kenton hadn't returned. The restroom was down a long hallway. An orange cone that said, "Closed for Cleaning" stood before the door. Sean heard sounds from the bathroom. He pushed the door open; the lighting was dim.

"Come on bitch boy I know you want it. Clark said you were a tight hole." Four boys had someone trapped in the handicapped stall. Sean stepped out of the restroom.

Sean pushed the button on the radio. "Nephi, Benny, Luke, anybody. We need the police at the men's restroom in the Mall's food court. Someone's getting raped and I am afraid it's Kenton."

"Help is on the way." Benny answered. Sean couldn't wait for the police. He entered the restroom.

"Jimmy, you're next. He is really tight."

Sean was grateful they were making so much noise. "What the hell?" The boy nearest Sean shouted. Sean felt the boy's shoulder dislocate. The next two joined their companion moaning on the floor. They joined the first boy moaning on the floor.

The fourth was buried inside of Kenton. One hand held Kenton's hair. The other held a knife to his throat. "Back off old man, or I'll kill the bitch."

Sean backed away, the boy relaxed. Sean's foot connected with the arm holding the knife. He heard a bone break as the arm hit the wall and the knife rattled on the floor. Kenton's underwear and pants had been cut off of him and were worthless. Sean used the pruning shears in his back pocket to cut the bandana that secured Kenton's hands behind the bowl. He pulled the wad of underwear from Kenton's mouth and wrapped the sobbing boy in his jacket and pulled him into his arms.

He left the bathroom with his burden as Mall Security arrived. "There are four boys in there that were raping my boy. I wasn't too gentle with them. At least one has a knife." The Mall officer noticed the blood dripping from Kenton's neck. Sean wasn't willing to stop in the dirty hallway leading to the bathroom. He burst past the officer and got Kenton into the light of the food court.

Kenton's hold around his protector's neck became tighter. Zeke noticed the blood seeping through Sean's jacket. The hospital was only three blocks away. "Who drove yesterday?" Zeke raised his hand. "Good, grab the keys we are going to the hospital."

Rafe radioed where they were going. Benny suggested they skip the first hospital and go to the next closest.

Kenton refused to release his hold around Sean's neck. Zeke drove the truck up to the emergency entrance of the hospital. Sean carried his burden through the doors as Zeke found somewhere to park the truck and trailer. The emergency room was busy. Sean had trouble getting anyone's attention.

A well-dressed businessman walked up to Sean. "Is this Benny's nephew, Kenton?" Sean nodded and followed the man walking past the triage station and into an exam room. A doctor followed a moment later.

"I need you to lay you down while they look at you." Sean said softly. Kenton held tighter. After promising he would stay with Kenton and hold his hand Kenton lay on the table.

The doctor looked at Sean holding Kenton's hand. "Sir, you will need to leave while I examine him."

"I told him I would stay." Kenton tightened his hold on Sean's hand. A nurse started to pull Sean away.

Kenton began shaking. "I want to go home." Sean gathered Kenton into his arms and walked out of the treatment room. The doctor barred the way. Sean didn't care for the man's disregard of what Kenton's trauma. Kenton's neck had stopped bleeding and there wasn't that much blood on his coat.

"You can't just walk out without us examining him!" The doctor announced.

"We never admitted him. So, it shouldn't be a problem leaving." Sean forced his way past his obstacles.

Benny stood in the waiting room. The well-dressed man stood with him. "That was quick!"

"It was quick because the doctor was an asshole. I am taking Kenton home. Are you driving or Zeke?

"I'll drive." Nephi announced from the doorway.

Benny shook his head at his friend. "I'm not sure you realize what your doctor just cost you. That young man is the other trustee. Do you think he will approve next year's donation?"

"He doesn't look wealthy."

"Peter wanted Nephi to make it on his own. Nephi doesn't know about the money yet, but he still has to sign the new lease on your clinic in town. Expect a price increase."

Nephi's exit had been delayed by the appearance of his lawyer.

"What happened?" The hospital administrator asked.

"He was gang raped by four guys in the Mall's bathroom. Sean was Special Forces in the military. I don't think he left anyone dead." Benny explained.

"Someone should examine him." The man expressed his concern.

"He will have what he needs my doctor is on his way." Benny announced. The hospital administrator got the hint.

Benny caught up with Nephi's family just before they left. "My personal doctor has agreed to examine Kenton. Give him a chance. He's a good guy."

Sean worried about Kenton and whispered into his boy's ear. Kenton nodded. "I get to stay with him." Benny agreed.

The hospital administrator met them in the Exam room. The ER doctor moved towards Kenton when the man in the suit took the doctor's stethoscope. A nurse took photos of Kenton's cuts and bruises. As Benny's doctor pulled a white coat over his suit. The doctor was very thorough even scraping the skin and blood out from under Kenton's finger nails. He washed the cuts and scrapes Kenton had earned putting up a fight against the four older boys.

While the doctor worked Margaret arrived in the waiting room. The way Benny could move mountains with just a few calls always amazed Nephi. Nephi and the lawyer provided what information they had. Chief Thompson walked into the ER waiting room.

"I am expecting one more." Benny scanned the room.

Leonard arrived. "Sorry I had to park the car."

Benny took charge. "I am open to suggestions on how to handle this situation."

Margaret spoke up. "It is common for trauma victims to create a tight bond with the person that rescued them. Kenton has latched onto Sean as a source of safety. That will get him through the next few days. When he remembers yesterday he may have conflicting feelings and confusion. We see this sometimes in children with abusive parents. They are afraid of their parents, but they are also their caregivers. They end up really messed up."

Margaret looked at her audience for comprehension. "We need to be aware he may not want to be touched. There is a good chance of flashbacks. We need to be supportive and caring, reassuring through our speech and actions that Kenton is safe. The next step will be to reintegrate him with other adults building his trust."

"I'll keep my eye on him and will talk to the family." Nephi promised.

Kenton had fallen asleep. Sean wrapped him in a thin hospital blanket. Sean wouldn't let anyone else help. He picked up his light burden and carried him to the car. The sunset was dimming in the west. Nephi pulled around the compound and parked in the garage. Nephi helped Sean out of the car and into Sean's apartment.

Rebecca was there with clean pajamas. The large tub of warm water waited for Kenton. Unwilling to abandon his contact with Kenton, Sean asked Rebecca to undo his belt. He kicked off his pants. Kenton woke as Sean lowered him into the large tub. Sean stripped to his briefs climbed into the tub with his charge.

Sean washed away the blood and cum from Kenton. With Kenton's hair washed. He helped Kenton stand. Rebecca held Kenton steady as Sean climbed out of the tub. The wet white briefs left little to Rebecca's imagination.

Rebecca was more than willing to help. Up close and personal she compared Sean's size to her ex-husband Jacob. She appreciated his hairy chest and tight build. There was no belly like Jacob only rippling muscles. Rebecca was having unchaste thoughts about this handsome man.

They dried off their charge and Sean kicked off the wet underwear. They helped Kenton into the loose cotton pajamas. Earlier Rebecca had washed Sean's clothes and put them away. She noticed a lack of pajamas amongst his things. Rebecca imagined his sleek naked body covered only with a sheet.

Rebecca held out a pair of shorts. She held the shorts for Sean to step into, staring at the beautiful uncut tool before her. She had never seen an uncircumcised penis.

"Thank you for your help." Sean leaned in for a brotherly hug. Rebecca clutched Sean to her chest, looked into his eyes and kissed him- not a chaste kiss, but one of passion. She and Sariah were intimate friends. Each would prefer her own man.

Sean lay next to his boy. "Kenton, you are home. I'll stay with you to keep you safe." Kenton relaxed back into his protector.

In the main house two angry detectives were threatening Nephi, demanding they produce Kenton and Sean.

"Tonight, they are both resting. They went through a terrible ordeal. I have it on good authority you have video of the boys following Kenton into the restroom. You have the knife with Kenton's blood on it and feces on those bastard's dicks. You even have the doctor's findings showing Kenton put up a fight."

Nephi offered a card. "This is our lawyer. Arrange a time with his office to meet with either Kenton or Sean, tomorrow not tonight."

Lying next to Jerome, Nephi looked into his lover's eyes. "Have we bitten off more than we can handle?"

"Maybe, but who would you send packing?" Jerome knew the answer. "Kenton won't be the last child that needs our love. Can you handle more responsibility?"

"With you by my side we can handle whatever the Lord asks." Nephi leaned into his soulmate and shared a kiss. It had been a long night and they fell asleep smiling.

The next morning Sean woke wrapped around Kenton. It had been a rough night. Kenton lashed out trying to protect himself in his dreams. Sean comforted the boy through the night. Sean would have a few bruises. Looking around Sean realized someone had turned the clock toward the wall and pulled the blackout curtains.

Sean watched Kenton sleep. He had always wanted children but his wife didn't. Sean wasn't sure why, but in two days he had become attached to this fragile soul. Was it guilt for his own actions or an attachment to another soul in pain?

He knew the boy had a long road to recovery from the emotional scars inflicted on him. Sean regretted he was responsible for one of those wounds. Sean understood; he had suffered with post-traumatic stress disorder after Vietnam. Sean's need for the toilet overrode his wish to watch Kenton sleep.

Sean walked out of the bathroom, drying his wet hair. Rebecca enjoyed seeing Sean naked. He hadn't noticed her as he bent to find his underwear. She slid toward him. The last floorboard squeaked. Sean turned to find Rebecca inches from his chest. He looked down, she looked upwards. He brushed her lips with his. Rebecca wrapped her hands behind his head and pressed their lips together. His tongue had barely slipped past her lips when Kenton rolled over in the bed. Sean looked over Rebecca's shoulder. Was Kenton still asleep? Rebecca rested her head against Sean's chest.

"Rebecca, I find you very attractive. May I take you out to dinner sometime?"

"I think I would like that." She smiled. Rebecca's father had given her to Jacob at fourteen. She had never been courted. Kenton rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He surveyed the room and ran for the bathroom. Sean and Rebecca heard Kenton throwing up into the toilet. Sean rushed to his boy's side only to find the door locked.

"Kenton, it's Rebecca. You're home. No one is going to hurt you." Rebecca helped Kenton brush his teeth and use mouthwash.

Sean stuck his head through the door. "Are you feeling better?" Kenton looked at Sean in the mirror. If he ran where would he run? "You are home and safe. Do you want to go back to your room?"

Kenton was more afraid of being alone than being with Sean. Kenton leaned on the chill toilet tank for support.

His arms were tied below the cold bowl. Pain, terrible pain shot through his body. The knife warmed with his blood pressed against his throat. "Back off old man, or I'll kill the bitch."

His captor relaxed his hold. There was a brief yank on his hair. The knife was gone. His hands were free. Warm caring arms lifted him to safety. He wrapped his arms around his hero's neck.

Kenton began to cry and then shake. Sean lifted Kenton in his arms. Kenton wrapped his arms around Sean's neck and refused to let go. An old battered recliner stood in the corner. Sean sat with his burden and found the old comfortable recliner rocked. Sean didn't realize he was singing his mother's lullaby.

Lay in my arms and close your eyes

Safe in my love there can be no lies

And when you fear the Angels are near

Safe in the love of your father above

Rebecca sat on the couch listening to the haunting Celtic melody. Watching the touching expression of compassion, she knew this was the kind of man she would like to call her own. When the pair fell asleep she covered them with a blanket. She lay on the couch wrapped in her own blanket.

Next: Chapter 98: Nephi and Jerome 27

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