Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Apr 24, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 25

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Thank you, Zach for your editing skills and insights.

Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 25

Kenton woke the next morning with the grey light of dawn just kissing the window. The boys on either side were getting out of bed. "Come on sleepy head there are chores." Zeke poked his new brother.

The clothes Rebecca had laid out surprised Kenton. Rafe tossed him a pair of boxer briefs. Wearing Rafe's underwear excited Kenton. Zeke tossed him some socks. They stopped for a cheese roll and glass of milk. The rest of breakfast would be after chores.

They stopped by the garage at the end of the courtyard. They grabbed a utility cart like they used on a golf course. This was something Nephi had added to his equipment. Overhead doors led into the courtyard and out to the farm. When they reached the barn, they attached a trailer. Kenton wasn't sure he cared for cleaning out stalls.

With the stalls cleaned and new straw laid down. They filled the troughs with water and the feed bins with hay. The boys shoveled the refuse into the trailer then dumped onto the compost pile. This was so much easier than filling wheelbarrows. They cleaned corral and made another trip to the compost pile. The last task before breakfast was taking out the kitchen garbage. They dumped the can filled with paper and food scraps on the compost pile.

They washed up and made it in plenty of time for breakfast. "After breakfast we are helping Nephi. He pays us." Zeke explained.

Nephi was glad he had the extended cab pickup. It would have been a tight squeeze in the front seat of the old one. They spent the next few hours cleaning out Bertram's flowerbeds and filled them with early season pansies. Bella supplied sandwiches and milk. "Who is this handsome young man?"

"This is my brother Kenton." Rafe explained throwing his arm around the boy. Bella looked at Nephi. Nephi nodded. Bella brought out a second sandwich for each of the boys. Zeke went into use the bathroom. Nephi could see Bella's mother scowling at the boy. As he returned her scowl deepened. By the time Rafe returned she was spitting nails. Kenton stood up.

"Kenton, whatever they are saying, I don't think a third time would be a good idea. Say something nice about the sandwiches."

Bella's mom looked explosive. Nephi stepped into the shop before Kenton came out of the restroom. "Thank you, Aunt Betty, for the sandwiches. They were delicious." Nephi hustled Kenton out of the bakery before Aunt Betty could yell. The door closed behind the pair.

Nephi was having control problems. "Into the truck." They turned the corner and Nephi had to pull over he was laughing so hard. "Did you all say the same thing?" Nephi asked.

Kenton came to the rescue of his brothers. "It was Bella's idea!" Nephi laughed even harder.

"Even Jerome doesn't dare call her Aunt Betty." Nephi laughed. She doesn't like our kind.

They finished one more project and then it was back home. They laid the last sprinkler line between the house and the road before quitting for the day. Nephi planted the first evergreen seedlings along the fence as the boys escaped to the milking shed. Zeke and Rafe were on the schedule for evening milking. Kenton got the hang of hand milking when they related it to one of Kenton's favorite activities. They had just finished when the dinner gong rang. Nephi had hung an old-fashioned triangle made of rebar. You could hear it most anywhere on the property.

Kenton slipped between his new brothers as if he belonged there. Jerome prayed over the food and began the evening litany. "Jerry and Micah what did you do today?"

Micah spoke up for once. "We gathered eggs. We took the garbage out. Then we pulled the weeds."

"And..." Rebecca prompted.

Jerry looked at the floor. "We made mud and played in it."


"We got our clothes dirty." Micah finished.

"I told them they would get in trouble." Almania taunted.

"Kenton how was your day?" Jerome asked apprehensively.

"Cleaning the barn isn't all that much fun. We teased Aunt Betty and I learned how to milk a cow." Kenton looked thoughtful. "The best part is no one cared that I like guys. Everyone treated me like my brothers." Kenton hugged Zeke first, then Rafe.

"Daddy, is Kenton my brother too?" Jerry asked. Nephi looked at Kenton.

Kenton stood up and walked around the table and knelt down to Jerry's height. "Do you want another brother?" Kenton's eyes filled with hope. Jerry threw his arms around Kenton's neck. Tears flowed across Kenton's face. A tap on Kenton's shoulder interrupted the hug. Micah tapped Kenton on the shoulder. When Kenton turned, Micah's arms wrapped around his neck in a tight hug.

Nephi stood behind the newest member of his family. Kenton was at a loss for words. "Call him Daddy Nephi." Jerry prompted.

"Daddy Nephi?" Nephi pulled Kenton to his chest.

"Kenton, we care you like boys because that's an important part of you. You are a special child of God and a welcome member of our family. Now let's finish dinner while it's hot."

Jerry had one last piece of advice. "If you have bad dreams my daddies can make them go away."

"Kenton, I would like to talk with you after dinner." Nephi suggested. Kenton grew nervous. What had he done?

Kenton joined Nephi in his makeshift office. Nephi made a call and switched to speaker phone. "Hi Margaret, this is Kenton." Nephi turned to Kenton. "Margaret is one of the good guys. You can tell her anything."

Half an hour later a red faced, tear streaked Kenton opened the door. "Nephi, she wants to talk with you." Kenton tried to slip past. "Kenton this concerns you. Please sit down."

"Nephi, Kenton wants this to be true. People he has trusted have hurt him so many times. I will have Leonard start the paperwork. Nephi tell him your story. His appointment to see me will be Thursdays at 3:00." Margaret said good night.

Nephi told about his family and how Peter found him. He talked about finding Jerome in the snow and falling in love. "You are more than welcome in my family. Ezekiel and Rafael are a couple. Don't be hurt if they need some alone time." Nephi pulled Kenton into a hug.

"Let's start with being friends and see where it goes from there. I want you here as part of my family." Kenton returned the hug. "We will buy new clothes tomorrow."

Kenton peeked through the gap in the drapes into Zeke's room. He turned away embarrassed that he peeked. They didn't need him to interrupt their love making. He turned to his empty room. Why was he sad. For the first time in a year he had a place that felt like home. He brushed his teeth, showered, stripped to the skin and slid between the sheets. He might be alone, but when was the last time he had his own room? ----------

"You are a dirty dog. Take those filthy clothes off. You smell like shit." His father shouted. Kenton dropped his pants but couldn't get his shirt past the chain. His father cut the shirt off. He did the same with the boxers.

His brother unlocked the chain from the pin in the floor and dragged Kenton into the yard. Every time Kenton tried to stand up his dad was there with the belt. In the middle of the yard his mother sprayed him down with the hose. She used a scrub brush to wash his butt.

"These balls get in the way. I think we should get him fixed."

"Please no!" Kenton begged. The belt bit deep. "Dogs bark. I think we should get him debarked too. This will do for now." His father snapped a sound activated shock collar around Kenton's neck.

Kenton yelped as the belt bit one more time into his bare skin. A shock wracked his abused body.

Kenton cried unwilling to let himself fall asleep again. The door creaked as it opened. Two bodies crawled into his bed, one on each side. "We love you bro." The three fell asleep snuggled together in peace.

Kenton woke before the boys sandwiched between Rafe and Zeke. Rafe's arm stretched across Kenton's chest. Zeke's hand cupped his balls. He would have enjoyed staying that way but he had a pressing need. Kenton released himself from his brothers. He liked the sound of that, brothers. After relieving himself he found his bed empty. He quickly dressed.

Kenton was sure the gap between the drapes was wider than the previous night. Rafe was kneeling behind Zeke. Kenton shuddered. He ran from the window and ran right into Jerome. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" Jerome could tell that something had disturbed Kenton.

Kenton wouldn't say anything. Jerome pulled the boy into his arms and let him cry. Jerome still had episodes of guilt that led to crying on Nephi's shoulder. He suggested Kenton join him on the utility cart. They threw hay bales on the back and dropped them for the animals. Jerome told Kenton about his father leaving him in the hills in a blizzard. Kenton was ready to rejoin the family at breakfast.

This was the first day with the whole crew. Nephi left his boys with Sean, one of his long-time employees that had started with the company back with Peter. The lawns needed mowing and edging. They needed to prepare and plant the flower beds. This was one of three worksites for the morning. Kenton was filling trash bags with the detritus of winter. The supervisor shaped the bushes leaving the trimmings on the ground for Kenton. Zeke was mowing and Rafe was edging along the sidewalk and drive. As Kenton left the fourth bag of trash on the trailer he found the supervisor sitting in the truck reading a porn magazine and drinking from a metal flask.

The second property was next door. Sean trimmed the bushes and hedges leaving the rest of the work for the boys while he returned to his reading and drinking.

Kenton was throwing the last bag onto the trailer. A hand touched his butt. "Cute." Sean slurred.

"You have a cute ass. Too cute for a guy." Kenton's brother Clark rubbed Kenton's naked bum. Clark used the water dish and Kenton's blanket to wash Kenton's rear.

"Kelly wouldn't put out tonight. Your tight ass will have to do." Kenton tried to pull away. Clark had picked up the remote for the shock collar as he came into the garage. When Kenton struggled he pressed the button. Clark raped his little brother without lube. He left Kenton sobbing in the corner of the garage.

Rafe found his new brother hiding between two bushes. He drew Kenton into a hug. The younger boy collapsed into his brother's arms. Between sobs Kenton told of Sean's unwanted attention and for the first time he told someone about his brother raping him.

Rafe thought for a minute. "Stay here. I'll be back when it is safe."

About an hour later Rafe returned. "Let's to go to the next house."

It was Zeke behind the wheel as they drove to the next house three blocks away. "Zeke's been driving the truck on the farm since he could look over the dashboard." Rafe explained.

As they unloaded the equipment, a series of profanities came from the portable toilet. Kenton panicked. Zeke pointed out the padlock on the door.

"I would let him out but I can't find the key." Zeke explained. The full set of keys hung on his belt loop. Kenton smiled. "He's got the radio he can call Nephi for help anytime."

Zeke trimmed the bushes while Kenton and Rafe mowed and edged the lawns. Together they cleaned the flowerbeds. Zeke pulled out the planting map. Following the map, the three boys used the plants in the truck to plant the front beds. They spread the shredded bark around the plants. It looked great.

The last house of the day also required plantings. The boys created the required fifteen-inch flower bed along both sides of the front brick walk and planted the box hedge plants. Bright annuals lined the path. Zeke knocked on the porta-john's door.

"What do you want?" The voice inside the blue plastic cubicle demanded. He sounded sober and angry.

"Do you realize that Kenton is fourteen. We let you out and you leave us alone, or we tell Nephi and he will fire you." Zeke offered. "And, Kenton deserves an apology."

It was a repentant man they released from the blue prison. He had time to burn off the alcohol "I'm sorry, Kenton. No one deserves what I did to you." He broke down in tears telling about his wife leaving and losing his apartment. How the loneliness led to drinking.

"Sean, where are you living?" Rafe asked. He had crashed on the floor of his friends for a while. The last few weeks of spring he had been sleeping in his car. The three boys huddled for five minutes. Kenton kept looking at the broken man and shaking his head. "We will let Nephi decide, agreed." Kenton nodded his head.

Back at the new storage garage the boys announced they had invited Sean for dinner. Sean parked his car just outside the courtyard gate. He was uncomfortable entering the home of his boss.

Zeke showed him to the apartment that had been his biological uncle's. "Get showered and cleaned up. Dinner is at seven sharp. Knock on the blue door." Now came the hard part.

The family waited at the table while the boys talked with Nephi and Jerome. Nephi's raised voice filtered through the door more than once. Three boys looking the worse for their conversation joined the family. Nephi took his place at the head of the table; Jerome sat on his right.

Nephi gave his gospel lesson from the head of the table. "God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. Through the mouths of children, he will reveal his truths. Zeke will you do the honors." The family linked hands including Sean in the circle. Zeke mentioned their growing family squeezing Sean's hand.

After dinner Nephi's invited Sean into his poor excuse for an office. Jerome began. "The boys told us what happened. I wanted to call the police. Kenton stood up for you. He seems to think you are as lost as he was before coming here. I do not want to jeopardize his feeling of safety. You have one chance and one chance only. If you so much as look at the boys with inappropriate intentions, I will have your balls. Do you understand?" Sean wasn't sure where this conversation was leading.

"The boys plan has been well thought out. We are offering you the far apartment. You will help with the chores around the compound. That is part of being a member of this household. You will continue working for the company. It is against my better judgement but the boys will work with you. There will be no drinking and read on your own time."

Nephi rattled off the rules of the house emphasizing `No means No." Sean walked to his apartment. He could have ended up in jail; instead he had a place to live and people that seem to care. Maybe, just maybe things would workout.

Kenton found forgiving was easier than forgetting. His new brothers were not about to let him sleep alone. It was a repeat of the first night. They brushed their teeth around the sink. Zeke stepped into the shower stall. "Kenton come wash my back." Zeke asked.

Kenton thought for a moment. "I've seen them naked. They have seen me. I've slept with them naked. I want to try this." Kenton stepped into shower. Zeke washed Kenton's back taking extra time to make it a sensuous experience and avoided any contact with Kenton's ass.

Kenton returned the favor. Zeke turned and hugged his new brother. Kenton watched as the tip of Zeke's tongue slid across his full sensuous lips. Kenton mirrored the action. Zeke leaned forward. His tongue bridged the small gap between their lips. Their tongues met. Kenton pulled back in surprise.

Did he want to kiss Zeke? Kenton looked into Zeke's shining brown eyes and leaned forward. Their lips met. Zeke's tongue slid across Kenton's lips. Kenton's lips parted and Zeke's tongue slid in. Kenton's dick throbbed, begging for release.

Rafe pulled the curtain aside. "I would like to shower while the water is hot. Rafe replaced Zeke. Kenton soaped up Rafe's back. The water grew chill. Rafe finished on his own and made quick work of his shower.

The three boys used their towels to dry each other. Nephi knocked on the door. "I'm just checking on Kenton he wasn't in his room." Nephi paused and Kenton walked out of the bathroom in his aroused state. "Looks like you have things in hand." Nephi snickered and left.

As the three boys lay naked in bed, Rafe worked his fist up and down his hard dick.

"Haven't you ever beaten off with another guy?" Zeke asked. Kenton shook his head. "Have you ever beat off?"

Kenton laughed. "Everybody beats off."

"What have you done with a guy?" Rafe asked.

"My brother caught me as my best friend tried to kiss me. Dad didn't give me a chance to try again." Kenton cried. Zeke leaned forward and kissed Kenton and backed away giving Kenton space.

"Did you like that?" Rafe asked. Kenton nodded. Rafe bent over and kissed Kenton again, running his tongue over Kenton's lips. Kenton slid his tongue against Rafe's lips. Rafe let Kenton's tongue slip between his lips. Kenton was rock hard.

Zeke grasped Kenton's dick as Rafe and Kenton played tongue tag. Kenton moaned. This felt good. Zeke left Kenton's dick and traded places with Rafe. Rafe stroked Kenton. Rafe replaced his hand with his mouth. Kenton moaned around Zeke's tongue. Kenton shot into Rafe's mouth. He couldn't believe Rafe swallowed his come.

The three boys snuggled together. Kenton lay in the middle with a head rested on each side of his chest. "This was perfect." Kenton thought as he fell asleep.

Seeing three naked aroused boys had started a stirring below his belt. Jerome was asleep when Nephi snuggled up behind his lover. Jerome didn't stay asleep long. The couple followed a long kiss with some passionate loving. They could have used mouthwash after their creamy dessert but neither wanted to break the mood. Jerome rested his head on Nephi's chest. Both knew this was where they belonged.

Next: Chapter 97: Nephi and Jerome 26

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