Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Apr 20, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 24

Nephi and Jerome has reached 65,000 words posted. Thank you for sticking with me.

The compound is based on a real location. It is still inhabited by its original family and is in central utah rather than in the SLC valley. It seemed a perfect place for where I find this story going. The house burned down as an expedient way to facilitate the move.

The Johnsons do not fit the sterotypical Mormons, who for the most part are good christians people. I took the worst parts of a few individuals I know and put them into the Johnsons.

Remember that Nifty Archives is not in the business of making money. The opposite is true. If you can, please click on the link and donate. If you check the list you should find my name.

Thank you, Zach for your editing skills.

Hold on tight, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Chapter 24

--------- Nephi & Jerome Chapter 24

The outer gate to the compound was open. The building was lit up like a construction site. Nephi pushed Jerome's wheelchair through the arch with the iron gate. They learned it was a construction site. The workmen had completed the stucco on the building's walls. There was not a piece of visible tar paper. Workmen were closing down for the night. Benny noticed the bewildered threesome.

"Benny aren't we overlooking something. We can't buy this; it is too expensive." Nephi pointed out.

"You're right; you can't buy this. It's a long story. Let's sit down." Benny turned and led the family into one of the side suites. They sat around the table.

"Twenty years ago, my parents died. They left some money for Peter and me. Neither of us needed the money right then. If we spent it, it would be gone. Instead we bought a large tract of land on the west side of the valley, sure that as the city grew the value would increase. Tenants signed 30-year lease agreements. At the end of thirty years they could buy the land at the then current value. If they broke the lease, any capital improvements reverted to Peter's Property Management. That's Peter and Sons Landscape and Design now." Benny explained. "It provided a continuous income stream. This is a piece of that property. We already own it."

Luke borrowed the keys to the truck. Workman carried everything out of Nephi's truck inside and put them in the bedrooms. When Jerry saw his toys, he followed them into a bedroom. It wasn't long before Jerry was building with his blocks and playing with his cars.

After seeing Jerry settled Benny continued. "Just before Christmas the family that lived here didn't send their rent check. They had never been late. It was almost like they hadn't wanted to give me an excuse to check on them. After the New Year, I came to collect the check or work out terms. Luke and I had to hot wire the gate to get in. The courtyard gate was open."

"Daddy, can Micah and I have a drink of water?" Jerry accompanied a nervous boy about his age into the room. "This is Daddy Jerome, and this is Daddy Nephi." Jerry introduced his dads. "Micah has lots of aunts, a brother and a sister. He didn't believe I had two daddies of my very own and I didn't have to share them. I said he could share my daddies."

The men were bursting with questions, but Benny shook his head. After two glasses of water, the pair disappeared back into Jerry's bedroom, Benny continued his story. "That is Micah. His mother Sariah, his Aunt Rebecca, and their four children hid when the family left."

"They wanted to be left behind?" Jerome asked.

"They did. That is a story for them to tell. I think you will find them to be a great asset managing this property." Benny looked for a response; the boys took the comment in stride. It wasn't as if there was a lack of space.

"Last summer one of the young men from the compound ran away. Based on his story there was an investigation. The police visited and the patriarch, Jacob, and his brother were missing. Jacob considered fourteen-year-old girls to be old enough for marriage. His brother was more into young boys." Benny stopped to catch his breath. "When the police returned with a search warrant and DFS they found the place abandoned. The police searched and finally released the property. Whenever the gate opens, it chimes in the house. Micah's family hid whenever the police were here. They have been caring for the animals."

"Okay, we already own the property and house. Where is the money coming from for the remodel?" Nephi was in dollar and cents mode.

"Grace is loaning us money for now. We will repay her from the Insurance money." Benny answered. "Jerome has school tomorrow. The big house is under renovation. I hope this suite will work for a week or four. I suggest we continue this discussion tomorrow."

With a remote for the gates in Jerome's hand, the dads checked on their boy. Someone had made the double bed. Three small children were sleeping under the covers. Nephi's and Jerome's clothes were in the drawers or hanging in the closet. The dirty clothes were missing. Someone had made the bed.

The pair woke to a knock on the door and the smell of bacon. A woman's voice came through the door. "Uncle Benny said I had to make sure you were awake before eight o'clock. Jerome has school."

It took Nephi awhile to get Jerome ready and in his wheelchair. They arrived at the table the same time their eggs did. Nephi looked around the kitchen. "My name is Sariah. Micah and Jerry are collecting the eggs. Rebecca is milking the cows. Zeke and Rafe are cleaning out the barn. Almania is feeding the chickens." She answered the unasked question. Sariah didn't look much older than Nephi. "Eat, you have fifteen minutes. We can talk later. Don't worry about Jerry. I'll watch over him. Micah and Almania are in seventh heaven having someone new to play with. Stay with Jerome as long as you need to today."

In the truck Jerome broke the silence. "What do you think about having Sariah and her family living with us?" Nephi was silent for a moment.

"Breakfast was delicious, and it gives us an in-house babysitter. Jerry also has friends to play with. Do you know how to take care of cows, pigs, alpacas and chickens? I don't." Nephi asked.

At the college Nephi spent the day pushing Jerome from class to class. He sat in a corner and drew designs for landscaping the new house. A landscaper's property needed to show the level of his workmanship. At the end of classes, the pair dropped by Benny's office. They had to wait until he finished a meeting. Half an hour later a well-dressed man walked out of Benny's office. Benny looked different in a suit and a tie.

"Is that one of your clients?" Jerome asked his Uncle Benny.

"I have many wealthy clients. How was your first night? As soon as they finish the main house, you will move in and the workmen will finish the suite you are in. Did you meet Sariah?" Benny sat in the waiting room rather than trying to navigate the doorway with Jerome's chair.

"She made breakfast for us this morning and had Jerry collecting eggs." Jerome laughed.

"Have you met Max yet?" Benny looked at his perplexed nephews. "I won't give you any hints, except, don't pick up a puppy on the way home."

"We talked this morning. We are glad Sariah and her family will be staying." Nephi reassured Benny.

"That's good. I told the women you would understand. Ezekiel and Rafael are close." Benny winked at the boys. "That was why they got lost in the confusion. The patriarch's brother took care of the teen boys. He didn't like competition. He used an irreversible solution to being gay or difficult to control." Benny made a scissor motion with his fingers.

Nephi and Jerome blanched. "Is Sariah an employee, a tenant or what?" Nephi was back to dollars and cents.

"They are employees of Peter and Sons. That solves a lot of tax issues. Having a good home and a job should keep DFS out of this. The lawyers are working to get birth certificates for the children so we can get them into school in the fall." Benny explained. Nephi wondered how he could pay multiple lawyers, but it was Benny's job to pay the bills. There was so much to handle; Nephi was glad there was help.

As they stopped by the courtyard gate, they met Max. Max put his front paws on the truck and looked through the windows. Max was not happy and Nephi wasn't getting out of the car.

Two boys that looked like brothers followed the dog. "Max! Come!" The taller of the boys took a firm hold of Max's collar.

Nephi opened the truck door expecting an attack. The boys and Max walked toward him. "Put out your hand and let him get a good sniff."

A minute later Max was licking Nephi's hand. Nephi helped Jerome into his wheelchair. Max soon recognized Jerome. "Max, where are you?" Jerry's voice carried from somewhere. Max was pulling at his restraint.

"Go on Max." His captor released Max's collar. Nephi wasn't sure Max was the right dog for his boy. Jerry rounded the corner and Max bowled him over. Nephi started toward his boy.

"Just watch." The shorter young man suggested. What Nephi thought was an attack was Jerry playing with the massive dog. They tumbled and wrestled together. Soon Micah joined the fray.

The taller boy introduced him and his friend. "I'm Zeke and this is Rafe." Zeke put two fingers to his lips and called Max with a high pitch whistle.

Jerry saw his dads and came running. "Daddy Nephi isn't Max great. He's better than Donny's puppy." Jerry ran up to Nephi. Nephi grabbed his little boy and threw him into the air. Jerry squealed in delight. Back on the ground Jerry hugged his dad and since Jerome was on the same level, Jerry kissed him on the cheek.

Micah was being shy. Jerry pushed his friend toward Nephi.

Micah slowly closed the gap. Soon Micah was airborne and squealing. Before setting the boy back on the ground, Nephi gave him a big hug. "Micah, what did you and Jerry do today?"

Micah was still getting over the thrill of the attention. "Jerry says I can call you daddy and you will love me." Nephi hugged the boy a little harder and kissed him on the cheek.

"You can call me daddy." The wiggling boy in Nephi's arms wanted down. Nephi set his burden on the ground. Micah raced for the house shouting. "Daddy Nephi loves me. I can call him daddy!" Jerry ran after his friend.

"Is it true you love each other and do stuff?" Zeke couldn't look the pair in the eyes.

Jerome answered. "Yes, we are partners. We love each other and do stuff."

Rafe spoke up. "Do you do stuff with boys?"

"Rafe, I love Nephi and don't want to have sex with anyone else. Men that do things with young boys are sick." Jerome answered.

Rafe and Zeke high-fived and were all smiles. "Wash up; dinner is on the table." Sariah called.

Everyone stood around the table. A chair was missing near the head of the table. The only remaining table setting was at the head with Jerome on his right and Sariah on the left. Sariah leaned toward Nephi. "You give the evening gospel lesson and prayer."

Nephi thought for a minute. "Each of us is a special child of God. He loves all of us and wants us to treat everyone we meet with kindness and compassion."

"Let's make a seating change. Rafe trade places with Micah." That put Rafael next to Ezekiel and Jerry next to Micah. Nephi couldn't decide which pair was happier with the switch. There were shining eyes around the table.

Jerry had his hand up. "Jerry, you can say the blessing." Nephi's new family looked shocked but followed his lead and took the hand of those standing by them

Jerry's blessing was an extended affair. He blessed all of his new family by name including Max. He blessed the alpacas, the cows, the sow and piglets, and even the chickens but not the rooster.

"The food is still hot!" Rafe exclaimed. "Father always preached so long the food was always cold and our stomachs would be churning. His lessons were all about going to hell. I wouldn't mind calling you Daddy Nephi." Zeke was nodding, agreeing with his friend.

The sleeping arrangements sorted themselves. Rafe and Zeke had the next room down the courtyard. Nephi got Jerome ready for bed and they went looking for Jerry. Rebecca was pulling three little ones out of the tub. Nephi helped dry the squirming children. All in pajamas Jerry led the parade. He gave Nephi a big hug and a kiss good night and a hug and a kiss for Jerome. Micah was next. Almania followed suite. Nephi followed the three children into Jerry's bedroom. It took extra time to hear three sets of prayers. All three climbed into bed together.

Nephi read There's a Monster at the End of This Book, with the voices. Each child received one more kiss from Nephi. "I told you my daddy always has time for us."

Nephi followed up Jerry's statement with a question for Rebecca. She explained the children might not see their father except at dinner and chapel on Sunday. "Rarely did they get the attention you gave them tonight. Thank you for being a father figure for them."

"Where are your rooms?" Rebecca was silent. Nephi smiled. "I understand. You share a room with Sariah." She nodded. "There is no greater gift God gives us than someone to love."

Nephi reached for her. She flinched, then relaxed into the hug and sobbed. Nephi let her cry. He checked on the little ones. He was reminded of a litter of puppies all tangled together.

Nephi knocked on Zeke's door. Rafe answered in white boxers that were too big and looked handed down. "Rafe come with me." He looked a little worried as he followed Nephi into the master bedroom.

Jerome looked at the nervous boy and came to the same conclusion. "They are about my size waist. There are unopened packages in the bottom drawer. Give them socks too." Nephi tossed two three-packs of bright colored boxer briefs and a six pack of socks to Rafe. This is not what Rafe expected. "Throw the old ones away. We'll get more."

Rafe threw his arms around Nephi. "I've never had brand new clothes before." Rafe changed right there giving them a show. He gave Jerome a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't long before Zeke arrived wearing his new underwear. He filled them out well. He hugged Nephi and Jerome. "Rafe looks so hot in his." Zeke said then blushed.

Zeke realized the two men were naked and covered only by the sheet. From the landscape of the bedclothes he realized he had interrupted their loving.

Nephi shifted and his arousal was in plain view for a moment. "You sleep naked. Jacob said we must hide our nakedness before the Lord." Zeke stuttered.

"New dads, new rules." Jerome answered. "Now off to bed."

The next morning Nephi carried Jerome to the table wearing only t-shirt and briefs. "Cool!" Zeke and Rafe dropped their pants and modeled their new underwear.

"Where did you get those? They are indecent." Rebecca exclaimed.

"Our new dads gave them to us. New dads. New rules." Ezekiel answered. Zeke pulled his shirt over his head.

"New rules. We wear shirts at the table, no one wants to see your hairy underarms. There will be no profanity in the house. Treat everyone with respect. If you say you will do something, you do it." Nephi announced.

"That's it? You didn't mention going to hell once." Rafe's comment told volumes about their previous lives.

"We won't add rules unless we need to. More rules, a kiss or a hug is fine but no major making out in public areas and no means no." Nephi noticed the down looks on the boys faces. "I expect the must-do-chores done in two hours. We are going out."

Nephi rolled Jerome out to the truck to find it missing. In its place was a used van. The keys were in the ignition. "You will need this." The note on the dash said.

Nephi lifted his partner into the front seat. The wheelchair fit into the back. At the college they arranged a time to meet after classes. Jerome hadn't rolled very far before a handsome guy was pushing him to class. A pang of jealousy shot through Nephi.

Back at the compound Nephi grew to appreciate his new vehicle. Even with three littles, two teens, two women and Nephi there was still room for more. Nephi had two quick stops before shopping.

"Hope, would you mind going on a shopping expedition? I'm buying lunch." Seeing the charred bones of the old house brought tears to Nephi's eyes. Would he ever visit this neighborhood and not feel sorrow?

"Sister Thompson, I was hoping you were available to help me shop for my new family."

Nephi, with an extra little boy and two more women on board, headed to Kmart. Sister Thompson took the littles in hand. Nephi took the teens. He left the women to shop on their own.

At the end of the hour with carts full of clothes and necessities, they met at the checkout. Rebecca and Sariah were complaining about not needing clothes.

"Don't you like them?" Nephi asked.

"They are immodest." Rebecca replied.

"I asked if you liked them? Do you think Sariah looks nice in the new clothes?"

"She is beautiful, but..." Rebecca continued.

"Good, that is one problem solved. If you are joining the real world, you will need to not look like you are in a polygamist family. When you work around the house or on the farm, you can wear what you like. There will be times when you need to look as beautiful as you are." Nephi announced with authority. Just as he expected they yielded to a male authority figure. He promised himself not to abuse it. "Just know the boys will need to dress like teens when they attend school next fall."

Nephi stopped by the college. Jerome joined the group and there was still room for more in the van. Nephi wondered if this was the first time at a restaurant for his new family members.

As they entered the restaurant Marco was at the hostess station. Jerry broke loose of Nephi's hand and jumped into Marco's arms. "Hi Uncle Marco." After a snuggle. Jerry introduced his new brothers and sister. He wasn't satisfied until everyone had given Uncle Marco a hug. "Uncle Marco makes the bestest pizza."

The group had just sat down when the waiter brought water to the table, followed by a huge bowl of spaghetti, a bowl of chicken Alfredo, half a lasagna and four half pizzas. "This is too much food." Sariah complained

"We are between lunch rush and dinner rush. This was prepared for lunch and would have to be discarded before dinner." Nephi explained. Nephi held his hands out to Jerome and Holly. Soon the circle was complete.

"Thank you, Lord, for new friends and old. Bless them with Thy love and compassion for they are all Thy children."

What had looked like mountains of food was soon bare plates. "My Uncle Marco's is the best Italian restaurant in town." Jerome boasted.

Nephi was more than satisfied. Even Rafe and Zeke, who ate more than anyone else swore they couldn't eat another bite until Jerry suggested visiting Uncle Bertram's for dessert.

Bertram wasn't at the bakery. There was no sign of Bella in the back. Bertram's sister stood behind the counter. "If it isn't those nephews again. I don't have to serve you and I won't."

Nephi had played this game so often, it was getting old. Nephi handed Jerome his wallet and stepped into the back. The clunk of the time clock echoed in the silence. Nephi returned in his official Bertram Bakery apron. His shiny gold badge said, "Nephi, Assistant Manager."

"Good afternoon. Welcome to Bertram's Bakery! What may I get for you today?" Nephi filled the order. He put his key into the register and rang it up with his employee discount. Jerome took the cash out of Nephi's wallet and paid for the order. Bertram's sister wasn't happy about the assistant manager badge. Bertram had put the title on the badge just to irritate his sister.

They were just sitting down when Bella returned. "Nephi, it's good to see you. This must be your new extended family Benny was talking about."

She saw the dusting of flour on Nephi's pants and shook her head, guessing that Nephi had to play the assistant manager card for service. "Uncle Bertram and Mario are planning a surprise housewarming party when they finish the major construction."

"Thanks for the warning. The best part of a surprise party is being prepared for it." Jerome answered.

Nephi dropped Holly and Donny at their house and refused to look at the old house. Nephi walked Sister Thompson to the door. "Jerry told me a lot about your new house. I would like to see it sometime." She paused. "You know those two boys are like you and Jerome?"

"The boys love for each other is why their mothers escaped from their previous situation. Their uncle had a permanent solution for gay boys." Nephi mirrored the finger motions Benny had made. Sister Thompson's face went white. "My heart goes out to boys whose families have treated them like dirt because who they love."

The next morning set the new routine. Nephi took Jerome to college and Jack, Jerome's handsome new friend pushed him to class. Nephi would spend the rest of the morning worrying he was losing Jerome and learning the skills required to manage the compound and care for its animals. Just before noon Nephi, accompanied by Zeke and Rafe, started spring cleanup for those clients that were ready. If the workload was light for the day, they prepared the compound for its new landscaping. They removed the dead grass and plants, tilled and leveled the ground, installed sprinklers and hauled in topsoil. Nephi drew the planting plan on the ground with spray paint. Nephi wanted the grass seed in before the summer's heat.

Jack started bringing Jerome home after school. A few days later Jack drove in the morning. It freed up an extra hour and a half for Nephi but left him feeling insecure.

By mid-May the grass was growing, there were evergreens the size of small bushes planted around the front of the house. Jerry's favorite was the growing playground in the courtyard. Nephi and the boys were building it out of heavy timbers. Benny had someone visit the house to teach Nephi how to clean and maintain the pool. It would take a full weekend to drain and scrub the pool.

Once Jerome was out of the wheelchair, Benny had delivered Jerome's car. Without the wheelchair Jerome drove himself to school. References to Jack were coming up in Jerome's conversations with increasing frequency. Jerome always seemed too tired for passion.

The Saturday they scrubbed the pool, Jerome worked on his finals project at Jack's house. Saturday night at eleven o'clock Jerome hadn't returned home, nor had he called. Nephi slept in one of the spare rooms. He wasn't sure if Jerome came home or not. Jerome wasn't there for breakfast when Nephi finished his morning chores.

Jerome appeared early Sunday morning on Jack's doorstep. Jack's wife answered the door. "What's wrong Jerome?"

"Nephi wasn't in my bed when I got home last night." Jerome burst into tears. "I think he has found someone else."

She shook her head. "Sometimes men are so stupid. Did you call to tell him you would be late?"

"I'm 18. He's not my mother." Jerome countered.

"No, he's your partner. Don't you think he worries about you when you're late? You told Jack and I that Nephi found you injured at least twice when you were late. What do you think went through his mind?" She asked again. This time Jerome was silent.

"When was the last time you showed Nephi how much you love him?"

"I tell him all the time." Jerome answered.

"I said showed. You are always telling us little things Nephi does, like the love notes he hides in your books. When was the last time you did something special for him?" She asked.

"What would you think if Nephi was hanging out with another guy? If he kept talking about this guy and then didn't arrive home on time?" She asked her final question and didn't wait for an answer. "Jack get dressed, we have somewhere to go."

Jack returned in gym shorts and a tank top. "Wear a work shirt and old jeans. We want to reassure Nephi that you are harmless. In that outfit you look anything but harmless."

Jack's wife rode with Jerome, giving him an earful of how unfeeling and stupid men could be. Jack followed in his car happy not to be the focus to his wife's ire for once.

Jerome opened the gate. Jack followed him onto the property. Nephi heard the chime and met his partner's car at the inner gate. The woman climbing out of the car surprised him. She introduced herself as Jack's wife. Jerome and Jack neared the conversing pair just in time to hear.

"If I thought Jack were cheating on me with a guy, I'd have his balls in a jar and kick him to the curb."

Jack flinched and covered his bits and pieces. "Maybe I won't cheat on her."

Hearing Nephi laugh brought Jerome some relief. Maybe Jack's wife was right. He hadn't heard Nephi laugh much since the fire. Jerome hadn't been thinking of Nephi's feelings. He allowed school and classes to fill his days. Every night Nephi asked about school. When was the last time he asked about Nephi's day?

Nephi returned to the depths of the pool. Jack joined him. Things started tense between Jerome's friend and Jerome's lover, but as they worked side by side and talked, Nephi relaxed. By the time they were rinsing the pool they behaved like old friends.

With Jack, his wife, and Jared the table was becoming crowded. Nephi saw the need for the big table in the main house. The phone rang. "That phone still bothers me. Jacob had the only phone in his study." Sariah complained.

"Every apartment will have phone service. Benny knows a contractor who is demolishing an old motel. We got the phone system." Jerome explained.

Nephi answered the phone. After a brief conversation he hung up. "Chief Thompson is coming to visit. He needs a favor. I want him to meet my family."

They returned to their simple meal of soup and sandwiches. Chief Thompson must have been close. Nephi hadn't taken two bites before the distinctive short ring announced someone was at the front gate. Nephi picked up the phone. "Just follow the road. I'll meet you at the gate." Nephi pressed the security code on the phone. The fence gate opened for the chief.

It hadn't taken Sister Thompson long to tell her son about the new house and Nephi's family. The Chief was in his family car. Nephi could see a young man in the front seat trying to hide behind the dash.

"Nephi, I hate to be a burden. Kenton, he's the fourteen-year-old hiding in the front seat. We rescued him from his house a year ago. His parents are dead. His uncle pays a family to take care of him. We keep taking him back. The bruises tell me he isn't wanted." The sheriff took a deep breath. "I thought he might get more understanding here with you. From what Jerry told Mom you have plenty of room." The chief had a hopeful look in his eye.

"You would trust us with a young boy?" Nephi asked.

"Your lifestyle choice is why I am turning to you and Jerome." The Chief motioned Kenton from the car and made the introductions.

"Kenton, have you eaten?" When Kenton shook his head, Nephi offered his hand. "It's time to meet your new family. Things are different here. You need to know I live here with my partner, Jerome."

"You're gay?" Kenton asked his eyes wide.

"We are two men who love each other. If you can accept that, you will fit in." Nephi's comment motivated Kenton to hurry. He was really hungry. The rest of the family was finishing dinner when Nephi introduced Kenton. Sariah produced two sandwiches and a large bowl of soup. The boys recited the rules.

Kissing and hugging in common areas is okay, making out is not. No Swearing. Wear a shirt at the table. Treat everyone with respect. If you say you will do something, do it. No means No.

"Can you live by these rules?" Kenton nodded. "Zeke and Rafe will help you get settled in." Nephi turned to Zeke. "He can have the room next to yours. We need to make the bed."

Rebecca returned announcing the bed was made. "What Sariah and Rebecca ask you to do, please do it."

Jerome and Nephi led the Chief out to his car. Nephi had worried he upset Jerome by not discussing things first. "Chief Thompson, Kenton looks like he has been through the ringer. This will be a good place for him once he settles in." Jerome reassured the Chief and Nephi.

Inside Rafe and Zeke had taken Kenton in hand. "Come on we will show you your room." Rafe led the way outside and down the covered walkway. The workmen had enclosed the open corridor with brick, windows and sliding glass doors. The windows were open to catch the evening breeze. They stopped at a green door. "This is your room."

The smell of fresh paint and new carpet greeted them. "Aunt May lived here with her daughter." Zeke explained.

The phone system wasn't the only thing that had made its way from the defunct motel into the compound. The furniture had received a new coat of paint. Zeke's favorite item was the TV. When you had never had a television even an old one was exciting.

"We're next door." Zeke offered. "We have some new toothbrushes." Kenton followed the pair. This isn't how things worked. They gave him a nice room of his own. He wasn't given a mattress on the floor in the basement. Everyone here seemed happy to see him. Kenton wasn't sure he could trust these people. Things had always changed when they learned his secret.

The one big bed surprised Kenton. Rafe produced a toothbrush still in its wrapper. "You may as well brush your teeth here until you get your own toothpaste." Rafe knew his mom would have stocked Kenton's bathroom. He had ulterior motives. As the pair stood at the sink brushing their teeth, Zeke walked in naked and stepped into the shower. Zeke left the shower curtain mostly open. Rafe noticed that Kenton's eyes never veered from Zeke's reflection in the mirror.

Rafe pulled his shirt over his head, distracting Kenton. He tweaked his nipple as he ran his hand across his chest.

"I'm almost done." Zeke turned and locked eyes with Kenton's reflection in the mirror. Zeke cupped his balls without breaking his gaze. Rafe climbed into the shower and washed Zeke's back. Zeke turned and Rafe washed his cock and balls. Zeke returned the favor before getting out and drying off.

"Kenton, I'm about done. Do you want me to wash your back?" Rafe offered.

Watching Rafe wash Zeke's back got Kenton thinking. Kenton knew he was more interested in guys than girls. He wanted the same treatment Rafe had given Zeke.

One time, the first time, the only time he tried something his brother walked into Kenton's bedroom as his best friend leaned in for a kiss. Their lips hadn't met before his brother yelled. "Dad, Kenton's kissing his boyfriend!"

His father didn't even give him a chance to explain things. He grabbed Kenton's arm and dragged him to the garage. He used a nylon strap to beat his son. The metal end bit into Kenton's skin over and over. His dad pointed at the old dog bed in the corner. "That's your bed now." Kenton's father padlocked the garage door closed.

That was Friday night. Saturday morning Kenton woke to the bite of a willow stick from the tree in the yard. His breakfast was cereal served in a dog dish. A water dish sat next to the food. Kenton reached for a handful of cereal and the willow switch struck his back. "You will eat it like the animal you are."

If he dropped a piece, his father hit him. With breakfast eaten. Kenton fell asleep. When he woke a heavy lock attached the chain around his neck to the chain securely set into the floor. Kenton had to go. There was a five-gallon bucket lined with a garbage bag. Kenton took care of his needs.

Kenton lost track of time. One of his brother's friends took over feeding Kenton for a few days in the afternoon giving him some special unwanted attention. The day came no one brought food. The following morning Kenton heard an unfamiliar voice call his name.

"I'm in here!" He shouted in pain. Someone rattled the garage door. It wasn't going anywhere. Heavy locks held it in place. Breaking glass broke the silence. A hand reached in through the broken pane and unlocked the door. A police officer entered the garage. Kenton huddled into the corner. Was he saved or would he be beaten again?

Rafe watched Kenton grow motionless and collapse to the floor mumbling. "Don't hit me again."

Rafe dropped to his knees. Kenton was breathing. "Zeke get Nephi!" Zeke didn't worry about putting on clothes. He ran to Nephi's bedroom.

"Zeke you're naked!" He ran past Rebecca.

Zeke opened Nephi's door without knocking. "Nephi, Kenton has collapsed." Nephi didn't take time for about dressing. His mind was on Kenton. Jerome pulled on shorts and followed his partner with extra shorts in hand.

Rebecca heard Zeke's shouted message. She followed the naked pair to the boys' bathroom. Rafe sat naked on the floor rubbing Kenton's back repeating over and over. "You're safe. No one will hurt you here."

Nephi picked up the boy. "I've seen this before with Jerome." Nephi removed Kenton's shirt and pants. "Zeke and Rafe crawl into bed." Nephi placed his burden between them. "No funny business. He needs to feel safe and loved."

Rebecca gathered the clothes off the floor. "I will look down in stores and see if there is anything his size." Nephi pulled on the shorts Jerome offered and followed Rebecca. She went to the main house and pulled a bookcase from the wall. Behind was a stairway into the basement Nephi had never seen.

"This is where Jacob hid when the police would come." Rebecca lead past an office and bedroom. There were rooms of food storage and shelves of clothes. They were handmade and all showed wear but would be serviceable for now. Rebecca searched until she found a few shirts and pants that would fit Kenton.

"I think Kenton could have a pair or two of Rafe's new underwear and socks." Rebecca offered. Nephi continued his explorations of the basement. There were bolts of fabric and shelves of bedding. This was where the sheets and blankets had come from.

Nephi checked on the boys as Rebecca dropped off the folded clothes. She nodded at the three boys snuggled together under the covers. "They're so peaceful when sleeping and into everything when they are awake." Rebecca chuckled after shutting the door.

"Thanks for your help. Kenton is like the boys. Someone has abused this poor kid. We need to be the ones to love him unconditionally." Nephi suggested.

Nephi found a naked man lying on his bed, a bow tied around his package. "Jack's wife thought I should surprise you with a gift, but I didn't have time to go shopping."

Nephi removed his shorts crawled between Jerome's legs and grabbed the wrong end of the ribbon with his teeth. Instead of coming loose it tightened and became a knot. Nephi didn't care. Jerome was getting harder than Nephi had seen him before. After a few cursory licks Nephi made use of the lube. Straddling Jerome, Nephi impaled himself on his lover's manhood. Nephi was soon shooting his load.

Nephi was sure there was a pair of scissors somewhere. Sariah found a naked Nephi rummaging around the kitchen drawers looking for scissors. She returned from her room with a pair of scissors. "I told Jerome to be careful with the ribbon."

A moment later Nephi returned the scissors. "Jerome says thank you."

Next: Chapter 96: Nephi and Jerome 25

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