Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Apr 20, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 23

If we grow through adversity. Nephi and Jerome are giants, but will they need their strength. (yes)

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Thank you, Zach for your editing skills.

--------- Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 23

Benny sat with the boys around the table in the cabin. "So why did Jerome go walking this late at night?"

"Why are you blaming us. I just said Nephi had already flaked out once today." Drake was on the defensive.

"When this trip is over what are you going to do?" Benny asked.

"I'm going home and go back to school. What else would I do?" Drake answered.

"Where will Nephi and Jerome take their little boy? How do you try to explain to a three-year-old that all of his toys are gone?" Benny turned to Jared. "The fire didn't get near your room in Marie's house. Your things will need to be washed and you're back in business."

The boys were quiet. "Jared, do you have to worry about finding a place for your family? Nephi does. Do you have to worry about paying for things? Nephi does."

"That doesn't explain why Jerome took off." Drake countered.

"Drake, if someone said something hurtful about Jared how would you feel?" Benny looked serious.

"If it was funny I'd laugh." Drake answered.

"Jared, how would you feel if it was about Drake?"

There was silence. "I'd stand up for Drake and get in their face." Jared wasn't pleased with Drake's answer.

"When you say mean things about Nephi you hurt Jerome and vise-versa. That is how a loving couple react. Hurting their partner is worse than hurting them." Benny decided he was going home and let the pair have a heart-to-heart.

At the hospital Jerome was coming out of radiology as Nephi arrived. There were no broken bones, but soft tissue damage often heals more slowly. Jerome would be in a wheelchair for a week or two and then crutches.

"How am I going to handle the stairs at home?" Realization of the situation became real for Jerome. He had no home. Then he realized the photo album from his mother was gone. Tears flowed with no sign of stopping.

"Jerome, we will handle this. Everyone has offered to help." Nephi consoled his man.

"I've lost Mom's album." Jerome sobbed.

"Like all of our important papers it is in the fireproof file cabinet." Nephi kissed his sobbing lover.

Jerome's knee was in a brace and his ankle wrapped. Jerry worried about his daddy. The doctor got down on one knee. "What is your name?"

"Jerry." Jerry wasn't sure whether to be brave or shy.

"Jerry, your daddy will be all right." The doctor took the stethoscope from around his neck. He put the earpieces in Jerry's ears and held it against Jerome's chest. "Can you hear your daddy's heart beating?" Jerry nodded his head.

The doctor held it up to Jerry's chest. "Do you know what you're hearing?"

"My heart. It sounds like daddy's heart." Jerry stared in amazement.

"That's what hearts sound like when they are full of love. Who does your daddy love?" The doctor asked.

"He loves Daddy Nephi. They kiss and make funny noises at night." Jerry beamed at his Daddy Nephi who was turning a handsome reddish color.

"Who else do your daddies love?"

Jerry thought for a minute. His face broke into a smile. "They love me!"

"Your daddy hurts. Will you help take care of him?"

"I'm almost four; I can take care of my daddy." Jerry beamed.

Luke arrived in the Peter and Sons pickup. A borrowed wheelchair was in the back. It was a tight squeeze, but they fit everyone in the front seat. Luke held off his announcements until they returned to the cabin.

The returning family found a pair of apologetic young men waiting for them in the cabin. Luke carried Jerome into the cabin while Nephi carried in his sleeping boy. With Jerry tucked into bed, Luke began.

"They won't release the crime scene for weeks. Jared, you will stay with Drake so you don't have to change high schools. Drake's parents have agreed to be Jared's temporary guardians." The boys nodded their heads.

"Nephi and Jerome, Paula and Benny want to talk with you before you make any rebuilding plans. Chief Thompson thought it best you disappear for a while. You will still go to school, Jerome, but we will make it harder to find your family. Benny knows a guy." Luke smiled.

"Nephi, I had pulled your car out of the garage so I could move the equipment to the shop for maintenance. With your car in the driveway it looked like you were home. Chief Thompson isn't willing to rule out attempted murder." Luke paused for a response that didn't come.

"I think it is time for bed. I have had all I can handle for today." Nephi turned and helped Jerome out of his clothes. "Do you want your own bed tonight?" Jerome shook his head `no'.

"I'm putting you on the inside in case Jerry gets lonely in the night." A flying pillow hit Nephi in the back. Nephi returned the projectile. Luke watched as frustration and hopelessness disappeared, replaced by laughter. Even Jerome used his good arm to throw a pillow.

A pillow flew from the top bunk. "I got you, Daddy!" Jerry squealed from the top bunk. Nephi tossed the pillow back at his son, his heart soared. It was the first time he noticed that Jerry said just daddy and not Daddy Nephi. He knew it probably meant nothing, but it was everything to Nephi.

The giant teddy was the next thing Jerry threw giggling. Everyone else was worn out, but Jerry was now wide awake. Nephi lifted him from his bunk. Jerome's injuries were all toward the wall. Nephi settled Jerry next to Jerome. "Thank you, Daddy Nephi. Will you read a story? I like Monster at the End of the book."

Nephi sat on the edge of the bed and read Jerry's story. During the second story Nephi fell asleep and slumped onto the bed. Jerry crawled out at the foot of the bed, turned off the light. "Good night. I love you daddy." He kissed Nephi on the cheek. Somewhere deep in slumber that message slipped into Nephi's dreams. Jerry took his place in the middle of his daddies. He tried his best to cover Nephi. Jerry snuggled up to Jerome and fell asleep.

The next morning Nephi opened his eyes. A little boy's face was inches from his daddy's. "Are you awake Daddy? Daddy Nephi is awake can we have breakfast now? I love you Daddy." Jerry left a super smooch on Nephi's lips. Nephi tickled his boy. Jared and Drake joined in the attack.

"Time-out!" Jerome shouted. "I need to pee!" Everyone piled out of the bed. Nephi lifted Jerome out of bed, carried him to the bathroom and helped him settle on the `throne'. Nephi turned to give Jerome some privacy.

"Lock the door." Jerome hooked the fingers of his good arm in the waistband of Nephi's underwear. Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Uncle Jared says breakfast is ready." There was a brief pause. "He says to use mouthwash." Nephi and Jerome could hear Jared's and Drake's laughter through the door.

After breakfast Nephi announced it would be a work morning. Jared and Drake groaned.

"I can hire some of your school friends and pay them instead." Nephi waited for a response. "Today you can take the snowmobile and drag deadfall back to the cabin. Can I trust you with the chainsaw?" Nephi asked.

The boys thought it was a good idea. Jerome rode with Nephi as he plowed the roads to his client's cabins. They had a dozen cabins to prepare for early spring visitors. There wasn't much snow so it should be earlier than previous years. Nephi had to promise to take Jerry on the snowmobile in the afternoon before he would settle down between his dads in the truck.

There wasn't much snow on the roads, but there were a few deep drifts. The cabins still had snow but most of that had melted too. They had enough time to stop and watch a herd of deer grazing in a high meadow. They even saw a bear cub. Nephi had to explain to his little one why they couldn't pet the cub. Just as he finished the mother bear arrived. Nephi was glad they hadn't got out of the truck.

Back at the cabin, with lunch out of the way, Jerry and Jerome built blocks on the table; Jerome couldn't get on the floor. Nephi pulled out a surprise box for the pair. Inside was Playdoh. Jerry pushed the blocks to the side. Jared and Drake used the chainsaw to cut the logs into lengths. Nephi used the powered log splitter. Soon they had a good-sized stack of firewood. They would need more for their clients. Jared and Drake volunteered to take the snowmobile out again the next morning.

With the lumber split and stacked. Nephi took Jerry on the snowmobile. Jared and Drake kept looking up at the loft. "Have fun before Jerry returns." Jerome told the pair. They were up the ladder as quickly as a child comes down the stairs on Christmas morning.

Jerry was having fun on the snowmobile. Once they reached the open meadow, Nephi put Jerry between his legs and `let him drive.' They had the meadow to themselves. Jerry wanted to chase the deer. Nephi stopped the snowmobile and explained how that made the deer burn up their fat reserves. It could even kill the deer. Jerry thought for a moment and watched the deer from a distance.

Jerry didn't want to go back to the cabin. At the rate the snow was melting soon the rocks would show. Nephi and Jerry returned to the cabin as twilight filled the high mountain valley. Seeing Benny's car at the cabin was a surprise.

The delicious smell of lasagna greeted Jerry and his Daddy Nephi. "Finally, we can eat." Drake announced. As they sat at the table Drake grabbed a breadstick and took a bite.

"Uncle Drake!" Jerry shook his head. Jerry took Jerome's hand and reached out for Drake's. Soon the circle was complete around the table. "It's my turn."

With a little prompting from Jerome, Jerry offered a blessing for the food. "Now, Uncle Drake." Jerry reached out and took the breadstick Drake was reaching for.

After a delicious meal from Uncle Marco, Benny got down to business. "Paula has decided she won't feel safe in the old neighborhood. If someone had been home, they could have died. Grace offered to advance the money for a new house until the insurance comes through. I told Paula about a property. Paula wants you to look at."

Benny joined the family in the hot tub. It took a few minutes to get Jerome unwrapped and settled in the tub. "Where is this house?" Nephi asked.

"It's on the west side of the valley in an undeveloped area and sits on five acres. We may see it tomorrow morning. It needs work. We could get a great price for it."

Nephi's little family turned in leaving Benny soaking with Jared and Drake. Soon Jerry was sound asleep between his dads.

"What do you think of moving?" Jerome asked.

"If we move, are we letting the Sister Johnson's in this world win? Are we willing to jeopardize our family's safety? A moral victory would be little comfort if I had to live without either of you." Nephi thought out loud.

Benny slept in the spare bed. When Jared and Drake slipped into the cabin, Nephi woke long enough to ask if they had covered the hot tub. The boys climbed to the loft after they put the hot tub to rights.

The next morning Benny suggested that they stop at IHOP for breakfast. Nephi wasn't sure if it was looking at the house or the offer of Breakfast at IHOP that helped convince Jared and Drake to tag along. It was a tight squeeze to fit everyone in Benny's car. Jerome got the front seat so he wouldn't get bumped. Jerry sat on Nephi's lap. They stowed the wheelchair in the trunk.

They pulled up to a gate in a fence well posted with no trespassing and electric fence signs. Benny pulled out a remote, and the gate slid to the left. An asphalt drive ended in a spacious parking pad. The building was plain white stucco with high windows and iron grates. A tall iron gate filled the arched entry. Benny again pressed the remote and the heavy iron gates opened. The long archway led into a walled courtyard the size of a football field.

The landscaping was minimal, a paved walkway, barren flowerbeds, dead grass and a concrete slab around a swimming pool green with slime. Nephi was seeing not what it was but what it could be.

The house needed repair work. There were places that were still under construction. Nephi felt this was a blank canvas. The long walls of the courtyard were single story buildings lined with doors and windows. A motel was Nephi's first impression. Then he realized they were looking at a polygamist compound. The short ends of the rectangle had two stories. As they toured the house, it was obvious the former owners were finishing the house as they were living in it. In places tar-paper and chicken wire waited for stucco.

The main house had a very large common, dining and kitchen area. The focal point was a large stone fireplace. "Does it come furnished?" Nephi asked testing the couch. The furniture wasn't brand new and showed wear but it was serviceable.

"It comes just as you see it." Benny reassured him.

Nephi counted the chairs around a heavy wooden dining table. It could sit thirty or more people on its benches and chairs. The kitchen had commercial appliances, lots of storage and a breakfast nook that would sit ten.

The master bedroom was the best-looking part of the house. Its en-suite looked as if it belonged in a high-end hotel. A bedroom opened off of each side of the master, each with its own bathroom and sitting room. The suite to the east was better appointed than the one to the west. Jared wondered why the bedrooms had a door into the master suite and into the common area. Nephi leaned into Jared and whispered into his ear.

Jared's face slipped from confusion to mirth. "Which bedroom will Jerome get? The first wife's or the second's and who will Nephi put in the other?"

Drake and Jerome were in the dark. "Often in a polygamous household the husband would keep his favorite wives close. The doors from the master made it easy to slip into their bedroom and take care of things." Benny explained.

"I don't know where Nephi is going to sleep but I get this bed." Jerome flopped onto the king bed in the master bedroom.

Upstairs the central room was a classroom. Beds lined the walls of the side rooms. "How many wives did this guy have?" Drake asked looking at all the beds.

"The older children slept in dormitories- one side for the teen girls and the other for the preteens." Benny explained. "The teen boys slept in a dormitory at the other end of the courtyard by the garages. They did the farm work."

Next to the central house, the first apartment on each leg of the U contained identical apartments with an open concept kitchen, dining and common area. The common area had a door that led into the main house. There were three bedrooms and a bathroom. "We could split a bedroom and make an expanded bathroom and a walk-in closet. I think Paula would like that." Benny explained.

As they toured the other apartments, they noticed the closer an apartment was to the main house the larger they were. Small rooms had a sitting area, a bed and a bath. Storage and workshops monopolized the furthest spaces.

The cloudy day had changed to rain. They appreciated the covered porch that connected all the doors. "What are the flagpoles with windmills on them?" Jerome scanned the row of five spinning whirligigs.

"Those generate most of the power for the house." Benny pointed to a steel box next to the four-car garage. "That is the backup generator."

Behind the compound was a large garden, a barn with a small herd of alpacas and cows and a large chicken coop and yard. "I've been paying someone to take care of the animals." Benny realized he had said more than he had intended. "One of my clients had to leave in a hurry. He decided he isn't moving back and doesn't want to pay the rent anymore."

"Is this a dog house?" Jerry had his head inside a wooden structure looking for the dog that went with it.

Benny continued the tour. The paved drive continued past the main house and ended at a large metal storage shed twice the size of the one Peter and Sons rented in the industrial area. Next to it was a pasture. "They raise beef cattle during the summer. The people that lived here tried to be self-sufficient."

"What do you think?" Benny asked Jerome and Nephi. "Remember, Peter put your name on the house deed with him and Paula. You are part of this decision."

"I think we need to think about it. There is a lot of work to do." Nephi answered.

"I think there will be a budget to have the kitchens and bathrooms remodeled. I know a guy that would give us a fair price." Benny answered. Nephi shook his head and Jerome smiled.

They stopped at Benny's office. Nephi and Jerome called Paula while Benny, Jerry Jared and Drake demolished a dozen Fritters and ice cream.

"Benny, Paula is for it, so is Marie. I'm not sure we can make it work." Jerome informed Benny. "We will think about it."

"This might be a good time to take on a new place, there is no snow and the yard work is going slow. It's no farther from Jerome's school and we wouldn't have to pay rent on the shop and I think we could even manage a puppy." Jerry's perked up when Nephi mentioned the puppy.

Nephi and the boys returned to the cabin for the rest of the week. They dedicated the mornings to gathering lumber and preparing cabins for the summer seasons. The afternoons were for having fun. Jerome played with Jerry in the morning. The warm rain put an end to snowmobiling. Further wood gathering would need to wait until the ground dried out.

Friday afternoon Nephi, Jerome and Jerry went shopping. Jared and Drake had other plans for an afternoon on their own. Jerome had to have school clothes. He chose some upscale outfits. Nephi bought Jerry a week's worth of clothes and replaced his favorite toys. To Nephi his family was most important. Later Nephi would pick up clothes at the thrift store.

Saturday night they drained the hot tub and prepared to shut down the cabin. Sunday morning, they threw the luggage in the truck and headed on their new adventure. Nephi and his little family still didn't know where they would be sleeping tonight. When they dropped off Drake and Jared all of Jared's stuff was waiting for him in the spare bedroom next to Drake's.

"We know if we don't let you share a room you will just sneak in when you think we are asleep. Whatever you do just keep it quiet." His father's announcement surprised Drake. Drake hugged Jared and kissed his boyfriend. "Outside your room a little kissing and hugging is fine but no making out. We weren't passionate when you were growing up. We expect the same courtesy."

Jerome looked down the street. "I want to drive past the house."

There was little to see but police tape and the intact brick chimney rising above the charred remains of their home. "Where's our house?"

Jerome explained there was a fire. "Where are we going to sleep?" Jerry wasn't handling things well.

Nephi turned to see Mrs. Johnson and an officer knocking on the truck window. "You no longer have a home for this little boy. We are taking him into protective custody." The officer had his gun drawn.

Nephi stepped on the gas pedal, leaving the pair scrambling to get in their car. Nephi wasn't sure where to go. He tried to lose the car behind him. He pulled beside the parish chapel. Mass was in session. Nephi rushed around the car. Nephi opened the doors. He picked up his partner. The three fugitives rushed into the chapel. "Please grant us sanctuary from those that would take our son."

The priest motioned the pair toward a side door. The relieved couple and child followed the priest's suggested escape route. Mrs. Johnson and the officer burst through the door. "We are here on official business. We are searching for two men. They kidnapped a little boy. The priest turned from the altar, "Two members of this congregation and their son have requested sanctuary in this house of God."

"This isn't a house of God there is only one true church. You are just a step above pagans." She hissed like a snake ready to strike.

She was a step behind the pew of Bryce's family. The judge stood and turned. "Mrs. Johnson you are trespassing and disturbing our worship." Two men stood. Officers, I know you are off-duty, but would you see these two out of the building. We will continue this conversation outside.

"We can't do that, sir." The officer stated showing a protection order for the child.

"I find it interesting that this paper has my signature on it, but I did not sign it. Mrs. Johnson no longer works for Family Services. Let's discuss this outside." The judge suggested.

The Judge had issued restraining orders against the three Johnson's. When the Judge returned to worship, the officer put Mrs. Johnson in his police car.

One of the local TV news anchors belonged to the parish. His pocket camera was busy as Nephi asked for sanctuary. He followed the group outside and overheard the discussion. The officer she brought with her ended up arresting Mrs. Johnson on a variety of charges.

Nephi and his family weren't dressed for church, but the Judge asked them to sit with his family. When it came time for communion Nephi carried Jerome to receive the priest's blessing.

After Mass they thanked the priest and the judge for their help. They had been to Mass often enough that the parishioners counted the little family as one of their own. The judge invited them to dinner with his family. Bryce and Jerry thought that was the best idea they had heard all day. The two boys hadn't seen each other for a whole week.

"I was sorry to hear about the fire. How have you been coping?" The Judge asked.

"It's been hard. We were on vacation at the cabin up in the canyon, so we've been staying there. Nights are rough. I keep dreaming about having my family trapped in the flames unable to get out." Nephi with great effort held his emotions in check.

"We've talked and we are not sure if we are willing to take a chance of another attack. Paula feels the same way. I think it's been harder for her." Jerome was less successful controlling his emotions

"So where are you going to live?" The judge's wife asked.

"There is a polygamist compound on the west side of the valley, Uncle Benny, Peter's brother, thinks we should buy with the insurance money. It is a secure compound. There is even space for green houses. We could grow our own plants for our landscaping business." Nephi answered. "I'm not sure if we can afford it though."

"You've been thinking about this haven't you?" Jerome looked at his partner.

"If we can swing it I think we should go ahead." Nephi answered.

The Judge looked at his watch. "Shall we watch the circus?" Nephi and Jerome looked puzzled. He turned on the television for the evening news.

The story started with Kazoo Day. Somehow, they had learned of Mrs. Johnson's creative use of her position at DFS to further her own religion's agenda. There was footage of the St. Patrick's parade. The pictures from earlier in the day painted Mrs. Johnson and DFS in an unflattering way. The reporter was calling for an investigation.

"I think it best to move out of the neighborhood for you own peace of mind." The Judge suggested.

As the adults approached the little boys, they overheard Jerry describing the new house. "There are pacas and cows and pigs and chickens and a dog house. Daddy Nephi said we could get a puppy. The swimming pool is yucky." Jerry explained. "We can have a sleepover."

"I think someone has already decided." Bryce's mother chuckled.

Nephi borrowed the phone and called Benny. No one was home. He tried Leonard. He tried Margaret, Luke's sister, and found someone home. "Luke said to meet them at the new house."

Next: Chapter 95: Nephi and Jerome 24

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