Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Aug 28, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

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Things get even a little kinky in this chapter. Bobby's world is expanding faster than he can process.

This chapter contains adult situations. If this bothers you or its not legal where you live, don't read it.

If you have taken the time to get this far in the story I would appreciate a short email. ringinmine@yahoo.com

All rights are reserved to the author except those given to Nifty to publish and archive this work. Please do not repost without permission of the author.

(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 9

The lights in the Instructional Media office were on but the door was locked. I decided I needed to stop at the bathroom. Just as I turned into the hallway where my favorite restroom was, I glimpsed a blue school polo and beige slacks turn at the other end of the hallway. The door was still closing as I reached the restroom. It had only one stall and a urinal. A load of cum was still working its way down the door. I had finally caught a glimpse of the man dropping his loads in my bathroom. I was hard instantly but chose to save it for later.

I did my business and went back to the office hoping the department chair had returned. The door was unlocked. I stepped into the reception area and rang the bell on the secretary's desk.

"Come on back!" I heard from an open door. I stepped into what looked like a storage room and standing on a step stool putting a box on the top shelf was the same school logo polo and beige pants.

I was hard in moments. From the back he looked really good. He had broad shoulders, a slender waist and a tight looking butt. This guy hit the gym often. As he reached above his head an interlocking tattoo band was revealed. When he climbed down and turned around the front didn't look too bad either. It was one of the professors in the department. The face looked familiar and then I remembered where I had seen him and the tattoo before. He was the faculty member in the steam room. I hoped we wouldn't remember me as the kid with a ring in his dick.

"You must be Bobby. The chairman had to attend an upper level university meeting." He extended his hand. I sat the exams down and shook it. It was hard to look in his eyes rather than lower. He filled his slacks out nicely and I was picturing his equipment as it looked in the steam room. He was probably in his late twenties and his dark hair and brown eyes looked really good.

"Did you have any essay questions you wanted to discuss?" He asked.

We sat at a conference table and I forced myself to focus on the job at hand. I produced the few exams I had second thoughts about how I graded the essay. He read through them making notations in red.

`I blew that.' I thought. Then he shuffled through the rest of the exams and pulled a couple of them out. His red pen was once again busy.

"Excellent. I am going to let your scores stand. Your notations in green are spot on. Why did you choose green ink." He asked.

I wasn't about to tell him it was because I dropped my last black one behind the desk and I was too lazy to pull the desk out to retrieve it.

"I tried to point out the positive points they made in their essay. Red has such a negative feeling." I made up as I spoke.

"I like that." He exclaimed. "I'm going to try that next semester."

He handed me an envelope from my instructor I had filled in for. Inside was a note and a $50 bill.

`This is above and beyond anything the department is paying you. I really appreciate your filling in for me. I know you are working for the department in the library. I need a new teaching assistant. Mine dropped out of college halfway through the quarter. If you do as well scoring the exam as I think you will, I would like you to consider the position. The pay is the same but it is a lot more rewarding that data entry.'

I was excited. Being a teacher's assistant would look so much better on a resume than data entry.

Just then the department chair entered the conference room. "How did our new teaching assistant do, James?" The chairman asked.

"Great. The essays were always within a point of what I would have awarded. Professor Johnson, has asked Bobby here to be his teaching assistant." James explained.

"The only thing holding that assignment back was Bobby agreeing to take the job." He looked at me. "How would you feel about working with Professor Johnson?"

"Yes, that would be great." I wanted to sound more thoughtful when I answered, but excitement won out.

"I see one other problem." James interjected. "I was hoping he could help with my video production class. I have seen a couple of the projects he has helped his roommates with. Could we swing another 5 hours a week for him?"

We followed the chairman into his office. He pulled a folder from his drawer and shuffled the papers for a minute.

"If workstudy won't approve it. We can swing it from our budget." He announced and looked at me. "Could you handle working 25 hours a week with students instead of sitting in front of a monitor for 20 hours?"

I wanted to hug him instead I offered first the chairman and then Professor James Smith my hand.

"When do you need me back from vacation?" I asked.

"School starts Monday the 12th of January. Could you be here the Wednesday before?" Professor Smith asked.

"I will be glad to." I answered.

His eyes were firmly below my belt as he said, "When you get back give me a ring." He winked at me and adjusted his package. He remembered. I wondered where this would lead.

They had other things to discuss. As I left I was sure there were some spots that looked like dried cum on Professor Smith's slacks.

If you are enjoying the story I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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