Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Feb 2, 2018


Ring in Mine 3: Nephi & Jerome Chapter 5

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Enjoy chapter 5.

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Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 5

Fed and feeling a little better Nephi, Jared and Paula stepped off the elevator to find Benny talking with a well-dressed gentleman.

"I would like you to meet Dr. Ryerson, Chief of Staff here at the hospital." Benny introduced his guest.

"I checked on the surgery. There were some additional concerns that needed to be addressed while on the table." Dr. Ryerson suggested they sit down. "Jerome is going to come through the surgery just fine."

"I know there is a `but' in there somewhere." Nephi interjected.

"With head injuries we won't know what cognitive or motor problems Jerome may be facing. Before you ask, if there are problems they could fade quickly or last his lifetime; only time will tell." Dr. Ryerson explained. Nephi held Jared, and Paula held Nephi.

"I bounced Jerome up to VIP status so you can sit with him through the night." Dr. Ryerson announced. His beeper went off and he picked up the courtesy phone.

"Jerome is in recovery. He will be up as soon as he is stable. Everything looks good so far." Dr. Ryerson comforted the odd family.

"Thank you, doctor." Paula said gratefully.

"It is the least I can do. Benny knows where all the skeletons are buried." The doctor chuckled as he left the odd family in the hands of a capable nurse. She led them to Jerome's new room. It was more like a hotel suite at than a hospital room. It had comfortable chairs and a sofa bed. Paula and Benny ended up in the overstuffed chairs. Jared wasn't letting go of the man that saved his brother.

The orderly rolled Jerome into the room. Nephi and Jared both broke into tears. Bandages covered most of Jerome's head; the visible parts of his handsome face that could were bruised.

"When will he wake up?" Nephi asked the nurse.

"With injuries like these it's hard to tell." The nurse could have told stories where patients stay in a coma for years and then come out of it. She took pity on the family. If he's not awake tomorrow the doctor will do more tests.

Nephi held Jerome's non-responsive hand. The rest of the world was put on hold. Paula put her hand on Nephi's shoulder. We should go home and rest. They will call us when he wakes." Paula suggested.

"I need to be here when he wakes up." Nephi insisted. Jared holding the other hand likewise refused. Paula and Benny were getting ready to leave when a distraught woman entered the room.

"Mom, what are you doing here? Won't dad be pissed off?" Jared exclaimed.

"Jared, watch your language. I came looking for my boys, both of my boys. As for your dad he's waiting at the police station for me to bail him out. He won't know I was here if you don't tell him." Jerome's mother answered. Jerome's mother looked familiar but Nephi couldn't quite place her.

Jared introduced Nephi as the man who saved Jerome's life. That earned a thank you and a hug.

Nephi filled Jared's mother in on how he had found Jerome and what had happened at school.

"I should leave the bastard in jail overnight but I would have to put up with him tomorrow." She looked at Paula. "You understand bowing to a husband's will."

"If my husband did what Jerome's father has done. He would have woken up minus his favorite part. It's righteous dominion honey, not slavery." Paula explained.

"Jared, here is your grandmother's phone number. I know she just got back from a cruise. It might be safer for you to stay with her for now." His mother suggested.

"I am staying here until he wakes up" Jared answered.

"Call your grandmother anyway. She should know. I don't think she will even talk with me." Jared's mother said as she left.

"Call her, I would want to know if something had happened to Nephi." Paula insisted.

Paula and Benny left and Jared called his grandmother. He had barely gotten to the fact that Jerome was in the hospital in a coma, when she asked for directions to Jerome's room.

Nephi decided he needed a coke to help stay awake. As he was getting out of the elevator on the main floor, Maria, Paula's neighbor was waiting to get on.

"Maria what are you doing here?" Nephi asked.

"My grandson is in this hospital." She answered. Nephi wished her and her grandson good luck and continued to the cafeteria.

When he returned with two cokes and french fries Jared wasn't alone. Sitting next to Jared on the couch was Maria. Her arm was pulling Jared close.

"Nephi, I'm told you are the reason my grandson is alive. I always knew God sent you to Peter and Paula for a reason. I didn't realize I was part of that." Maria mushed. Would God use a homosexual to further his work?

Jared and his grandmother talked. Nephi held Jared's hand and prayed. Nephi hoped he was right and God cared about his gay children. When Nephi woke he was still holding Jerome's hand. Maria and Jared were asleep on the couch.

Nephi began softly singing "If" the same song he had used to settle Jerome earlier. Did Jerome squeeze his hand? He sure hoped so.

Morning came and with it came the doctors. Each doctor in training took a turn poking and prodding Jerome. They said nothing to the family. The doctors left leaving Nephi confused. Nephi ran to the cafeteria and brought up breakfast. Paula arrived and she and Maria played gin rummy. Nephi and Jared took up their positions each holding one of Jerome's hands.

Jerome opened his eyes. He looked into Nephi's brown eyes with no sign of recognition. Jerome pulled his hand away from Nephi. Jerome looked toward Jared.

"Jared, where am I?" Jerome asked. Jared told the story the best he could.

"This is Nephi. He found you when dad dumped you in the blizzard. You've been living with him." Jared explained.

"Nephi please leave us alone? I need to talk with my brother." Jerome asked. Nephi stopped at the door. "Jared, why does he look at me that way?"

"He loves you. The two of you have been best friends since he saved you." Jared answered.

"I can't love him. I'm not gay; it's disgusting." Jerome answered. Nephi wished he had never stopped to listen.

"He's awake." Nephi announced. Maria entered Jerome's room. Paula seeing the hurt in Nephi's eyes stopped and wrapped her arms around him.

"Things will work out." Paula whispered before following her friend.

Nephi continued toward the elevator. He refused to let anyone see him cry today. He listened to the weather forecast as he drove the truck home. There was no sign of snow for the next ten days. Nephi threw a bag together, grabbed his snowshoes and took off in the truck.

He had one stop to make. He was glad Benny wasn't at the office. Nephi slid an envelope in the mailbox."

"Maybe Liam had the right idea." Nephi thought as he drove.

Next: Chapter 77: Nephi and Jerome 6

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