Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Jan 26, 2018


Ring in Mine 3: Nephi and Jerome

Kim Terry

I couldn't pass up taking some literary license that might need explaining. In the LDS religion we stanchly believe in the bible. We also have other books we consider scripture. Nephi, Lemuel and Laman are brothers in the Book of Mormon. Simply put Nephi was the good guy. Another hero/prophet figure in the Book of Mormon we never really learn the name of. He is only refered to as the brother of Jared. They are both good guys. Now that I've explained it you can smile when you read those references or just ignore my attempt at satirical humor.

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Thank you Zach for proofreading this chapter and your insights.

I enjoy hearing from my readers. The only reason this story and the next exist is because of reader input.

Kim ----------

Ring in Mine 3: Chilled: Chapter 2

Fed and warm inside there were things that needed doing. Paula's husband, Peter, had owned a landscaping business. Working for Peter had been Nephi's first job. His mind wandered back to the day Peter had found him standing with the day laborers in front of Home Base.

Nephi's mother had interceded on his behalf long enough for Nephi to load his belongings into his car. It was a tight fit. She also slipped him a couple of twenties. Nephi's dad was one of those that ruled the house and the finances with a tight fist. He expected receipts from his wife to cover the grocery money. This was probably all the cash she could get her hands on. Nephi hoped giving him the money wouldn't cause problems for her.

This was his fault. Why had he let his best friend, Liam, kiss him? Liam had suggested they beat off together that fateful sleepover in Nephi's backyard. It was dark their sleeping bags were open, their hands around their dicks; why had his dad chosen right then to turn on the floodlights to check on them?

Liam was sent home in shame blaming the whole thing on Nephi. Nephi's father was willing to believe Liam over his own son.

Having just finished his junior year of high school he had nowhere to go. The first two nights he slept in his car. Just feeding himself was going through his small supply of cash quickly. A clerk at the 7-11 mentioned the men outside of the hardware superstore looking for work.

Nephi had stood there all morning watching employer's needing an extra set of hands for the day choose those around him. Nephi realized he didn't look like much. While being fit, he couldn't put on weight no matter what he tried. While working out left him with strength, but for the life of him no mass.

Peter looked over the remaining bunch of men looking for day work. One of his guys had called in and quit just that morning. Usually they could cover it, but today was especially full. Early summer was always one of their busiest seasons. The young kid didn't look like he had worked a full day in his life. Why did he keep coming back to him?

"Kid can you do yard work?" Peter called out. A man pushed Nephi out of the way.

"You need a man that can do a hard day's work. You need me!" The man spoke in broken English. The man's in your face attitude bothered Peter.

"Kid, do you have a car?" Nephi answered that he did. "Good follow me; I have a day's work for you."

At the worksite, Peter put Nephi to work on one of the hand mowers. There were two other young guys on Peter's crew. They seemed to goof off as much as they worked. Nephi needed this job if only for the day. Maybe if he worked hard enough Peter would hire him again tomorrow.

During lunch break Peter noticed that Nephi was sitting by himself watching the other guys eating their lunches. The look of hunger was evident in his eyes. Paula always packed a little extra. Peter didn't really need both sandwiches or the bag of chips.

"Nephi come over here!" Peter called. Nephi was sure he was being fired. He couldn't bring himself to look into his employer's eyes. Peter tossed Nephi first a bag of chips, followed by the ham and cheese sandwich. "Sit down and eat."

Part of Nephi wanted to say he was fine; but his stomach was doing his thinking for him. "Thank you." Nephi said. Peter also tossed his newest employee a half-frozen bottle of water.

"You've got to drink more water. I can't have you passing out on me." Peter instructed. Peter had noticed all the stuff in Nephi's back seat. "You don't have to tell me your whole story but answer one question. Are you living in your car?"

Embarrassed Nephi looked at the ground as he nodded his head. Peter allowed Nephi to finish his lunch in peace. Peter did a last walk through the day's project and was pleased with Nephi's work. He wished his cousin's worthless grandkids worked as hard as Nephi.

At the end of the day, the crew met together to receive tomorrow's assignment. Peter pulled out his wallet and looked at the wad of twenties. "Nephi, I need you to follow me home so I can pay you. I forgot to grab any cash."

Peter lived in an upper middle class area in the hills above Salt Lake. Nephi helped Peter clean the equipment and trailer. Nephi was looking pretty grubby.

"Grab some clean clothes and use the basement shower, while I get your money. There are clean towels on the shelf." Peter instructed. Nephi didn't want to put Peter out, but after two days of washing in a McDonald's restroom the offer of a hot shower was too good to pass up. He promised himself he would be quick. The pleasure of hot water running over his sore muscles kept him in the shower longer than he had planned.

When he stepped out of the shower Nephi noticed his dirty clothes were gone. He was glad he was completely dressed when he emerged from the basement bathroom. He was met by a fierce looking woman.

"Young man, I was wondering if I was going to have to come in and get you. I will not accept any ifs, ands, or buts; dinner is ready. It's just a casserole so there is plenty. Upstairs now." Paula the boss's wife scared him. Dinner smelled delicious and tasted even better.

"I am not going to ask you why you are living in your car or working as a day laborer. I do have an offer for you. I will take you on for two weeks. If you work as hard as you did today you've got a job for the summer." Peter announced.

"You are not going to be sleeping in your car. You will need to keep the basement apartment clean and help out with some of the chores, like taking the garbage out and helping with the dishes." Paula finished.

With that Nephi found himself installed in the basement studio apartment. It was mainly one big room with a small kitchen, table and sleeper sofa. There were other rooms in the basement but they were filled with stuff. Peter had an office and Paula had a sewing craft room. They let Nephi store his snowshoes and other stuff on a shelf or two in the garage.

Over the summer Nephi slowly opened up telling Peter and Paula parts of his story. He couldn't bring himself to tell them why he had been thrown out of his family. As school approached Nephi was resigned to not finishing high school.

"I've enrolled you at the local high school for your senior year. You will be working with Peter in the evenings and on weekends. School starts the Wednesday after Labor Day." Paula announced. Nephi had learned not to argue with her. He felt it was important they heard the whole story; the tears flowed as Nephi explained about the kiss knowing he would be on the streets again.

"I am sorry to deceive you. Thank you for taking me in for the summer. I will pack up and leave." Nephi sobbed.

"Why would you do that? We've known since that first week. I tried calling your parents. Did you know your dad is real bastard?" Paula announced.

"You know I am attracted to guys rather than girls?" Nephi asked amazed.

"My little brother is gay." Peter announced. "Nephi, you are a good person. I've watched you help your coworkers. Maria next door has mentioned often how you've helped her, turning down any offer of payment."

"She reminds me of my grandmother. The first time I saw her struggling with her garbage can, I knew I couldn't expect her to do it by herself." Nephi explained.

"It's funny you say that. Her worthless son-in-law won't let her have any contact with her grandkids. Having you around has made her happy." Peter smiled.

"That's what I mean. You have become part of our family. We know you are putting most of your money away for college. We hope you are staying local. We want you to stay here." Paula offered. Nephi broke into tears. "Having you around makes up happy too."

Paula pulled him tightly to her bosom. Maybe he wasn't completely gay. She did have a very comfortable and shapely bosom.

Peter's heart attack was around Easter. Paula made an early night of it. Peter promised he would follow after the football game he was watching on TV. Paula's cries of anguish the next morning had Nephi upstairs in a heartbeat.

Peter was still in his recliner, his lifeless eyes staring into the distance. Nephi helped his surrogate mother downstairs into his apartment. He sat her at the table with a cup of cocoa. Nephi called 911. Nephi called the school and explained his grandfather had died and he wouldn't be in the rest of the week. Nephi called Peter's brother and broke the news. Nephi called Paula's sister who was too busy to come help. Nephi told Maria next door. That was the easiest way to let the locals know. The bishop was there within twenty minutes. He was ten minutes slower than the ward's Relief Society President

It was hard on Nephi to watch this strong lady he had come to depend on collapse. The funeral had already been paid for and planned. The ward took care of the rest of the preparations.

Nephi finally got to meet Peter's little brother at the funeral. Benny's orientation was obvious. Benny fit every stereotype of a gay man that British Television had ever come up with: the purple ascot, pink handkerchief, the walk and heaven forbid even the lisp. By the time of the funeral Paula had finally pulled herself together. She saw the concerned look on Nephi's face.

"No, Nephi, no one would know you were gay unless you told them. Benny isn't really this way. This ward treated him badly when he grew up here. This is Benny's way of getting even." Paula explained.

Paula was right Benny spent a couple of days going over Peter's papers. He really was down to earth and an alright guy as well as a very smart accountant. He had been the business side of Peter's landscaping venture since the beginning.

"Did you see Sister Mann's face?" Benny laughed over dinner. Benny had worn last year's Halloween Fancy Dress costume to his brother's funeral.

"Peter would have loved it." Paula laughed with him. Peter had never totally forgotten how many ward members had treated his much beloved little brother; forgiven yes, forgotten no.

"Nephi, it is decision time. Do we sell the company or keep it going for at least another year? I would like to keep it going. It will give you the chance to finish saving up for college." Paula asked.

"Can we think on it for another day or two?" Nephi asked.

The next morning, Saturday, Nephi woke early to an especially heavy spring snowfall. Without really thinking, Nephi pulled on his cold weather gear. He powered up the truck with the plow. He dropped the blade and cleared his way to the street. There were clients expecting their parking lots plowed. He had done this a couple of times this winter when Peter hadn't felt well. It was a tired boy that returned home around two backing the truck into the garage.

He opened the center bay of the three-car garage. The lawn tractor with the blower attached finished off the driveway. It was easier to do the sidewalks all the way around the block than turn around. Maria's driveway and a couple other widows had to be done before he drove the tractor down the sidewalks to the chapel. With the three-foot wide snow blower the sidewalks around the chapel were clear for the next day's services. The parking lot hadn't been done so on returning home, the truck once again left the garage. Nephi made short work of clearing the snow.

It was late when Nephi finally made it into the house.

"Grab clean clothes and head upstairs young man." Paula ordered. Nephi was led to the master bath. He didn't know they had a Jacuzzi tub. The water was hot and the bubbles were on. "Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes."

Nephi hadn't realized how cold he was until he slipped into the comforting bubbles.

Nephi jumped when Paula shook his shoulder. "I called your name but you must not have heard me." The timer on the bubbles had turned off. Nephi quickly covered himself with his hands when he realized Paula could see all of him.

"Some young man is going to be very happy someday. Peter would have been envious." Paula chuckled as she left the room. Nephi looked at himself in the mirror as he dried off. He was glad it hadn't been a cold shower. If Paula were going to see him naked at least he wasn't all shriveled.

Nephi had kept the landscaping business going. It took some juggling with first high school and then college. He missed some days when it snowed but he never let himself get behind on his work. He found his business classes were interesting. He also added in some technical classes in small engine repair.

During the summer he worried how the regular workers would handle having a 19-year-old boss. Nephi handled things just as Peter had done. Those that didn't want to work for him were given the option of looking elsewhere. Things smoothed out after Nephi fired the first person for slacking off.

Benny kept the books straight. The company kept its head above water, just as it had always done. During the summer they did really well. During the winter it was just Nephi and the money was tighter.

Nephi was more than surprised when for his twenty-first birthday he opened a plain manila envelope. It contained a contract. Except for making payments to Paula while she lived, promising to continuing to live downstairs and paying for Benny's accounting services the house, the business and its equipment was his. Nephi protested.

"Nephi, you came into our lives and filled a void we didn't even recognize. We couldn't have children. Benny doesn't need it and my sister doesn't deserve it. My grandson Nephi will follow in Peter's footsteps." Paula proudly stated pulling a tearful Nephi into her arms.

If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is available drop me a line. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 74: Nephi and Jerome 3

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