Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Nov 28, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

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My thanks go out to Zack for proofreading this chapter.

Kim ----------

Ring in Mine: John Chapter 9

The summer was off to a great start. Mark usually had a couple of weeks off when school ended for summer bread. This year he was at the college the next Monday.

John had wanted to attend a three-week gymnastics camp with some of his fellow club members. He knew his parents couldn't afford to send him.

"Brent, do I have enough money in my account to attend gymnastic camp this summer? It's 1000 dollars but it includes everything." John asked over the phone.

"You are doing really well at the gallery. You have more than enough." Brent answered.

The third week of June found John and Susan at the University of Utah. They had learned that by staying local they could afford another full week. Kids came from all over the nation to train at the U of U.

This was going to be John's first experience away from his parents for an extended time. Settling into his dorm room he was more than a little nervous. John had a bed, desk and closet. It was mirrored on the opposite wall. His roommate must already be here. Clothes were hanging in the closet. It seemed odd to have the restrooms down the hall.

The first day an orientation meeting was followed by an evening party at the dorm's pool. The orientation went over the rules and schedules; followed by a walking tour of campus. They weren't far from the gymnastics center. The facilities were sleek and high tech, just what you would expect from a nationally recognized program.

John finally met his roommate after the pool party. Martin was sixteen. He didn't look like he could beat his way out of a wet paper bag until he took his shirt off. Naked his strength was obvious. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. His muscles were well defined and gorgeous. John didn't want to jump him; he wanted to draw him.

That first night John was just a little nervous. He hadn't packed any pajamas. He decided to go for broke. John dropped his silk boxers that Brent had bought for him and slid naked into bed.

"Cool." Martin muttered as he also dropped his white briefs and slid into bed. John was a surprised by the size of Martin below the belt. John wondered how he would paint it commando under his singlet. John lay quietly, the day's events replaying in his mind when he heard a rustling sound coming from Martin's bed. Only the dim moonlight coming through the window betrayed the fact that Martin's covers were pulled down to his knees, his hand busily working his dick. John watched the blue moonlight playing across the young body. He tried to envision what it would look like on canvas. John wasn't hard. He had other needs.

When Martin finally shot, he wiped up with the briefs he had dropped to the floor and soon the slow steady rhythm of his breathing betrayed the fact he had fallen asleep. The room was warm and Martin hadn't pulled the covers up. John silently crept from his bed to take care of his needs. The dim desk lamp did little to disturb the direct moonlight shining on his roommate. John had brought his art tools with him.

Pencil in hand John began the process of recording the surreal image before him. Martin reached down in his sleep and wrapped his hand around his dick and balls. The uncut shaft was still visible. With the drawing finished, John wanted to apply the watercolor while the moonlight was still lighting his subject. He would occasionally turn the desk lamp off to see only by moonlight. He slid the piece under his bed to dry away from Martin's discovery.

Meals were planned by sports nutritionists for maximum strength development. There weren't many sweet things on the menu but the food did taste good. The first full day was spent in evaluation with a variety of trainers. They were put into groups with similar skill levels and the work began. It was nice having a built in companion. Even though Susan was fourteen and John was twelve they were quickly recognized as a couple. The days of practice were long and grueling, but after practice there was always something fun planned. Susan taught John to dance. Friday night always ended with a dance, usually with a DJ but once there was a real band.

The week of practice came to a close. Saturday there was an outing to the planetarium. After the show they had a few hours to hang out downtown. Martin was from back east and didn't have a built in girlfriend. He hung with Susan and John. They had wandered from the beaten path when they found themselves outside of ECLECTIC SYNERGY. Martin wasn't sure about going into an art gallery, but Susan insisted.

Bethany's work had been relegated to an alcove. A new show was being hung.

"I'm sorry, we are closed." A man in his mid-thirties announced.

"We are here to see Mr. Bertrolli, the gallery owner." John announced.

"He is much too busy. We have an opening tonight." The man was much too busy to be distracted by a bunch of kids.

"Val, who are you talking to?" A familiar voice called from the back.

"It's John Litchfield and Susan, Bethany's sister." John called out.

"John it's good to see you." The gallery owner hugged them all. "And who is this young man?"

"This is Martin, he is my roommate for the month." John introduced his new friend.

"Martin it is good to meet you. Has he got you to pose yet?" Mr. Bertrolli asked. "Val, this is John Litchfield, gallery four and twelve."

Val's eyes showed surprise. "This is J. Littleman?" John nodded. Val came down from his ladder and shook John's hand. I bought one of your prints. It's still here at the gallery. Will you sign it for me?"

"I'll be happy too." John followed Val to the back room. It was a print of the two men pleasuring each other. John wasn't surprised.

He returned to hear Mr Bertrolli tell Susan how popular John was becoming. The gallery owner and his help had to get the finishing touches ready for the night's opening. Susan led the way to the Litchfield alcove. Martin was impressed. He wasn't an artist, but he enjoyed John's work. John was ready to leave but Susan led Martin to alcove twelve. The images in gallery twelve had Martin's eyes wide open with some growing down below.

"You painted those. You could get off having one of those in your room." Martin exclaimed. Martin was sworn to secrecy as they headed to the pickup point for the bus ride back to campus.

To make their parents happy John and Susan attended church on Sunday. Martin chose not to join them. "I don't feel comfortable being around a bunch of bible thumpers." Martin explained.

That night Martin stripped and pulled on his jock. "Will you draw me?"

John put the medal Martin displayed on his desk, around Martin's neck. After some posing changes John started to draw. When Martin saw the finished image he leaned toward the artist and pressed his lips to John's. John turned his head and stepped back.

"Martin I'm not into guys." John announced.

"I thought with the paintings..." Martin was confused and embarrassed.

"I'm an artist not gay. I can see why you might have gotten the wrong idea." John reassured his roommate. "I won't tell anyone, and it doesn't bother me that you like guys."

"Thank you." Martin whispered. John gave his roommate a hug and slipped between the sheets naked. John could tell Martin wasn't sleeping.

"Martin, so far you've done it every night. Don't stop now." John announced. Martin pulled his blanket to his knees. Before long he was cleaning himself up.

"Thanks, John. You are the best." Relaxed Martin fell asleep.

They woke the next morning. Nothing seemed different between the two friends. As they undressed for bed the depth of the change became obvious.

"Martin, so what kind of guy turns you on?" John asked.

For the first time Martin could talk with someone about a part of his life he had always had to keep hidden. Once he started he just kept talking and John listened making comments when needed.

"John thanks for being my friend." Martin said as he climbed into bed.

The week went on much as the week before. John did find the time to draw Martin commando in his singlet. John adjusted the pose and the desk light to accentuate the growing bulge in the thin fabric. This was almost more erotic than a total nude would be. Everything was on display without being seen. John finally gave Martin the originals, only after he had completed finished works much larger.

Everyday they got up early and went to bed tired. Saturday they boarded the bus and visited the zoo. Martin hung with another male gymnast rather than Susan and John.

"I hope they are careful." Susan mentioned as the two guys slipped into the restroom together.

"What do you mean?" John asked.

Susan voiced her fears for the two gymnasts. "It's obvious that they are really into each other."

When they returned to campus, Martin very shyly asked John if he would be somewhere else for a couple of hours. John grabbed his pad. He and Susan walked around campus. Now and then he would find a perfect setting. Susan would pose while John drew. After dinner John invited Susan to the Student Union for a shake and French fries. They had a lovely night.

When John returned to his room Martin was sound asleep and the room smelled like dirty socks. John stepped on a slick spot on the floor. John used Martin's dirty underwear to clean up the mess they had left. John opened the window trying to air the room out. Luckily it was a perfect night for an open window.

Things became strained over the week. Saturday Martin announced he was switching rooms. He and his love interest were going to share a room for rest of the camp. John would be getting a straight roommate.

If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is available drop me a line. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 57: John 10

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