Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Aug 17, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

I feel guilty in a way for all the months I read stories from Nifty and let others pay. It seems small but it felt good to see my name on the list of donors. Help support Nifty with a donation. If you are nervous about using a credit card they accept PayPal. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Ring in Mine began as a short story back when I was writing children's books. This is not a children's book, nor does it have children in it. It takes place when personal computers still used green monitors and the video game PONG was cutting edge. Much of it really happened. Some of it is fantasy.

This chapter contains adult situations. If this bothers you or its not legal where you live, don't read it.

I would appreciate hearing from you, the reader. ringinmine@yahoo.com

All rights are reserved to the author except those given to Nifty to publish and archive this work. Please do not repost without permission of the author.

(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 5

I woke the next morning to a warm sensation in my groin. Now I knew last night wasn't just another horny dream with a new twist. Mike had my cock in his mouth. I opened my eyes and there inches from my face was Mike's cock. Without the ring.

"What happened to your PA?" I asked a little disappointed.

"I wanted you to feel it without the steel." He answered.

I went to work on his wrinkled balls. First licking and then sucking first one and then the other. They were just too big to get both in my mouth at the same time. I wondered how much better they would be if they were shaved like mine. Finally I took the head of his cock into my mouth. My tongue played with the hole on the underside of his dick, where the ring went in. He moaned and squirmed the whole time. Then I took his meat to the hilt gagging in the process. I had never had much of a gag reflex. Other than parlor tricks I had finally found a use for the skill.

"Watch your teeth. Wrap your lips over them like this." He demonstrated what he meant.

It felt so good having his warm lips caress my hard throbbing cock. He stopped sucking my dick, sat up and watched me work on his tool. Seeing his face as I ran my tongue over the head of his dick and then the glazed over look of pure pleasure as he filled my mouth with my first ever load of cum. It nearly put me over the edge. I grabbed for my dick only for him to push my hand away.

"What do you think? Is my dick better with the ring or without?" He asked.

"I like it without, but I love playing with your ring." He stopped and put the ring back in. He struggled with the bead but finally got it in place. "That's what I think, too." He rolled a rubber over my dick and sat on my lap facing me.

"I want you in me one more time." He lowered himself onto my manhood. I pushed up.

"Just lay there I am going to do all the work." He raised himself nearly off my dick only to plunge back down to the hilt. Over and over he thrust up and down working my dick like a big vacuum.

When I didn't think I could take it any more. Mike shot all over my face and chest. That was all it took and I shot my load into the latex covering my dick. "That's the last fuck for you for a couple of weeks." Mike exclaimed.

"Why?" I felt like a kid that had all his presents taken away on Christmas evening. "If you're serious about having a PA, you have to let it heal for two weeks before any serious fucking."

"You're serious? Yeah I want a PA. Where do I go get it done." I asked nearly panting with excitement.

Mike pulled out a small box from his bottom drawer. He wouldn't let me get a good look at the contents. He first swabbed my dick with betadine. That's all I needed was an orange dick. The q-tip inside wasn't pleasant but it was a piece of cake compared to the metal tube that followed.

"Look up," he said. There was a quick poke and it was done. I looked down and he was putting the ring in my dick. There was a little blood. He wrapped it with gauze, put a rubber over it all and taped it around the base. "Sometimes they bleed quite a bit. Mine did."

I saw the needle and it was huge. I was glad he hadn't let me see it before.

"I wanted one as big as yours." I complained.

"You start small and after a couple of months you can move up to the next size. This is my fourth ring. I have a four gauge ring. I put a ten in yours. In fact that is the same ten gauge ring I started with in my dick."

The idea of having the same ring in my dick that used to hang in Mike's really turned me on. "What's the next size, a nine?" I asked.

"No, the next size is an eight," he answered.

"How big is an eight gauge ring, do you have one I can see?"

"I have one, but it's in Tim's dick right now. Just like the ten used to be in his dick." Now I was really turned on and threw a boner right then.

"How am I supposed to take care of this?" pointing to my bandaged dick.

"You let it heal for a couple of weeks. You will need to change the bandage a couple of times a day until the bleeding stops. Keep it clean and soak it in salt water to help it heal."

"If you can't work on me is no reason I can't eat you." I said pushing Mike onto the bed, slipping his cock into my mouth. I don't think I could ever get enough cock now I had my first taste. I was determined to get a chance at Tim's dick too.

Finally I had to quit playing with my new favorite toys and refocus on Mike's communication project. Now a multimedia presentation is sitting in front of a computer and a few clicks and it's done. I spent the day splicing audio tape and filming with the bulky video camera. Slowly the sequences were transferred from one VHS to another.

There were scenes where I filmed Mike making his points wearing different clothes and hairstyles and then cut to different visuals or film clips while the narration continued. It was a long labor intensive painstaking process.

We had taken one break around one. The video we shot then would be one of my prize possessions later and definitely not for any kind of public viewing. After we watched it and did the whole thing again, I slipped the tape into my bottom drawer. I was taking no chances that it would get returned with the video equipment.

"Okay Mike, I think it's done. We sat in front of my little TV and started the tape. Rather than juggling between multiple media sources I compiled everything onto a single tape. There were points he would pause the tape to ask questions or get feedback from his audience. He had his script down. It was going to be a great success.

He celebrated our accomplishment by taking me to his favorite Italian restaurant in town. It was quaint, cozy and more than I would ever spend on dinner. He asked about my holiday. He was really feeling bad about dragging me away from home days early. All my roommates had watched over me for the last two months when the homesickness threatened to overwhelm me, taking turns to get me to focus on something else. I joked that the only reason they cared was that I was a good cook.

Monday, Mike asked if I would sit in the room for his presentation just in case anything went wrong with the technology. It was just before I had to be at work and his class was in the library annex. I parked myself in the back and tried to look inconspicuous. When the teacher entered I learned that my Introduction to Media Technology teacher, Professor Johnson was also Mike's Communications instructor. Out of fairness to others, Mike was going last.

The first five presentations were well thought out. A couple had a poster or two and maybe a prop to emphasize a point. Some just talked. Each student received a round of applause. The instructor was busily writing notes the whole time.

Finally it was Mike's turn. I dimmed the lights in the room. He was dressed not in regular school clothes but the same business suit he had worn for most of the filming. He handed the instructor a copy of the presentation outline as well as the script.

"Advanced education is much like the workplace. Those that are not only successful but enjoy life are those that find a blend of work, rest and recreation." Mike began, in a very business like manner. He could have been presenting to a board of directors of major company. This is how he saw himself after earning his Master's Degree in business.

The video began. Some of it was very to the point about how to apply yourself to classwork. Others, such as clips from comedians he had video taped from TV were hilarious. He took the times we had programmed into the tape to pause the film and involve the members of the class. He even had the instructor offering up ideas.

At the end there wasn't a round of halfhearted applause, but a standing ovation. I was barely going to make it to work on time so I slipped out the back leaving Mike to his adoring public.

After my next Media class period Professor Johnson asked me to stay behind. He had a tape in his hands. I was very familiar with the carefully lettered label. It had taken me 15 minutes with my lettering equipment to get it just right.

"What do you have to say about this, Bobby?" I could tell he was feeling that calling me Bobby seemed too familiar almost like a nickname, but that is what I was named.

"It was a lot of work. I think Mike did a great job. I hope he got a good grade." I asked timidly, yet still proud of my efforts.

"You had left before he tried to introduce the Media genius that assisted in the creation of his presentation." He continued.

"It was Mike's work. He spent hours scripting the presentation." I didn't want my efforts of minimize the creative talent that Mike had brought to bear on the project.

"I am just talking about the actual mechanics that made the whole thing work. If you can produce a presentation of this quality with the equipment Mike described, I wonder what you could do with the real thing. I have a project for another teacher I just am not going to get around to. I want you to look at the concept and working with Mike create a script. So you will have the time I am accepting this as your final project." He said holding the tape up. "For now I am going to check the equipment you have at your apartment out to you. Take care of it. When you are ready to do the final edits see me. We will get you into the media lab."

If you are enjoying the story I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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