Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Oct 25, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I find proofreading is a lot like steam cleaning your carpet. It doesn't matter how many times you go over something you still find another error or two.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 42

I met up with Jerry just before our first class. He was still wrapped in confusion.

"How did it go with your dad?" I asked.

"I still don't understand how my birth mother could keep one twin and give away the other one." Jerry looked perplexed. This was really bothering him.

"Did your dad tell you the whole story?" I asked.

"He was keeping something back. I know that whatever it is would answer my questions." Jerry pondered.

"Before I can answer your question I need to ask one first." Jerry nodded. "Have you ever loved someone so much you would give them your most precious thing to make them happy?"

He thought for a minute and we had to go into class.

After class out of the blue he said, "Yes!"

"Yes what?" I returned.

"Yes, I have someone I love enough to give up something precious to make them happy." He answered.

"Why?" I asked the standard toddler question.

"Because I love him." Jerry said quietly.

"Why would your/our mother give me away?" Jerry asked.

"There was more to our parent's relationship than we knew about. Before there was my mom and your dad, there was your mom and my mom." I said. I was a little too subtle. He didn't get what I was trying to say. I had time to talk with Mom the morning after...

"The day we were conceived. It wasn't your mom that caught Bruce and my mom fucking. It was Bruce that discovered our mothers tongue to twat." I said as plain as I could get.

"Our mothers were lovers?" Jerry asked and I nodded.

"Rather than get mad, he cared for both women and they pulled him into their love making. We were conceived during a three-way." I explained. "A month later my dad was just getting back into town and both women were pregnant."

"I think I see. When my mom's baby died, her lover gave her me so she would be happy. They both wanted me." The smile was returning to Jerry's face. He had been feeling unwanted and rejected by his birth mother and it had bothered him big time.

Class was great. James was showing some student created films and we critiqued them. Three got high reviews from the class. Only I knew who had created them and I wasn't going to announce they were mine.

We were pretty much done after class. I stuck around in the lab for an hour doing my job, helping other students. Finally Jerry and I walked home. It only took 15 minutes. Agent Fairchild was waiting at the house.

"What happened to waiting for a ride home. There are still threats we can't account for yet." He reminded us. "Your lawyers should be here soon."

I unlocked the door and he followed us in. I grabbed everyone a coke while we waited. Paul and Brent arrived and Agent Fairchild controlled the discussion.

"We have two of the reprogrammers. The officer you identified by his voice has a firm alibi for that weekend."

"He pulled us over for a broken taillight. It wasn't broken when we left campus." I announced.

"We are looking into it. We still haven't identified the burned body found in the camper and we are going to keep an agent on you for just a while longer." There was the question I wanted answered.

"Where is my car?" I asked. They skirted around the question.

When Agent Fairchild left, Brent and Paul talked us through the twin thing. They informed me that Bruce had my birth certificate changed listing him as my father. At first I was angry. He had no right. Before I could make a scene Brent explained the reasoning behind his actions. Because Bruce was now my father of record he could put me on his health insurance.

Maybe he was looking out for me even though I was `the faggot that turned his son.' Bruce on his knees with my cock in his ass as he screamed in pain was a vision I had relished for a while.

"So is having me as a twin still a problem for you?" I asked Jerry. He was still having troubles with the whole parent thing still. I figured I would need to just give him time.

It didn't hurt my feelings that he wasn't forthcoming on the details of talking with his dad. I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Twice Jerry had chosen his dad over me. I didn't want to give him a third chance. It was the old adage, `Don't ask questions you don't want the answers too.'

James finally got home and Paul and Brent left. They had plans for a double date with their partners. I wondered if it included an orgy at the end. I would love to be the fly on the wall for that.

We put a frozen pizza in the oven and made garlic bread and green salad for dinner. Jerry and I had homework and I had essays to correct and have ready to hand back in Brett's class the next day.

Everyone had gone to bed before I finished. That was probably for the best. With the whole Bruce thing hanging over me I wasn't in the mood for sex with my brother. I crawled into bed trying not to disturb Jerry's sleep. I stayed on my side and finally fell asleep. The next morning the bed was empty. I looked at the clock. They had let me sleep in. I could hear them down in the basement working out. I didn't have time to get any kind of workout in, so I showered and made breakfast. I didn't want to know what was happening in the shower downstairs without me. I was relieved when they both came upstairs to shower.

My biggest challenge for the day was Brett's class. It went fantastic. We covered the material and reviewed for the exam on Monday. After classes for the day I wanted to go swimming and Jerry wanted to hang out with one of the girls from the media class.

Once again I swam mindlessly for an hour. It was easier than my last session. The ampallang in my dick was more subtle than the PA. I hung out in the steamroom for awhile. That was where James found me.

"Jerry is going out with Samantha from the media class. He said don't wait up and winked."

"What are your plans for the evening?" I asked.

James' original plans were to hang with some out of town friends. He had given those up because of us.

"If you will drop me off at Morrell Hall; it looks like you will be able to go with your friends after all. I am watching my nephew while my uncle and his wife are going out."

I was sure Brad would jump at the chance for a Friday night out with his wife. We stopped at the house, gathered my things and left a note for Jerry.

Brad and Sue were dressed and out the door so fast I almost didn't get to say hello. I guess they really did need to have a night out. The baby fell asleep early and I did homework.

I was asleep on the couch when they returned home. Brad carried me to bed and I slept between this loving couple.

The next morning I called the Johnson's number and James answered. Jerry hadn't come home last night. I hoped he was alright. I was missing my brother. I had come to the realization that I not only loved my brother but I was IN LOVE with my brother. I hurt when we were apart. I would think of him all the time.

Since Jerry wasn't home I decided to make things easy for my keepers. I offered to watch the baby while Brad and Sue had a day to themselves. James promised to ask Jerry to call me. There was no call. I checked in later and Jerry had come home and gone out again. At least he was safe.

I called Danielle to see if she wanted to go to a movie or something.

"I'm going out with Jerry. He said you weren't available tonight." Danielle explained.

"I'm not available because he didn't ask me. Have a good time."

I wasn't happy. I hoped Brad wouldn't mind but I called my mom.

"Mom, do you know what Bruce said to Jerry? He won't have anything to do with me." I asked.

"Let me find out and I'll call you back." Mom offered.

Brad and Sue didn't arrive home until very late. They had called a couple of times to check on the baby. They seemed to be having a great day. During nap times I had laid out and written a script for a film about my experiences with reprogramming. It took some serious planning to get the impact without being XXX rated. Now I had to find a cast and props. There was a corner in Brett's basement that was nondescript enough to work as a setting. I wondered if Brett and James would be my reprogrammers since they only appeared with hoods on.

I had hoped for some play time; Brad and Sue were exhausted. At least I had someone to snuggle up with. Even sandwiched between two warm bodies, I was still missing Jerry.

The next morning mom called. I had trouble believing it was my mom. I didn't even know she knew some of the words she was using. Maybe my mom had always had a backbone. After all she was having sex with Jerry's mom for years. Dad was just her meal ticket.

"I can't believe that stupid prick. He told Jerry he had to choose his dad or being gay. This is from the guy that knew his wife and I were active lovers until the day she died." Mom had grown a set of balls. "For all his righteous posturing, we've been having sex on and off since you were conceived. Remember that night on the couch at Christmas. I nearly lost it laughing with his back rub story. I didn't know he called his dick his back."

If I had known mom would be this open after being intimate, I would have done it years ago. Her unassuming and compliant manner all these years were just coping skills.

"I told him he could rub his back himself. My boys are finally together. I am not having him split them apart to support his macho image with those idiots at the sheriff's department."

Mom was on a roll. I let her know that Sue was always willing to have her come visit. I would be more than willing to show up too. Mom chuckled.

"Mom, did Bruce say give up being gay or give me up? I can give up the lover, but I don't want to give up my brother."

"Bruce said it was the gay thing. I asked why it was alright for girls but not boys. His answer was women are expected to get it on with each other. They are so weak and feminine. I wanted to kick him in his balls."

When we were done talking Bruce was heading for a case of blue balls and I had made a decision. I remembered my discussion about being willing to give up something precious to make someone you really loved happy.

When Brad and Sue left for church I had them drop me off at the Johnsons. No one was there so I let myself in. I moved all of my things into the smaller guest room. Having completed my homework for the next few days I went into Brett's media lab and started looking for stock images I could use for the film I had scripted earlier. I wasn't having much luck. Inspiration hit me and I picked up the phone.

"Todd, this is Bobby. I am looking for some powerful images for a film I'm planning. The are a little graphic and I think an artist's rendering might be more socially acceptable and emotionally moving than a photograph. I am willing to model for them and you would own the originals. I will give you a line in the credits. Think about it." I was glad I hadn't run out of time on his answering machine.

James and Jerry arrived home at about the same time Doc did. Jerry was walking pretty tenderly.

"Did someone kick you in the balls?" I asked.

"It's all red and swollen. I was with Samantha on Friday night and I couldn't even let her touch them. I ended up sleeping on her couch." He explained a little embarrassed.

"Remember, I said they killed one of your nuts. You had better have Doc look at it." I suggested. "Doc, Jerry needs you to look at his private parts!"

"You didn't have to do that!" He was a little put out.

"You would have put it off until all your junk turned black!" I replied, knowing I was right. When Doc came in I reminded her of the whole ball killing thing.

"Jerry drop your pants." She ordered. I turned and left the he room. I didn't want to embarrass Jerry.

It wasn't long before Doc came in and tossed me her keys. You are driving us to the clinic. She used her keys. In the procedure room she had Jerry drop his pants. I started for the door.

"I brought you along for moral support. I held Jerry's hand and talked with him about anything but his balls. She put a drape over him with a hole cut out for his junk. With everything swabbed down. Doc sliced open Jerry's very red scrotum. She pulled out what was left of his testicle and cleaned up the gross yellow white puss that had filled his scrotum. Rinsed out and stitched up she had Jerry relax for a bit only to put a huge needle in his bum.

"That's a powerful antibiotic. I think we got this soon enough to save the scrotum and other testicle." Doc looked at me accusingly. "How could you let it get this bad?"

"I haven't seen it much. Bruce talked with Jerry while you were gone. Jerry was given an ultimatum. Give up being gay or give up his dad." Jerry seemed surprised that I knew "That's why I've moved into the spare room. I may have to give up my lover, but I am not giving up my brother. I love him enough to give up having sex with him if it will make him happy."

Jerry pulled me down into a hug. At the last minute I shifted to the right and kissed his cheek.

"I love my twin." Now it was Doc that had a surprised look. I explained as I helped Jerry into the loose track pants I had packed. He would have had a painful time getting into the tight jeans he had been wearing. It wasn't that long ago I had suffered through similar surgery.

When we arrived home Brett was waiting with takeout. After Chinese. Jerry was given the recliner. Doc provided a pain pill. I waited on my brother hand and foot. I supplied an ice bag for his crotch, popped him some popcorn and brought him a coke.

When it was bed time, I helped him drop his pants and into a pair of briefs that would provide some support. I tucked him into bed and went into my new room. It was a twin bed but that is what I had in the dorm and earlier in my life. I was fine.

About an hour later I woke when some one shook my shoulder.

"Bobby, I can't fall asleep. Will you hold me?" Jerry asked. I suggested we go back to his bed. I pulled on a pair of running shorts and tucked him back in bed. With my twin snuggled back into me, I heard his breathing become slow and regular. I knew he was gone. This was going to be hard, but I was IN LOVE with my brother and would do whatever he needed. I just wish he hadn't chosen Bruce over me for the third time.

The next morning I left Jerry in bed and went down to workout. Jerry wouldn't feel like bouncing his balls around for a few days. Brett joined me in the shower.

"How are you holding up? You've had a lot thrown at you in the last couple of days." Brett asked washing my back.

I couldn't answer. I knew if I started talking I would end up crying. I turned around and motioned Brett to do likewise. I took great comfort washing first his back and then his hair. Then I reached around and washed his chest from behind. I ended up pulling him closer resting my head on his shoulder. My emotions were now completely out of control. I hugged Brett as closely as I could crying into his shoulder.

He pulled away and gathered me in his arms. Now I was crying into the front of his shoulder.

"Why?" I sobbed.

"I don't know." Brett answered.

There was no sex. Only support. After breakfast I made sure Jerry was comfortable in the recliner with an ice bag and anything I could think of him needing. It wasn't impossible for him to get around only uncomfortable. Doc took his temperature and declared him normal. I made sure the phone was nearby so I could check up on him.

As we were getting into the car I noticed a familiar face across the street. I broke protocol and knocked on the window. My friendly oriental gentleman was in the car.

"Jerry had emergency surgery yesterday. He is going to be at the house all day. If you are going to watch over him you are welcome to go inside rather than sit in the car. Just don't let his dad anywhere near the house. The restraining order is still in place. He is to have nothing to do with Jerry unless Jerry's lawyer is here."

The day went smoothly. I received good reviews on my lesson Friday especially the review session. The scores on the quiz validated the student input. I wasn't the only student that aced the test.

I had a 90 minute break so, ignoring the rules, I walked home to check on Jerry. To my surprise Papa and Leroy were in the driveway. They had driven Jerry's car to Logan before Bruce could change his mind. I invited them in.

"Jerry, we have visitors bearing gifts." I shouted as we came through the door.

"Bobby, I want you to meet Kim." Jerry introduced the agent he was playing cards with. He had hugs for Papa and Leroy.

"You said gifts?" Jerry asked. He was excited to get his car back. It was the first of his rewards for toeing his father's line. I knew deep in my soul that Bruce had something to do with my missing car. I would walk before I would acknowledge him as my father. He could take his damn health insurance and fuck himself. It angered me that I let Bruce control my emotions. Just thinking of him set me on edge.

Jerry was explaining why he was home. I slipped out. I had to hurry not to be late for class. Maybe they would still be there after. An eternity later I called Jerry. Papa and Leroy had left an hour earlier. All through class I had envisioned Jerry bragging about getting his car back. That's what my older brother would have done. I knew I wouldn't be able not to say something I would regret. Jerry could get his own ice bags.

Sitting in the student union deciding what to do rather than going home I met Todd.

"I got your message. What is it you are looking for?" Todd asked. We ended up going to his studio. I called Brett and told him I was working on art for a video until late. I spent most of the evening posing except for the break for pizza. It was late when we called it quits. I let Doc know I wouldn't be home.

I found myself sitting on Bill's hard dick while Todd was knocking at my gag reflex. Todd moved between Bill's legs playing with his balls. Eventually I felt his well lubed dick knocking at my back door. It probably wasn't the smartest idea I had ever had, but I leaned forward.

"Do it Todd give me both those dicks." Bill pulled his dick out for a moment for more lube. When it entered again it wasn't alone. When they both popped through I yelled.

"Stop" I could feel Todd begin to pull out. "Don't you dare. Just give me a minute."

The pain began to fade and I pushed backward. It took a few minutes but soon Todd was in as far as the position would allow him.

"Fuck me!" I shouted. I was so full. Someone was doing a great job of bumping my prostate. I came first, all over Bill. The first blast making it into his hair. My spasming ass pushed my lovers over the edge. Just then the doorbell rang. Brett stood at the door.

"Bobby, can you come home. We are having a little problem." I finished getting dressed. Brett wouldn't talk about the problem. At home Brett pointed me to Jerry's room. He wasn't really awake nor asleep. Sort of half and half and he was sobbing. I didn't care about the reason, this was the other half of me. I kicked my shoes off and climbed in behind my brother fully dressed. I pulled him back against me just as I had when we brought him home after the kidnapping. As I started to sing he slowly settled down into peaceful sleep.

When he was calm and deeply asleep. I moved to my bed and climbed under the covers naked. I woke the next morning with Jerry's head on my chest and his arm across my chest. The hardness poking me in the thigh told me he was as naked as I. In the narrow bed it was a tight fit. I just held him close. Watching my brother breathing slowly, he looked so beautiful. Did I look that handsome once, before my half sister remodeled of my face.

Jerry's breathing pattern changed. I closed my eyes. Jerry shifted at my side. I could feel him looking at me. I decided to continue feigning sleep. I felt his lips on mine. His tongue slid across my lips.

"I don't know how I am going to do this. I love you so much." He whispered. With a quick feel of my morning wood he got up. I heard the fan in the bathroom turn on.

I pulled some running shorts on and headed to the basement. Brett hadn't come down yet. My mind wandered to last night with Todd and Bill. I lay on the weight bench and dropped my shorts to my ankles. I was seriously into a little self pleasure reliving having two cocks buried in my ass. I don't know how long Brett had stood there watching me. I took notice when he knelt between my legs and wrapped his hand around my dick. This was even better than before. I leaned up so I could watch this handsome man work my meat for me.

"I hope I can do this." Brett exclaimed as he replaced his hand with his mouth. He was doing a fair job. I ran my hands through his hair. I was close and didn't want this to end. I lifted my knees to my chest.

"Brett would you fuck me?" I pleaded. He dropped his shorts. "Use some of the hair conditioner from the shower."

Brett's rock hard dick was like a flag at a parade waving from side to side. Back between my legs he pushed against my hole. It was still loose from last night.

"Brett you feel so good buried inside of me." I sighed. I heard a gasp from the bottom of the stairs. Jerry was standing at the bottom of the stairs watching Brett impale me on his big dick. He had his dick out and was very gingerly rubbing his dick. Too much bouncing would be painful.

I motioned him to come closer. He came like a moth to a flame. He watched. I licked my lips and he licked his. I started working my meat as Brett fucked me. Brett came first. He pulled out and shot all over my cock and balls. It was just what I needed to push me over the edge. I shot my load. Jerry cringed as his load mixed with ours. He looked worried.

"Jerry, that doesn't count as gay sex. Think of it as beating off to really hot porn." I reassured him.

Brett got a towel and cleaned me up. I didn't pull my shorts on to finish my workout. Brett followed suit. Jerry pulled his supportive briefs back up but dropped his shorts. It was different being on the treadmill naked. I sort of liked it. I definitely enjoyed the scenery.

Three naked men hit the showers. Brett and I washed Jerry, staying away for his equipment. The swelling had gone down a lot. It looked odd only having one ball. Jerry reached out for mine while Brett was washing my back.

"Which one is the real ball?" He asked. He was trying to tell the difference.

"Jerry, when the infection is gone, they will put another one in for you." I reassured him.

"I still can't believe my own sister killed my ball and at other times I'm surprised she didn't take both. She turned out to be a mean bitch didn't she." Jerry shared. "Dad misses her a lot." At breakfast Jerry tossed me the keys to his car. I tossed them back. He returned them to me.

"We both have appointments with Geo this afternoon. How am I going to get there if you don't drive me. I can't drive with the pain med's." Jerry countered. I knew he hadn't taken anything more than aspirin since yesterday. I think he was trying to bridge the gap.

"Thanks! I will pick you up around four. Would you mind making a stop with me after our appointments?" I asked. Jerry was all for it.

School went fine. I was in the restroom before James class. I sucked his dick but pulled off before he came when someone came in. I had plans for later. I let him suck mine for a bit. Then like like a cock tease I pulled away. I slid a note under the partition.

Don't beat off. I'm going to make this worth your time later today.

James asked about Jerry. He was concerned with our abrupt departure on Sunday. Beyond `he's doing better,' I left it up to Jerry to share whatever details he was comfortable with.

After class I followed James into his office, locking the door behind me.

"James do you know how much trouble you would be in if you got caught sucking dick in the bathroom. I saw you in there today." All the color drained from his face.

"There will be no more sucking dick under the partition." I came around his desk and pushed him into the chair. "It is too damn uncomfortable in there. I reached up, undid his zipper, and fished out his beautiful dick.

"I think this counts as later." Then I sucked his dick into my throat and swallowed. I worked on him until he was ready to come and switched to his balls. Then when he calmed down a bit I moved back to his balls. I did this three times. He was begging me to let him come. I wanted to see just how far I could get him to go.

I pulled James to his feet and dropped his pants to the floor. I face him toward the desk. As I buried my tongue between his cheeks he bent over giving me better access to his hole. I dug into him like a madman. He was going to have to reorganize his desk. Finally I heard the words I was wondering if he would say."

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard." James begged. While getting things for class I had slipped a tube of lube in his side drawer. I reached over and opened the drawer.

"What do we have here. How many students have fucked you in your office professor?" I asked.

"Fuck me now, please." I was taught to do what my teachers told me. Who was I to go against a lifetime of training?

I pushed lube into his ass first with one finger and then two. Neither of us were willing to wait any longer. I worked the piercing into his tight hole and waited for him to push back. This wasn't his first rodeo and I wasn't his first cowboy. He pushed back against me. I stuck my underwear in his mouth to muffle his cries of pleasure. I had cum that morning yet I still didn't last very long. I unloaded in his ass. I kept pushing in and out. Finally I pulled out and put his dick where it wouldn't leave cum on the floor. I savored the taste of my professor. James pulled me up into a passionate kiss.

"Promise me there will be no more sex in the bathroom. I don't want you caught." I suggested.

I waited until we were both put back together. I left a sated but bewildered professor looking at the mess he had made of his neat desk.

Our encounter had taken longer than expected. I ran to Jerry's car and hurried to pick him up. We made it to his appointment just in time. I worked on homework as I waited for his hour to be over. I wondered what they were talking about. I was worried about my brother.

Jerry showed evidence of tears when he came out of his session. I hoped he was alright.

Geo asked me questions about my perceptions of what was going on with Jerry and Bruce. I shared my unfavorable opinion of my sperm donor. I had seen both sides of him and I didn't like the fellow I was left with. He seemed to have loved me for so long. I felt sad for what I had lost then, `cocksucking faggot' came to mind and I repented of my softer feeling for Bruce. I hated him for what he did to me. I hated him for what he did to my mom. Most of all I hated what he was doing to Jerry. He could die and join Jan in a hell of their own making.

We talked about how I could support Jerry. At the end of the session I realized we had talked very little about what I was going through. I felt cheated.

After the session, I chose to continue with the plan I had laid the groundwork for yesterday. In Jerry's car we drove to a seedy part of town. I stopped at the barber's and had my hair cut in the shorter style Jerry liked. Jerry was speechless.

I then parked in front of the tattoo place. I took my shirt off and put on a tank top. Jerry and I walked in.

"You must be Bobby. Did you bring the art work."

"Jerry take off your shirt." Shirtless his `brother's forever' tattoo was on display. "I want one just like that."

Jerry's jaw dropped. An hour later we were twins in another way. Then came the next step.

"Since you are calling a halt to sex, this is a perfect time." I dropped my jeans and put my dick on display.

"It should be healed enough to put the PA back in." I suggested. It was a little more difficult than when Mike had done it because it involved scar tissue. Finally, it was back where it belonged, a shiny ring hanging from my piss slit.

"Jerry, hop up and get yours done." Jerry seemed shell shocked as he lay back on the table. He flinched as the needle went through. I pulled my shirt off and we stood there side by side naked. The piercer took a couple of Polaroids for his portfolio. I asked him to take a third for my memory book. Looking at the picture except for my scars we did look like twins.

I took the ring out of my pocket. I couldn't afford another gold one, but Jerry eventually would get the one the police were holding as evidence. Still naked I took his right hand and slid the silver ring on his finger.

"Jerry, my brother, my twin, I will be your brother forever if you will have me."

We had one more stop. Jerry had complained that he didn't have any money. We arrived at Todd's place just in time. The artists were setting up. Everyone was willing to pay extra to paint twins. The agreement was nothing too gay.

We did a lot of different poses. My favorite was me standing just to the side and behind Jerry so I could wrap my arm around his waist pulling him close. It showed our matching tattoos and hid a lot of my body scarring.

At the end of the night the artists were generous with the tips. Todd gave Jerry all of the regular fee.

"What about Bobby?" Jerry asked.

"I already gave him his." I had asked for a smaller version of one of the poses. Jerry was impressed with his take plus the tips.

"I can see why you don't mind posing." Jerry said putting the money in his wallet. Todd finished my charcoal drawing and put it in a sleeve. It was of the last pose. It was obvious we were twins. There was two points of color in the piece. My gold ring and Jerry's silver. It was only 11x17 but I loved it.

"What would it cost to frame it?" I asked. Todd supplied a simple frame. It was perfect.

We grabbed burgers on the way home. I had warned my pseudo parents we would be late. I showed Doc and Brett the artwork. They hung it by Chris and Samuel. When Brett noticed we both had tattoos in the picture he demanded show and tell. I took my shirt off. Jerry mirrored my actions. The artist had done a real good job of making them match. I was pleased. It was then they realized I had cut my hair.

Brett pulled out the camera and took some shirtless photos of his twins. We made Brett stand in the middle and Doc took a photo of us. We harassed him into taking his shirt off too. Doc took a couple more shots. Brett traded places with Doc for more pictures. It was Brett that suggested Doc take her shirt off. She was more strong willed than Brett had been.

At bedtime I removed the glove and gauze from my dick. I had to pee bad. I pulled on some tighter briefs and asked Doc for some gauze pads.

"You'd did it. Didn't you?" She shook her head as she pulled down the front of my briefs to inspect the damage. "He did it far enough back that he avoided a lot of the scar tissue. I assume Jerry has one too." I nodded.

"Drag him out here." Satisfied that it was quality work she sprayed us down with disinfectant and stuck a thin woman's pad in the front of our briefs followed by a piece of sterile gauze. "If it's still bleeding tomorrow let me know."

Jerry turned into his bedroom. I continued down the hall.

"Bobby, would you sleep with me? We can't do anything anyway." Jerry was using his lost puppy eyes. I had always given in to him with those eyes.

"It will cost you a bedtime kiss." I bargained. I lay on my back and he cuddled up with his head on my chest. He looked up into my eyes, reached up with his lips and met mine. It wasn't a chaste kiss, but it wasn't mind blowing either. It was nice and I pulled him close. I listened to his breathing become regular. I loved my twin and I was willing to just be a brother.

The next morning we hit the gym. We just wore the briefs from last night. In the shower Brett was not shy about washing our stuff.

"Do you think I should get one?" Brett asked.

"I don't think so. I'm not doing without for a couple of weeks." Doc said turning the corner.

"He could practice his tongue skills. I could teach him a thing or two." I cheekily offered. Doc reached in and turned the hot water off. That cooled the comments quickly.

Jerry joined me for classes. It was a regular day, but it was so much better with Jerry by my side. Over lunch I discussed my film idea with my brother. He wasn't quite as excited as I was. For me it was a way to stamp closed on the whole ordeal. Danielle was glad to see us back together. We decided to go to the party at the student union on Friday. It was a film festival/sleepover in the ballroom. You brought pillows and blankets, camped out on the floor and enjoyed 10 hours of James Bond.

Thursday was much the same. Twenty minutes before James' class I met him in his office. Little Bob was out of commission but I took care of little James. I opened the door a crack while James zipped up. Jerry slipped in. I pressed my lips to his. He greedily slurped the cum off my tongue.

"I miss that wonderful flavor." Jerry observed. I guess getting it second hand wasn't quite gay.

During film class we involved Mike in our project. He was a better script writer than me. He and Jerry were deep into the nuances of the emotional connotation of preferred syntax while I did my part as TA, helping others with their projects.

Plans were made for initial filming next week in the evening in a corner of Brett's basement. We had an agreement from Professor White to be one of the men in black hoods. I was going to try for Brad and Brett to finish out the trio. Three really hot men. I felt bad that I would be filming. I had created my own fantasy for the non-simulated version of the rape scene. Maybe I was becoming a slut. But, I wasn't doing it with just anybody, just my close circle of friends.

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 43

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