Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Oct 22, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

I have been asked to address the other two victims of the reprogramming gone wrong. I've changed plans. I find that to tell of their healing I needed to get to know them better. I will follow the end of the main narrative with their backstories and narrative. Happily I don't have to write Chapter 34 again.

About the aversion therapy chapter, if you read enough material you get the feeling that some are in the business not as much for the good of their patients as it gives them an excuse for letting their sadistic side out.

Thank your for the emails. I appreciate even a short, "I'm reading your story," goes a long way.

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I would appreciate a short email if you are still reading my story. ringinmine@yahoo.com

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I find proofreading is a lot like steam cleaning your carpet. It doesn't matter how many times you go over something you still find another error or two.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 41

We got up late the following morning and had to rush things to be on time. Shower time was a quick wash, grope and off we went. It was a peanut butter and jam morning.

We managed Professor Johnson's class behaving as we normally did. We stopped for fish and chips on the way home. We were still a few blocks from home when we were pulled over. My favorite burly cop stuck his head in the window.

"Did you know that you have a broken tail light." I knew it was fine when we left school. I had put my backpack in the trunk.

"Sorry officer I didn't know. It was fine earlier." Brett answered. Brett handed the officer his license and registration.

Please step out of the car Mr. Johnson." He asked looking at the driver's license. He sneered at Jerry riding shotgun. He must have thought it was me. While his partner showed Brett the broken taillight. The officer was shining his flashlight into the car.

"I think we need to search the car. Everyone out." Considering the amount of drugs they used on us in one weekend I was sure he would mysteriously find contraband as he searched.

The radio in his car burst into a flurry of instructions. There was an armed robbery in progress. They were being called to the scene.

"Next time boys." He laughed. As we were getting back in the car the nameless oriental Agent drove by waving. The incident didn't seem to bother anyone but me.

I wasn't in the mood to watch TV and it was getting late. I just headed for bed. I could hear Jerry and Brett yelling at some game show. The lie that had gotten me through the last week had collapsed again. There was no way I could convince myself that things were alright. How could they just blow it off.

Brett and Jerry came to bed. I know it was Brett's last night before he left but there was no way I could get interested in sex. I left Brett and Jerry to their own devices. I moved to the guest room and slept alone. Someone was having a good time next door. The next morning I woke up early. I slipped in the bedroom to get my clothes. Jerry and Brett were a intertwined into a human knot on the bed. What kind of monster had we created.

I left a message that I was heading to campus and I was going to the pool. I threw a couple of speedos and a baggy into my backpack. The supplied the towel. The pool opened at 6:00. Besides the staff I was the first one there. I hadn't been swimming since Christmas. It took a few laps to get back into the groove. I swam back and forth with my mind turned off, thinking no farther than swim, turn, swim, turn...

When I could swim no farther I moved to the hot tub. I was up to my neck in hot water when Geo found me.

"Do you need to talk?" Geo asked. I walked with him to the locker where I stashed my stuff and handed him the spare speedo. It would be a little snug but not impossibly small. He wasn't that big.

I left him changing and went back to the hot tub. We had the swirling waters to ourselves. I was trying to decide what I could say to make things better but my mind was blank.

"This is the first session I've held in a hot tub. Maybe I need one of these at home for my special clients." Geo tried to break the ice.

"Geo, why do you never talk about your wife?" I asked. I assumed he was here because Brett or Jerry had called him.

"That's because there is no Mrs. Geo. There was but it didn't work out." Geo answered.

"Why?" I asked the first question a toddler learns.

"We are getting a little personal, aren't we?" Geo responded. We sat in silence. Geo broke first. "There was someone else."


"That is a step beyond good manners." Geo drew the line.

"It was Paul, your twin, wasn't it?" I asked. Geo looked at me in silence. "I don't think anyone else would notice. I can see the way you look at each other. When you are walking by each other I've seen one or the other of you brush the other's hand just for a moment."

"No it wasn't Paul; it is Paul." Geo wasn't really comfortable with the conversation.

"I am so envious. It must be great having a twin just like you to love." I noted.

"But you have a twin." Geo started and realized he had said something he shouldn't have. I stared at my friend and therapist and waited. I wasn't letting him off the hook after that last comment.

"I shouldn't be the one telling you this, but it is something Paul discovered. Your mother and Brett's wife were due at about the same time. Brett's wife's child didn't survive but a couple of hours. The same day your mother had unexpected twins. You are the oldest but not by days only minutes. Jerry is your full identical twin.

He isn't sure of the reasons why but from what Paul could find it seemed your mother couldn't handle two babies and Brett's wife didn't know that their little boy hadn't survived. Babies look a lot alike at birth. They switched the babies. According to the records your twin died. Geo explained carefully judging my response.

"Jerry really is my twin?" I asked with hope in my eyes. Geo realizing that this was the first spark of positive emotion of the morning was willing to build on this basic framework.

"I ask myself if things will ever get back to normal? But what is normal? I am in love with my twin, I am my nephew's father, I seduced my father figures, have a steel bar through my dick head, I share a girlfriend's affections with my brother and enjoy posing nude for artists. That's pretty whacked out." At least things didn't seem as impossible as they were last night. "And no I am not giving you any extra details, at least not today."

"Bobby it looks like you are feeling better." Geo noted. "Are you going to make it through the day?"

"I think I am. Thanks." I had something I had to do before class.

Geo and I showered in the communal shower. Paul was a very luck guy. Geo's eyes were inspecting the pair of steel balls on either side of my dick head. I realized he hadn't seen it before.

"Does that cause any trouble?" He asked referring to my jewelry.

"If I don't pull it out while it is hard I have to be careful or the jewelry will catch on the guys ass ring. I don't have that problem with girls." I answered.

Geo looked around and we had the area to ourselves. He reached out and brushed the loose jewelry. In only moments the balls were tight against my dick head. I hadn't cum yesterday and blew after only a few strokes.

"See I am a bad influence. Now I've corrupted you." I joked. Geo was looking a little sheepish.

"Is this going to mess up our professional relationship?" Geo was worried.

"If anything I trust you more now than I ever have. I've got to run. I have a piece of unfinished business to take care of." With the speedo's in the baggy, I ran across campus. I knew that Brett would be in his office.

Jerry was doing homework in the conference room.

"Is Brett in his office?" I asked. Jerry nodded. "Is he alone?" Jerry nodded again.

"I need to talk with the two of you." I held the door as Jerry silently entered Brett's office. I turned and locked the door behind me.

"Jerry..." he turned to look at me. "Who ever called Geo thanks." I pulled Jerry into a tight hug and a passionate kiss. I think his toes curled up in his shoes.

"I love you twin brother." I then walked to Brett who was still sitting behind his desk. I put my hands on either side of his head and pulled him into a passionate kiss. I felt good that he kissed me back. I pushed his rolling chair away from the desk and fell to my knees between his legs. I reached for his zipper. His hand moved mine away.

I was afraid I had overstepped the acceptable. Brett lowered his zipper and pulled his hardening dick from his slacks. I wrapped my lips around his manhood. I could hear Jerry and Brett kissing. I didn't care I was busy. It was nothing fancy just a great blow job.

Buried down my throat I felt his balls pull up. I moved the head of his dick just inside my mouth. He shot load after load. I only swallowed after the first shot. I had plans for the rest of that delicious load.

Being careful of his slacks, I stood up and leaned into their kiss offering the load on my tongue. They greedily battled for my offering.

"I love you both so much." I looked deep into Brett's eyes. "May I call you dad?" Brett nodded. Jerry looked concerned. I pulled them not a tight hug.

"My dad and my twin together. What could be better?"

"You've said twin twice. What gives?" Jerry asked.

I explained what Geo had told me in the hot tub that morning. Jerry looked very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong don't you want to be twins?" I asked.

"You wouldn't understand." Jerry was nearly in tears.

"Jerry, what makes a mother a mother? Is it giving birth, or tucking you in with a lullaby every night. Is it blood or offered love and comfort. Remember, I learned only two months ago that the source of the sperm that made me wasn't from who I called dad for 18 years." I tried explaining.

"But you didn't love your father. I loved my mom." Jerry was more upset. "You haven't given your real dad a chance."

"I may not have liked my dad, but I did love him. Everyone expected me to drop everything and run to Bruce with open arms. That's worked out well hasn't it." I looked deeply into his eyes. "I'm not asking you not to love that wonderful woman you called mom. I hoped you would be excited we were twins. Now I know how you felt in the hospital." I picked up my backpack.

"Brett good luck at the conference. I'll see you Sunday night. Jerry I'll see you at film class." I left the room trying hard not to cry. The news that had given me something good to hold onto to wasn't mutually received. I struggled to get the lie back into place. "Everything is alright. Everything is alright. Everything is alright. Everything is shot to Hell. Everything is alright?"

My science class was a work period. My project was finished. I skipped class and headed for Morrell Hall. I hoped Sue would be home. I knocked on her apartment door. No one answered. I was turning away when Sue balancing a crying baby and a couple of grocery bags struggled through the double glass doors into the building. I held the doors and took the fussy baby.

Inside the apartment I sat in the rocking chair calming the child softly singing. I found great comfort in this little bundle of love knowing that in a few months a child of mine would arrive. But it wouldn't be mine to love. The two of us fell asleep. When I woke it was dark outside. I panicked. I had missed the film class. I was going to get fired.

"Don't worry my little one. Sue called your professor and explained you were not feeling good." I wasn't sure why my mom was here, but I was glad she was. I leaned on her shoulder and cried. I didn't care about anything except my mom was here when I needed her.

When I had finally cried myself out, I began feeling selfish. I was worried about Jerry.

"I need to give Jerry a call."

"Right now he is with Bruce at the Johnson's."

"I have to go. I won't have him beating up on my brother." I started putting myself together to leave.

"Geo and Paul are there. They will keep Bruce from screwing things up. I hope. He does have a temper and goes off without thinking. But unlike your father, Bruce feels bad about it when he has time to think. Remember Jan was the only thing left of the wife he loved for so many years. I understand how he feels." She paused. "Just give him a chance."

I assumed mom would get the spare room and I would sleep in the couch. But I was wrong.

"The men will take the spare room; the women can have the master." Brad announced.

I climbed into bed with my boxers. Brad followed suit. I still wasn't in the mood for sex so Brad just cuddled up behind me and fell asleep.

I just couldn't join him in dreamland. I had too much on my mind. Then I started hearing sounds. Someone was having a nightmare. I got up to check on my mom. The door was ajar so I quietly pushed the door open. I then understood why mom had been so accepting of Jerry and I kissing at Christmas.

My mom knelt on the floor on the edge of the bed with her face buried between Sue's legs. From Sue's moans mom knew what she was doing. This was my mom. I really could only get a good look at her bum and it looked really good. Brad appeared beside me. His hand reached out and took my hard dick in hand.

"It's pretty hot isn't it?" Brad asked. He slid my underwear to my ankles. Eye level with my dick, he helped me kick them off before licking on my balls. He swallowed my dick and it felt great, but my eyes were on the women. "I know Sue has been wanting a taste of this. That new piercing is going to turn her on."

Really without thinking I knelt next to Sue. She quickly took my dick in her mouth. I was even closer to the action between her legs. My mom really was a champion cunt licker. Brad was behind with his tongue buried in my mom. Mom was losing control. She was a madwoman as both She and Sue came again and again.

"Put it in me. I need a hard dick." Mom demanded. Brad's big pierced dick slipped deep inside. "I can feel the ring. It's so big." It took only a minute or so and Sue was greedily swallowing my load. Little Bob turned sensitive quickly.

It wasn't long before Brad shot his load deep inside my mom. It was a tangle of spent, satisfied bodies that finally fell asleep on the bed.

I woke in the night with a nipple near my mouth. As I licked the tight erect nipple, I had the answer for the question that had haunted in the dark corners of my mind. `How could my mom give up my twin?" My mom and Jerry's mom shared more than Brett. I was willing to bet they were intimate and loved each other. I realized I would give my life to protect Jerry. If I could give my life wouldn't it be easier to give a son to make the woman you loved happy.

I began suckling on the nipple in front of me. I don't know how to describe the comfort a nipple can be. I felt my face being lifted upwards. A pair of lips met mine. I am not sure my mother was awake as she slipped her tongue into my mouth and wrapped a hand around my dick.

"Fuck me Bruce." She said as she pulled me on top of her. I gave my mom what she wanted, a hard dick inside of her.

The next morning was hectic. Mom needed to get back for work. Brad and I needed to get to school. Sue just hopped into the shower with everyone else because she didn't want to be left out. It was a tight fit. Bodies were rubbing against bodies. I dropped the soap innocently and Brad's hard dick was knocking at my door. I pushed back on it. I really did like the feel of the ring inside of me. Jerry had to get one of these.

Brad turned the water off. Mom and Sue got out and were drying each other as Brad fucked my ass. Their eyes were on each other and the rutting men still in the shower stall.

"That's hotter looking than I thought it would be." My mom said with her fingers playing with her clitoris." Sue dropped to her knees and replaced her fingers with her tongue. It was hot looking. I critically looked at my mom being pleasured by another woman. She really did look good. She wasn't yet 40. I had learned in the shower her breasts were a perfect handful and her nipples were easier to play with than Jerry's. I had noticed that my nipple was bigger after the piercing. Maybe Jerry would be willing to have his pierced. I was ready to have it done again.

Eventually we were put together and ready to leave for the day. I wondered how strange it would get with the new relationship I had with my mom. It was just like it had been for years leaving for school, with the exception of a kiss on the lips instead of the cheek.

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 42

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