Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Oct 11, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

Thank your for the emails. I didn't change my header this chapter. I need my readers to understand why some of the characters seem to change in the story. We don't always know the whole story behind a person's actions. What may seem out of character is often based on new knowledge.

I am still combining logical chapters to post the story faster.

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I would appreciate a short email if you are still reading my story. ringinmine@yahoo.com

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 30

"Please don't let him touch me! I don't want to die." I gasped. I would never tell what I had seen that day no matter the cost. Grams deserved better.

I opened my eyes. Sadly, I was getting used to waking up in the hospital. Grams was holding my hand. There was a dull throbbing pain in my stomach and groin. At least it wasn't the intense pain that had haunted me since Foster decided to mess me up.

"Are you back Bobby?" She asked.

I squeezed her hand.

"You saw something on Friday at Leroy's didn't you."

I shook my head.

"You saw Papa and Leroy together, didn't you?"

I shook my head again.

"Bobby, you can't lie convincingly to your Grams even when you can't talk." Grams chuckled. "Since you can't interrupt let me tell you a story of young love."

Years ago there were two kids, Robert and Mary June. They dated in High School and were very much in love. This was back during the war. Young men were expected to join the military before they were drafted. Robert's brother was already in the war. As much as Robert loved Mary Jane they both knew he had to go. They had one month after graduation. They married. It was with a lot of tears she said goodbye to her man.

He had only been gone a month when she realized that she was pregnant. They wrote but it tooks weeks for the mail to find Robert. They were both comforted that even if something did happen to Robert she would have this little part of him. Robert was still overseas when June was born.

She prayed every day for his safety. `Please God, watch over Robert. May an angel be there in his time of need. Bring him home to me.'

In the letters Robert told of a black soldier in his group. They had become close friends. Something inside of me said, `I have answered your prayers there is an angel by his side.'

Then the day of the telegram came. Robert had been wounded. Finally a letter arrived, not from Robert but Leroy. It contained the details of how Robert had been shot. Leroy risked his own life to carry Robert to safety. The Lord had sent an angel named Leroy to watch over my husband.

After a month Robert was back in the field next to his angel. Robert talked more about Leroy with every infrequent letter. Leroy had no family. His parents had died when he was young. His grandmother had raised the boy. She had died not long after he was deployed. Robert felt like Leroy was family and had invited him to move to Utah. I wasn't to know exactly how close they had become until they were home, but I knew they were more than best friends.

It was good having Robert back in my bed. He was more caring as a lover and made sure of my pleasure before taking his. He seemed to be in the mood more often than me. I was once again pregnant, this time with your mother.

I remember the night Robert said he loved me but he also loved Leroy. He was torn on which way to go. He admitted that he had been taking care of both of us for the last six months. I had suspected that Robert was getting some on the side; he had become less demanding on wanting sex. It was almost a relief that it wasn't another woman.

Times were different then and I had questions I had to answer.

Should I divorce Robert? Did I really want to raise my daughters by myself. The stigma of being a divorced single mother could keep you from supporting a family.

Had I felt neglected for the last six months? No, I had appreciated that he hadn't always wanted sex.

How did I feel about Leroy? I honestly liked the man. He was compassionate and gentle. I believed the Lord had sent him to keep my Robert safe on the battlefield and he did. He was really good looking too.

What about the church? This was between Leroy, Robert, and my God. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

I was better off sharing Robert than doing without. It was a decision I have not regretted. I do remember the first time I caught your Papa on his knees with that monster between Leroy's legs in his mouth. I had never thought of doing that with Robert. I couldn't turn away. It was very stimulating. Later I tried it on Robert in the privacy of our bed. Robert was just out of the shower; it wasn't as disgusting as I thought it was. I think he was harder than ever before when he entered me.

The first time I joined Robert in pleasuring Leroy was intense. I asked if I could try Leroy inside of me. Everyone was willing. Over the years there have been many nights that the three of us shared that big bed.

"I see my story has got you going." My hospital gown was definitely showing a tent pole beneath it..

"Doctor Geo said you were protecting someone." Grams squeezed my hand. "You were trying to protect me, weren't you?" I nodded.

"I love you, Grams." I croaked.

"I love you too, Bobby. Dr. Geo said you don't want to be gay anymore. Bobby, the Lord made you who you are. Relax, be yourself. Your true love will come along someday. It might be a girl. It might be a guy, or if you are really lucky maybe it could be both at the same time. I don't regret my life."

I thought about Brad, Sue and the bun in the oven. Would they even talk to me anymore?

"I guess everybody is mad at me." It hurt my throat to talk. Grams got me some ice chips to suck on.

"You've caused Bruce some problems. There were enough witnesses in the park that the local papers picked it up with pictures. Some of the things you said were pretty awful."

I thought about what I could remember of the conversation. At the time I meant what I had said but felt a little guilty. Then the phrase `cocksucking faggot' came to mind and I got over the guilt. What had I gotten out of this new family relationship. I was beaten by my evil step sister who had me thrown out of my church and my apartment. She was never held accountable for the attack. He booted my car. I learned that my best friend's loyalty was to his father first. I wasn't sure where I fit in.

I wasn't even sure if my mom was grateful for getting her out of her first marriage. She didn't stand up for me with my first dad. Nor did she stand up for me with my biological dad. She made her bed she could live with it.

What about Grams and Papa? I actually felt relieved to have shared the secret. It also had opened my mind to possibilities. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad liking boys and girls. Papa did.

"They may have been awful, but they were true. Did he tell you he called me a cocksucking faggot and blamed me for turning Jerry gay?" Talking was becoming easier.

"The papers had picked that up, but Bruce says he didn't mean it."

"He meant it otherwise the phrase wouldn't have surfaced. He showed his true colors in that park. He's no different than my dad. It takes more than providing the sperm to make a father. Papa and Brett have been more of a father than the two that can claim the title."

"Speaking of Professor Johnson, he has been in the waiting room since yesterday. He even cancelled his first day of classes hoping you would forgive him."

Grams invited Brett into the room. I had asked Grams to stay. I wasn't trusting anybody but Grams right now. Brett looked at the floor. He wasn't the one that sold me out to my parents. Deep inside I was hoping that I was still welcome in his home, maybe even in his shower. So much for keeping my gown laying flat.

"Hi Brett." There was a mumbled hi. "It's hard to talk could you come closer." He practically shuffled his feet as he neared the bed.

"Just a little closer." With my good arm I pulled his face next to mine and I kissed him on the cheek. "You've been more of a father to me than anyone but Papa. Would you consider letting me come home when I get out of here?"

I felt his tears as they fell upon my face. "I do love you and appreciate everything you have done for me." I whispered into his ear.

He returned the kiss and for a moment I felt loved. He knew I was gay and was trying to understand.

"Your room is ready when you are ready. I will limp along without my TA for a week or so. Your doctor says you will be up and around by then; moving slowly but up and around."

"Isn't Doc my doctor?"

"She didn't think you would want her around and this time you needed a surgeon." Brett answered. It was then I realized no one had talked to me about what had happened. I knew my arm was in a brace not a plaster cast.

"Do you think Doc would come tell me about my condition?" Brett looked me in the eye. "She meant well. She just jumped the gun. She didn't know that it was my family I needed to hide from."

Brett was very pleased that I would want Doc to talk with me and that I still wanted to live with them. I think they had gotten as used to me as I had to them. I was even looking forward to showering with my mentor and perving on his great body.

As Brett left Grams came back in. "You've made someone happy. Papa would like to come in. You alright with that?"

"I am now. I just didn't want to be the one to rat him out and ruin your relationship." I answered.

"You did all this to keep from hurting me?" I nodded. "Bobby, I love you."

Papa came in. He was looking a little sheepish. "I'm sorry you saw us. I won't let it happen again."

"Now that I know that Grams is alright with you and Leroy, I wouldn't mind watching again. It was really hot. Leroy is huge." I said and Papa agreed. I beckoned Papa closer.

"This is just a one time thing, OK." I pulled Papa really close with my good arm and pressed my lips to his. He went to pull back but I resisted. I ran my tongue across his lips and he let it slip past. For a moment we shared a kiss a little too intimate for a grandfather and his grandson. Grams finally pulled my arm from around Papa's head.

"Come up for air. I am not adding another man into this relationship." Grams joked.

"Grams, I know why you keep him. He's quite a kisser." I smiled.

Her eyes traveled downward. "The main reason I keep him is a little lower."

Both of us had a tenting problem. I asked if any other family members were here, but Grams shook her head.

"Your mom had work and Bruce is dealing with the hornets' next you stirred up. It seems you hit the nail on the head. He was minimizing the legal impact of Jan's actions. You inadvertently provided ammunition for your dad's and June's divorce case." Papa answered.

As much as I wanted to ask, I wasn't going to be the one to mention the Buick. I hadn't asked for any money from my parents and I wasn't about to start. The Johnsons lived close enough I could walk to campus.

Doc walked in and I asked Grams and Papa to stay. Doc started talking from the foot of the bed.

"Doc I am not impressed with your bedside manner. Come here a minute." I motioned her forward. When she was close enough to reach I pulled her into a one arm hug. It took a moment but she relaxed and hugged me back. I took the opportunity to kiss her on the cheek.

"Brett said my room was waiting for me. Is that alright with you." I asked. Her smile was all the answer I needed.

"Bobby who beat on you this time? The police will have to be notified." Doc asked. "Was it Bruce?"

"I asked a buddy from the swim team if I could crash on his floor. I even offered to sleep in the garage." I started shaking reliving the experience. "Someone has made sure the word is out that I might be gay. I made the mistake of asking my one friend that is into karate. He kicked me three time in the nuts before I had time to fall. That's when I cracked my cast."

I reached for my crotch it was still swollen, sore and the ring was missing. "How bad is it?"

"Your arm is still healing well. We are going to leave the air cast on for another week and then start therapy." I didn't like the fact that Doc was having to think about what she was going to tell me.

"You came through surgery pretty well. There was some internal bleeding. You're lucky you didn't bleed to death." Doc paused. I knew she hadn't gotten to the worst of her news.

"Your right testicle was ruptured. The urologist cleaned it up and stitched it closed. It will work just fine."

"And the left?" I asked.

"He had to take it out. It wasn't repairable. You will be just fine with one. He put in a prosthetic."

"I hope he used a big one." I joked. I was glad I didn't lose both of them.

"When I called your parents I didn't know they were who you were hiding from. I am sorry." I motioned her in for another hug. I felt guilty that I had more feelings for Brett and Doc than my three parents. I'm glad that Grams and Papa were still on my side. I hoped mom would move in with Bruce quickly, so I could feel comfortable visiting them.

I had one more question. "Where is the ring?"

Grams offered the `brothers forever' ring. I wish I had never paid for the damn things. I looked at Doc.

"I'm not sure who took it out." Doc answered. It did tear partway through. That was the bleeding down there. He repaired the tear. I'm not sure you should put it back in." I was going to miss the ring.

I did talk to the police and made sure that they knew the only time Bruce had hit me was there in the park. With Foster I knew it was my word against mine. I was just the gay guy. The local cops would just be disappointed I wasn't in a body bag.

I had a few visitors from campus. Dr. Geo stopped by and wished me a speedy recovery. He offered to refer me to another therapist. Todd and Bill were relieved I was still alive.

"You need to get well. You still owe me three posing sessions." Todd joked.

"I may have to back out of those. I'm not sure you want a model with only one ball." I sort of joked.

The guests I was most surprised to see was Brad and Sue. They came in with flowers.

"When Mark found out our your attacker in the park was my bigoted, faggot hating brother', those were his words not mine, he told me to get my ass to that hospital' and give you a hug." Brad was a little crestfallen. "What would Bruce say if he knew about his little brothers."

"I know exactly what he would say. I turned you both queer just like Jerry."

Doc wouldn't let me start school until the following Monday, but that was fine. By the end of the week I could leave my cast off long enough to shower. Doc insisted I have someone with me just in case.

My midsection was uncomfortable even on Monday. I would have been behind if Brett hadn't convinced most of my professors to provide lecture notes and assignments. Only my English professor refused to be inconvenienced helping a queer student. His department chair informed him that three media projects they were waiting for had been put on the back burner because the gifted media student that was willing to work on them was going to be too busy catching up on his missed English assignments. He stopped by the house on Friday to help me catch up.

After my second day of school Brett drove me to the clinic where Doc took out the stitches. I also surprised Dr. Geo when I walked in for my session. I ended with physical therapy. They showed me what I had to do to carefully strengthen my arm. There was nothing I couldn't do in Brett's basement gym. Brett carefully supervised my workouts to make sure I didn't cause any damage.

I was back in the groove of school. The classes were difficult but nothing I couldn't manage. Working with two great professors was a major improvement over data entry even with the extra hours of work. With the first paycheck I could relax a bit about my spending. I had started the quarter with very little cash and was too proud to ask. Without having to buy gas my cash had stretched a lot farther.

Two weeks out of the hospital Mom finally called.

"Bobby, why haven't you called me?" Mom started out.

"Mom, I'm broke. Long distance calls are expensive." I answered.

"Mrs. Johnson is a doctor they can afford to pay for you to call your mother." Mom was beginning to get a little louder.

"I am renting a room from them. I don't ask them for money, just like I don't ask you for money." I answered calmly.

"There are things we need to discuss with you. I want you to come home this weekend." Mom was insistent.

"That is out of the question. Someone illegally booted the car registered in my name on private property. I am at the mercy of friends when it comes to transportation. Plus I am still making up school work from the week I missed."

Bruce picked up the phone. "You do not tell your mother no. You need to find a way to get home or we are going to come up there and pull you out of school."

"If it isn't the faggot bashing cop. I'm eighteen and paying my own tuition. You can't pull me out of school."

The profanities shouldn't have surprised me. I hung the phone up in mid rant. I didn't dare go home. Knowing Bruce, Jan has probably found some group that tries to `cure' gay people.

With Doc's permission I made a long distance call to my lawyer. I felt confident he would act in my best interests after Brad's revelation about his orientation. I looked in my wallet and found the card for Brent Milliman, attorney at law. Brent was not surprised by my mom's nor Bruce's actions. They weren't happy him either. Brent had told his brother he couldn't represent him because he was already on retainer to me.

"I have all the paperwork for a restraining order against your mother, father and Bruce. Bruce proved you are imminent danger from him in the park. I already have a judge's signature. All I need is to have them served. That will be this afternoon." Brent explained. "For the next couple of weeks be sure there is someone around to watch your back. Bruce is really impulsive right now and is blaming you for all his troubles and the troubles Jan is now facing. I haven't had a chance to talk to you, but we pressed charges the day after the news picked up the story."

Friday night when other students were out partying, I studied and went to bed early. My balls, or should I say ball was still very tender so I was wearing a jock most of the time for support. I was still having a nightmare now and then and Brett had crawled into my bed, so I wasn't surprised when I felt a warm body cuddled up behind me. I didn't even wake up completely. I just snuggled backward.

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 31

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