Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Oct 9, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

Thank your for the emails.

As you learn more about a person your insights and opinions shift. People are a lot like Russion stacking dolls. There is always more about a person than you currently see. The person is still the same but our perceptions have shifted. That is why some characters seem to change. We are limited to Bobby's perceptions.

I am still combining logical chapters to post the story faster.

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I would appreciate a short email if you are still reading my story. ringinmine@yahoo.com

All rights are reserved to the author except those given to Nifty to publish and archive this work. Please do not repost without permission of the author.

(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 29

I would wait for them to come home. If they didn't maybe I would freeze to death. At least Hell is supposed to be warm. I closed my eyes. I was soo tired and cold.

"Bobby wake up. How long have you been out here? You are looking a little blue around the edges." Todd asked.

I couldn't figure out what he was saying. "I need a place to stay." Is what I tried to say but it's not what came out.

"Bill get out here. Bobby's in trouble again and you are not calling anybody. We just need to get him warm." Todd called out.

Bill and Todd helped me up. Todd went to hug me and I pulled back. I couldn't remember why, but I didn't want be hugged by a guy.

In their bedroom they began stripping off my wet clothes. When Todd went to pull my damp boxers off, I grabbed the waistband. "Leave on" is what came out. I didn't want to be naked.

Todd was puzzled by my modesty. He left his shorts on too. Once again I found myself in a warm human sandwich. I was just this side of sleep.

"Bill, did you notice someone's been hitting him again?" Todd asked.

"You don't think it's the Johnsons do you? Maybe we should call the police." Bill answered.

"Don't even think about it. We aren't calling anybody until we have the whole story. We don't have anyone renting the basement bedroom. We can let him have it for awhile."

Bill wasn't happy with his lover's decisions, but he didn't want to end up sleeping alone again, so he went along with it.

I was the first one awake in the morning. The men on either side of me and rolled away from me in the night. It took some effort and was painful but I extricated myself without waking either bed partner. With my toilet needs taken care of I got dressed. My balls looked even worse. I tried feeling for my testicles but didn't find those familiar orbs. It was probably the swelling. I didn't want to explain why I didn't want to shower with them.

There were dirty dishes in the sink. It took some doing to figure out where the clean dishes from the dishwasher should go. A couple of items I left on the table. With the dishwasher loaded and the kitchen straightened I debated on making breakfast for my hosts. I noticed a coffee machine. I had watched Leroy make coffee. It didn't seem that difficult. I filled the pot with water and put it in the machine. On the back of the coffee can it said to add one scoop to the filter. I pressed start. Before long the smell of coffee filled the house.

I was mixing pancake batter from the mix in the cupboard when one of the housemates I hadn't really met except across the easel entered wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"I know you. You're Bobby I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on." He ran his hand over my ass. I pulled away. "Aren't you up for a little morning loving. I know you slept in Todd's and Bill's bed last night."

"Please don't!" I asked.

"Remembering you kissing that other young guy gets me so hot. How about a little kiss for me?" He put one hand around me and the other behind my head.

"Let me go. I don't want to." The sound of the bowl of batter breaking or the shout as it landed on his barefoot must have woken Todd or Bill. I was out of the kitchen before either entered. I remembered the bathroom off the studio where I disrobed for my modeling sessions had a lock on the door. Why couldn't people understand I don't want to like guys anymore. When a key turned in the lock I hid in the shower behind the curtain like that could protect me. That was where Todd and Bill found me, curled up in the tub.

"What have they done to you? You were fine last week." Todd went to hug me and I pulled away.

"Please don't touch me." I cringed. If he didn't touch me maybe I could pretend we hadn't done anything sexual. I didn't want to be finding hiding places to have gay sex cheating on someone I was supposed to love.

"I went home for the weekend." The tears started flowing.

"What happened?" Bill asked.

"Can't talk about it. Please don't tell anyone where I am. No one understands." Bobby pled. "I would be better dead, but I don't want to go to hell."

"Todd, stay here with him. I know one person that might be able to help." Doc had mentioned which therapist Bobby was seeing during their long talk about Chris.

It was an hour later and I was still at one end of the tub and Todd sitting on the head. Bill was explaining things to Dr. Applegate in the studio.

"Thanks for coming on a Sunday, Dr. Applegate. He was fine on Thursday. From what we've been able to figure out, he went home on Friday. We found him on the doorstep last night really cold. He has new bruises and a black eye. He doesn't want to be touched. He doesn't want us to call anybody. He said he would rather be dead but he doesn't want to go to hell." Bill explained.

"This doesn't sound good." The doctor answered.

"The guy upstairs made a pass at him, he didn't want to be touched. When he got a little more forward, Bobby dropped a bowl of pancake batter on the floor and we found him hiding in the locked bathroom." Bill finished.

"Have you called anybody?" Geo asked.

"I learned my lesson last time. I slept alone for a week because I called the police and Bobby ran."

Dr. Applegate must have come straight from church. He was in a suit instead of his more casual polo and slacks he wore in the office. He looked so much like the leaders of my church that had thrown me out I wouldn't talk to him.

"Go away. You're just one of them. You'll just throw me away like everyone else." I mumbled looking downward. I wasn't going to meet his eyes."

"Bill do you have a t-shirt I could borrow?"

The doctor came back wearing slacks and a Pink Floyd tshirt. "Is this better?" He asked. I nodded and it was. How pathetic could I get?

"We might be more comfortable somewhere else." He offered. I shook my head. Right now I was feeling safer for a moment.

"Can you talk about it?" He asked.

"I don't want to be gay. I can't take it anymore." I started. "I really need to tell someone everything." I paused. "Can you tell anyone what I tell you?"

"What we talk about is protected. There are a couple of exceptions where I have to tell what I learn." Geo explained.

"Then I may as well not start. I won't be responsible for ruining someone's life" I stood up, shook the doctor's hand and walked out of the bathroom.

"Thanks for calling him Bill. I appreciate your concern." He offered to hug and I shook his hand. I turned to both of them. Just so you know I am not going to kill myself or hurt anyone.

"That was a quick fix, doctor." Bill said.

"It's not fixed; it is more broken than ever. To Bobby I am now just one more adult that has let him down." Geo wasn't pleased with himself.

I grabbed my coat and my bag. I was heading for the door when I heard Bill ask. "Why is he leaving."

"He doesn't want to be gay. It has cost him too much. He needs someone he can trust completely." Geo answered. I was right Geo couldn't keep secrets. Little did I know how many other secrets he would tell in the next hour, but I would find out later.

I walked out the door. No longer sure what I was going to do. I couldn't stay if I was going to be tempted all the time. I knew I could hide out in the library.

I was walking past a park. I was dizzy and tired. The nearest park bench was in the warm sunshine and free of snow. There were other students hanging in the park. I wasn't sure I would ever get up again.

"Bobby I finally found you." I didn't want to talk to Bruce. I didn't want to see Bruce. I forced myself to my feet and stumbled away. He grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Away from you."

"Tell me why you ran away from Leroy's." He asked.

"I can't."

"Can't or won't."

He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Take your lying hands off me."

"I'm your father."

"No you're the asshole that booted my car so Icouldn't drive back to school."

"I don't deserve being talked to like that. I am still your father."

"Now it's convenient, you're my father. Where were you and mom when the bastard you left me with beat me whenever he felt like it. The only time he stopped leaving bruises was during swimming season. Where were you when the church leaders said if my father beat me it was to keep me from evil? Where were you when he was beating my mom?" I was on a rant and nothing was going to stop me.

"Was it you that stopped him beating on my mom? Let's see, that was me. Was it you that stopped him beating me? No, that was me too."

"I'm your father and you won't talk to me like that." Bruce yelled. A guy with a camera was taking pictures.

"You're not a father; you're just the guy that fucked another man's wife without protection. To you I am just a lack of planning ahead." I taunted.

He slugged me in the stomach. We were gathering a crowd.

"Leave the kid alone." A biker grabbed Bruce's fist before he hit me again.

"I'm a cop. Let go of me before I arrest you." Bruce shouted.

"Yes he's a cop. That's why when his daughter did this to me..." I pulled up the front of my shirt and showed the long scars and pointed to my face. I could hear the camera shutter. "his daughter didn't even get her hand slapped. I will be scarred for the rest of my life, physically and emotionally."

"That's because you are the cocksucking faggot that turned my son into a queer."

I turned to leave. The crowd parted to let me pass.

"I didn't mean that!" He grabbed my cast hard enough that in its weakened state it broke. I was sure I felt the half healed bone snap again."

"Maybe you are my father. Just like that bastard, you beat me and kick me when I'm down." I took three steps and collapsed. Bruce rushed to help me.

"Please don't let him touch me! I don't want to die." I gasped. I would never tell what I had seen that day no matter the cost. Grams deserved better.

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 30

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