Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Sep 27, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

I hope the occasional change of voice in this and other chapters isn't too confusing. It is useful to know what is happening away from Bobby.

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I would appreciate a short email if you are still reading my story. ringinmine@yahoo.com

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 23

Everyone was leaving when Jerry went to wake Bobby up to say goodbye. He ran back into the living room.

"Has anyone seen seen Bobby. He's not in bed." Jerry was panicked. "All I found was this." He held up a now bloody yardstick.

No one had seen Bobby since dinner. That was four hours previous.

Jerry looked right at his sister. "What did you do you evil bitch?"

"Jerry watch your language. I'm sure Jan didn't do anything. We just need to find him." Bruce interrupted.

"Jerry, I was looking out for your soul. You are better off without that little queer dragging you down to hell with him. I told him I would tell the church and they would kick his queer butt out. I made my point with that." Jan stated firm in her conviction and pointing to the yardstick. "Even Christ drove the sinners from the temple."

"If anything happens to that boy his blood is on your hands and you will be held accountable. I think it is time for you to leave." Papa accused Jan.

"If something happens to him it will be the justice of God punishing him for the abomination he is." She turned and left.

"I'm sorry. She joined this right wing group in Provo, Eagle something. They are a little crazy. The leader even said,'God would support our work if he knew what we know.' I'll try to keep her on a tighter leash. I hope you find him. He seemed to be a good kid." Jan's husband apologized.

Leroy walked to his shop to check on Bobby's car. He made the call to Papa. "Bobby's car is gone. He could be anywhere."

Bruce called the sheriff's department and asked them to look for Bobby's Buick. Then Marie and Bruce drove over to the house where Bobby grew up. There was no sign of the Buick or Bobby.

Brad and Sue were at a loss on how to help. It was starting to snow. Sue thought Bobby might head for the dorm. Where else did he have to go? She didn't say anything not wanting to give anyone false hope. They made their goodbyes and headed home hoping to make it through the canyon before it closed.

While the grown ups tried to figure out where Bobby had gone, Jerry looked for any type of clues in the bedroom. Grams found him in the corner crying. Holding Bobby's ring in his hand.

"He left his ring. We promised never to take them off. His wallet is here. I am scared Grams. What if he does something stupid. He must really hate me."

Grams got down on the floor and pulled Jerry into her lap. "After what your sister said. Bobby is trying to protect your family. He wouldn't want to be the wedge between you and your sister."

The old woman rocked the young man and together they cried.

It was nearing midnight when the phone rang. "This is Brad. The canyon was closed and we had to take the long way. Bobby's car is here at the dorm, but there is no Bobby. The keys are in it but it is out of gas. I've called the local police but they haven't seen him.

When I woke up I was cold and the car was covered in snow. If I stayed here I would surely freeze to death.

I had a blanket in my trunk. Mom always made me have it in the car. I wrapped it around me, slipping my pill bottle in my pocket..

The dorms were all dark. I could see lights a few blocks down the hill. Maybe someone would let me come in and get warm.

I was so cold as I pushed my way through the snow. My tennis shoes were wet and so were the shorts I was wearing. If I just kept going I would get there eventually. With the bad leg each step was agony. I slipped on a patch of ice under the snow. I tried but I couldn't get up so I crawled on my hands and knees. I couldn't give up. I stopped to rest and closed my eyes for only a minute.

I opened my eyes. There was a warm naked man spooned behind me and a naked body in front. I should have worried about where I was but I wasn't home and I was warm, so I didn't care. I closed my eyes glad to be alive.

When I woke again I was alone in the bed. I was warm but in pain. On the nightstand my pills and a glass of water waited for me. I took a pill and slid back into my disturbed sleep.

I heard someone in the shower and realized I needed to empty my bladder. I hoped my host didn't mind sharing the bathroom. My leg throbbed in pain but I made it to the toilet barely in time. It was with a sigh I emptied my bladder.

"It's only been a couple of weeks. You look like you've been through hell." Todd the artist said as he exited the shower, water dripping from his hairy body. He grabbed the towel from its bar and began drying his hair.

"When I found you last night I didn't think I would ever get you warm again." Todd finished drying off. "Wait right there and we will get you in the shower."

"Hi! I'm Bill, Todd's partner." The good looking man was dressed in scrubs. He taped off the incision and put a garbage bag over my cast. "I'm just getting off work at the hospital. This is going to work better if you hop in the shower with me."

Naked Bill stepped into the shower and Todd helped me join him. Bill had his hands full trying to keep me vertical as well as wash my wounds. The yardstick had acted like a dull knife breaking the skin in long shallow lines.

"Todd, I'm going to head some help in here." Bill called out.

Todd stepped in and held me as Bill began the painful process of cleaning me and my wounds with an antibiotic soap. He worked his way down my torso and the up my legs. I had only been wearing shorts when Jan attacked me. At least under the shorts was only bruised.

"Does this hurt?" Bill asked as he touched my penis.

"That's the first thing you've touched that doesn't hurt. It feels pretty good." I answered.

Bill must have taken that as permission to kiss it better. If Todd hadn't been holding me up I would have collapsed as his lips enclosed the head of my dick, his tongue playing with the ring.

Pleasure after so much pain was a welcome change. Todd must have enjoyed the show. I could feel his excitement pressing into me.

When Bill swallowed the whole thing and brushed his nose against the stubble above my dick. I cried out. "Do it, make me come."

Bill backed off for a moment. "The stubble tickles." Then he played with the ring before sucking my dick back into the moist welcoming warmth of his mouth. "Tell when you are going to come."

"I coming!" I cried out. After the first shot on his tongue he let the rest fly all over his face.

"That was hot!" Bill announced. He stood up and Todd licked my cum off his partners face. Taking turns sharing my cum with Bill and I.

Todd turned the water back on. I hadn't even realized he had turned it off. Bill washed the cum from his hair. He used the hand held shower to wash my favorite parts. Bill stepped out of the shower. Todd held me up again as Bill carefully dried my body trying not to hurt me as little as possible.

"I threw your clothes out last night. You are going to have to make due with one of our shirts and sweatpants. Yours were past saving." Todd explained.

"Before you get dressed I need to dress those wounds. Someone ran you through a meat grinder." Bill mentioned as he applied antibiotic to the many long cuts across my body. It hurt so bad, I took another pain pill as soon as Bill finished.

It was over a dinner of fish and greens that the inquisition began.

"Who should know where you are?" Bill started with the first question.

"Thanks for finding me. Until I can figure things out, no one. My dad and aunt tried killing me. I learned my best friend was really my brother. His sister attacked me and threatened to ruin my life and his if I stayed." The tears were flowing. "I just need time to figure things out. The dorms were locked and I ran out of gas. I can't go home and take the chance of someone else attacking me."

"You can stay here for a couple of days. I think you should let your family know you are safe." Bill suggested.

"I'll find somewhere else to stay. I can't call home yet. I won't let Jan ruin their lives."

"You don't have to call anyone. You are welcome to use the guest room." Todd looked at his roommate who didn't look too happy.

The next morning Todd and Bill had to go to work. "We will talk about you calling home tonight." Bill announced. On the morning news I heard that the police were looking for me. I knew Bill would call them. He just didn't understand. I grabbed some bananas, a couple of yogurts and a block of cheese out of their fridge; anything I could shove into my pockets. I left a note.

Thank you for everything. I can't go back. They are looking for me. I am frightened what will happen when they find me. I will pay you back for the food when I can.


The sun was out and it had warmed up into the 40's. That made everything into a wet slush. I gathered my things and set out to find somewhere to stay. I knew the cops were looking for me. Jan had probably called them with some trumped up story. I knew Bill was going to turn me in. There probably was a reward. I kept watch for police cars. I didn't want to go to jail.

I knew someone was following me. I cut through stores trying to confuse my trail. As soon as I lost one tail, another took their place. It was only a couple of miles to the campus and the library would be open for a few more hours. The campus security guard never went into the building at night. I knew places that I could hide and be safe.

I kept a watch out for police cars and hid every time one passed. An older couple stopped and offered me a ride to campus. I was sure they were undercover officers.

"This is my house. Thanks for the offer." I started up the walkway to the nearest house. Once the car was gone I switched over to the next block and continued to campus. I arrived cold and miserable, jumping at the slightest provocation. I needed to find a safe place. I waited until the librarian had stepped away from the circulation counter helping a student before I entered into the library proper.

The conference room on the fourth floor would be a perfect place to hide. No one would be using it during the break. It was near the restrooms and the staff breakroom. I also knew where a spare key was kept. I had used it occasionally for a study group I was in. I could keep my yogurt in the fridge. Maybe even sleep on the couch. I grabbed a book off the shelves I could read. I unlocked the conference room. Who would look in a room that was always locked. From the window you could not see under the large table. I locked the door, climbed under the table, pulled out the book and waited for the library to close.

I was sure someone kept looking through the window. Afraid of discovery I stayed under the table for an hour after the lights went out. It was my bladder that gave me the confidence to finally leave my safe place. There were a couple of tv dinners in the staff fridge. I microwaved one and had a hot supper. My leg ached so I took another of my pain pills. I took the pillow and blanket folded in the closet back to my safe place. If I sat right under the window I could read by the security light just outside the conference room and still be invisible from outside.

Finally I fell asleep and dreamed of my family shouting awful things because I was gay and ruining their lives. Jan picked up a stone and threw it hitting my shoulder. Jerry threw the next stone. Rock after rock battered my body. I wished I would just die so I didn't have to hurt anymore.

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 24

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