Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Sep 26, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

I hope you are enjoying getting to know Bobby and his brother. Things are looking better for the future, but will it last. They live in communities where alternate orientation is less than accepted.

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I would appreciate a short email if you are still reading my story. ringinmine@yahoo.com

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 22

Finally Papa handed Bruce his stocking.

Jerry must have taken everything out of the stocking and put the open box of condoms right in the toe. He took out the orange, a watch and then came to the nuts. It was obvious there was a box in the toe. He poured the stocking onto the coffee table. He held up the box.

"Who put these in here?" Bruce asked. He wasn't terribly happy.

"We thought you would like the rest of the box." I'm glad Jerry answered. I couldn't find anything to say.

"Why would I need the rest of the box? Unlike two young men that aren't nearly as quiet as they think they are, Marie and I can wait until we are married." Bruce said with disdain.

"What about `Marie, that feels so good. Don't stop?" Jerry popped out.

Bruce started laughing. "She was giving me a backrub. I pulled my shoulder at work."

"Then who opened the condoms and took most of the cherry ones?" I asked.

Papa looked at the floor. "That would be me." He said sheepishly.

"Bruce, put them in Papa's stocking then." I suggested.

"No need, even fruit flavored they still taste like a greasy condom." Papa announced.

Grams was laughing so hard she was contagious. We were soon all laughing even Papa and Leroy. Leroy had no family near and had always been a part of our celebrations.

After stockings breakfast was served. It was a noisy affair with lots of laughter. Grams always served biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, eggs and the best part were homemade cinnamon rolls.

Back around the tree, Jerry was now the youngest so he had to pass out the presents, one to everyone. We each took turns reading the tag and then opening the present. When I was young it was so hard to wait. It wasn't a lot easier now. Jerry being the youngest also got to be first.

"To my brother Jerry from Bobbie" He read. I didn't know what was in the big box. Jerry opened the first box. Packed in styrofoam peanuts was another box. Inside totally wrapped in duct tape was a smaller box. Jerry had to get scissors for this one. Inside the taped box was a small plastic box. Inside were two identical engraved rings. "Brothers Forever"

Jerry teared up. He took my right hand and slipped it on my fourth finger."Bobby will you be my brother forever, even when we disagree. Will you always be there when I really need you."

"I will." I answered. Everyone was treating this as a serious occasion.

I repeated the vows as I slid the other ring on Jerry's finger. When he said `I will.' He leaned into me and kissed me on the lips.

Caught up in the moment I found it hard to break the kiss until Bruce said, "Get a room you two." I wondered if Bruce was as understanding of our orientation as he seemed to be. There was a hint of something in his voice that haunted me.

Jerry stood up and headed to the bedroom. "Not now, later." Mom laughed.

I know that mom didn't have a lot of money but I was surprised when I got a new tape recorder and TV.

"Mom we can't afford this. It is too much money." I protested.

"I found the credit card to your other dad's special account. He bought them for you. He just doesn't know it yet." Mom explained.

I thought that was fair since he ruined my cassette player and his favored son ruined my TV.

Papa did a great job on on Jerry's present. I hoped Bruce's was just as good. It was just an envelope. Inside a note said, `It's in the tree.' That started a treasure hunt. Bruce finally found it buried deep inside hanging like an ornament. Bruce always wore a medical alert dog tag. Hanging by a small ribbon was an engraved tag.

`World's Best Dad - Bobby & Jerry'

His eyes teared up as he took the chain from around his neck and added the new tag and placed the chain back around his neck. He pulled the two of us into a tight hug. Before long Mom joined the group. I didn't want it to ever stop, but my leg began hurting. Bruce helped me back to the love seat.

With presents opened, it was time to get ready for Christmas dinner. Jerry's sister would be there with her husband. Bruce's youngest brother and his wife would also be there. I was pretty much excused from the preparation efforts. I took a pain pill and went to lie down.

"I know something that will take your mind off the pain better than any pill." Jerry offered.

He fished my dick out of my shorts and began licking the shaft and around the head. He stuck his tongue into the ring. His tongue traveled back down the shaft. Soon my balls were getting the same treatment. Feeling first one ball and then the other in his mouth sent chills through my body. When I felt I couldn't take anymore he slowly moved back up the shaft. Jerry sucked on his finger getting it really wet as he played with my ass. He kept adding more spit to his finger until my rosebud was wet and trying to grab hold of his finger. His tongue went around and around the head of my dick before he finally took it deep into his mouth. At the same time his finger invaded my intimate spot. His finger brushed against my prostate.

"Fuck Jerry that feels good." I tried not to yell too loud. Then I filled his mouth with my cum. My hole felt empty when he pulled his finger out but I didn't have time to think about it. He hadn't swallowed my load. His cum laden tongue slipped between my lips as we shared my load.

"That's lots better than a pain pill, but I would never get any rest." I quipped.

"Sleep well brother of mine. I get to set up the folding tables and chairs on Gram's glassed in patio." Jerry explained. The propane heaters were lit and it would be warm and toasty.

They let me sleep until dinner was ready. Jerry helped me to the table. When Bruce's brother stood and turned to greet me, our eyes met and I was at a complete loss for words.

All eyes were on the two of us just standing there. I finally broke the silence.

"I want everyone to meet my dorm parents Brad and Sue. The little one will be around here somewhere." I introduced my dorm parents. No one needed to know I had been having sex with my half uncle and his wife.

Grams quickly put two and two together and realized why Sue's voice sounded so familiar. They had talked on the phone numerous times. All sorts of conversations broke out around the table. I was thinking of all the ramifications of getting my aunt pregnant. I finally realized that Sue and I weren't related by blood. It would work out well. The baby had an even better chance to look like family. I waited for the topic I wasn't looking forward to finally come up.

"Bobby what happened, you were fine when you left the dorm? Was it a car crash?" Sue asked.

"The guy on my birth certificate happened to me." I answered. I let everyone else tell the story for me. It was hard enough hearing it without having to tell it. Everyone else made me look like a hero rather than the truth, a dumb kid with a half baked idea that could have gotten him killed.

I was sitting next to Jerry. His sister was across the table from us. She glared every time Jerry did something for me. I guess it didn't matter that with only one working arm I couldn't cut my own meat or reach for things very well. Jerry put his hand on mine when I was getting flustered with my limitations, if fire could have shot from her eyes it would have consumed both of us.

"Dad make them stop." Jan, Jerry's sister demanded. Everyone waited for Bruce's response, but there was only silence.

"Make them stop what?" Papa asked. Everyone resumed breathing.

"They are behaving just like the two queer guys at work. It's disgusting. Don't they know queers are going to hell?" Jan ranted.

"I don't see any queers at the table. I see two best friends, who turned out to be brothers helping each other." Grams answered.

"If they are brothers it worse. That's incest. That's not only against the church but it's against the law." Jan was on a roll. "In the bible we would take them in the backyard and stone them to death." There was still no response from Bruce.

"Jan, lighten up you are reading too much into what you are seeing. They have always been two peas in the same pod." Papa ended the conversation with a look that could have turned her into stone. When Jan tried to continue with her opinions her husband squeezed her arm.

I was tired again and begged off the football game. Jerry helped me into the bedroom and strip down to by underwear. I didn't want to wrinkle my good clothes. I insisted I would be alright and he should enjoy the game with his father. He left with a heartfelt kiss.

Jan was at the door. "You two are sick!"

I just lay there for quite a while feeling awful I had ruined everyone's Christmas dinner. I heard a sound at the door. I thought Jerry was coming into check on me but it was Jan. She closed the door tightly behind her.

"You little cocksucking faggot, I will not let you turn my brother gay. I will make sure you and your mother are never part of this family." I don't think she even breathed between sentences.

"I will call the church in Logan and make sure they know they have a queer in their congregation. I will let the church here know too. Just leave my brother alone." She must have grabbed the steel yardstick that Gram's kept in her sewing room. She yanked the covers off of me and started swinging. She wasn't hitting me with the flat but the edge. I tried to get out of her way but I wasn't very mobile. I curled up in pain trying to minimize her targets. She just kept swinging. The game was on loud and no one heard my whimpers and cries for help.

"Just go somewhere and die. When I'm done Bruce and Jerry won't have anything to do with you." She got in one more good hit on my bad leg and left.

I was in pain and not thinking straight. There was blood everywhere. I didn't know what to do or where to go to be safe. I didn't want to mess up Jerry's family. I left my ring on the nightstand, grabbed my pills and the jacket in my closet. When the coast was clear I slipped out the back door and headed to Leroys garage. It was cold and my heavy coat was in the hall closet at Papa's. It was already dark.

I found my car at Leroy's and struggled to get in. Driving was painful but once the heater got going at least it was warm. I'm not sure where I was heading, but two hours later I was parked outside my dorm. I didn't have a key to the outside door and it was locked. I sat in the car finally cried out. The car must have run out of gas while I slept. When I woke up I was cold and the car was covered in snow. If I stayed here I would surely freeze to death.

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 23

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