Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Sep 21, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

The last chapter I posted, chapter 19, I am going to apologize to my readers. I posted the unedited draft. I am not illiterate. I just rushed too fast to get it posted.

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I would appreciate a short email if you are still reading my story. ringinmine@yahoo.com

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 20

About 3:00 in the morning I woke up with a terrible need. Rather than struggle on my own I buzzed the nurses station. My luck held the young orderly in his scrubs stuck his head in.

"Do you need a nurse or will I do? He asked expectantly.

"I need help getting to the bathroom. I would prefer your help, if you have the time?" I requested with ulterior motives.

He helped me from the bed and let me lean on him and the IV pole. In the rest room I turned to sit.

"I'll give you some privacy." My knight in dark blue scrubs offered.

"I'm feeling a little dizzy. Would you mind staying?"

The seat was cold. I shifted a bit to get comfortable. Things were working out just as I hoped. He stepped forward to steady me.

It wasn't his arm I reached for. When he didn't brush my hand aside, I pulled the front of his scrubs down. He was going commando leaving his five inch uncut dick at eye level. It was the second uncut dick I had ever seen and much bigger than the first. In my religion there was no official policy about circumcision but tradition would have overruled policy anyway. Boys were circumcised; Jesus was.

The tip of his dick was peeking out from its fleshy hood. A drop of precum formed in its one eye. Soon that drop of sweetness resided on my tongue. A shiver ran through his body.

With only one good hand his scrubs started to ride back up when I took hold of his dick. He held down the front of his scrubs for me.

"Thanks. What do I call you. Nurse seems awfully generic." I asked.

"My name is ... Ted." He swallowed the last of his name as I ran my tongue under his foreskin.

It was a different experience playing with his foreskin. The softness in my mouth slowly gained firmness and length. Todd wasn't just a shower, but a grower to. When he reached his full potential I pulled back and started working on his balls. The skin pulled back away from the glans, leaving it at my mercy and I was not merciful. I would have liked more time to play with his uncut toy, but the nurse could come in any time. His head must have been more sensitive than my previous pacifiers. Running my tongue on the underside sent more shivers through his body.

I tried my best to take the whole thing down my throats but it wasn't going to happen. Worried about the time I reached for his hand and placed it on my head; then held his scrubs down. With both hands free he ran his fingers through my hair. I sighed in contentment. He must have felt the vibration; he starting shooting his load at the back of my throat. I backed off just enough to catch the last couple of shots on my tongue.

I pulled his face to my level and in a sloppy kiss shared the load with its source. Ted was a little shaky on his feet for a moment or so.

"You didn't have to do that." He gasped, still not totally recovered from his pleasure.

I asked for the pen in his pocket. I wrote my name and Grams phone number on his thigh right next to his dick.

"Nope I didn't, but I wanted to." I tried to pull his scrubs up one handed. Todd ended up finishing the job. "Now, help me get back in bed."

Tucked back in bed with a final kiss. I closed my eyes and gave into the sandman.

The morning came early. I was hoping Ted would still be working and willing to help me get dressed. I would have liked to try one more time; maybe he will call.

Gram's arrived with a pair of basketball shorts and a a really loose shirt. I had told Mom not to take another day off from work. With the help of another male orderly, I was dressed by 10:00 and ready to go. Grams apologized profusely that somewhere along the way my underwear must have been misplaced. I admitted to often going commando. These were especially thin nylon and left nothing to the imagination.

"Bobby, you may as well be naked. You can see everything and a little extra." Grams explained.

"Even with the bruises and the cast things look pretty good. All eyes are going to be looking down. A few of these old nurses are going to have hot flashes and wet panties before we make it to the car." Gram's laughed.

I looked in the mirror and you could make out the shape of the shaft and head of my dick. The ring in my dick was very evident. "Grams, you know."

"I noticed when I gave you your sponge bath. You don't remember but you said you would prefer your Grams doing it over a stranger. I asked about the extra hole and you told me about the ring." Grams explained still chuckling.

"I told you about?" Now I was embarrassed.

"I found it in your stuff. You asked me to put it back in. I wonder if your Papa would consider getting one. Leroy might like it."

That was a strange statement but I didn't have time to ponder the question. I was chubbing up and the doctor arrived.

"Are you ready to go home for Christmas?" He asked. He gave me a final quick once over. "Well I see one part of you seems to be working." I blushed.

Grams and I received my care instructions. They popped me in a wheelchair and rolled me out of the hospital. Leroy was waiting with Papa standing next to a van with Leroy's Auto Repair painted on the side. Grams climbed into the back seat first so I wouldn't have to slide over.

As Leroy helped me into the back. He and Papa must have noticed my nearly exposed appendage. "Looks like you are missing something." Papa held up a pair of bright blue briefs. The older folks laughed. At first I was embarrassed, but then I realized it was sort of funny and I joined in the laughing.

Situated in the back seat with Grams by my side we headed home.

Even though Dad was still in jail. I was grateful we were staying at Grams. I don't think I could ever feel safe again in the house where I grew up. They were putting me in Gram's and Papa's room on the first floor so I wouldn't have to deal with the steps. Mom and my grandparents were taking the second floor bedrooms.

When we pulled up a Sheriff's patrol car was out front. Jerry followed by Bruce burst through the front door. Jerry opened the van door and Bruce effortlessly slid his arms under and behind me, picked me up and carried me away into the house. He parked me in Papa's recliner and said his goodbyes, kissing Jerry and me on the cheek just like he did when we were little.

"I really do love both of you." Bruce said in parting, hugging Jerry and squeezing my good shoulder.

"Dad has to work tonight, so, I get to stay here rather than be alone on Christmas Eve. Isn't that great?" Jerry was bubbling. I was a little excited too; my best friend was also my brother.

"Where are you sleeping?" I asked.

"In your bed, of course. Just because we are in college doesn't mean we can't share a bed." Jerry exclaimed excitedly.

On our many sleepovers we had shared a bed since we were little. As we grew older, Jerry's parents got a king bed and Jerry inherited their double. The extra room was nice but we usually slept snuggled together in the middle.

When we overheard some of the guys in the locker room talking about sleeping nude, it was in that double bed we gave it a try and never went back to pajamas. It was after a similar overheard conversation we discovered the pleasure of masterbation. It wasn't until our last sleepover before leaving for college that Jerry reached over to help me out. I of course had to help out my best friend.

While Jerry visited the restroom, I had a quick conversation with Papa. "I didn't get Jerry a Christmas present yet. My Dad cancelled my planned shopping trip to the Mall and now I need something for Bruce." I pleaded.

"I have a couple of ideas. Leroy and I will pick some things up." Papa softly mentioned a couple of ideas so Grams wouldn't hear in the kitchen. "I also unpacked your car and the presents are under the tree."

"That would be great Papa. There is some money in my wallet." I looked toward the plastic bag with my stuff from the hospital.

When the grandparents went on their separate shopping trips, I realized Papa had never picked up my wallet.

"I thought they would never leave." Jerry said as the cars pulled away. "I'm dying to show you something. I went to the Mall to get the needle and the jewelry you suggested. They didn't have it, but the lady suggested the tattoo place in Salt Lake. On the outside it looked kind of creepy but inside it was clean and bright. The place was empty except for a good looking younger guy in a muscle shirt. He had a tattoo band on one arm and a pattern tattooed on his shoulder that must have continued under the shirt. They were pretty cool.

Jerry paused looking a little nervous.

"And...Don't leave me hanging here bro." I said anxiously waiting for the rest of the story.

"I told him what I wanted and he made me an alternate offer. There was a different piercing he had seen before but had never tried. He offered to do it for the cost of the jewelry and needle." Jerry unbuckled and exposed his new jewelry. Toward the back of the glans a silver ball adorned each side. "It goes straight through."

"That must of really hurt." I gave him the same lame first response others gave me.

"It was really odd. He had me soak my dick in ice water." Jerry started. "Then he painted it with some orange stuff and marked my dick. I think the clamp he used hurt most. I could feel the needle going through my dick head. It didn't really hurt but it wasn't comfortable either."

I could see him reliving the experience in his facial expressions.

"He followed the needle with a barbell and except for the bleeding it was done."

"Did it bleed much?" I asked.

"He wrapped gauze around it and put a rubber over it. Before I left the end of the rubber was full of blood. He changed the bandaging and replaced it with new. This morning when I went to soak it in salt water there was some blood on the gauze but it wasn't much."

Jerry let me look at it up close. I wanted to kiss it better but being a cocksucker was a secret I wasn't ready to share with my brother. After closer examination he finished his story.

The place was still empty. The piercer locked the door and put the closed sign out. Jerry was becoming a little worried what was up. It turn out the guy wanted an ampallang piercing also, but wasn't sure he could push the needle clear through the head of his dick. He offered Jerry a small tattoo for free if he would push the needle through.

"You should have seen his dick when he dropped his pants. It was big. He had a ringlike yours only bigger and all down the bottom were barbells." Jerry held his dick up pointing where the barbells were. "He called it a ladder. He did everything but push the needle through."

Jerry looked a little sheepish with his next statement. "It was a rush pushing a needle through a guy's dick head. Is that sick?"

I explained I felt the same rush when I did Brad's and Mark's PAs. "Ok, lets see this free tattoo."

The skin around his arms was red and a little puffy. There were two parallel lines with writing between them circling his arm just barely hidden by his sleeve. Jerry turned his arm so I could see the whole thing, `Brothers Forever'. I started to tear up. I pulled him close into a one arm hug. We stayed like that until Jerry had to stand back up.

I then asked the standard dumb question. "Did it hurt. I want one just like my brother."

Jerry pointed to the underside of his arm. "The underside was a real bitch, but it was worth it."

Rather than sit on the couch, Jerry pulled the rocking chair close to the recliner. Then came the question I knew would come eventually and dreaded.

This was the first chapter beyond the original story. Due to input from my readers we will learning more about Bobby. I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 21

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