Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Apr 7, 2019


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 64

I am not supposed to post a new chapter until the archivist has posted the previous chapter. I hope he forgives me. I get busy during the week and forget to post.

Remember that Nifty Archives is not in the business of making money. The opposite is true. If you can, please click on the link and donate. If you check the list you should find my name.


Thank you, Zach for your editing skills and insights.

Chapter 64

The younger members of the family were tired after the Empire State Building. They had reservations at the restaurant in the hotel owned by Tellerson. The hotel was near capacity, and Jerome refused to let the manager move existing guests into different rooms. The manager insisted on providing a small private dining room for feeding Jerome's family.

Adam led the way into the lobby. Children and adults alike were overwhelmed by the chandelier hanging from the three story ceiling. Adam and Jerome had only stayed here on-and-off the weeks before Grace's death and had met only some of the staff.

Adam checked in at the restaurant hostess station. "We have reservations under Adam of Samaria."

The lady standing behind the podium looked over the mixed crew of adults and children. "We have a dress code. You will need to eat in the coffee shop."

Unwilling to make a scene, Jerome led the family across the lobby to the coffee shop. "We had reservations for a private room at the restaurant, it seems we are not up to their standards. My name is Jerome of Samaria. Can you handle my family?"

"Mr. Tellerson it will be our pleasure to host your family. It is before the supper rush, our guests in the back room are on their after dinner coffee." The hostess was gracious and had obviously listened during the shift change briefing.

As the crew shuffled themselves among the tables Jerome discussed menu options with the chef who felt honored to cook for `the Mr. Tellerson.' Jerome not wanting to impact other customers limited the offerings to things that the kitchen staff could do quickly.

Jerome found a place saved for him between Adam and Skip. "I told Skip he could sit next to his dad." Jerry had already adopted a new brother.

Jerome stood and commended the family on their behavior, noting Rafe for holding the doors for a woman with a cane and other small acts of kindness. The family bowed their heads and held hands around their tables. The wait staff waited with bowed heads for Jerome to finish.

Dinner went smoothly and the adults had as good a time as the kids. Adam had monetarily shown their appreciation.

The hotel manager spotted Jerome as they came out of the coffee shop. "If you are ready for dinner we have your room ready." The kids filed in around Jerome.

"We weren't dressed for the restaurant, nor did they want my kids disturbing the other diners. We made our own arrangements. The coffee shop crew has our business for the rest of our stay." Jerome wasn't angry, the coffee shop was a better choice for his family anyway. They were making fried chicken and mashed potatoes for everyone at 5:30 the following day. Jerome could almost see the wheels turning in the manager's head.

"There will be no reprimand or reprisals." Jerome insisted.

"But the food is prepared." The manager insisted.

"You were serving us a pared down version of what is on the buffet for the convention. You will survive." Adam interjected.

Back in their hotel rooms, there had been a change in room assignments. Jerry announced their new brother would be sleeping with him and Hugo. Russell was now bunking with Zeke and Rafe. Adam pulled Zeke aside.

"Adam, we know the rules. Russell brought the subject up, not us. He's not new to man sex. His mom's landlord claimed Russell's services as part of the rent. We're just going to cuddle tonight."

With the assurance they wouldn't force Russell into anything he didn't want to do, Adam retired to his room. Jerome was sitting in one of the two chairs ignoring the noise from the bathroom.

Adam stuck his head through the door. The shower was running. Adam looked over the shower curtain trying to see what was triggering all the laughter. The boys were playing with the bubbles from the shampoo making outrageous hairstyles, beards and such.

Hugo reassured his dads that everyone washed their own private stuff. Wearing only their underwear the boys sat on the bed and watched a sitcom. They broke into fits of laughter at the antics of the oldest boy trying to hide the fact he broke a lamp tossing a football with his friends.

Adam and Jerome hopped into the shower together. They did not wash their own private stuff. Jerome was on his knees when Jerry entered the bathroom in a hurry.

"Sorry dad, I can't hold it."

It's hard to keep an erection with a five-year-old on the other side of the shower curtain. It must have been between shows, Skip was followed by Hugo. With the moment gone the men dried each other and returned to the room wearing the cotton pajamas they had appropriated from the medical center.

At the compound Skip had been sharing a room with his brother. He hadn't been part of evening prayers and story. He wasn't sure what to say so Hugo and Jerry went first. Skip asked God to let him stay with his new brothers. Adam and Jerome shared a look that spoke volumes.

Jerry had packed the book and insisted Jerome read it with the voices. Skip hadn't heard the book before, nor had anyone read to him in a silly voice. He was snickering by the third page. When Grover discovers he is the Monster at the end of the Book and says in his soft voice, "I'm so embarrassed," Skip couldn't control his laughter.

Skip's laughter was infectious. Soon even Jerome was laughing. The only one that had shown Skip any real affection had been Russell. He relished the good night hugs and kisses of his `new' dads.

Hugo put Skip in the middle of the bed. The busy day caught up with the boys who fell asleep and soon became an intertwined pile of boys. Adam hoped Skip could sleep with the others. Once their breathing was regular, Jerome took Adam's hand and retired to the bathroom locking the door behind them. Jerome finished what he had started in the shower. Adam had got on his knees before there was a knock on the door.

"Dad, I've got to go." With pajamas back in place they opened the door to find Jerry dancing from foot to foot. He bee lined to the toilet not waiting for privacy.

"Thanks dad. Can I have a drink of water?"

"May I have a drink of water?" Jerome fell for it again.

"Will you get me one too please?" Jerry laugh. He had played this game before Adam joined him.

Jerome filled a glass for himself and took a slow drink. "This water sure is good."

Adam looked at Jerry and smiled. Adam went high, Jerry went low and soon had Jerome begging for the tickling to stop. The now empty plastic cup lay on the floor. Jerome would need dry pajamas.

Leaving Jerome gasping for breath, Adam filled a glass for his son. Jerry wasn't sleepy anymore. Rather than have him wake his brothers, Adam let him sleep in the adult's bed. Once Jerry had fallen asleep Adam laid him next to his brothers. Adam shook his head. With two more on their way, they would have quite a family.

Early the next morning Adam opened the connecting door to the next room. Sariah and Clarke would see to their boys while Jerome and Adam spent the morning in meetings. They started early so they would be back before lunch.

The new division heads met with Jerome and his staff. Jerome learned more about the Tellerson Empire. After three hours he was ready to play with his boys, but had two more hours of meetings before finishing.

The first group had just settled in before it was time to send them home. Jerome and Adam would have two days with just their boys. Jerry and Hugo insisted Skip stay with them.

The Tellerson building occupied a full block with retail on the first two floors. Jerome wanted to visit a children's bookstore Grace had supported by leasing the owner a prime retail location in her building at a reduced price. Parking is scarce in the city, so they left the car in the secure parking lot under the building. When they stepped onto the busy sidewalk they started the trek around the building to the bookstore.

They passed an Art Gallery. He seemed to remember a New York gallery owner at the conference in San Francisco. With everything that had happened Jerome couldn't believe only a month had passed. Jerome walked through the door hoping his family would follow.

They were looking at a ship in a storm when a voice pierced the gallery's quiet.

The owner didn't recognize Jerome with his scarred face. He recognized Adam. "Mr. Tellerson, when I invited you to visit my gallery, I didn't think it would be so soon." Shaking Adam's hand. The owner had dressed with what Adam called `flair' at the conference. Here on his home turf his style was flamboyant.

When Jerome called him by name, the owner realized this was `the' Mr. Tellerson. He tried not to stare at what had once been beautiful. He showed the group around the gallery. They walked past one area without entering. Jerry wandered into the overlooked gallery.

"Dad, they have naked people in here!" Jerry announced. Hugo and Skip arrived steps before the adults. "John draws better naked people."

Jerome had to agree. He liked John's softer edges. These paintings seemed to focus on the models' attributes rather than the emotional interplay between the subjects.

"Who is this John that draws better naked people?"

Adam explained John was a Utah artist without mentioning John's age. He shared a photo of the family portrait. The gallery owner agreed to hang some of John's work. Jerome guaranteed they would sell or he would buy them. Adam spent a few minutes on the phone. When the second half of the family arrived six of John's larger pieces of art would come with them. Jerome promised to visit to see how they looked on the wall.

The next stop was the book store. A handful of themed areas created a magical experience. Desperate for some variety, Jerome asked the boys to choose two books each for bedtime and two books for reading on their own. Jerome followed the boys wanting to be a part of their fun. The boys had gravitated to a pirate ship. There were things to climb, a slide and nooks and crannies with pillows for reading. The boys played and then settled in with a book.

Jerome soon grew tired of children staring at his face. Insisting Adam stay with the boys, he retired to a small table in the coffee shop area. Jerome wore a New York T-shirt under his jacket. While at the pirate ship Adam could keep an eye on Jerome and his member of the security team. When the boys moved to the jungle area Adam could no longer watch the boys and Jerome.

An hour had passed before the boys arrived at the check-out stand with a stack of books. Jerome wasn't where Adam had last seen him.

"My partner was in the coffee shop. Did you see where he went?" The man behind the counter rang up the books as he answered.

"Patrons were complaining. The owner asked him to leave." He finished ringing up the last book. "That will be $395.98. How will you be paying?"

"If they threw dad out, I don't want any books from here!" Hugo exclaimed.

Jerry and Skip agreed. Adam motioned to his security. "Where is Mr. Tellerson?"

"What's the problem? There are other patrons waiting to check out." The owner asked walking up to the counter.

"Why did you ask my partner to leave the store?" Adam asked.

"I don't know why someone would do that to their body. I don't allow stoners in my shop. Patrons were complaining."

"Bad men kidnapped my dad and let a crazy lady write on him with a soldering iron. I don't want anything from this store." Hugo looked to Adam. "We are leaving." The boys walked toward the door.

"Mr. Tellerson is upstairs in his office." The security guard announced with his fingers on his earpiece.

Out on the sidewalk away from the bookshop Adam couldn't contain himself any longer and burst out laughing. "Did you see the color drain out of his face when you mentioned Mr. Tellerson was upstairs in his office? I wonder if he could afford his prime location if he had to pay the going rate." Hugo understood the joke. Jerry was upset.

"Mr. Tellerson is taking a nap. There is another bookstore on the next block that has an outstanding youth section." Security gave directions and followed from behind keeping watch over their charges. Clients ignore their security, but not Adam and Jerome. If they stopped for pretzels they made sure everyone had something. If they went to a restaurant they included their security team. The team would miss the pair when they flew back to Utah.

The bookstore wasn't just for children, but they had a story time area with raised curved seating so everyone could see the pictures. They were starting a story about a boy with two dads. The boys settled in to listen. Three stories later, story time was over and the book search continued. Jerry wanted the book about having two dads. Skip wanted the book `The Alpaca in the Park.' They had a few insights into what alpacas are like. The other kids thought it was great meeting someone that had alpacas.

They found the books they were going to purchase at the last store plus the new ones. Knowing they would walk past the first bookstore, Adam bought each son and the security team bright yellow book bags with the store's logo. Adam had insisted the team buy two books for each of their kids.

As a family they walked past the first bookstore. They had to do it three times before the owner saw them. Around the corner, Adam broke down laughing.

"Dad, that was mean!" It was hard to take Hugo seriously when he was laughing. They soon joined Jerome in his office.

"I'm glad you're here. I've been playing gin rummy with a card shark." Jerome's card partner exclaimed as he opened his wallet and handed Jerome ten dollars.

Jerome was in better spirits as the family went to dinner and a movie. Lying in bed after some oral loving in the shower, Jerome admitted that he had called Margaret before taking advantage of security at cards. "I know I look awful, but I'm not used to having my nose rubbed in it."

"I think you are still beautiful." Adam kissed Jerome's eyelids and moved to his nose. Adam soon added a bruise to Jerome's neck. He checked on the kids. All three were sound asleep. He ducked under the covers. Jerome pulled the pillow over his face to muffle the sounds. Emerging from under the covers Adam shared Jerome's load.

The second half of the family arrived the next morning. The boys were excited to share the Empire State Building with their brothers. There was a change in the room assignments. Bryce had come with Donny and Micah. Jerry wanted his friends to share his room. All the littles, as well as Hugo and Skip were put in the room connected to Adam's and Jerome's. This allowed the men some private time.

Adam lay on Jerome rubbing their dicks together. With little effort Adam slid Jerome into him. Adam anticipated when Jerome would want Adam inside of him, but he needed Jerome inside him now. With Jerome's cum trickling down the inside of his thigh Adam felt well loved.

They pulled on shorts, and opened the connecting door to find Jeremiah and Simon added to the mix. Only their boys had seen Jerome without a shirt. The room grew quiet. Donny was the only one brave enough to ask, "What's wrong with your dad?"

Jerome wanted to retreat to his room away from the stares. Jerry took control of the situation. "Nothing."

"But, what happened to him?"

Jerry must have heard more of their conversations than they thought.

"A `sad bit' burned him with a soldier iron."

Jerome looked at Adam trying not to laugh. Hugo stepped in with a correction.

"A sadistic bitch burned him with a soldering iron." He couldn't look at his dad's when he said it.

"Yeah that." Jerry nodded.

Hugo stood and took Jerome's hand and led him to the kids. Jerome felt vulnerable but at Hugo's insistence they touched the scars just as Hugo and Jerry had explored his injuries.

With that out of the way they campaigned for the book the dads would read. In the end Adam read one and Jerome read another. Neither adult knew when Simon and Jeremiah had moved to the spare bed in the dads' room.

"Be quiet, we don't want to wake them up."

In the dim light Jerome could see the boys kissing. From the giggling he knew something was happening under the covers. A head disappeared.

"Roll over." The head didn't reappear. Soft moans replaced the giggling. Jerome debated making a noise, but what he was hearing was getting him going. He knew where Simon's tongue was buried. Jerome's hole tingled. He had loved when Adam had kissed him so intimately. Unable to take anymore Jerome coughed. A moment later he climbed out of bed and retreated to the bathroom. The boys appeared to sleeping. Returning to bed he stopped for a moment and whispered to Simon.

"Adam and I leave around 7:00. That would be a more appropriate time. Just open the connecting door when you're done."

"Sorry!" The boys whispered a quiet response.

"Go to sleep." Adam suggested. The boys continued whispering.

"If we can't sleep, we'll stay in bed until 9:00." Jerome threatened.

The boys stopped their chatter. Jerome whispered to Adam.

"Go to sleep!" Jeremiah insisted.

Jerome and Adam pulled on sweats and slipped out of the bathroom. "We're leaving now."

When there was no response from the boys, Adam shook Simon's shoulder.

"What?" Simon mumbled half awake.

"You have the room all to yourselves for about an hour, or you can sleep." Simon's eyes popped open. Simon disappeared under the covers. Jeremiah woke up with a long low moan. The men closed the door behind them, smiling.

Jerome and Adam had started their days at the company gym, but today Jerome had a different workout in mind. In their small apartment Jerome stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. He emerged naked.

"Adam, last night Simon was licking Jeremiah's hole." Jerome didn't finish his request. He kneeled on the bed with his ass in the air. "I washed."

Adam spread Jerome's cheeks ignoring the scars. At the first touch of Adam's tongue Jerome flinched. Adam pulled away.

"Please try again." Jerome begged.

Adam's tongue reached out again. This time instead of flinching Jerome shivered with the intense sensation. Rimming wasn't one of Adam's pleasures. For him it was foreplay leading up to sliding his dick into his man. After two minutes Jerome was wet and open; Adam was ready to move on. He slid a wet finger into his man.

The penetration triggered a programmed response. It was out of Jerome's control. He didn't feel the slender wet finger, but a massive dry dick ripping into him tearing tissues as it went. The crazy bitch pushed the soldering iron into his testicle as each scar flared with pain. Electricity surged through his genitalia.

Adam wasn't sure what to do. Jerome's breathing was fast and irregular as he flailed on the floor. Jerome passed out and his body calmed. His breathing slowed. Adam picked up the phone. "Mr. Tellerson needs medical assistance. He hyperventilated and passed out."

It was only minutes before security let a doctor and nurse into Jerome's suite. It took only seconds before Jerome was on oxygen. The doctor listened to Jerome's heart and lungs. Adam was glad he had taken a moment to pull on some pants. Answering questions about what had caused the attack embarrassed Adam.

"The medical spa in Palm Springs faxed your records to our office when you flew to New York." The doctor explained what he thought happened. He injected Jerome with a muscle relaxer. "Mr. Tellerson needs to sleep."

Adam lifted Jerome into bed and pulled up the covers. The doctor left, but the nurse pulled a book from her bag and settled into an overstuffed chair. Adam got dressed for the day in the sitting room chatting with the nurse. "We are always on call for Tellerson. The dollar a month lease for our offices on the third floor is dependent on providing medical care for the Tellerson office."

Adam handled the meetings that couldn't be rescheduled. When the last meeting was over, Adam found Jerome dressed and talking with a different doctor. Adam leaned down to kiss Jerome, only to have him pull away shaking.

"Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me again. Just go away!" Jerome lashed out in pain.

"Breathe with me. Breathe in, hold it, hold it, and breathe out." The shrink helped Jerome control his attack.

Back under control Jerome looked around for Adam. "Good he's gone."

"Jerome, from what you've told me, Adam has been a real trooper. He's been there every time you've needed him."

"Adam will be back. He's always there when I need him. He's probably in the office."

The therapist followed Jerome into the office. They didn't find Adam, but they found Adam's Tellerson credit card, Samaria ID and his ring. "He's gone."

"This is a secure building. He can't leave without passing the front desk." The therapist reminded her patient.

Jerome picked up the phone and called the security desk.

"Mr. Tellerson left about five minutes ago. I called a cab for him, but he didn't wait for it." The guard at the security desk answered.

Jerome wasn't up to visiting Central Park with the family. He called and asked Rebecca and Sean to take the kids anyway. Jerome kept telling himself, Adam's absence was a good thing. If being gay triggers episodes like this morning, he was better off without sex.

Jerome met the family for dinner. Standing Jerome scanned the room. "Where's Hugo?"

"He went with Adam." Skip announced. "I forgot, it's a secret."

It took a lot of pressure before Skip relented and told his secret.

"We were walking back to the van when Hugo saw Adam."

"How do you know it was Adam?"

"Because Adam gave Hugo a big hug. He waved goodbye and they walked away holding hands."

Early the next morning Jerome was grumpy. He'd had nightmares all night and he didn't like waking up alone. Jerry slept with the kids in the next room. Jerome received a call from Home Office.

"Good morning Mr. Tellerson. This is Belinda Montrose. I am the head of your support team. This is just a reminder of your two meetings this morning. I am already at the office for the day. Adam has asked me to assume his role for today and for tomorrow's board meeting. It would be best if we could meet at 8:30 before the first meeting."

It hit home that Adam was gone and he had pushed him away. Jerome dressed for the day, telling himself it was for the best. He stopped to say goodbye to the kids and noticed Hugo first thing.

"Hugo, where's your dad?" With Hugo here, Adam couldn't be far behind.

"He's flying home this morning. I wanted to stay with the guys and go to the science museum, so he dropped me off."

Jerome felt betrayed. First Nephi and now Adam broke their promises to always be there. In anger, he lashed out. "Good, we are better off without him."

Hugo couldn't believe what one of his dads had said about the other. He hadn't been there long. Adam had taken a room in the same hotel. Hugo ran from the room hoping his dad hadn't left. He loved both of his dads, but if he had to choose, he would always choose Adam.

Hugo hit the lobby just as his dad was stepping through the door. "Dad, I'm coming with you!"

Hugo had taken the only working elevator. Jerome arrived in the lobby in time to see the cab carrying Adam and Hugo pull from the curb. Jerome was torn. Did he chase after Adam or say goodbye to bad rubbish? Jerome's anger won out. He shouted gay slurs at the retreating taxi.

Convinced he had made the right decision, Jerome faced the two meetings. Belinda supported Jerome with the data Adam had compiled for his partner. He sat with the last new board member for an hour, concentrating on what she was saying about her division and how he had made the right decision letting her serve on the board. Jerome appreciated Belinda taking notes; at the end of the meeting he couldn't remember her name.

Belinda led the meeting with Jerome's oversight team preparing for the next day's board meeting. Belinda's assistant would be with Jerome during the meeting. Taking a page from Grace's playbook, Belinda would be in the office whispering into Jerome's ear using the small earpiece.

The family had already left for the science museum for the day. Jerome would spend the day in the office going over the minutes from all meetings with his individual board members. He ordered lunch from the restaurant on the first floor. A uniformed waiter appeared with Jerome's lunch.

"Be careful sir. The plate is hot."

Jerome finished the first two bites when like most people at a restaurant, Jerome turned the hot stoneware plate.

The fine metal tip burned its way from the point of contact with the plate up Jerome's arm writing the words A man lying with a man is a sin.' Jerome hung taped to the 4x4 wooden x unable to pull away from her artistic endeavors. She continued with Face the wrath of God' the length of the other arm. She often taped a completed section of his arm so she wouldn't leave blank spaces. Jerome gagged as the stench of burning flesh filled the room.

A nurse and a member of Jerome's New York security team held Jerome's arm as the doctor placed a needle into Jerome's vein. The muscular security guard lifted the now relaxed body and moved him to the bed.

Adam and Hugo boarded the plane back to Utah. Adam was footing the bill so they were flying economy. The last of the passengers settled into their seats.

"We want to welcome you aboard. I am your pilot for today. Our departure will be delayed for a few minutes, then we will be on our way."

Two members of airport security boarded the plane and walked to the back of plane looking for someone. One stopped a step beyond Adam's seat. The other stopped facing Adam. "Sir, please come with us."

Adam looked around. "What's wrong officer?"

The men had no details, but insisted that Adam and Hugo accompany them. In the terminal a golf cart waited for the pair. "Thank you for not making a scene." Hugo sat with the driver and Adam sat on the rear facing seat. They were escorted to a waiting helicopter.

Standing by the helicopter stood a gentleman they recognized from the New York security detail. "Thanks, remember you and Sally are expected for Sunday dinner. No excuses this time. I've checked your schedule."

Adam noticed the similarities; they were brothers.

"So, what's with the airport security?" Adam was puzzled and angry. He had just lost the money he paid for the tickets.

"Would you have gotten off the plane if I had asked you?" Adam thought for a moment and realized he wouldn't have.

Belinda met them on the roof of the Tellerson building. "Sir, we have a crisis."

After a week of rain, Jared and Drake took advantage of the sunshine to eat their lunch on the cafeteria's patio. Jared noticed Nigel's hand touching the earpiece always tuned to the Tellerson frequency. He feared something was wrong. When Nigel continued to eat his lunch Jared relaxed. With studying and finals, he and Drake hadn't seen much of each other for the past week. They had two weeks before the start of spring quarter and their plans were up in the air. Lost in discussion, Nigel brought them back to the real world.

Nigel placed his hand on Drake's shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt your vacation, we have a crisis. You have an hour to make it to the airport. You are flying first class to New York. I told Adam you would both be coming. Don't worry about packing. Tellerson will provide new clothes."

Flying to New York sounded more fun than hanging around campus. They pulled up to the drop off area at the airport. A young lady with a Tellerson sign handed Jared three boarding passes. She took the keys from Nigel and drove away. Inside, a courtesy cart hurried them to the gate.

Jared passed out the boarding passes. "This must be important. Adam booked us all in first class."

Nigel was no better than the boys at taking advantage of the perks of flying first class. With the time difference and the length of the non-stop flight, it was late when they arrived.

There was no rest for the wicked. Security delivered the threesome to Grace's apartment in the Tellerson building. Local security led Nigel to his quarters and Jared into Jerome's office. Jared found Belinda and Adam bent over reports at the conference table

"Where's Jerome?"

Belinda saved Adam from having to answer. "Jerome's recovery from his experiences with orientation reprogramming has suffered a setback."

Adam finished the explanation. "Jerome collapsed. He hates hospitals. I arranged for him to return to the medical center in Palm Springs. He liked it there. We need you to take the chairman's role at tomorrow's board meeting. As your reward after you visit your brother and I've booked a week at a gay, clothing optional resort for you and Drake."

"Why aren't you going to Palm Springs?" Jared asked.

"Jerome doesn't want me involved in his life or his business. After the board meeting I will return to Utah. Hugo and I will pack our things and move on with our lives."

"What will you do?"

"Hugo doesn't want me to, but I'll go back to police work. We have too much to do to talk about me now."

Halfway through the session, Jared threw his hands in the air. "I'll never remember all of this."

Adam explained the earpiece. They spent an hour practicing. Jared, snuggled next to his lover, worried more about Adam than the board meeting. Adam reminded Jared of a week-old helium balloon.

Early the next morning Jared dressed in the Armani suit hanging in the closet with Drake's help. Jared looked good enough to eat so Drake knelt in front of his man.

"Swallow it all. I don't want cum on my pants." Jared teased. Afterwards he had to admit he felt more relaxed.

Jared called the meeting to order and introduced himself. With Adam's encouragement, Jared controlled the meeting like a seasoned professional. The first meeting with the new board went like clockwork.

"Thank you keeping your divisions on track. Before I adjourn the meeting I have one more piece of business."

Belinda controlled her surprise.

"What are you doing?" Jared ignored the voice in his ear.

"You have been working with my brother-in-law, Adam. He will visit all of Tellerson's divisions over the next few weeks. He holds Jerome's and my proxies, as well as his own shares. Adam speaks for Jerome and me."

Belinda gave a subtle thumbs up. Jared held the gaze of each board member as he spoke. "Those in favor?"

Each member knew that the decision was not up for discussion. They had met Adam and most liked him. This was their chance to appear supportive.

Jared stayed making small talk with the board members proving to Belinda and Adam he remembered most of last night's briefing. He was avoiding Adam. His brother may not understand Adam's dedication to the company, but at the briefing it was obvious.

Adam wasn't sure about the new job. He had enjoyed his time in the corporate world and didn't want Hugo at home worrying about his dad. Traveling would be hard on Hugo.

Jared stepped into the office and took control of the situation. "Adam this isn't open for discussion. It is not a personal decision but business. Tellerson needs a constant in this time of change and that is you. You may move to any of our offices. I want you in the field meeting with the rank and file of Tellerson. I already have a tutor and companion in mind for Hugo so he won't get behind in his school work."

Adam wondered what they had created. He had answered, `Yes sir,' before he thought through the ramifications of Jared's proposal.

"When are our reservations in Palm Springs?" Jared asked giving Adam a chance to talk.

Adam explained except for visiting Jerome, they wouldn't be in Palm Springs but at the Hidden Oasis. Reassured he wouldn't have to cook or wash dishes Jared was excited. He and Drake would host the reception welcoming the new board members and their significant others that evening. Belinda had arranged for tickets to a Broadway musical the following night.

"Adam, your first assignment is to return to Samaria and put things in order. Move your bank accounts to a national based bank, I suggest Tellerson Financial so your funds are accessible anywhere. Jerome needs to know you have moved on so he can fight to get you back. Drake and I are going shopping."

Adam stared at the door as it closed. Belinda entered when the coast was clear handing Adam back his credit card, new Tellerson ID and his ring. "Put that back on your finger. After tonight's reception Tellerson is flying you to Utah. You and Hugo have reservations at the Disneyland Hotel on Saturday. The two of you need father and son bonding time."

Adam hugged Belinda not sure what to say. "I called home, my kids and Hugo are having a great time. Spend the night with us after the reception, your flight is early tomorrow. Go buy a tuxedo for this evening, it is a business expense, use the card."

The boys first stop was a nearby formal wear shop. They didn't have time for custom tuxedos but after minor alterations they looked great in suits off the rack.

Next: Chapter 134: Nephi and Jerome 65

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