Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Dec 17, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 53

It is the week before Christmas 2018. I just realized if Jerome were a real person he would be old like me. I would like to think Samaria Farms would still be in operation, with a silver haired Adam and Jerome still taking care of children that need their help. I would hope their four kids would be bringing their families to the Compound for the Holidays. (Question: Where did the fourth come from? You won't find out for a few chapters yet.)

I just sent my December donation to Nifty. Not everyone can afford to donate, but if you can see your way to send 5 or 10 dollars it would help keep Nifty around. Nifty is a tax exempt organization and your donation is tax deductible. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

The core relationship changes in this chapter. I would be interested in hearing your opinions. Better yet wait until after chapter 54.

---------- Chapter 53

After lunch Jerry located Jared and Drake kissing by the garage. "I need to see my dad. Will you take me?"

"Your dad is at the college."

"Not that dad, Nephi. I can't ask a grown up, they will say no."

With Halloween the next day no one would notice three missing boys. They would keep the radio on just in case.

At the hospital they walked in like they owned the place. Kurt sat at the nurses' station. "They aren't waking Nephi until later."

"I'll watch him sleep." Jerry climbed next to his dad.

"Drake, if we pick up Mike, Jerome can come straight here after school and we can hang around campus and watch the cute college guys."

"Aren't you supposed to have your keeper with you?"

Jared checked his radio. "They haven't missed me yet."

Seeing Jerry and Nephi watching Sesame Street surprised Jerome. "Dad, guess who woke up?"

Kurt stepped in behind Jerome. "We would not wake him until you got here. About an hour ago I checked on Nephi. Jerry had one of his eyes pried open. `Are you in their dad?' We were both surprised when Nephi tickled Jerry. The doctors waited for you to take Jerry downstairs for burgers and ice cream before they borrowed Nephi for tests."

Jerome had time for a quick kiss before they rolled Nephi to radiology. Jerry filled his dad in over burgers and shakes. Returning to the room, Jerry claimed Marshall for a game of checkers in the waiting room.

When had his son become so smart? Even though Nephi's bandages had a Halloween mummy feel, he must have been feeling better. As the two men kissed, Nephi struggled with Jerome's zipper. "Pull it out for me. Marshall is watching the door."

Nephi may have started with his hand, but took Jerome's load in his mouth. Nephi was hard under his hospital gown. It wasn't long before the men were sharing Nephi's cream in a kiss.

"Thanks, I missed that." Marshall's knock on the door gave them the moments necessary to put their clothes in order.

Paula walked in and sniffed. "You must feel better. I will kiss your cheek."

Nephi hugged his mom with his good arm. "Mom, have I said how much I love you? Thank you for being here."

Nephi's "Mom" meant a lot to her.

They had little time for their reunion before the doctor arrived with the first of the results. Nephi showed signs of having a mild stroke. The problems with his good leg and his left arm would improve with therapy. His speech and reading may improve.

"So, there will be no more talk of dying?" Jerome asked. The time to talk had passed. Nephi knew he was on borrowed time and needed to make the most of what he had left.

Jerry gave up Halloween to spend the evening with his dad's. They watched Halloween specials. Jerry fell asleep around 9:00. Jerome carried him to the empty bed. Marshall promised to watch the door. With Jerry in the room they showed discretion. Jerome fell asleep on the recliner. He appreciated having an important grandmother.

Nephi's second day home, the family met to discuss next year's Haunted Halloween. Because the trust had paid for the barn, old house, infrastructure, and greenhouses, after payroll the Foundation still made a good profit. They set aside money for next year's improvements.

Benny promised to keep his eyes open for manikins to replace the cutouts. Garrick suggested they use scrap lumber to build forms for next year's headstones. "Then we can use the leftover concrete when they pour the slabs for the village."

Rather than take the graveyard down they would build on it throughout the year. The Christmas Hayride would go another way.

Walking for Nephi was out of the question. The terrain around the farm was too uneven for an electric wheelchair. Nephi worried about getting around in the snow. Nephi's golf cart disappeared. Benny replaced it with an electric golf cart that looked like it could climb mountains on it's all terrain tires.

Nephi filled his mornings and evenings with loving Jerome, Jerry's school, physical therapy, playtime with Jerry and driving around the farm with a cart full of biggies. Nephi involved Adam and Hugo with watching movies with him and Jerome.

Many of Sean's team had taken seasonal jobs at the ski resorts as they did most years. The remaining men busied themselves getting the first year's Christmas lights hung. Often, they would hang lights on a house with the extended lift only to have neighbors signing up as new customers.

Nephi watched the intricate choreography of the dance Oliver, Brock and Mike created for themselves. The compound knew about the night they slept together, but no one would mention it. If they didn't respect others secrets, who would honor theirs.

Adam had brought three more boys and two girls to the compound. With the weather getting cold, officers would hand them over to Adam rather than let them sleep in a doorway or behind a dumpster. Adam always followed up on their stories. Not everyone worked out. One felt the no drugs/no alcohol rule too prohibitive. One took cash and disappeared. Nephi didn't report it to the police. Nephi hoped it helped the boy survive.

Rebecca and Sean earned their credentials as foster parents. Sariah and Clarke had set up house and kept Clarke's apartment. The biggies decided they wanted bunk beds. Almania moved to her mother's rooms. It was only the work of two days to change the doors in the main house moving one bedroom from the connected apartment to the main house. Why Nephi had ordered the change was a mystery soon solved.

Nephi requested Adam move into Sariah's old bedroom. The new bedroom was for Hugo. Nephi claimed he needed another set of strong arms nearby. It worked out well for Hugo when Adam worked nights. Hugo had called Adam dad if he wasn't paying attention. They hadn't heard from Hugo's dad since he left. Adam had checked with Sam's employer. Sam had disappeared between London and Paris. All Interpol had to work with was Sam's wife's threat about coming home in an urn.

Jerome took his last final the Tuesday before Thanksgiving as snow fell. Nephi felt empty not being in his truck. Sean and his crew were up to the task. If they could put a plow on it, it was in the field.

Thanksgiving dinner was big enough they held it in the new timber frame greenhouse. Tina had been busy contacting her old clients. She had booked Christmas Parties in the space. With Benny's help Sariah had renegotiated Tina's compensation giving Tina a percentage of the profits on parties she booked from her old clients. Tina wasn't quite into the Foundation's communal mindset. Even giving Tina a percentage of the profits, the Foundation would put money in the operation fund.

The Foundation had allowed different nonprofits to hold fundraisers in the barn. Posters and brochures for the Light Up Christmas Event were on hand.

As Thanksgiving moved toward evening Nephi asked Jerome and Adam to step into the bedroom and close the door.

"I'm at a disadvantage. Please sit down." Nephi waved to the only seating in the room a small loveseat. It was a tight fit.

"Jerome, I thank the Lord for the days we have together." Nephi reached out and pulled Jerome into a passionate kiss.

"I've had you working together since Halloween. Would I be wrong thinking you have developed feelings for each other?" The pair glanced at the other hoping Nephi hadn't noticed. What had Nephi seen?

Nephi looked into Adam's eyes. "I am not proud that in the beginning I didn't like you much. Now I don't know what we would do without you. It's time to get the kids in bed. When you are dressed for bed, we will continue this conversation.

With prayers said and stories read, Adam and Jerome returned finding Nephi shirtless in bed. "I need both of you to fly to Florida. Grace has cancer and I don't know how long she has left. Jerome you are her heir. There is a lot for you to learn in a short time."

Nephi let his message sink in. He patted the bed next to him. "Adam sit here. Jerome on the outside."

"Adam, before you say anything I have arranged for your time off. I can't fly yet. I need you to go with Jerome for company and to keep him safe. Things will happen between you in Florida. Once before Jerome and I invited another couple into our lovemaking."

Nephi stopped talking and reached for Jerome. They kissed. Watching tongues dancing with each other only inches away Adam grew hard. Nephi turned toward Adam and kissed him. It had been a long time since Adam had even kissed another man.

Nephi broke the kiss. Jerome had removed his t-shirt and helped Adam remove his. Jerome then took Nephi's place. This wasn't like the occasional quick kiss while doing chores.

It was a challenge for Nephi to move down in the bed and take Adam's nipple between his lips. Given the license to do what he had wanted to do that night at the pool, Jerome kissed his way down Adam's rippled torso.

Adam lifted his hips as Jerome slid Adam's shorts and underwear off. Nephi slid his tongue into Adam's mouth as Jerome tried to swallow Adam's large tool. Everyone was near the edge. Not wanting it to end Jerome joined tongues with the others in a three-way kiss.

"Nephi, do you want Adam in you?"

Nephi reached down grabbing a leg with each hand and pulled them toward his shoulders. "I need help."

Adam found Nephi lubed and sporting a good-sized plug in his hole. Adam replaced the plug with the real thing. "Jerome, you've got to try this." Nephi suggested.

Jerome had lubed his hole in anticipation. Nephi patted the bed next to him. Jerome took the position. Adam changed partners. Jerome felt full and happy. Since the accident making love with Nephi had been Jerome doing all the work. It was nice having Adam sliding in and out as Jerome enjoyed the sensations.

"I have two men I love. I want you both in me."

Jerome straddled Nephi taking him deep inside. He leaned forward. Adam slid next to Nephi.

"Wait let me get used to it."

Jerome was the first to come. Feeling Nephi's load, Adam loss of control and shared his cream.

Three naked men lay side by side. Adam was still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened. Way deep it felt right.

There was no time the next morning for a repeat performance. Nephi took his lover's hands. Feel no guilt for enjoying each other's bodies. He placed Jerome's hand in Adam's.

"Adam if something were to happen, I need you to take Jerome into your life, your bed, and into your care. He will be the head of the Foundation and Grace's corporation and will need your full-time support. Promise you will raise my son together. You need to leave. I'll try to be here when you return."

Jerry climbed unto Nephi's lap. "I'll keep you company, dad."

"I love you Jerry and would do anything to keep you safe." Jerry handed Nephi a book. Together they figured out the words. Nephi had a deal with the doctor. Nephi would follow the doctor's orders, if the doctor would delay telling the family about the tumor. There was nothing anyone could do but worry.

There was a lot to do before the tree lighting. It was an invitation affair for family, friends, dignitaries and employees. Mitch's crew had managed the chapel, tavern, smithy and one shop spaced along the winding path around a frozen lake.

On a small island in the middle of the lake stood a tall evergreen. The guests lined the dim path. The bell in the chapel tower rang six times. High on the top of the tree a star glowed. As Christmas music played, lights lit on the tree until it glowed with color. With the show over, the decorations in the village were turned on. In the church tower Drake closed the large electrical panel. Someone following the musical cues would repeat the lighting of the tree every night. Christmas had arrived at Samaria Farms.

During the first week without Jerome and Adam, Nephi was a slow but unstoppable whirlwind of activity. Adam was providing Jerome's security leaving Marshall for driving Nephi to the mall, businesses, family but most often the lawyers.

His first call was to Grace right after Jerome and Adam had left.

"Grace, I am sending Jerome and Adam. I know you wanted your cancer kept a secret but Jerome needs to meet your people and understand his responsibilities."

"How do you know about my cancer and my will?" Grace had told no one in Utah.

"During my coma I came to understand many things. It will be easier this way. Whatever story you have to cook up make sure they share a bed. If something happens, Jerome will need someone to fall back on. There is already a connection."

The conversation continued for another 20 minutes before they hung up.

By the end of the week Nephi finished Christmas shopping. Nephi had insisted wrapping things himself even with his uncooperative left hand. They weren't perfect, but they were Nephi.

Nephi's last stop was to pick up the paintings.

"I am here to see Mr. Bertolli." Nephi announced.

When Mr. Bertolli saw Nephi, he tried backing out of the Gallery unseen.

"I am here for the framed art I commissioned."

Mr. Bertolli tried to tell Nephi they weren't finished. Nephi pulled out his checkbook. "At $1000 dollars apiece, that's $6,000. I hope they are in the frames John chose. Mr. Bertolli, I know they are unsettling, but they are what my family needs."

Nephi had taken Mr. Bertolli by surprise when he mentioned six paintings. Nephi had commissioned two. "Marshall will help you carry them to the car."

Jerome was looking forward to a break from school and the cooling weather in Utah. Grace didn't need to create a story. Being Thanksgiving weekend, she had let the guys next door rent out all but one guest room.

"Nephi told me you are intimate with his blessings. I share my pool with gay men. Don't hide your affection from one old woman. A kiss would set the proper mood."

Jerome kissed Grace on the cheek. "Not me, him." Jerome's second kiss showed more passion. Grace left them to it, closing their bedroom door behind her.

The B&B next door was hosting a Black Friday party around the pool. They weren't sure what made it a Black Friday party. More than half the guests fit the description. It was clothing optional. The next morning Jerome wished someone had warned him about the punch. A well-endowed black guy lay between him and Adam. Adam was drinking the punch as much as Jerome. Jerome had no memory of most of the party. As he walked to the bathroom, his hole announced it had been well used. His head hurt even worse.

Four ibuprofens later Jerome returned to the bed gathering four used XXL condoms from the floor and placed them in the trash. Adam looked so hot draped over their guest. It was too early to get up. Jerome crawled back into bed and mirrored Adam's position. He knew he should feel guilty, but for now he was sore and sleepy.

Adam was the next to regret the punch. Unlike Jerome this wasn't his first hangover. Stepping to the floor he found two XXL condoms on his side of the bed which he flushed. The sky was only a dim gray. He crawled back into bed.

When they woke again Jerome draped his arm across Adam.

"Hi sleepy head. I had a dream there was a well-hung black man in our bed."

"Adam, if it was a dream he left real looking condoms on the floor."

They agreed to steer clear of the punch at future parties. If they walked funny the next day, they would prefer remembering how they got that way.

After lunch Grace took them into town for two pair of sharp looking business suits. "It's too bad Nephi couldn't come with you." Grace mentioned as Adam was being measured.

Why did Grace have to mention Nephi? Jerome became quiet. What was Jerome becoming? He had a husband and a child back home. Jerome hadn't been in Florida for 24 hours and had cheated on Nephi with Adam and who knows how many around the pool.

As they left the shop Adam offered his hand. Jerome pretended not to notice. Jerome sat out of Adam's reach at dinner.

As they entered Grace's home she noticed the red flashing light on the message machine. She checked the caller ID. "Jerome and Adam, the message is for you."

"Grace if they aren't standing next to each other hit pause."

Grace stepped from between the men and gave Jerome a slight push toward Adam.

"That's better. I'm not psychic. I know you Jerome. Grace be ready on the pause button. Take Adam's hand." Jerome was slow to follow instructions.

Grace stopped the playback. "Do it, young man." Grace was used to facing down the board. Jerome's hand responded before his brain. Once Adam had Jerome's hand he wasn't letting go.

"Jerome, I put your hand in Adam's. What we did on Thanksgiving was my way of giving permission for the two of you to grow closer. Sharing your bodies is part of that. Adam kiss him."

Adam pressed his lips to an unresponsive Jerome.

"Grace hit him up the back of his head."

Grace grabbed the newspaper and tapped Jerome. "Put your heart in it, boy!"

"Now go make like rabbits."

Adam pulled Jerome into the bedroom and closed the door.

"Thanks Grace. Jerome needs to bond to Adam. Help him through his guilt."

The tape stopped.

The next morning Grace went to church with a handsome grandson on each arm. That was the way she introduced them to the congregation. Jerome enjoyed the service.

They spent the afternoon socializing at an impromptu cocktail party. Grace pointed out which beverages were non-alcoholic. These were Grace's people, the ones she trusted to manage her companies. They needed to know Jerome as the Tellerson heir.

Every night at 10:00 Jerome and Adam called home. Nephi let Jerry watch TV until he talked to his dad. Jerry would head for bed and the conversation would take a turn to the erotic.

Behind closed doors Adam and Jerome slowed things down. They had jumped into the deep end and now chose to play shallows. It was still fun without the chance of drowning.

Julio, Grace's personal assistant was never more than a phone call away. On the spur of the moment he arranged transportation up and down the eastern coast in the company's jet. Grace couldn't fly, her CEO took the boys under his wing knowing Jerome would be the next Chairman of the Tellerson board. Grace seldom voted, instead she deferred to the three hundred combined years of experience of her board. Her one vote would overrule the combined vote of the rest of the board.

Julio arranged for some sightseeing during their two days in New York meeting some of Grace's business associates. Standing at the top of the Empire State Building Jerome promised to bring Hugo, Jerry and Nephi next time. Jerome was sure it was the height of the trip until they settled into the Tellerson Penthouse high over Manhattan. It was seldom empty. Renting it out was lucrative. The first matter of business was calling home. Jerome told Jerry about Empire State Building. The call was later than usual. Nephi struggled to create sentences.

"Nephi, I'm coming home. You don't sound good."

"Jerome, you need to finish things on the East Coast. I'm just so tired. Maybe call earlier tomorrow."

With the door locked and the lights off, the couple stood before the wall of glass staring into the darkness. The glittering city lay below them. In the bay the Statue of Liberty glowed. Adam helped Jerome remove his shirt before removing his own. Shirtless with the world at their feet Adam pulled Jerome into a kiss. Adam had given up trying to replace Todd, only to learn he wasn't replacing Todd, but making room for another in his heart. Hugo had taught Adam that love made room for more love.

Standing between Jerome and the window, Adam dropped to his knees and unbuckled Jerome's belt. Soon Adam buried his nose in the trimmed hairs above Jerome's manhood. Jerome ran his fingers through Adam's short hair. This was so much better than the Empire State Building.

Adam dropped his slacks and bent over the chair. He hadn't invited Jerome to take him before. Adam saw not only the lights of Manhattan but also stars of Jerome's making.

There were two days in Washington meeting Grace's political contacts. They stayed as guests of a conservative senator. Their rooms were next to each other and away from the master bedroom. Jerome hadn't made it ten minutes alone in bed before moving into Adam's.

Back home for the weekend, the boys spent time with Grace. During the week of their travels Grace's condition had deteriorated. She grew irritated with the constant attention. "Go walk on the beach. Hold hands. Do some Christmas shopping; let me rest."

Seeing other couples strolling along the sand, Adam reached for Jerome's hand. Being in public holding hands was a dream come true. In December night fell early. Walking along the boardwalk under the lights Jerome pulled Adam into a club. A man at the door collected the cover charge. The men were in loose clothes. Their wallets were back at Grace's. They turned to leave and ran into a brick wall of a man. The last time Jerome had seen him was in his bed.

"Hey man, how's mama Grace?" The Jamaican accent was heavy.

Adam answered. "She's not doing too well. She wanted us to give her some peace."

"That's mama Grace, for sure. Where are you going?"

Jerome admitted to leaving their wallets at home.

"No worries man." He pushed the couple to the front of the line. "This is Mama Grace's grandson. No charge for them. No liquor though."

"We didn't share names before, but we shared everything else. I'm Duane, Mama Grace loaned me the money to start this club. She still owns half. Can't charge the owner."

Jerome had only danced with Nephi during their stay at the Hidden Oasis. Jerome loved to dance as did Adam. They took the floor and lost track of time. Others tried to cut in, but they had eyes only for each other. They stayed long after their scheduled call home. Duane made them stop now and then to hydrate and catch their breath. The club closed at one am. They walked home leaning against each other.

"I think dancing might be as good as sex."

"If I weren't so tired I'd show you how much fun sex could be." Adam answered. They were too tired to check the message machine.

The next morning, they woke just in time to dress and take Grace to church. Grace wasn't doing well but wanted to attend church.

"For all I know this might be my last chance."

Adam slid his arms under Grace and carried her from the car into the chapel. They stayed only for the main session. Grace was ready to stay home.

Julio pulled Adam aside. "I have been with first Grace's husband and now Grace. As Grace's assistant I could coordinate her security. When Grace passes, I promised her one month before I retired. Grace feels you are the man for the job." Julio looked at Adam for only a moment before the conference calls began. He introduced Adam to all of his contacts. Julio's loose leaf was full of useful information.

"When I am finished here, you will have my number if you need help." Julio closed the book and handed it to Adam.

"Won't you need this?"

"It's just a copy." Julio stood leaving Adam just a little shocked. How was he going to handle everything Julio did and be on the police force?

The extended meeting left Jerome feeling empty.

Seeing her grandson's overwhelmed with all the details of her life. She called her friends from next door. "The two of you get showered. Don't worry about getting dressed. My friends have a surprise for you."

A shared shower worked wonders on the pair. They stepped from the en-suite into the bedroom and found the owners from the B&B next door carrying clothes.

Wearing loose semi-transparent shirts and thin fabric slacks. Jerome didn't understand the white athletic supporters until they stepped into the black lights at the club. A riot of glowing colors filled the dance floor. Seeing white underwear glowing bright purple on other dancers, Jerome looked at Adam. The straps along his bum glowed. Jerome's glowing pouch held his growing hardness.

The guy from next door introduced Jerome and Adam as Grace's grandsons and heirs. "It is non-alcoholic for these two."

Jerome and Adam had an open tab. Grace owned the building and had written off the rent when money was tight. "Can't charge the landlord." the owner/bartender announced.

It wasn't long before bare chest rubbed against bare chest on the crowded dance floor. Around 10 o'clock some guys dropped their pants and reentered the dance floor sporting a variety of white underwear.

Adam and Jerome made it to midnight before losing their pants. This was different than lounging around the pool naked. With all the skin contact it felt more like an orgy. One muscular couple split and danced behind Adam and Jerome. They pressed their bodies against the meat in their dancing sandwich. Both were hard as they pressed their cloth clad hardness against Adam and Jerome. After a slow bump and grind each man took a hand and led the men through a curtain in the back.

The dim lighting did little to hide the goings on in the alcoves lining the space. Seeing the semi-public sex stoked their sexual fires to full flame. Parked in an empty alcove Adam and Jerome returned their new friend's kisses. Standing side-by-side Adam and Jerome kissed as the men slid their lips over Adam's and Jerome's rampant cocks.

Nearing orgasm Jerome pulled his cock worshipper to his feet and into a deep kiss. Jerome lowered to his knees to return the favor when their mysterious partners bent over a sawhorse at the back of the alcove. Jerome looked at Adam. Adam leaned into a deep kiss. Someone handed them condoms that glowed in the black light. Together they slid their love tools into the waiting holes before them.

Jerome was the first to cum. Adam followed right after. Their brief sex partners turned and cleaned the tools that had just given them pleasure with their lips and tongues. When Jerome couldn't handle the attention any more. They thanked the couple. They had only stepped out the cubical when two men stepped in for the same treatment.

"These two guys are insatiable. This is my second time for the night."

The overheard comment didn't set well with the couple from Utah. Is this what they wanted. Sex with just anybody?

They retrieved their shirts and the over the shoulder bag Grace insisted they take. They began the mile walk back to Grace's. Halfway Adam realized they were being followed. He slid his hand into the bag. When someone stepped from the shadows and blocked their way, Adam didn't wait to ask questions. He sprayed a generous dose of pepper spray into the man's eyes. He turned and gave those following them the same treatment.

They didn't wait for an invitation before they ran down the street leaving three thugs in agony. The run home had consumed their remaining energy. They striped and fell into bed. Jerome snuggling up to Adam, lay his head on Adam's chest and fell asleep. The red light on the answering messaging went unheeded.

They didn't listen to Nephi's message until the next day. Nephi sounded tired. Jerome tried calling his partner.

After a weekend of not talking to his best friend, Nephi seemed to run out of gas. The growing bond between Jerome and Adam had been Nephi's goal, he hadn't foreseen being left out. He didn't want to sound ungrateful when his prayers were being answered.

Nephi was at the construction site overseeing a new project in the village area. Rather than have the mess of a concrete truck, under Nephi's direction the boys laid paver stones on the ground creating a 15x15 tree lined patio at the end of a winding path between the church and the Inn.

When Jerome called. Micah answered the phone. He repeated Jerome's message and ran out to play. Jerome and Adam caught their flight to Chicago to meet another set of individuals that managed the production aspect of the company. The meetings went into the wee hours of the morning. Grace no longer could get out and about. Not wanting to disturb Grace's rest the hospice nurse turned the ringer and the message machine off. If someone wanted to call, they would need to do it during the day.

The next morning Jerome called from Chicago as workmen installed a few benches around the edges and a marble cube in the center of the secluded bower. A potted bush found its new home on the foot-high marble cube.

Micah enjoyed answering the phone. Hearing Micah's voice Jerome sighed.

"Did you give my message to Nephi?"

"What message?"

Jerome sighed. "Can you go get an adult?"

Micah left the phone on the telephone table and went looking for an adult. Donny and Jerry were playing tag with the puppies. Jerome gave up waiting for someone to come to the phone. He had a flight to Dallas and a repeat of the day before. Jerome tried calling throughout the day. The main phone was lying on a table and Tina was busy on the second line ordering supplies. Every time Jerome called, he got a busy signal.

The meeting in Dallas started late and again went into the night. Jerome dreamed over and over of him kneeling next to his grandmother's lifeless body. The next morning Julio cancelled the remaining meetings. Jerome and Adam returned to Grace's side.

Grace reached for her grandson. Jerome met her hand halfway. "I'm glad you are here. Jerome, I love you. I don't have long. Be strong. Stand up for what is right. Remember Nephi loves you and Jerry enough to give his life to keep you safe."

"I love you grandmother."

"I know. Be sure to kiss your boy and your man when you get home. I need to rest." Grace closed her eyes. Her breathing was shallow and labored.

Jerome called home and sighed with relief when Sariah answered the phone. "I need to talk with Nephi."

"He's at the doctor's for tests. He is so down. Why haven't you called him? It's like his life is draining away." Sariah broke down crying. "What are we going to do if we lose him?"

Jerome promised to fly home the next day. During the night Grace slipped back into the arms of her loving husband. "You've done the best you can. Now it is up to those in the mortal realm."

Wednesday, Nephi waited by the phone for a call he didn't want to receive. He was the first to answer. It was Adam. "Grace passed last night. Jerome wanted to fly home today, but there is so much he has to do. We will be home as soon as we can."

"Adam, we knew it was coming. Be strong for Jerome. Help him through the challenges and make love often. Jerome needs physical contact during a crisis. I would fly out for the funeral if I could. Kiss Jerome and tell him I will love him always. You too, Adam. Thanks."

Nephi wanted to be there for his man, but that wasn't an option. Grace's funeral was on Friday with the will being read on Saturday.

Jerome called when he could. He had Adam at his side for comfort, but he needed to hear Nephi's voice.

Friday, after the funeral, Jerome called in tears. "My dad hasn't changed. He stormed the pulpit and started in on the evils of homosexuality. He directed his anger at me. I can't repeat what he called me. Grace has a lot of gay friends. A huge black man suggested dad leave. When dad held onto the pulpit. The man picked my dad up and tossed him over his shoulder. Tell Marie, Tiny says hi."

Saturday, Jerome called again. "Grace left dad $10,000. Dad shouted. `No faggot is getting my money. I'll see you dead first.' The lawyers informed him there was no way in heaven dad would ever get control of the company. Watch over Jerry for me."

Signing documents and making financial arrangements consumed Sunday. After Tuesday's board meeting Jerome could return home.

Tuesday afternoon with the last board meeting over Jerome and Adam wound things up in Florida. Their tickets were for Thursday morning. The guys next door would see to Grace's Florida house. She had given it to them with the stipulation a room would always be available when Jerome needed one.

The phone rang. Margaret was at the other end of the line.

"Adam, I'm glad it's you. We have a crisis. We need you to come home as soon as possible. The boys are fine. Just come home." Adam hung up and called Julio.

"Julio, you are a miracle worker. We will be ready when the car arrives."

Jerome came in from the pool as Adam finished with Julio. "What's going on? I thought our flight was Thursday."

"Margaret called. We need to go home."

As they filled their suitcases Jerome asked question after question.

"Margaret only said the kids were fine."

The doctor had mentioned the possibility of another stroke. Jerome wondered, "Why did it always happen to Nephi?"

Next: Chapter 123: Nephi and Jerome 54

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