Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Dec 15, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 52

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This story is becoming very long. If you were to cut something out what would it be? I look forward to hearing your insights.

Thanks Zach for your editing skills. ----------

Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 52

It had taken Jerome a week getting used to having security a stone's throw away whenever he left the compound. He envied Mike's freedom. They would get out of the car at school and Mike went his own way. Nigel was never far away from Jerome. Thursday a pair of homophobic idiots gave Felix and Jerome a rough time. With the first shove, the assailant found his arm pinned behind his back. Maybe having Nigel around wasn't all bad.

Weakness plagued Nephi. Kurt wasn't all that surprised. This was the condition he had expected Nephi to be in after the coma. It was like someone had loaned Nephi the strength to get through the weekend. Even though Kurt was seeing progress during the physical therapy sessions, something wasn't right. He wanted to talk with Jerome about his concerns, but Nephi had sworn him to secrecy.

It was Nephi's emotional and mental state that worried Margaret. Nephi seemed lost and disconnected. Nephi struggled to build sentences. To get him up and about, Benny produced a second-hand golf cart. Daily Kurt loaded Nephi into the cart and drove his boss around the construction site.

They drove on the wandering path around a growing pond. The displaced dirt created a berm surrounding the new village area. Benny had a project requiring the removal of pine trees. They varied from saplings to ten feet. They would look great. There were only two buildings being built this year, a small rock and timber chapel and a large tavern. Nephi had suggested they add a blacksmith's forge. Miles felt a forge would simplify repairing parts for the farm and creating the metal frames the teams would decorate with lights. In the village it would serve double duty.

Reading and playing with the biggies exhausted Nephi, but it was the emotional highlight of his day even though his voices weren't as good. After a rough reading session, Jerry crawled onto this dad's lap and wiped away Nephi's silent tears. "Dad sometimes I have trouble with the words too."

After dinner Jerome would cuddle with his man on the couch in front of the TV. Nephi felt bad he didn't have the stamina to take care of Jerome's intimate needs.

Nephi watched the interactions between Mike, Brock and Oliver. Mike was possessive and perceived Oliver as an interloper. Oliver was trying to understand his feelings for another guy. Brock struggled to understand his relationships with the two boys.

Thursday night Brock couldn't take it anymore. Rather than return to Samaria, he slept in his old room. Bella had shown her boyfriend the door when she returned from work early and found him in her bed with another girl.

Friday Phil returned from school. "Where is Oliver?" Nephi asked.

"I'm not sure. He disappeared after last period." Phil answered as he left. Phil's first stop every afternoon was the baby. His father never took the time to be with him. His little girl would know her daddy.

Nephi was a nervous wreck by the time Jerome and Mike returned to the compound.

"Jerome, Oliver has gone missing and I'm worried." Nephi's anxiety played havoc with his emotions. Jerome picked up the phone. "Hi grandma. Is Oliver there?" Jerome listened. "Tell Paula thanks. Bye."

"So, what was that all about?"

"Oliver caught me as I was leaving this morning. I suggested Grandma Marie could use help over the weekend. He is staying with Paula washing windows. She is paying him what she would have paid a service."

"Jerome, how am I going to fix this?"

"Nephi, my love, you're not. The boys need to work this out by themselves. Paula offered the basement for as long as Oliver needed it."

It was the Friday before Halloween. They expected this to be the biggest night of the season. The family was eating dinner at the barn.

Jerome picked up the radio. "Marshall, Nephi and I are heading over to the barn."

"I'll be right there. Don't let Nephi drive."

Jerome looked at Nephi. Nephi shrugged his shoulders unwilling to mention sinking the golf cart into a muddy field. Kurt and Marshall knew they could only keep the secret for so long, but Nephi insisted.

Marshall arrived in the golf cart with Ester. "Phil's got the baby. Let's get this done!"

Ester applied paint to Nephi's face, a black round nose, a tan oval around one eye and a few dots around his muzzle. She topped off the disguise with a baseball cap with long felt ears.

"There, no one will recognize you. There are at least three people in wheelchairs tonight. Eve will take over my business if I wait too long. Let's go." Ester was already in the back-facing rumble seat of the golf cart. Jerome rode with her.

Marshal explained the need for his costume. "Do you want people recognizing you from the news?"

There were people everywhere. The crowds were more than Nephi could handle. His mind kept replaying the flaming pumpkin. Marshall served Nephi dinner in the greenhouse break room. Jerome needed to deal with teens smoking in the Corn Maze.

It had nothing to do with whether smoking was right or wrong. The corn stalks were tinder dry. They had posted signs everywhere. When the group of teens gave Jerome a rough time, Nigel stepped around the corner with his massive flashlight. He handed the boys a bag of sand to extinguish their cigarettes in. Nigel suggested the sand would be a better alternative to extinguishing it on the back of their own hands.

Nephi tried navigating the mass of humanity. They had only made it to the barn before Nephi was ready to go home. He needed to create a peaceful place when someone just needed a break. Nephi joined the biggies watching Charlie Brown's Halloween and other specials. He sent Holly and Marshall back to the festival to help. Nephi had his radio with him and he locked the compound gates. Help was no farther than a quick call away.

At 9:00 the biggies changed into pajamas and gathered on the couch around Nephi. They couldn't decide on which book Nephi should read. Each had a favorite. Nephi opened the first book and began. These were books he had read before many times. Even though he struggled reading he should have remembered the story. Jerry whispered the words into Nephi's ear.

Donny moved the wheelchair next to Nephi and locked the wheels. Nephi tried to move from the couch to the chair. His good leg buckled.

"Dad fell and he can't get up. What should I do? Over."

"Jerry, stay with Nephi. I'm bringing help." Jerome talked with Jerry while help arrived. Nephi wasn't in the best of moods as Kurt and Marshall carried Nephi to bed. The biggies followed.

Kurt asked them to wait in the hall. Jerry refused to move. "I promised dad I would hold his hand. He held mine the time I got stitches." Jerome nodded.

Kurt worked around Jerry. "There are no broken bones. I think he needs to see a doctor."

"It will have to wait until Monday. There are things I need to do first." Nephi insisted.

When asked what things, Nephi couldn't remember, but he still refused to go until Monday.

In the hallway Jerome told Kurt they would go tomorrow. "I heard that. I am not deaf."

With the doors closed and the lights dim, Jerome lay with his head on Nephi's chest. Jerome played with Nephi's manhood.

"That feels good."

"Then why won't it get hard?"

"Maybe we should ask the doctor on Monday. Would you mind sucking on it?" Nephi asked.

Jerome took Nephi's soft tool in his mouth. He tried his best but Nephi didn't get hard. Nephi breathing deepened. He shook. Jerome pulled off.

"Don't stop! Please don't stop!" Nephi reached orgasm. "At least that part works. Jerome lay next to me."

Jerome moved to cuddle his lover. "No, the other way around. I want to return the favor."

Nephi rolled on his side and took Jerome in his mouth. Nephi's neck grew tired. "Roll me on my back. I need you in me."

Jerome checked the locks and lifted Nephi's legs onto his shoulders. He carefully made love to the light of his life. Jerome bent down and kissed Nephi as he climaxed.

Nephi lay next to Jerome both enjoying the aftermath of their loving.

"Jerome, what do you think of Adam?"

"He's a good guy. He loves Hugo and Hugo loves him."

"Is he good looking?" Nephi asked.

Jerome had often replayed the night at the pool in his dreams with a different ending.

"Don't answer that. I know the answer. If something happens, please let Adam comfort you."

"Nothing will happen. You need time to recover." Jerome insisted, unwilling to consider the possibility of losing Nephi. "Promise me you will be here forever."

"Jerome, I can promise one way or another I will always be with you. Will you promise to continue the Foundation's work and take care of Neil?"

"But, you will be here." Jerome's voice broke.

"I can't go to sleep if you don't promise." With Jerome's promise they slid into slumber. Nephi rested secure that Jerome would carry on his work. Jerome tossed and turned all night. Only when he snuggled up to Nephi was he calm.

The morning light filtered into the master bedroom. The low rumble of Nephi's snoring reassured Jerome that Nephi was still here and then it stopped. Jerome jerked up in bed.

"Jerome, will you help me to the bathroom? Then make love me again."

Those requests Jerome could deal with.

Nephi was exempt from chores. Jerome's job was taking care of Nephi. Before everyone headed to the event area to clean up for the night, Nephi pulled Mike off to the side. "You've been here a week. I promised we would talk."

Nephi included Jerome in the conversation. Sitting in the office, Nephi started with a question. "Did you talk with Brock?"

"I tried but Oliver was always there. Why does Brock hang with him? Can't he see the guy gets hard just looking at Brock. It gives me the creeps. I told Brock he needed to dump Oliver."

"Do you remember that Nephi and I are a couple?" Jerome stated.

"But you're gay. Brock isn't. He is as straight as they come."

"Oliver isn't sure he's gay. He finds Brock attractive. They are close friends. The two of you have put Brock in an uncomfortable position. He loves you both in different ways. Rather than hurt either of you he is avoiding the compound." Nephi was struggling with the explanation.

Jerome finished. "The Foundation is your brother's guardian. This is his home. Nephi and I can't fix your problem with Brock. It is up to you and Oliver."

As Mike left Nephi picked up the phone. "Marshall do you have the team ready to roll? We will meet you at the van."

Nephi kept Jerome and Jerry in the dark, only saying it was a surprise from Uncle Mario and Uncle Bertram. They stopped in front of a small art gallery downtown.

They walked through the exhibit waiting for the uncles. Jerry wandered off from his dad's.

"These guys are naked."

Jerome was quick to follow Jerry's voice. He found Jerry in a side gallery. There is a fine line between art and porn. The images straddled that line. Jerry was looking at a picture of two naked young men at rest, bodies intertwined in a seductive pose, one male head resting on the chest of the other. There were no doubts that the men were a bonded pair.

Jerome checked the signature on the painting, J. Littleman. "I'd love to meet the artist. What do you think he is like?"

"I think he is young, still in high school, and believe it or not, he's straight." Jerome turned to find a young man standing under the archway leading to the main gallery. "My name is John Litchfield, AKA John Littleman. You must be Jerome, Jerry and Nephi. I've seen you on the news. Your uncles have arranged for two portraits. A family portrait and a couple. If you're ready, please follow me to the studio."

Jerome pushed Nephi into the studio. "Is this gallery yours?"

I gentleman stepped into the studio. "My name is Bertolli. The gallery is mine. I will not let John paint commissions outside the gallery for his safety. You understand what it is like having a target painted on your back."

John and Jerome helped Nephi out of his clothes and onto the draped white fabric. Jerry and Jerome soon joined Nephi. John posed Jerome leaning back on Nephi's chest looking toward Nephi. He posed Jerry on Jerome's lap. Something was missing.

John closed his eyes. The scene before him didn't match the scene in his head. This had happened before. He would have to paint what was in his head. It was always important.

He opened his eyes and looked around the studio. They landed on a teddy bear Jerry's size. The teddy bear sat on Nephi's lap facing Jerry. Jerry held the teddy bear's hand. Jerome wrapped an arm around his son. Nephi wrapped an arm around the bear. With Nephi looking downward at his family, John took some Polaroids and began. John concentrated on Jerry. Children didn't sit long without wiggling. With a young man in the picture John knew he would finish from the Polaroids. Jerry made it a full hour before he couldn't hold still. John decided they would take a break.

Mr. Bertolli lured a dressed Jerry upstairs with the promise of ice cream, cookies and cartoons. John posed his adult models reclining, Jerome's head on Nephi's chest. Once again it wasn't right. When his muse refused to let him paint what was in front of him, it irritated the artist.

John reversed the positions. Nephi rested his head on Jerome's chest laying his arm across his lover. Nephi closed his eyes. Jerome pulled Nephi closer to him. It was usually Nephi comforting Jerome. Tears ran down Jerome's cheek. Why couldn't it be like this forever? He yearned for the days it was Nephi and Jerry in Paula's basement. His strong Nephi leading his people to the promised land was now frail. How could Jerome ever be as strong?

John took photographs he wouldn't need. The image before him was one he would never forget. John drew.

Mr. Bertolli called an end to the session. John kept working without his models.

"Is he all right?" Jerome asked.

"John doesn't know it but this happens now and then. We aren't sure where he goes." Mr. Bertolli waved his hand in front of John's face being careful not to interfere with his work. "I'll let his mother know he's staying the night."

Mr. Bertolli's fell into the depths of Nephi's eyes. Nephi was the one to look away.

"You've seen what he sees?" Mr. Bertolli asked when he had pulled himself together.

Nephi nodded and put his finger to his lips. Mr. Bertolli knew he would never share what he had seen in those bottomless pools of brown.

Mr. Bertolli put a water bottle in John's left hand now and then. At dinner time he handed John one chicken nugget after another. By midnight six canvases neared completion. The next morning, he found John sleeping on the couch in the studio.

Mr. Bertolli moved the canvases to his workshop hoping John would forget about them, he often did. He tried burying them behind another piece of artwork leaning against the wall.

He sat on a stool staring at the image resting on the easel. It was one of the best things John had ever painted. Mr. Bertolli's soul filled with grief. Sobs wracked his physical body.

Sunday morning Nephi seemed better. Considering Nephi's recent frame of mind Jerome dreaded the family meeting planned for the afternoon.

When the biggies went out to play Jerry stayed with Nephi. Working together they read books and watched television. Adam came to collect the pair for lunch.

"Shh, dad's sleeping."

"Are you coming?"

"I'll eat with dad later. He needs me."

Jerry settled back against Nephi. Nephi's left arm lifted from the recliner and fell back to the arm rest. His right arm wrapped around his boy.

"I love you dad." Nephi squeezed just a little tighter. A tear formed in the corner of Nephi's eye. The price was so high.

The adults of the extended family met around the table. To their surprise Nephi invited Mario and Bertram. Jerome did not care for the implications behind Nephi's seating arrangement. Jerome did not want to sit at the head of the table but Nephi insisted. Adam sat on Jerome's right hand and Nephi sat at the foot with the family lawyers Frank and Brent Middleton on either side.

Nephi began. "We will start with the elephant in the room. We will learn tomorrow about my deteriorating condition. Until I get back to being..." The words wouldn't come out. Nephi hit the table with his fist three times. "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Brent, the foundation's lawyer stood up and explained Nephi's concerns about the Foundation's future. He outlined Nephi's proposal during his incapacity with Jerome and Adam overseeing the Foundation.

Frank outlined the new trust fund to support Samaria. On Nephi's passing there were three insurance policies He had taken out when they first moved to Samaria. A million-dollar policy to keep Peter and Sons in operation, a three-million-dollar policy that would go into the Samaria trust fund and a million-dollar policy that would have been for Jerome but would now create a trust fund for Neil. Grace had taken of Jerome.

"Nephi isn't dying." Jerome insisted.

Nephi sighed. "I may be here for years, but it is better to plan for the worst."

Later Nephi met behind closed doors with Adam. Adam came out of the office flushed looking like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Adam refused to share the conversation with anyone.

Nephi spent the rest of his day playing blocks and cars with Jerry and Jerome. Jerry wanted to draw. Nephi's fine artistic hand shook. Jerome worried about his man. Jerry sat on Nephi's lap comforting his father.

After listening to Jerome read the stores and listening to the children's prayers, Nephi ask Jerome to help him to his knees. Nephi wanted to pray while Jerome made the rounds locking the compound down for the night.

He met Marshall just outside the main house. "I'll lock up. Spend time with Nephi."

Jerome stopped in the doorway. "Father, the cost is so high. I don't want to leave." Nephi sobbed.

Jerome took a single step forward. Nephi continued. "I understand. It was my choice; it has always been my choice. Please let someone explain it to Jerome. I want him to understand."

Nephi shook as he finished his prayer. "Thank you, father, for my family. Make sure they know I will always love them. I chose my path and I can't regret what I have done."

Jerome wanted to demand answers. "Father, may the Holy Spirit comfort them. As always, Thy will be done. Amen."

Jerome knew there was a question that needed answering, but he couldn't remember what it was. He helped Nephi into bed and snuggled up to his friend. Somehow Nephi's head ended up on Jerome's chest. The roles had changed. Jerome was being strong for Nephi.

Before Grace returned to Florida, she added her generous donations to the capital improvement fund to finish the Christmas Village and the new operation trust fund. Tina had suggested a second timber framed greenhouse designed for weddings and smaller receptions. Grace's investment in the daily operating fund would last the year and longer with event incomes. Even Neil had a trust fund before she left.

Grace would have preferred to stay, but one of her companies was facing a hostile takeover and needed her personal attention. Nephi insisted Jerome not miss school. Marshall and Nephi would drop off Grace off at the airport and then keep Nephi's appointment at the hospital. "Jerome, Nigel will have his radio. If anything happens, I'll get in touch with him." Marshall promised.

Frank Middleton, a foundation lawyer joined Marshall and Nephi at the hospital.

"Do you have it?" Nephi asked. Frank was reluctant to give Nephi the document to sign. Marshal witnessed Nephi's signature on the DO NOT RESUSCITATE order.

"I won't need it today, but soon it will be important."

The doctor's exam became extended tests. Blood clots had formed in Nephi's brain. The vertebrates in his neck pinched the nerves leading to his arms. The optic nerves were deteriorating.

"Doctor, I need to make it to Thanksgiving."

The surgeries began. Hours later Nephi lay in his hospital bed. Bandages wrapped his head. Marshall had asked Nigel to bring Jerome from the college to the hospital.

"The prognosis looks good. We relieved the pressure on his brain and the optic nerves. There is brain damage from the injury. We will have to see what happens when he wakes."

Jerome felt calm. Adam stopped by as he finished his shift. Jerome cried on Adam's chest. Adam's arm wrapped around him providing comfort. Nephi had asked Adam to watch over Jerome and provide any support he needed, even physical. Adam remembered the night at the pool. If it hadn't been for Nephi, Adam would have courted Jerome. Now, Nephi had given him permission to court his husband. It felt so right having Jerome lean against him.

Adam drove Jerome home. Jerome struggled with Nephi's condition. Before walking Jerome to the main house, he stopped long enough to check on Hugo. Adam listened to Hugo's prayers. Jerome had fallen asleep on Adam's couch. Adam covered his guest with a blanket and went to his own bed wearing a loose pair of shorts.

Adam wasn't awake when someone snuggled up to him. This wasn't new, Hugo fled to Adam's bed when he had nightmares.

Adam woke early in the morning to find a bedmate on either side. He hoped it wasn't Hugo's hand settled on his morning hardness. Lying in bed wasn't an option. Both bed partners stirred as he climbed over Hugo. When he returned from the bathroom, his bed was empty.

Jerome did not want to sit at the head of the table, but Adam was sitting in Jerome's old spot. Nephi's place was empty. Jerome scanned the table avoiding Hugo and Adam.

"Nephi spent yesterday in surgery. The doctor said they will know more when he wakes up." Jerome began. "The Lord takes an active role in our lives. I would appreciate everyone including Nephi in their prayers. There is not one of us whose life isn't better because rather than walking past Nephi was the Samaritan in our lives. Clarke would you pray?"

Mike and Jerome split ways in the college parking lot. Nigel was never more than a few steps away from Jerome. After school Adam met Jerome at school. The two of them stopped by to see Nephi.

The doctor met with Jerome explaining they were keeping Nephi in a coma allowing the surgeries to heal. They would wake him up the next day while Jerome was there. Jerome wanted to keep this time just for him, but he knew others also loved Nephi.

Adam and Jerome arrived in time for supper. Jerome had thought about the gospel lesson on and off all day. Jerome had been down at school. Talking with Felix helped.

"Nephi showed me God's hand was in everything around us. You may be having a tough time, take just a moment and think about the things you have been given."

Jerome introduced the concept at the table and starting to his left everyone listed something they were thankful for. Family members covered the items from Jerome's list. It returned to Jerome.

"I thank the Lord for the things you mentioned. I have only one thing left on my list. Even if the Lord takes Nephi home, I give thanks to the Lord for bringing Nephi into my life and the time I've had with him." Tears flowed. Most had thought like Jerome, Nephi would always be there. "Without him I wouldn't be here. There is not one person at this table who doesn't owe Nephi a debt of gratitude. Nephi would tell us to thank our Father, for Nephi would never claim credit for doing the Lord's work."

Jerome bowed his head unable to continue. Adam asked Mike to pray. Mike struggled through the prayer. Nephi had given him and his little brother a place to live. He fed them. Mike had just learned today he had received the tuition scholarship Nephi had suggested Mike apply for. His counselor told him it was Nephi's letter of recommendation that was the final deciding factor. Nephi had done so much and all he asked of Mike was to create a working relationship with Brock and Oliver.

After the prayer, Mike left the table without eating. He had bridges that needed rebuilding. Mike couldn't fix this all at once but he could start. Mike borrowed a car and drove to the address on a small piece of paper Nephi had given him on Sunday.

Paula was reluctant to let Mike into her house. She left him on the step and closed the door as she called Oliver from the basement.

Facing Brock's close friend, Mike looked at the ground unwilling to meet Oliver's eyes. "Nephi had asked only one thing of me and I screwed up. He asked me to understand your relationship with Brock. Nephi is back in the hospital, I have to do this. Will you give me a chance?"

Oliver could see Nephi's hand in this. He owed it to Nephi. He accepted Mike's offer of a movie and burgers. Brock wasn't at Bertram's. They found him at home. Oliver grew jealous, he had never received an invitation to Brock's house.

Being the week of Halloween, they went to Rocky Horror Picture Show. Brock sat in the middle. They shared the large tub of popcorn Brock held on his lap. Halfway through the movie Brock put his arm over the back of Oliver's chair. Before long, it rested on Oliver's shoulders. When Dr. Frank N. Furter seduced Brad on the screen, Oliver's hand found its way to Brock's thigh. Brock looked down at Oliver's hand and up into his eyes. Mike watched as Brock lifted Oliver's hand, kissed the back of it and returned it higher on his thigh.

Before living with the guys at the farm, this would have bothered him. Mike knew Brock liked women. They had dated twins once that liked doing it side by side. Maybe Brock liked it both ways, or as Nephi suggested maybe it wasn't a gay thing at all. Maybe they were soulmates of the same gender. Nephi had implied the three of them could be friends.

Brock suggested they all go home to Samaria unwilling for the night to end. Oliver still had a VCR in his room. They rented Young Frankenstein. Brock called Bella and Oliver called Paula, letting them know where they were spending the night.

Brock returned to Oliver's room dressed in gym shorts and a t-shirt. Mike decided he was over-dressed and returned in gym shorts and t-shirt. Oliver just wore his boxer briefs. "My shorts are at Grandma Paula's."

Again, Brock sat in the middle on the couch. There was plenty of room for three but they sat close to each other. As the show began Brock put his arms over the shoulders of his friends pulling them close.

When Mike noticed Oliver's hand on Brock's bare thigh, Mike did the same. Somewhere during the film all the shirts ended up on the floor. When the film ended. Oliver looked up into Brock's eyes. Oliver knew he was about to make a mistake but he did it, anyway.

"Brock, I love you." Oliver looked down to the floor.

Brock put his finger under Oliver's chin and lifted until their gazes met. "I didn't realize how much I loved you until you weren't with me." Brock closed the gap and kissed Oliver on the lips.

Brock looked at Mike expecting rejection. Worry filled Mike's face. "Is there still room for your best friend?"

"There will always be room for you Mike." Brock kissed Mike on the cheek.

"I feel a little cheated." Mike replied. Mike closed his eyes. He wasn't sure he could watch what he was asking for. Brock's lips met his. Mike surprised himself when it was his tongue running along Brock's lips.

"That is enough tonight. It's late. Let's bunk down here." Brock suggested.

"Aren't you two going to, you know?"

Oliver answered. "We have done nothing yet. If someday it happens great. If it doesn't that's fine too. I need Brock in my life."

Mike understood. He needed his best friend in his life too. They took turns using the bathroom. Mike returned to find the lights off and shorts on the floor. Under the covers Oliver lay on Brock's chest.

"What the hell?" Mike thought. He dropped his shorts and mirrored Oliver's position. Mike had never lay next to a naked guy before. He liked the intimacy of the contact.

Brock reached down and kissed Oliver. Brock ran his tongue across Oliver's lips. Oliver parted his lips allowing access. Mike grew hard watching his best friend kiss another guy. Often Mike thought kissing was one of the best parts of a date. Mike had always been the aggressor with his girlfriends. When Brock's lips met Mike's, Mike didn't wait for Brock's tongue. He parted his lips and found Mike's tongue. This was different. His girlfriends had always been submissive. Brock was an active participant.

Brock broke the kiss. "I think we need to go to sleep before something happens we might regret tomorrow."

Oliver rolled onto his side. Brock spooned up behind him. Mike snuggled up behind Brock. He thought it would be odd having his junk pressed up against a guy. He had to keep his rock-hard dick from rubbing against his friend. Mike wrapped his arm over Brock. He ran his fingers over the hairy chest he had often envied.

Mike woke around one in the morning needing the restroom. Mike's hand cupped Brock's balls. When he returned he tried facing the other direction and just couldn't get comfortable. Snuggled against Brock he fell back into slumber.

The next morning Mike lay on his back with two handsome guys lying on his chest, a hand wrapped around his junk. The double phone ring disturbed the touching scene. No one was sure what to say. Mike appreciated they had different chores. It avoided discussing last night.

Mike had kissed a guy and enjoyed it. He had slept naked touching a guy. He showered and skipped breakfast choosing to wait for Jerome at the car. Jerome climbed into the backseat handing Mike a lunch bag. Mike appreciated the ham and egg sandwich. The advantage of security is they drove.

"I know I'm not Nephi, but do you want to talk?"

Mike shook his head. "Then, let me tell you about myself."

Jerome talked about falling in love with Nephi long before he tried anything more than a kiss and a snuggle. "I gave it a chance not for my pleasure but for Nephi's. For months I would give and receive pleasure, then let guilt rip me apart. I had to choose between a life with Nephi or without."

Sobs wracked Jerome's soul. "How am I going to make it day after day without Nephi? I don't care if he can't walk, read, or draw. I need his soul to complete mine."

Mike pulled Jerome onto his shoulder letting him cry. He realized he could make choices. Jerome was past choosing; he was like a stick in a rushing river. Driven by forces beyond his control.

Mike had the day to think about Brock. What would he give up to keep Brock in his life? Could he share with Oliver?

Last night distracted Oliver from his school work. It had felt so right snuggled against Brock in bed. Had he made a mistake that would cause him to lose Brock's friendship? He wanted more but did Brock?

Brock was just confused.

Next: Chapter 122: Nephi and Jerome 53

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