Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Dec 14, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 51

This book has grown beyond the last book of the Ring in Mine sequence. If you wanted quick and dirty, I don't apologize. I have come to care for the characters in this story. I was reading from the beginning the other day. I was amazed how far they have come. Thank you for sharing the ride.

I appreciate hearing from my readers. Thank You.

Remember that Nifty Archives is not in the business of making money. The opposite is true. If you can, please click on the link and donate. If you check the list you should find my name.


Thank you, Zach for your editing skills and insights.

Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 51

Thursday evening the event area was ready to go. Quick construction walls painted black hid the ongoing work.

When Jared and Jerome reached the hospital room, Jared announced he would stay with Nephi. Jerome had little boys competing for adult attention with a new baby. Nephi beeped.

At home Jerome sat on the floor playing blocks and race cars with the `young men' and Almaina. Together they dressed in zombie costumes and haunted the forest. Jerome had eyeball gumballs. They glowed in the black light. Jerry put one over his eye and pulled it out and tossed it to the kids on the trailer. The girls screamed.

A guy caught one. "It's candy."

It was a great game. The backs of the costumes were black, and the fronts glowed. They would turn around and disappear, only to reappear somewhere else and pull out another eyeball.

Jerome let them stay up `late.' The fundraiser nights were over by nine. Jerome supervised bath time and prayers.

"The baby is special, but my littles are special too."

"We aren't littles. We are young men." Jerry insisted.

"You know the young men have to help clean toilets. I'll let Sariah know you can help too."

The littles huddled together. "Maybe we aren't young men. Ruth is a little. Can we be biggies?"

Jerome hummed and put his finger to the side of his head pondering their request. "I will call you biggies and you won't have to clean toilets yet."

Jerome turned out the lights and retreated to his bedroom. There was a lot of whispering in the biggies room. Jerome showered and crawled into bed. With the bedding around his knees Jerome debated taking things in hand. The biggies crawled into bed with him. At first, he felt cheated but the warm loving bodies next to him was what he needed for a good night's sleep.

Jared had spent a restless night holding Nephi's hand in the hospital. "Jerome, how do you do this every night?" Grace looked puzzled.

"What did Nephi have to say?" Jerome asked.

"I need to show Drake how much I love him more often. Jerome, what is Benny doing to the cabin? It has Nephi worried. What is a Biggie? Do you dream like this every night?"

"Every night I sleep holding Nephi's hand."

Micah greeted Paula with a hug. "Grandma Paula, I get to stay with Nephi!"

"I'll get my things." Jared struggled to keep his eyes open.

"You, young man, will take Jerome's bed and close your eyes." Jared knew not to argue with Grace.

"Jared's a young man. He has to clean toilets." Micah thought it was hilarious.

Sitting in the back of the classroom Jerome waited for the professor to ask about Jared.

"He couldn't make it Professor. I brought a substitute though." Jerome walked to the front of the room.

"Professor, classmates, I would like to introduce Dr. Grace Tellerson. For those that didn't look her up the other day, Dr. Tellerson holds a Doctor of Business Administration and had taught at two prestigious university on the East Coast. She is the sole owner of Tellerson Financial and the Tellerson Trust. Tellerson Financial has offices in twenty states. They specialize in funding individuals with innovative business ideas. Sometime it is a loan, other times Tellerson creates partnerships with farsighted entrepreneurs providing years of business experience helping them succeed. She sits on the board of six major corporations and a handful of smaller ones. She holds a controlling interest in a major pharmaceutical company specializing in affordable medications."

"Someone has done his homework." Grace turned to the class. "Exercises like the Halloween Scenario help businesses maximize investment impact and improve not only the bottom line but customer satisfaction."

Grace explained many of the variables for this exercise had set values to make things manageable. Grace put a transparency on the overhead projector and was off. The professor sat next to Jerome taking notes. This wasn't a chance he would pass up.

As the class shared their ideas, Grace helped them understand the ramifications of those ideas. "I had not intended talking for the whole hour. I would enjoy staying but I have an important meeting I can't be late for."

The class applauded as Grace left. The teacher wrapped up the hour. "Jerome, please give our thanks to Dr. Tellerson for taking time out of her busy schedule."

"You should know something about Grandma Grace, business is not the most important thing in life. Grace and her great grandkids are going to the zoo."

Jerome was enjoying the freedom away from the wheelchair. Students were talking about the corn maze. Reduced priced coupons were available all over campus. Jerome and Nephi were old news. Felix met Jerome in the library. He was helping Jerome complete his missed assignments.

Felix waved to Jerome across the library. As Jerome passed the men's room, two older guys with baseball caps pulled low over their faces pushed Jerome through the door.

Felix had survived a similar scenario. Three guys had beaten him in a restroom. With that in mind Felix pushed on the door. Someone was leaning against it. Felix put a slender silver rape whistle to his lips and blew. The high pitch squeal drew everyone's attention.

The librarian had already called security. Multiple guys pushed on the door. The clock was not Jerome's friend. His would-be rescuers fell into the doorway when it opened. Two guys wearing nylons over their faces dragged an unconscious Jerome over the human roadblock. Felix and another student grabbed one of Jerome's legs. Felix feared Jerome would be taller after the experience.

Security arrived; the captors dropped their burden and fled into the library stacks. A nursing student checked Jerome's vitals. "He's alive. I smell ether."

A criminal science student wouldn't allow anyone into the restroom. The police found a rag, a bottle of ether and a needle. "I don't think you will find any fingerprints. The perps wore latex gloves." The student standing guard mentioned.

The police questioned Felix as the paramedics arrived. They rolled Jerome past Felix and the officer. "He needs to go to the hospital on 33rd Street." Felix mentioned.

The paramedic grunted in response. Something was wrong and Felix struggled to identify the problem.

"Those are the guys from the bathroom." Felix shouted as the elevator doors closed.

The doors opened on the main floor. One man had drawn a gun. "We are here to save his damned soul. He's worth almost as much dead and free from sin as alive and cured."

They passed a group of students. One of Jared's classmates, Kim Lee, a small oriental girl swung her bag at the man with the gun. Instead of pulling the trigger he pulled his arm up to protect his face. The gun clattered across the floor.

"We know where they are taking him. We'll grab him later." They pulled the fire alarm and broke the glass in the doors as they left the building in opposite directions. It was between classes and they faded into the crowd.

Felix wasn't in the mood to take any chances. He knew where Jerome had parked. He rolled the gurney to Jerome's car and with the help of a friend they put him in the passenger's seat. Felix knew a safe place.

On the floor of the restroom a dislodged pager sang its unheeded song.

During a commercial break Nephi's eyes flew open. There was no pause between waking up and his exclamation, "Jerome's in trouble."

Jared and Marie had slipped down to the cafeteria for lunch. Micah jumped to the floor and ran into the hall. "My daddy Jerome is in trouble."

"It's bad enough you are here against all the rules. I will not have you disturbing my patients." The nurse dragged Micah by the arm back into the room.

"You are a real bitch."

She turned to identify who had called her a bitch. Finding Nephi awake, she could not look away. In the depths of his eyes she saw how others saw her, mean, demanding, uncaring. Many would cower in the face of self-realization.

"That's what this job takes." She tried to slam the door on her way out. The door closer defeated her display of anger.

"Micah, I need your help?" Micah found the things Nephi needed. Nephi's muscles were unused to working. One by one Nephi removed tubes and disabled sensors. Nephi stumbled transferring to the wheelchair. Micah acted as a lookout. When the way was clear, dressed in scrubs, Micah and his Daddy Nephi disappeared down the hallway away from the nurse's station. Jared would regret leaving his keys on the table.

Kurt returned from lunch. True to form Molly had turned the volume down on all the remote displays. Kurt hurried to the ringing phone.

"This is Chief Thompson. Two men tried to kidnap Jerome at the college. How are things with Nephi?"

"Damn!" The straight lines on Nephi's display sent Kurt running for his room. Tubes lay in disarray.

"Chief, Nephi's room is empty. Someone has disconnected all of his equipment." The hospital switched to lockdown mode, staff watched every door unaware that Nephi had made his escape. They would find a hospital wheelchair abandoned in the parking lot.

Felix's resolve melted when he saw all the cars and media around the main entrance to Samaria Farms. The entrance to the Corn Maze was open. School children climbed into the empty school busses. A short zombie stood in Felix's way. Felix stopped.

"Why are you driving my dad's car?"

"Some bad men are trying to take your dad away. He needs somewhere safe." Felix wasn't sure why he was trusting this small child.

Jerry crawled onto his dad's lap. "Turn here." Before long they were pulling up to the garages from the back. Jerry reached up and pressed the blue button on the remote. Felix pulled into the garage. The door closed behind him. Before Felix could get Jerome out of the car, a second door opened. Jared's car pulled in.

"Dad, you woke up!"

Nephi's heart sunk seeing Jerome unconscious in the car next to him. "Jerry, we need help."

Jerry disappeared into the compound and returned with Garrick and Adam. Each picked up a Samaritan and carried them into the nearest empty apartment.

Adam picked up the phone. "Chief, we found the puppies We could use the vet tech at the compound. He should bring what he needs."

"I'll pick him up myself."

Adam called the main house. "Sariah, both of our men have arrived. They seem fine. I've sent for Nephi's nurse."

Micah described their escape from the hospital. Hiding in doorways and sneaking along the halls watching for nurses, Micah's description was right out of a James Bond movie. Nephi snuggled up to Jerome. He tried to stay awake, but the last hour had taken its toll.

The reinsertion of an IV needle brought Nephi back from the depths of slumber. Jerome had a similar tube running from his arm.

Kurt didn't wait for Nephi to ask. "I don't know what they gave him, but he is stable. We'll give it a little more time."

The police reported that the two attempted kidnap victims were recuperating in a secure ward at the hospital.

"You shouldn't have just left." Kurt had taken a lot of flak about losing a comatose patient.

"Would you have let me leave the hospital?"

"No." Kurt realized he had already lost the argument.

Jerome's arms flailed fighting his assailants. "It's just me. Nobody can hurt you."

Jerome's semi-drugged state left him confused. "No more dreams."

"No more dreams." Nephi did his best to pull Jerome onto his chest. Jerome resisted but settled listening to the steady rhythm of Nephi's heartbeat and breathing.

It took little for Nephi to join his partner in slumber.

Jerome was the next to wake. Nephi lay next to him. Nothing else seemed familiar. Jerome remember being pushed into the restroom. The smelly rag pressed up against his face. A sharp prick against his neck. Then a dream of Nephi.

In disbelief Jerome asked himself, "Who would want to hurt him and his partner?" Then name after name came to mind. An overriding need pushed Jerome to free himself of Nephi's tight hold. Not knowing what his captors had in the hanging bag, he removed the IV needle keeping his thumb on the insertion point.

Jerome heard a low conversation from the other room.

"What are we going to do with them?"

"She said she would back any steps we feel are necessary. She will take care of them once and for all."

"They won't like the changes, but they are for their own good."

The sinister undertone of the conversation set Jerome's mind racing. He had to get Nephi away from here. Not wanting to let his captors know he had regained consciousness. Jerome skipped flushing the toilet and left the lights off.

He walked to Nephi's side and removed the needle from his arm. The thin wedge of light from the other room grew. Jerome resumed his place on Nephi's chest.

"They are still sleeping. I thought I heard something."

Jerome thought Kurt was one of the good guys. That explained how they got Nephi out of the hospital. Nephi movement surprised Jerome. Before Nephi could speak, Jerome put his finger to Nephi's lips. As much as Jerome wanted to talk with his friend, escape was his priority. The only way out would be through the window.

Nephi opened his mouth to speak. Once again Jerome placed his finger on his lover's lips. Jerome slid the drapes open to find the familiar view of the compound beyond the glass. Jerome couldn't believe this was an inside job. How would he get Nephi to safety? The door opened catching Jerome away from the bed.

"Dad, Daddy Nephi woke up." Jerry ran for his father and jumped. In Jerome's still cloudy state he almost missed his son. Jerry kissed his dad and wiggled to the floor. Jerry pulled on Jerome's hand.

"Come on dad. See Daddy is awake." Nephi lay on the bed motionless. Jerome's s face fell. Jerry went for Nephi's one ticklish spot. Nephi squirmed to escape his attacker. Jerome joined in the assault.

"What's all the commotion in here?" Kurt stood in the doorway.

Felix appeared by his side. "It's good to see you back. I didn't want to leave until I knew you were all right. Nephi made Felix retell the events of the afternoon."

Micah reveled in telling the cloak and dagger events of Nephi's escape from the hospital.

"Why are we not in our room?" Jerome asked.

Adam answered that question. "You know how busy the main house is. On festival nights it worse. I thought it would be quieter here."

Jerome questioned the overheard conversation.

"She is Grace, and we are what you will not like." With two more men, the room felt crowded. "I'm Vernon and this is Martin. The rest of the team is at the event area watching over the family."

"Why won't we like you?" Jerome asked.

"Whenever you go one of us won't be far behind. Grace isn't taking chances." Martin's voice was a deep bass that rumbled through the room.

Nephi interrupted Jerome's objection by pulling him into a kiss. Nephi's tongue brushed against Jerome's parted lips.

The room emptied with Adam ushering Jerry and Micah through the door. "Nothing too strenuous, you've been out of commission for weeks." Kurt closed the door behind him. `Too strenuous' was a subjective term.

Vernon parked in the recliner and turned on the TV.

The bedroom door opened. Jerome stuck his head into the common area. "Adam, before things get too strenuous in here Nephi wants to talk to you."

Adam's heart sunk. This was it. He resigned himself to packing his things.

"Adam, when you first came to Samaria I had to get to know you. I feared you would take my place in Jerome's heart." Jerome kissed his partner's cheek.

"If you keep that up we'll never get to something more strenuous." Jerome pulled back. "Adam, even with Grace's security on-site, you are part of this family. I guarantee you will be here longer than they. I have important plans for you."

Adam thanked Nephi and Jerome for being there for him.

"Adam, things are changing. You have decisions ahead. For now, leave me your radio. Grab another on your way out. If I need you, I'll call. I think you should show Kurt the compound. I foresee needing his services for quite a while."

Nephi was nearing climax with Jerome's lips doing all the work. When the door opened. Vernon stood motionless. Jerome pulled the covers above their waists. "Did anyone go over house rules with you?" Nephi asked. "Such as respecting individual privacy."

"Adam outlined your rules, but they don't apply to us."

"Are you sure about that?" Nephi picked up the radio. "This is the Slayer of Laban. Flying monkeys on the property. In five minutes, Grace's security teams will be trespassing. Slayer of Laban, out."

"We aren't leaving. We are the professionals and we make the decisions now." Vernon moved toward Nephi.

Jerome stepped between the two. "Nephi owns the property."

"The Samaria Foundation holds the lease. I also am a member of the board. This is a point that is non-negotiable. I will protect my family." Grace was insistent.

Nephi picked up the radio again. "Adam, I need your help."

Soon, Adam stepped through the door. "I came back when I heard your radio call." Sariah was there a moment later.

"Sariah would you pack my clothes." Nephi turned to Jerome. "Are you with me?"

Jerome had just gotten his man back he would not lose him again. "Sariah I will come pack mine and Jerry's things. We will leave Samaria. It is no longer our home."

Jerome didn't give Grace a chance to argue as he left the apartment. "Bring him back here."

Nephi looked at Grace. "How is it different who pays to keep us captive?" Nephi picked up the radio once again. "Jared take Jerry to the Peter and Son's equipment shed. I will be there soon."

"Officer I am being held against my will. Will you see me to safety? The Peter and Son's office should do for now." Adam pushed Nephi to his office.

Grace and her flying monkey followed. "Adam will you see this trespasser out the front door." Nephi turned to Grace. "I am still the owner of this little piece of heaven."

Nephi pressed a button under his desk. The door buzzed allowing Vernon out the front door. The monitor showed Jared and Jerry in the Peter and Son's storage shed. Three chimes rang out through compound. Green lights on the hanging map one by one turned red as gates closed and electric fences activated.

The phone rang. "Hello Benny. I thought you would call."

"Nephi, why is the compound on lockdown?"

"I am having a childish tantrum. How involved are you in this security scheme? Keep in mind your answer will determine whether I rescind my proxies and vote them myself."

"How do you know about your proxies?"

"I've been halfway between this world and the next for three weeks. Did you think Peter wouldn't stop by for a visit?"

"I know you've been paying the foundation's expenses with the money from my share of the profits. If you and Grace feel you can run the foundation, it's yours. Jerome, Jerry and I will leave this evening."

"What do you think you are doing?" Grace did not like losing control of a situation.

"Grace, I didn't ask you to spend money on the foundation, but I appreciate what you have made possible. I also didn't ask you to provide security for my family. I will not have your people deciding how I run my life or the foundation. Your flying monkeys said they are above the principles that are the core of Samaria. If they stay, I leave. In six months, I will return and toss your security off of MY property."

Grace stood staring at Nephi.

"I understand the need for security, but our security team should need Samaria as much as we need them. Outside security will never dictate how the foundation operates. Today it will disregard personal privacy, tomorrow they will insist on background checks, deciding who we welcome into the family.

Jerome knocked on the office door into the compound. The door buzzed and Jerome entered. "Grandma, I love you and I know you mean well but I agree with Nephi. We need security who will work with us not against us."

Jerome held the compound door open for Grace. It locked behind her. Nephi and Jerome stepped into the back office and closed the door. A single chime rang through the compound. Grace could see the map through the window. All but five red lights changed to green.

Grace picked up a phone. When she dialed 91 for an outside line, the phone went dead. Sariah found Grace sitting on a bench in the compound. She had only wanted to keep her family safe.

"Grace, I think it is fair to tell you most of the family knows what went on in there. The radio and phone systems were on open mike. Nephi wouldn't turn down an offer to provide security but it will have to be on his terms. Nephi is the foundation."

Saturday morning came and went. There was no sign of Nephi, Jerome, Jared and Jerry. Even Kurt had come up missing. Sean needed the parking lot sweeper for the Event area. The touch pad would respond only to his code. There was no sign of the missing family. Grace contacted the security company and canceled the security team. There was no one to guard.

Sunday arrived. Benny, Luke and Margaret invited themselves for breakfast.

The head of the table remained empty. "What should I do?" Grace asked the family.

"We work out a security plan that meets all of our needs." Grace turned to see her missing family, four new faces and the owner of her security company. Clarke knew two of the faces from the shelter.

"Grace, this young man walked into my office yesterday evening, hammered out a security plan for your grandsons that will work and provided four individuals with special forces training to implement the plan."

"Grace you are right. Jerome and Jared are targets because of your wealth. They need protection. It would be best to go with the company you chose so when we need extra security it will be available. I would appreciate your help."

"Grandma, Nephi doesn't ask often." Nephi had taken a giant step toward bridging the gap. Would Grace meet Nephi halfway? "Why don't you look at the plan they created."

Nephi scanned the family sitting at the table and stopped at a new face.

"This is Mike, a friend from High School. I invited him and his brother to the maze last night after work." Everyone but Brock could read Oliver's opinion of this interloper.

"Mikel, will you push me to the gym?"

Mike glanced around. No one else seemed to be moving. Only his mother had called him by his given name Mikel, not Mikel.

Nephi's eyes caught Mike's. "I'm sorry I confused up your name. Jerome needs to talk with Brock and Oliver for a minute. I would appreciate your help."

Mike looked to Brock, who gave a thumbs up. Mike's tall frame caused him to lean down to push Nephi's chair. His long brown hair kept falling into his eyes. He shortened his stride after knocking his shins on the wheelchair. Nephi's silence left Mike to puzzle how this guy had used a name he hadn't heard for years.

Jerome, Brock and Oliver stood before the Peter and Sons office. Jerome tapped a four-digit code onto the pad next to the door. When the lock buzzed Jerome pulled the door open.

"I tried your code, and it didn't open."

"When Nephi puts the compound on lockdown, he creates the code to cancel it." Jerome sat at the desk. A single chime echoed through the compound. The rest of the red lights shifted to green and went dark.

Jerome turned to Brock. "Nephi seems to know Mikel's story, why don't you tell us."

"Mike and I were friends in junior high school. We hung out, went on double dates, that kind of stuff. We hung at his house, you knew my mom. She was sure we were doing drugs or whatever in my room. His mom died of cancer in eighth grade. I spent a lot of long nights with his head on my shoulder as he cried. Mike raised his little brother. His dad wasn't much help. He fell apart and refused to talk about his wife.

Oliver's glare had taken on a fierce edge.

"Down to one income things got a little tight. Then over night the money problems disappeared. Mike had a nice new car. He sold me his old one for fifty bucks."

Oliver decided he would never ride in Mike's old car again.

"After graduation, he started college, and I worked at the bakery trying to save money so I could go to school. I often saw Mike at the bakery on Saturday nights. He always had a girl on his arm. Last night was different. Mike and his brother Cam came into the shop just before closing carrying duffel bags. They needed a place to stay."

Oliver's agitation grew.

"It turns out Mike's dad had been taking money from his company. The police arrested him. They seized everything. They let Mike pack clothes before they threw him on the street. Cam had spent the day with a friend. He didn't know where else to turn. I hoped Nephi would let them stay here."

Brock looked at Oliver and saw the first tear trace its damp path across his cheek. Brock wiped the tear away with his finger.

"Oliver, Mike is a friend that needed help. We are more than that." Brock leaned in and wiped away the next tear.

"Sit on the couch. You need to talk. Make sure the door latches behind you."

Jerome left to find the condition of his brother's relationship. Friday night at the motel Jared had a girl from the motel ask for Drake on the phone. It must have startled the family since Nephi hadn't reactivated the main outside lines. The third line would only call out from the office, but with Nephi's code it would ring all the phones on an incoming call.

Jerome shouldn't have worried. Jared had taken the DO NOT DISTURB sign from the motel. It was hanging on their door knob.

Mike helped Nephi from his chair to the weight bench. "I appreciate your help; would you hand me the ten-pound dumbbells?"

Mike had time to think as he spotted Nephi's workout. "I don't suggest a coma to catch up on rest. Three weeks of no exercise plays havoc with your muscles. Would you hand me the twenties?"

Mike had to ask. "Why did you call me Mikel?"

Nephi set the weights on the floor. "Did I call you Mikel? Why would I do that?"

Nephi confused Mike.

"Let me tell you about my birth family. Mom was the best of the lot, but was subservient to her husband. Grandfather wanted his infant son to lead his family to a new life in America. He named his son Lehi. Dad continued the `Book of Mormon' naming tradition. My older brothers are Laman and Lemuel. Cancer took mom not long after Dad disowned me."

Nephi shifted on the bench, his discomfort obvious. "Have you ever heard of a crooked used car salesmen?" Mike nodded. "My dad was one. He doctored a car and sold it to the wrong guy. When their getaway car broke down the cops nabbed the boss's son and his team. I don't think they will ever find dad's body. Laman is in prison for dealing drugs to high school students. No one knows how many babies in town will look like Lemuel, including the then sixteen-year-old sister of the failed get-away driver. He cleared out the family accounts and left the country."

Mike stood processing this unsolicited history. "Mikel, will you strap the ten-pound weight around my ankle?"

"Why do you keep calling me Mikel?"

"Do I? Why I would do that?" Nephi counted repetitions as he lifted the weights with his good leg.

Mike held Nephi's leg stopping the exercise. "What do you know about me?"

Nephi lifted Mikel's chin until their eyes met. "I know your parents loved you and named you after your great grandfather. You are a student at the local college." Nephi touched Mikel's college t-shirt breaking eye contact. "You need a place to stay, a job that will let you finish school, and people that care."

"How can you know?"

"Is that important? What do you know about Samaria?"

Mike turned away. "It's a place for gay kids, but I'm not gay or a kid."

"Samaria is a place of refuge, orientation and age are not relevant. Samaria is right for you and your brother, but are you right for us?" Nephi paused waiting for a response that didn't come. "We will talk next week. Please have a chat with Brock. Share your class schedule with Jerome, you can carpool."

Mike had more questions than answers, but realized Nephi had finished his workout and the discussion.

The security team met Grace's begrudging approval. She still wondered how Nephi had pulled four ex-special forces vets, one that had headed security for a General in Vietnam, out of nowhere. She had asked the men what had happened.

The oldest member of the team who would become their leader told his story.

The mornings were getting cool. Saturday would be one of the last days I could hang out at the park. It was a nice change from my evening security guard duties at the mall. I sat at a picnic table reading when this guy in a wheelchair stopped at my table.

"Marshal, I need you to head a security team to keep my family safe."

"How can you roll up to a stranger and ask him to quit his job and work for you? You don't even know me."

"You are a gambling man." It wasn't a question. "If I can prove you aren't a stranger, will you head my team?"

I knew few people in town. When my wife died last year, I couldn't stay in Vegas without her. I threw a dart at a US map and moved to Utah. There was no way a kid in a wheelchair would know anything about me.

"If you can prove you know me, I'll do it."

A little boy and a teen handed me a McDonalds bag and a drink. This guy was a total loser. I hadn't eaten at McDonalds since my wife died. She loved the place. I tasted the drink and tears formed in my eyes, Coke with a shot of root beer. Inside the bag was a small bag of fries and two Big Macs. I had to check. The box with an X on it had extra sauce. Someone had drawn two hearts inside the box without cheese.

I couldn't stop the tears. No one could know this. I had told no one. It was the order I shared with my wife before she went to work that horrible night. The cripple rolled next to me. The older of the boys put his hand on my shoulder. "Nephi has the best shoulder to cry on."

I had not cried at my wife's funeral. A drunk driver hit her as she walked from the casino where she dealt blackjack to my car. I missed her, but I hadn't cried. Now I couldn't stop. I cried on this stranger's shoulder. He whispered so only I could hear.

"Your Sherry Princess still loves you and watches over you. Be brave, gallant knight, you will be together again."

It was his voice, but they were Sherise's words. I had heard them many times. "There will be time for crying, but now there are things that need doing." The tears stopped.

He sent me into a soup kitchen looking for a navy Ensign with an anchor tattooed on his arm. It seemed like a lost cause, but I found him standing in line with a Marine buddy.

Feeling like a fool, I followed Nephi's script.

"I am putting together a security team. It is a place where you can live without your greatest fear."

I was sure I had failed when a little hand took the Marine's hand. "My daddies are waiting in the van. He says to bring Juan with you."

As I returned to the van with the little boy and two vets down on their luck, I asked the teen what was going on.

"I'm not sure. Nephi woke from a three-week coma yesterday. He's been more than a little scary since, but he often knows things."

On the way to the security company Nephi pulled up to a guy waiting for a bus. "Grab your bag we are going your way."

I'm not sure Nigel has wrapped his mind around what happened. He lost his job and a new one found him.

Grace found Nephi sitting in the garden. He seemed a little lost.

"Nephi your team will be a perfect fit."

Nephi looked up at Grace. "Thanks, but I don't deserve the credit."

Nephi turned back to the falling water in the fountain. Grace waited for Nephi to explain.

"Thank you for investing in the event complex. I left sketches on the drafting table in my office. I promise to take care of your grandsons and great grandsons."

"Nephi, what's wrong?" Jerome had joined Grace and Nephi.

"I'm not sure what happens next. It's like a TV show. For two days I've followed a script. We've gone to a commercial break. The rest of the script is missing."

Jerome helped Nephi out of the wheelchair and onto a bench. The strength Nephi had shown over the last few days had evaporated. He seemed feeble and stretched thin like an old man.

Sitting next to Nephi, Jerome pulled his partner close. Nephi rested his head on Jerome's chest.

"When did I grow taller than Nephi?" Jerome wondered.

Grace needed to talk to Kurt. Nephi worried her. She left the two men sitting on the bench. The sound of falling water filling the air.

Next: Chapter 121: Nephi and Jerome 52

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