Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Sep 3, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

For me its the start of another month. That means it is time again to send a little something beside a story to Nifty. Help support the cause. If you like Nifty donate. If you are nervous about using a credit card they accept PayPal. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Things are pretty calm in this chapter, but leads to much more as the story continues.

This chapter contains adult situations. If this bothers you or its not legal where you live, don't read it.

If you have taken the time to get this far in the story I would appreciate a short email. ringinmine@yahoo.com

I have received some positive comments and suggestions for the story. It original ended at Chapter 16. Because of your comments I am up to chapter 25. The reason for the gap in posting was I got caught up in writing. Enjoy.

All rights are reserved to the author except those given to Nifty to publish and archive this work. Please do not repost without permission of the author.

(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 12 When Mark knocked on the door, I grabbed a t-shirt and yelled, "It's unlocked! Come on in!" I wanted to be pulling my shirt over my head when he came in, so he would feel free to enjoy the view of my cock slightly hidden behind the briefs. When my head popped out there was Mark standing in the doorway. His deep blue eyes were staring at the show being presented just below my waist.

I took a moment to give him a good look over. He was one of these high school kids that looks like he should still be in Jr. High. I understood that. I still looked like a kid, but as I had learned today, that doesn't have to be bad. His blond hair was short but not buzzed. He had a lean swimmer's type build like mine. His baggy jeans didn't give any hint as to what was between his legs.

All in all, standing there with a coat under one arm and backpack clenched in the other hand, he looked good, real good and I knew he wasn't a virgin to male sex. If he was staying for a few days, maybe I wasn't in such a hurry to head out for the holidays. At this moment I couldn't have done anything if I wanted to. Sexually, I was shagged.

"Hi, I'm Bob." I stuck out my hand. He dropped his backpack and took my hand. "Hi, I'm Mark. My sister said I could stay up here. I would have to sleep on their couch if I stayed downstairs. Besides the way they are hanging all over each other, I think it's going to be noisy in their apartment."

"Sue already talked to me. I would enjoy the company. All of my roommates have left for the holidays. I was about to head out for some pizza. Do you want to come?" I asked.

"I'm broke," Mark answered.

"Don't worry. It's my treat. I couldn't eat the whole thing if I wanted to." I countered. He stood there and watched as I sat on the edge of the bed, rearranged the contents of the pouch and put on my socks trying to put on a good show without being obvious. I pulled on a pair of jeans, slipped into my shoes, and grabbed my coat. "Let's go before it gets too late." He followed me out without saying a word, a lot like a puppy going for a walk.

Over pizza I got Mark to talk about himself. Even after the pizza was gone we sat and talked. The waitress knew me and knew if she kept our drinks refilled I would leave a good tip.

Mark enjoyed reading. He liked school and was on the high school swim team. That was something we had in common and we talked a lot about swimming. He seemed happy but somehow there was an underlying sadness in his voice. I noticed that his friend Josh came up in his conversation often. Mark and Josh seemed close and sure enough it turned out that Josh had been the next door neighbor from Sue's story.

They had hung out together since elementary school. Josh's dad had been transferred out of state just as school started. Josh and his mom stayed until his school's quarter ended. Mark had been without his best friend since Halloween. Now I knew where the sadness came from. I wondered if this was why Sue had brought Mark to spend the weekend at the college. The longer we talked the brighter Mark appeared. Maybe Sue's plan would work.

One problem with drinking coke is that it goes right through me. On the way out Mark followed me to the restroom. Fred's pizza had an older restroom. The feature that I liked the best about its plumbing was the long trench type urinal. You had a good chance to peek at everyone's dick.

I had noticed that Mark was left handed, so I made sure I was on his right. He would probably hold his dick with his left hand. I wanted a good look at what was hidden under his shorts. I noticed he had a handful standing there emptying his bladder. I also noticed how he kept sneaking peeks at my equipment. I could tell he wanted to ask about the ring hanging from my dick, but that would mean admitting that he had sneaked a peek. He was still too shy for that.

I gave my dick a couple of extra shakes, tugged on the ring and zipped it into my jeans. I turned to wash my hands giving Mark some peace while he worked at putting his stiffening cock in his pants. He didn't notice that I watched his struggle in the mirror. As we stood at the sinks washing up, we looked at the movie listings posted between the mirrors.

"How can a movie named `A Boy and his Dog' be rated R?" Mark asked.

I checked my watch. "The theater is next door. The last movie is just about to start. Let's go find out."

The movie was pretty cheesy. It was after the big nuclear war. The young star was good looking. Shaggy brown hair hung down nearly to his green eyes. You could tell he spent time at the gym. He and his dog spent a good part of the movie in desert type scenes looking for food and sex, not necessarily in that order. He wasn't having much luck at either.

A good looking woman seduces him and that leads to the sex scene. Being an R film they didn't show much. Mark did comment on her boobs. They were good looking, especially with his tongue playing with the nipples. You did get to see his cute bubble butt as she knelt in front of him.

"I wonder if she's really sucking him, or if it's all faked?" I asked trying to break the ice. While his butt bounced up and down, fucking her I asked. "That looks like fun doesn't it."

During the sex scenes Mark's hand would caress his basket. Then he had to readjust himself. I couldn't blame him. I had to too.

The girl then leads him down a tunnel into an underground world. They are a closed society and need to add variety to the gene pool. The boy's dog won't follow so the boy leaves the dog for the promise of plenty of sex. It isn't long before he finds himself strapped to a table. They give him a shot, telling him it is to make him produce more sperm. Sex in this world is not allowed. They connect him to a pump. I was disappointed. You could see his six pack stomach and smooth chest and lots of tubes but not what the tubes were connected to. As each of his `brides' enters a priest marries them. The pump is turned on. Each bride leaves with a test tube full of sperm.

The first couple of times ecstasy covers his face. After four or five loads the ecstasy is replaced with a pained look.

During the pump scene Mark's leg seemed to press against mine quite often. Occasionally I would press back. Not often enough to say I'm interested, but enough to keep him guessing. When they finally give the boy a break the girl, that recruited him enters. "I don't know how long I can keep this up," he said.

"I overheard that they were going to keep pumping you dry until there is nothing left. The last guy died after three days. If you take me away from here I'll help you escape."

Finally wounded and tired they make it back to the surface. There they find the dog dying of starvation. The girl wants to leave the dog and keep moving. In the next scene the boy and his dog are sitting next to a fire eating roasted meat. The bone the dog is chewing on looks suspiciously like a human leg bone.

"Serves her right. What a user. I know some girls in school like that. They want you to give up everything you like." Mark stated. "They want you to be what they want, but aren't willing to make any changes themselves."

"I know a few people like that." I said thinking a little bit of my brother.

It was late when we got back to the apartment. I opened the first bedroom door. The cold boiled out. "They must have already turned off most of the heat to save money.

I told Mark. Only one room was warm, the one with the big bed and the space heater. "You can face the cold or we can share the bed. It's big enough that we won't even notice each other."

Mark's eyes lit up. "Sharing's fine with me."

"You're the guest you can use the bathroom first," I offered. A few minutes later Mark came walking out in a pair of silk boxers.

"Nice shorts," I commented. Looking a little higher I found he had a small ring in his navel. He also had one nipple pierced. I chose not to comment on the piercings yet. I passed Mark and went into the bathroom.

When I came out Mark had fallen asleep. I could understand that. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open. I turned out the light, slid Tim's briefs off and slipped under the covers. It was only a moment and I followed Mark's example.

I do not advocate doing your own piercings. Not everybody is as stupid as me. If you do; buy one time use sterile needles and sterile jewelry. Kits are available on line Sterilize everything. Read up before you try. Once you start you have to finish. Follow the aftercare religiously. After all you don't want to take your favorite toy to the doctor with an infection.

If you are enjoying the story I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 13

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