Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Jul 5, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 36

I am trying to keep up. I am writing on Chapter 43. I keep chapters for a while until I make sure the continuity is there.

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Thank you for your emails. I appreciate hearing from my readers.

Thanks Zach for your editing skills. ----------- Chapter 38

Jerome and Sean met with Nephi while the household completed their morning chores at the compound. Nephi was sitting up in bed waiting for breakfast. Nephi was quiet. Something was on his mind.

Jerome leaned in to give his man a kiss and Nephi pulled away. Jerome wasn't sure what was happening. He held Nephi's hand. Nephi tried pulling away, but Jerome refused to let go. Sean spread the plans and photos for the new project the team was starting.

"Jerome, I need both hands for a few minutes. Would you get a cup of ice from the nurse?" Sean went over the plans having Nephi discuss the finer points. Margaret had stressed keeping Nephi involved. He had lost his mobility. He needed to know he was still an important part of the company.

"What's up with you? Jerome skipped breakfast, so he could be with you for a few extra minutes and you want nothing to do with him." Sean rolled up the plans and slid them into their tubes.

"I had nightmares all night." There was a lengthy pause. "Jerome was fooling around with a tall hunk. They swam naked in our pool and made love in our bed. I can't get the pictures out of my mind. I'm not the guy he fell in love with. How can I trust him not to stray?"

A cup of ice fell to the floor.

Sean turned to find the doorway empty. "The only one who shared Jerome's bed last night was Jerry. I can't believe you would think Jerome is so shallow that your injuries could overwhelm his love."

Sean hoped to find Jerome by the truck but found an empty parking place where Jerome had parked. Sean wanted to look for Jerome, but he had a team arriving at the Johansen's place.

Jerome's mind ran in circles. Someone told Nephi about Adam and last night in the pool. Who would tell Nephi, he had sex with their new lodger? These people were supposed to be his family.

Jerome's first stop was the bank. When Jerome arrived home, Rebecca was in the kitchen and Sariah was in the dairy making cheese. Jerome stopped at the office and retrieved his scrapbook and Jerry's paperwork. Jerome took the largest suitcase he could find and loaded as much of his clothes into it as would fit. He filled a second with Jerry's clothes and favorite toys. He stowed the suitcases in his trunk.

Jerome interrupted the preschool. "Mom, I need to borrow Jerry." Jerome held his arms out and Jerry ran to his dad and jumped into his arms. The pair first checked on all the maintenance teams. Things were going well. Sean was busy at the Johansen's.

Nephi no longer trusted him. Someone at the house had told Nephi of his attraction to Adam and made up stories about them. He couldn't believe it was over. Jerome felt like Jared, loving someone more than they loved him. He decided he would give Nephi another chance.

Jerry and his daddy walked hand in hand into the hospital elevator. Jerome checked that nurse Molly was nowhere in sight. Jerome and Jerry walked into Nephi's room as if they had every right to be there, even though Jerry was too young. Nephi was talking to Paula.

"Daddy Nephi, we checked on the guys. Daddy says they are all working good." Jerry crawled into Paula's lap and gave Nephi a blow by blow recount of the weekend including the new police officer that lives with them. Jerry had to stop and think of something else to tell his Daddy Nephi.

"How are you feeling this afternoon?" Jerome asked. Nephi ignored Jerome's question as if he hadn't heard it.

Jerry talked about his chores that morning. "I had to chase the rooster before we could get the eggs."

Jerome looked at the remains of Nephi's lunch sitting on a tray. "Is the food any good?"

Nephi again ignored Jerome's question.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Jerome picked up his son and suggested they visit McDonalds.

"Nephi, is there anything you would like me to bring this evening?" Jerome asked.

"No." Nephi's one-word answer shot through Jerome's heart causing no less damage than the bullet that had pierced Nephi. A doctor wouldn't be able to fix Jerome's wound. Nephi had made his feelings clear.

Jerome and Jerry ate at the McDonalds near the airport. "How would you like to fly on an airplane?"

Jerry was excited to fly on one of the big airplanes that were passing overhead. Jerome found a flight that would arrive in Florida after two layovers. The first layover was in Denver. It had available seats. Jerome paid a good price on a pair of one-way tickets. Jerry had a window seat. His eyes lit up with excitement as the plane left the ground. Jerry loved the peanuts and soda. The stewardess gave him a set of wings. The Denver layover was two hours. Jerome found a kid's activity area. Jerry soon had new life-long friends. Jerome had plenty of time to think about the morning. The longer he thought the angrier he became.

"That was stupid. Are you trying to push Jerome away?" Paula accused.

"It took less than two days for Jerome to replace me with this hunk of a policeman." Nephi glowed with anger.

Paula wanted to slap sense into her son, instead she decided to correct Nephi's misinformation. "Holly called with the gossip this morning. Late last night she heard Jerome stop by Jared's room and suggest Jared go skinny dipping with Adam. She checked on the pair later. Adam was crying on Jared's shoulder. This morning she saw Jared coming out of Adam's apartment. They both looked a lot happier."

"So, Jared's legal."

"You told Jerome to go away. It was over." Paula shook her head.

"No, I didn't." Nephi insisted.

"Men can be so stupid. I heard about you accusing Jerome of fooling around this morning." Paula chastised.

"If he's not fooling around, I need to apologize. Jerome loves me enough to forgive me."

"I think you missed your chance. Jerome brought Jerry as an excuse to see you. He reached out to you three times. Twice you ignored him and then you brushed him off. I hope he doesn't do something silly."

"That sounds like Jerome always overreacting, making a fuss over nothing. If he had waited with the boys at the cabin, he wouldn't have spent weeks in a wheelchair. What's a few weeks in a wheelchair. I will need one the rest of my life." Nephi was angry at himself and angry at the world. It couldn't be his fault. He was lashing out at everyone. Paula left him stewing in his own juices.

Nephi decided he should apologize to Jerome. He called the compound. No one had seen Jerome since he picked up Jerry. Rebecca had done the laundry for the littles. Just before dinner she opened Jerry's drawer to put his t-shirts away and found it empty. A sick feeling filled her heart. She checked Jerome's closet, and it was bare.

Sean was in the shower after his hard day of work. "Sean, I think Jerome has moved out. His and Jerry's clothes are missing."

Sean turned off the water, stepped out and reached for his towel. They may be in the middle of a crisis, but Rebecca took the time to towel her man dry.

"The one person we don't want to tell yet is Nephi." Sean was thinking out loud. "I'll give Benny a call."

"I'll see if Mary has an idea where Jerome might be." Rebecca left Sean to make his call.

After dinner Kenton, Zeke, and Rafe took care of the littles. Margaret, Marie, Paula, Mario, Bertram, Benny, and Luke joined in the adult residence of the compound around the dining room table.

"First let me remove one fear from your mind. No one will lose their home, so we can focus on the real problem." Benny looked to Margaret.

"We worried so much about Nephi that we didn't think of the strain the situation was putting on Jerome. I've talked to Sean and Paula and have a good idea what happened. Nephi chose not to give Jerome a chance to reject him because of his handicap. Nephi pushed Jerome away first and no one was there to catch him as he fell." Margaret let her statement sink in. "I know from my sessions that Jerome gave up a lot of his dreams to support Nephi's vision of the future."

They put their heads together and compared notes on where Jerome might have gone. Margaret was sure if she could get the two talking, things would turn out. Benny reported that Jerome had closed out his savings account and withdrew all of his educational trust funds he could get. Marie had called Grace only to find she was in her house in Maine for the Autumn colors.

The phone rang startling everyone. "Is Margaret there? I need to talk to her."

Margaret picked up the phone in the office. "When were they going to tell me, Jerome moved out?"

"We didn't want to upset you until we knew what was happening." Margaret answered. "How did you find out?" ----- Jerome left Jerry in the hands of Nephi's nurse with a coloring book and new crayons purchased in Denver. He didn't want Jerry to hear what he would tell his Daddy Nephi. Jerome closed the door behind him. He grabbed the remote and turned the television off.

"Have I ever told you, you can be a real asshole." Jerome didn't give Nephi a chance to interrupt. "I've invested too much in you to throw it all away. I'm sorry that you are so wrapped up in your little pity party to realize that I love you and a little handicap won't change that. It's Jerry's bedtime. It has been an exciting day with the air flight and all. Would you like me to bring something special for you tomorrow? Your nurse has already okayed a snack from Bertram's as long as I bring him one."

Nephi wasn't sure what to say. His partner had left him and returned. "A fritter would be nice."

"You have tonight to decide if you want this to last. Have your answer ready tomorrow morning. Just for your information, Adam is hung like a horse. He is beautiful and fun to look at, but it's you I love and want in my bed even if you are in a damn wheelchair. Your dreams don't have to end. We can lower your drafting table to wheelchair height. You are a gifted designer. Other people can bring your designs to life."

Jerome turned and left leaving Nephi at a loss for words. If Jerome had moved out, he knew the family would call a strategy meeting and he wasn't wrong. -----

Jerome entered the main house carrying a sleeping boy. "Nephi will have already called to explain that he is a self-absorbed asshole. I have a tired little boy that needs to go to bed."

Jerome left the adults to make whatever plans they wanted. He had his own agenda and they could work around it. Jerome stripped Jerry down to his briefs and followed suit. He slept next to his little boy.

The next morning, he woke to find his bed filled with littles and Jerome smiled. He let the others deal with the chores around the house. He had his own chores that needed doing. Things he had started on the phone during the layover in Denver.

Jerome set a dozen fritters on Nephi's breakfast table. Jerome knew there would be at least something sweet in Nephi's hospital room.

"I hope you thought long and hard last night about your answer. Just to warn you if you give the wrong answer, your nurse and your therapist have given me permission to hit you up the side of your head until you give the right one." Jerome was withholding the fritters until Nephi decided."

"I don't understand how ..." Nephi started.

He couldn't believe Jerome hit him. "Shall we try again. Do you want our relationship to last?"

"But I can't ..." Nephi tried ducking but Jerome hit him again. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't a love tap either.

"What if ..." If this kept up Nephi would be black and blue.

"It is a simple yes or no question. Do you, Nephi, want me in your life? No excuses or reasons, yes or no." Jerome stared into Nephi's beautiful eyes.

"I want ..." Nephi saw another blow coming. "Yes!" Jerome's hand dropped. "Yes, I want you in my life. I want to grow old with you. But it isn't fair to you."

"Hell Nephi, if life were fair our fathers wouldn't have thrown us to the wolves. People would accept us and who we love. I would still stay with you if you couldn't move your arms and your legs. This isn't about what you can and can't do; it is about you, the man I love." Jerome pressed the call button.

"He must have come up with the right answer pretty quick. There are no bruises." The nurse entered with grooming supplies.

"I can fix that." Nephi was ready to dodge the next blow. It wasn't Jerome's hand that made contact, but his lips on the side of Nephi's neck. Jerome had never given Nephi a hickey that showed. Jerome left a bruise for each wrong answer. The nurse picked up a hand mirror and showed Nephi Jerome's handiwork.

Jerome left the nurse to do his thing. The nurse got Nephi into a white hospital gown, a pair of white scrub pants and a white surgical cap. They even found him a pair of white slippers. With the help of an orderly, Nephi and his IV transferred to a wheelchair. As the nurse rolled him to the elevator, Nephi wondered what had happened to Jerome.

They got off the elevator on the main floor. They met Benny at the door of the chapel. The nurse went through the chapel door. Benny handed Nephi a bunch of flowers and pushed him into the filled chapel. All of the family was there. Mick and Dan were there. Even Grace had flown in from Maine for the event. The landscaping teams were towards the back. Everyone stood up. Rebecca played the wedding march as Benny pushed Nephi down the aisle. Jerome sat in a wheelchair wearing black scrubs waiting for Nephi. Clark decked out in his Sunday best stood at the front.

"You were sure I would say `yes'." Nephi accused his partner.

"If you remember, I said, `Your nurse and therapist had given me permission to hit you up the side of your head until you gave me the right one.' The only right answer was yes." Jerome countered.

"Why do I have to be the bride?" Nephi asked.

"They couldn't find a black hospital gown. Shh! Clark is ready to start." Jerome held his finger to his lips.

Clark started the traditional wedding ceremony. "Can he do this?" Nephi whispered.

"He is our minister. Does anything else matter?" Jerome answered.

"Nephi and Jerome, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?" The pair answered, "We do."

"Will you honor each other for the rest of your lives?" Clark looked at the pair as they answered, "We will."

"Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the love and compassion of Christ?" The pair looked at each other for a moment.

Shared thoughts ran through their heads. "More children?" Nephi smiled, and Jerome returned the smile. Together they answered. "We will."

Jerome handed Nephi a copy of the vows they had made to each other a year earlier. "You wrote them down." tears filled Nephi's eyes.

"I didn't want to ever forget." Jerome answered through tears of his own.

"One year ago, I found a beautiful child of ice hidden in the snow. I had given up on finding that special someone and God brought you into my life. Then I feared He had taken you away. God was letting me know how important you are in my life. I will cherish your love and never stray. Will you be the other half of my soul forever?" Nephi looked to Jerome for his answer.

"I will." Jerome answered with a smile. Nephi slid the gold ring back onto Jerome's finger.

"When I was rejected by my family. I had been given up in the snow. My father was right; I was a sinner and deserved to die. Then I opened my eyes to see a warm brown-eyed angel cuddled up with me." Tears filled Jerome's eyes. "This year has been hard as I fought the demons inside me put there by my father. I hope I will always be welcome by your side. That's where I plan to stay no matter what happens. Will you be the other half of my soul forever?"

"I will." Nephi couldn't remember when he had been happier.

"In the eyes of God and those assembled here, I pronounce you an eternal couple. Two halves of the same soul bound together by their love and the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

It was tricky kissing, both being in wheelchairs, but like any obstacle in life with enough effort and ingenuity they succeeded. Nephi didn't release his hold on his partner until Jerome was sporting his own hickey.

"I know everyone has work. The doctor said Nephi will be home for the Labor Day BBQ. We will celebrate then. Thank you for coming." Jerome announced.

Zeke and Rafe rolled Jerome and Nephi down the aisle. "Where are you going for your honeymoon?" Zeke smirked.

"I am taking my love to the most expensive hotel in town." Nephi answered. Jerome pushed his love into the elevator.

Jerome slipped into the restroom for a moment. He returned and set the brakes on Nephi's chair. Nephi pulled Jerome so he faced Nephi in his chair. Nephi pulled on the front of Jerome's scrubs revealing his manhood. He licked on Jerome's balls, working his way up Jerome's shaft. Nephi's growing manhood distracted Jerome. As he worked out the logistics of his plan his member grew even larger.

Jerome dropped to his knees and took Nephi's hardness deep into his throat. Nephi groaned with pleasure. Jerome stopped before Nephi could cum. He grabbed the tube of KY left by Nephi's nurse and worked the lube onto Nephi's member. Jerome turned and presented his washed hole to his man. Nephi soon had Jerome squirming with pleasure.

Jerome backed into Nephi. He took Nephi's tool in his hand and steered it towards his hole. Soon Jerome was sitting in Nephi's lap with Nephi's spent dick still inside him. There was a knock at the door. Jerome put things back to rights and opened the door.

"How are the honeymooners?" The nurse sniffed the air. I know why you are both smiling. He placed two covered trays on the table and adjusted the height so they could eat their lunch sitting at the table. It wasn't the fanciest of meals, but the company was the best.

After lunch the physical therapist came in for Nephi's session: Getting from the wheelchair to the toilet seat. The upper body did most of the work. Nephi's time behind a shovel had built up good muscle structures. Nephi perked up when the therapist told him there was no reason he shouldn't be able to walk with a brace and crutches if he would put in the necessary effort.

The pair laid down for a nap. Jerome was trying to get comfortable in the recliner when Nephi scooted over and patted the bed next to him. Jerome turned on his side and placed his head on Nephi's shoulder. Nephi looked down and Jerome looked up. Their lips met. Jerome snuggled in a little closer being careful of Nephi's bandages.

"Thank you for not giving up on me." Nephi whispered.

"Thank you for coming back to your senses. My dad often said he had to beat common sense into us. I guess there is a time for a little tough love." Jerome kissed Nephi's head where he had thumped him earlier.

The nurse came in to check on Nephi and let them sleep. Benny's client the hospital administrator had attended the wedding and had followed up with the staff. "Cut them some slack. They don't look it, but they are VIPs.

When Nephi woke needing the toilet. Jerome helped him from the bed and into the bathroom. When Nephi finished he used the skills from physical therapy to switch back to the wheelchair.

Jerome stuck his head out the door and looked both ways. It was now late afternoon and Nurse Molly and her Clipboard of Doom was on the floor. Jerome had noticed all Nephi's nurses were men and if not gay, they accepted gays. Nephi's nurse met them in the hall.

"Do you play cards?" When they nodded yes, he slipped them a deck. "There are some nice tables in the garden. Come back up before dinner."

Nurse Molly came out of a room down the hall. She didn't look happy, she never looked happy. "Are you sure you can find the way to physical therapy?" Nephi's nurse asked.

"We've been there before." Jerome lied. The nurse pushed the elevator call button. When the door closed behind them the pair couldn't stop laughing. Before the gardens Jerome visited the cafeteria. Nephi juggled a pair of chocolate shakes as Jerome pushed him into the garden.

They played gin rummy. Paula had taught Nephi. Nephi had taught Jerome. Once Jerome got the hang of the game, Nephi seldom won. By the time Jerome returned Nephi to his room, Nephi owed his partner another $150 dollars. Jerome always claimed his winnings in sexual favors. Jerome swore that was the reason why Nephi always allowed him to win.

Molly was at the nurse's station, clipboard in hand, when they got off the elevator. "Young man you took a patient off the floor without a doctor's permission. If it happens again I will call security."

Jerome looked Nurse Molly in the eye and using his best Rhett Butler voice said, "Miss Molly, I don't give a damn." As the boys broke down laughing, Nurse Molly turned into Miss Scarlett, at least her face did. She stormed off as other staff members applauded

They returned to the room to find the doctor waiting for them. "Thank you for letting your nurse know where you were going." The doctor kept up the chatter as he checked Nephi from top to bottom.

Jerome helped Nephi get dressed for bed in a pair of Nephi's black silk boxers. He wore a matching pair of shorts. Jerome replaced Nephi's nipple ring. Nephi insisted Jerome try to replace his other ring. It hurt, but it was a ring he could always wear. It was bedtime when Nephi realized the bed had been replaced with a wider version.

With Jerome's head on Nephi's shoulder they watched tv until they fell asleep. Nephi's nurse turned the tv off and slid a pair of earplugs into Jerome's ears.

Nephi woke his slumbering partner the next morning with a kiss. They had the choice of watching the morning news or cartoons while they ate breakfast. The antics of Tom and Jerry accompanied their pancakes and eggs.

Jerome volunteered to give Nephi his sponge bath. Jerome reassured himself that Nephi's equipment was still in tip-top shape. After a rigid examination Jerome had to clean Nephi again.

Margaret ushered Jerome out the door. Between Margaret, physical therapy and a battery of tests Jerome's next time with Nephi would be in the afternoon. Jerome made his rounds checking up on the maintenance teams. He was the butt of honeymoon jokes with a gay twist.

Sean had things well in hand for the new design installation. Jerome checked on the boy's school registrations. He filed Eve's special guardianship papers from the Judge with the junior high.

Grace and Jerome enjoyed a quick lunch. "Grandma Grace, thank you for all your financial help this last year."

"Honey, except for the equipment I bought and your education fund, Benny hasn't let me pay for anything. I think Nephi has money he doesn't know about."

"Why wouldn't Benny tell Nephi?"

"Nephi is a proud man just like Peter. Nephi needs to succeed and provide for his family. Promise not to tell Nephi. I am telling you so you won't worry about medical bills. I offered to help and Benny suggested I take a cruise instead.

Jerome had just enough time to stop at the bank and re-deposit his cash. Someone had put more money in the account. Is this that money Grandma Grace was talking about?

Nephi sat in a wheelchair wearing scrubs. "Where is your backless gown and IV?" Jerome asked.

"It's a little hard to go home with an IV in your arm and you are the only one I want looking at my bum. I have to take it easy and rest. A nurse / physical therapist will stop by every day for the next couple of weeks. If I run a fever I have to see the doctor right away."

While they were waiting for the discharge papers, Jerome told Nephi how things were going with all the teams. "I think we need to give Sean a raise. He stepped up when needed and is doing great bringing your designs to life." Jerome stopped for a moment. Was this the time to bring up one of his biggest concerns.

"Jerome, you've got that I have something to say look on your face." Nephi pointed out. "Just say whatever is bothering you and we will work it out."

"I have the kids registered for school and they start next Wednesday." Jerome paused again. "I was thinking I would take a semester off, manage the company and take care of you." Jerome could see the internal struggle going on behind Nephi's eyes and felt bad he had brought it up.

"Paula pointed out how much you have given up supporting my dreams. We are heading into autumn and winter when business is slower. Let's give Sean that raise and let him manage the field work for now. I want you to finish school on schedule." Nephi shared his thoughts. "I feel bad we lay so many guys off during the winter. I'm thinking we should go into the Christmas light business. There are people that want decorations but don't want or can't climb the ladders."

Jerome answered his man with a kiss. "You can design the displays in the office at home. We can use the lift Grace bought us and only used a few times."

The pair were making new plans for their business when the doctor delivered Nephi's discharge paperwork.

The doctor looked at Jerome. "I am sending Nephi home because there is less chance of infection away from the hospital. He is not to strain himself. Take it easy in the bedroom. I will see him in my office next week."

The nurse showed Jerome how to change the bandages and how to protect them from getting wet when Nephi showered. "He is not to shower on his own. We don't want him falling. He will need grab bars in the bathroom."

It was an ordeal getting Nephi in Jerome's car. He hadn't thought about how low the car was until he had to help Nephi. Climbing into a pickup wouldn't be any easier. It was time to reevaluate the vehicle situation at home.

Nephi would need a wheelchair. Somewhere in the doctor's papers was his suggestion and a prescription. Clipped to the prescription was an unsigned note with the name of a local medical supply company and a name. It wasn't too far out of their way.

Jerome parked in the shade of a tree leaving Nephi in the car. He walked in and presented his paperwork at the counter. "We have been waiting for you." The representative followed Jerome out to the car pushing a wheelchair.

"Rather than spend a lot of money on a custom-made wheelchair right off the bat, we prefer to loan you used wheelchairs designed for and used by individuals about your size and similar condition. Try them out and see which one works best for your situation."

The representative asked Nephi and Jerome questions about the house and Nephi's occupation. Satisfied he rolled out four wheelchairs. Except for having wheels and something to sit on they looked little like the chair Jerome had used in the early spring.

The ordeal wore Nephi out. Jerome stowed two chairs into the trunk. Nephi fell asleep at the drive-thru window of the pharmacy. Pills in hand Jerome drove the love of his life home.

Jerome pulled into the garage. "Nephi we're home. You need to wake up."

"I'm awake." He looked up into Jerome's eyes. Tears were running down Nephi's face. "Why?"

Jerome wasn't sure how to respond. He dropped to one knee and held Nephi's hand to his face.

"Why is the Lord punishing me for saving Kenton. Why must I suffer and be a burden on everyone. God should have let me die."

"Then it is my fault. I begged the Lord to take me and let you live. If you weren't part of my life I didn't want to live." Jerome joined Nephi in shedding tears.

"You need to be here for your son." Nephi insisted.

"No, we need to be here for our son!" Jerome clarified. "Who would read the book and don't say me? Jerry loves his Daddy Nephi. When we were on the plane Jerry's biggest concern was why Daddy Nephi wasn't with us. Which chair do you want to use tonight?"

Jerome wondered if getting in and out of the car would ever get easier. Nephi's stomach rumbled. "I guess it's dinner time." Nephi smiled.

They found the family around the pool eating hot dogs and chips. "Daddy, you're home." Jerry led the pack. Jerry stood next to Nephi's chair and presented his lips for a smooch. "Uncle Sean says we have to be careful cause you have bandages."

Surrounded by happiness and full of hotdogs, depression settled on Nephi like a cloak of darkness. He wanted to be in the pool with his son. Nephi wasn't sure if he could ever play with his son in the pool again. Nephi could remember every word of the doctor's announcement. ----- "You are very lucky, Nephi. Just a little to the right and the bullet would have caused spinal damage that would have left you paralyzed from the waist down. Your right leg still works."

"When will my left leg be normal?"

"That won't happen. The bullet took out most of the nerves that control your left leg. With therapy and hard work, you should be able to walk again after a fashion, with a brace and a crutch, but it won't be easy." ----- Nephi had given up his dreams, so Kenton could have a chance at his and Kenton hadn't even said `thank you'. In fact, Kenton avoided looking in Nephi's direction. Nephi realized no one looked at him unless Nephi addressed them. They left Nephi alone with his thoughts.

"They must think I'm a pathetic freak. Why wouldn't they. I am a freak. They would be better if I weren't here. Jerome could find a man he didn't have to play nursemaid to."

Everyone was busy doing their thing. Nephi struggled with the gate and got it open and his chair through. Nephi appreciated there were no steps between him and the bathroom.

Kenton gave a sigh of relief when Nephi left the pool area. He wished someone had warned him Nephi was coming home. He would have stayed in his room. Everyone told him he should be grateful. He didn't feel gratitude. Seeing Nephi filled him with guilt. He watched Nephi from the corner of his eye, unwilling to make eye contact. How could Nephi not hate him? He knew he should say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he remained silent.

Like Nephi, Kenton still had wounds both physical and emotional. The weight of not being able to be with the guys in the pool came crashing down. They told him none of this was his fault, but Kenton knew deep inside they were wrong. If he had stayed home that day, both he and Nephi would be fine. Why had he ever told the cops about the blood? He hadn't connected his family's murder and the gang leader that raped him. Was it because after the way his family had treated him, he didn't care? As bad as his foster family had been it was better than being chained up like a dog.

Kenton could no longer deal with all the noise of his siblings. He had less trouble with the gate than Nephi. Where Nephi's departure had passed unnoticed, Sean followed his son back to their rooms. Sitting next to Kenton on his bed, there were no words spoken. They didn't need words. Kenton needed his dad's arm wrapped around him reassuring him of his love.

Nephi positioned his chair just like in therapy and used the grab bars. With one arm on the wheelchair and one on the grab bar the chair rolled out from under him. His hand slipped, dumping him on the floor. With the fall, his bladder emptied, leaving him sitting in soiled pants. Nephi couldn't remember when he had last wet himself.

With great effort Nephi pulled himself into a one-legged standing position. With one hand on the grab bar, he pulled on the pants drawstring. Instead of coming free the bow became a knot. He worked the scrub pants over his bum and they fell to the floor. Sitting on the toilet he freed himself from the soiled scrubs.

"Nephi, why didn't you say something." Jerome stood in the doorway.

"I am not a baby. I should be able to take a leak by myself." Nephi snapped.

Nephi wanted to find a stone to crawl under as Jerome used a hand towel to wash the urine from his partner. Jerome helped Nephi back into the wheelchair. "Do you want to return to the pool?"

"Maybe we could watch television on the couch. I am tired of being in bed." Nephi sighed.

The littles ran into the house and straight to the bathroom followed by Holly. Washed and ready for bed the littles joined Nephi and Jerome on the couch. Cartoons preempted Nephi's show. At bedtime Jerome turned the TV off. The littles knelt by the couch and said their evening prayers. Jerome knelt with them.

"Daddy are you going to pray too?" Jerry looked at Nephi. Nephi bowed his head and folded his arms.

"Heavenly Father ..." Nephi began.

"Aren't you going to kneel, daddy?" Jerry's innocent question cut straight into Nephi's soul. Tears filled his eyes. How do you tell your son his dad is a cripple?

"Jerry, when your daddy saved Kenton the bad guys hurt him. One of his legs doesn't work. It's hard for daddy to kneel." Jerome explained.

Nephi knew he would need help getting up. He scooted his bum right to the edge of the couch. The impact of his butt on the floor was painful. With a lot of help from Jerome, Nephi made it onto his knees. His elbows carried much of his weight.

"Heavenly Father . . ." Nephi share a simple childlike prayer with his littles. He couldn't bare his soul to his God in front of the kids. ". . . Amen."

Phil had serendipitous timing and was available to assist Jerome getting Nephi back onto the couch.

Jerry produced the book. ". . . Well look at that! This is the end of the book and the only one here is. . ." Nephi paused for the littles to answer.

"Grover!" They shouted.

Nephi buried his face in his arms. "I'm so embarrassed." He said softly.

Each little kissed Nephi good night. Jerome and Holly herded the flock into the bedroom to count sheep.

Sitting by himself on the couch Nephi wondered, "Am I being just like Grover, worrying before I need to. Maybe I'll get to the end of the book and things will be just fine."

Next: Chapter 110: Nephi and Jerome 39

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