Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on May 24, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome Chapter 34

This chapter ends their stay at the Hidden Oasis. Nephi is building his network of guys to call upon.

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Thank you, Zach, for being my sounding board.

--------- Chapter 34

The theme for the night was disco karaoke. All the shiny fabric was blinding in the shifting light. Dinner was simpler than the night before but the flavor was still outstanding.

Just because people had money didn't mean they could sing. Between each singer the DJ played a song for dancing. The performers had signed up during dinner so the DJ didn't duplicate songs. Jerome excused himself to use the restroom.

The room went dark. "If a picture paints a thousand words..." A beautiful tenor voice filled the room. "Then why can't I paint you..."

Nephi closed his eyes he loved the song. It wasn't until the second verse he opened his eyes. Jerome stood in the pool of light singing his love for Nephi. Tears left tracks across Nephi's cheeks. Nephi knew even if everything in his life collapsed if Jerome stood by his side life he could survive.

The light followed Jerome as he walked toward Nephi. As he sang the last line, he took Nephi's hand. "We would simply fly away..." Jerome kissed his man, and the lights went dark. The applause was deafening.

The DJ recorded the performances. He restarted Jerome's performance. The room lights brightened revealing the couple in a tight embrace dancing together. Others joined the pair, but they had eyes only for each other. The song changed but Nephi still danced to Jerome's performance.

As the next performance began. The first few painful notes woke the couple. Nephi took Jerome's hand. They wandered under the full moon, sharing the silence in a secluded hideaway in the gardens. They didn't need to speak, hug, or kiss, sitting hand in hand they shared their love.

The phone rang at five in the morning. "Good morning, Nephi, I apologize for waking you up. I have two problems I need your help with."

"Benny, we were told there wasn't an outside line."

"When you are the owner, you can do a lot of things. Problem number one: I could book you in for the weekend because a guest had postponed his visit. His plans changed again and he arrives later this morning. Would the two of you mind staying in my apartment until your flight?"

"You know we would do anything to help." Nephi answered.

"I'm glad you said anything. Bertram's sister, Betty was in a car accident. It doesn't look good. I can't get Kenneth's counterpart to the Oasis for a few days. Would you be my dessert chef until he gets here? Forget the menus, just do what you feel comfortable with. Kenneth left by car late last night. We have nothing baked for breakfast."

Nephi pulled on shorts and a shirt. He would need to find better clothes for baking.

"Where are you going?" Asked a very drowsy Jerome.

"Benny needs a favor. Go back to sleep."

The chef was glad to see Nephi. "Benny says you are indescribable."

"That isn't necessarily a compliment."

Nephi shrugged his shoulders. Breakfast would need to be ready in two hours. That limited his options. Nephi didn't consider them fancy, but the bakery always ran out of sweet rolls before lunch.

While the dough proofed, he soaked thin strips of orange peel in rum. His orange marmalade filling was tart and sweet at the same time. He checked over the guests' food allergies. He would forgo any nuts. With the dough filled and rolled, he began the frosting. He chose a frosting of half sugar and half whipped cream. As the rolls cooled from the oven he sugared the peel and sprigs of mint.

At 8:00 Nephi joined Jerome for breakfast. He leaned over and pressed his lips to Jerome's. "Did you sleep well?"

"Where have you been?" Jerome asked.

"I'll tell you after breakfast." Jerome wasn't sure he liked Nephi's mystery. Had he been in the dungeon with Mick all morning?

Jerome picked up the sweet roll and took a bite. "These are delicious, better than Bertram's." Jerome took another bite. "Why have you been baking your special rolls for the Oasis?"

"Kenneth's mom is dying; Benny asked me to fill in for a day or two. The guests that should be in this room arrive today." Nephi created more questions than he answered.

"Benny has suggested we stay in his apartment." Nephi knew he was driving Jerome crazy. "The Oasis is one of Benny's mysterious investments."

Jerome didn't care where he stayed as long as it was with Nephi. They gathered the few items from the room and disappeared into the staff corridor. Each door they passed had shelves with things the guests might need. When they left the realm of the main courtyard, storage rooms replaced the guest rooms. Past the second courtyard the hallway ended in a third. Off duty staff members lounged around the pool.

"Are you lost? This area is for staff only. Let me help you back to the guest area." A helpful employee offered.

"We are looking for Benny's quarters. I am filling in for Kenneth." Nephi answered.

"Are you responsible for this morning's rolls? They were delicious. I'm glad you made extra. My guys sent me back for more, twice."

Benny's quarters weren't designed for appearance. The guest's rooms were look at that beautiful couch.' Benny's apartment was I think I'll just sit here a while longer.' Jerome and Nephi set their toiletries in the bathroom.

"Jerome, why don't you hang out at the pool. I need to do dessert for lunch and the afternoon buffet. I promise to make it quick and simple."

Jerome checked out the guest pool and hung out with Dan and Mick. For an hour or two. Mick was more than willing to apply Jerome's sunblock. Jerome felt a little uncomfortable when Mick took extra care with Jerome's equipment.

Nephi found Jerome asleep on his back. Nephi knelt next to his man and sucked first one ball and then both into his mouth. Jerome had been dreaming of the four men in the dungeon. This time he was the focus of attention. Nephi's attention was on his man's stuff. Jerome opened his eyes.

Jerome held Nephi's head. "Oh yeah Mick suck my balls. This is great. Make me come; before Nephi returns."

Nephi pulled off and looked into Jerome's smile. "Oh Mick, it feels so good."

Nephi picked up his naked partner and tossed him in to the pool. Jerome came to the surface and splashed his dressed partner. Nephi dove into the pool and pulled Jerome under the water. Nephi came to the surface and felt hands pulling on his shorts. Jerome slid Nephi's revealed penis into his mouth.

When Jerome came to the surface Nephi let him catch his breath before he slid his tongue between his lover's lips.

"Before I eat you, let's grab lunch." Nephi suggested. Climbing out of the pool the now transparent shorts revealed he was going commando.

"Don't tell who made the dessert. I want to hear their honest opinion." Nephi had made Bertram's brownie recipe. He used a cookie cutter to create round brownies, which he sliced into two layers. He used a smaller circle cutter on the top half of the brownie. Many punched-out centers found their way to the kitchen staff. Nephi put the halves together with chocolate and overfilled with raspberries and blackberries in a light glaze.

The staff replenished the desserts on the buffet numerous times, which to Nephi was the highest compliment.

"Jerome, shall we go take a nap or go to the gym?" Jerome's eyes sparkled at the possibilities.

"Would you mind if we joined you?" Dan asked.

The four skipped working out and opened the dungeon door. Three couples were just finishing up. As they watched an older guy take two dicks in his ass at the same another guy handed them things from the pegs on the wall. He had Nephi's group dressed in leather straps, chaps, vests and caps. Nephi stepped into the gym for a moment and returned without revealing why he had left.

Jerome removed his vest and in chaps and harness stood at the X allowing Nephi to secure the restraints. Mick and Dan both wanted to try the role of the captive. Nephi chose a number between one and ten. Dan took his place in harness and chaps. After deploying the blind folds, the games began. Nephi started with tickling.

They had made their way to sounding when Tim entered dressed in chaps, vest and caps, his pierced dick swinging as he walked. Tim shot nearly a full roll of film of the would be leather boys and their daddies.

Tim opened his case. He still hadn't said a word. He pointed at the ring in his nipple and at the captive Dan. Mick nodded yes. Dan yelped in pain when Tim applied the forceps and again when the needle bit into his tender nipple. Even blindfolded Jerome guessed what had just happened.

Tim pointed at the ring in his dick and at Jerome's sizable tool. Nephi knelt by Tim looking at the shiny ring from different angles. He put it in his mouth for a moment. Nephi stood up and nodded yes. At first Jerome assumed Nephi was using the steel rod again and then the needle bit into the skin under his dick.

"Damn, Nephi, that hurt." Jerome cried as Tim pushed through a ring larger than the needle.

To keep things even, Nephi pointed at his. It hurt worse seeing what was going on. Mick let Tim pierce his nipple. With the blindfolds removed Dan and Jerome stared at their partners new jewelry.

Tim took the last few shots on the roll. The last two frames were group shots. Jerome and Nephi got a good look at their new sparklies. Nephi took his man in his arms and kissed him sharing his love. Jerome whispered in Nephi's ear. Nephi helped Jerome in the sling. He bent over the table. Nephi learned the table also had restraints.

"I think they need help, they are out of commission for a while." Tim announced putting blindfolds on the captive couple.

Their captors applied lube using their fingers, Nephi reached out for Jerome. Tim helped Jerome put his hand in Nephi's.

"Are you sure we want this?" Nephi asked. Jerome squeezed Nephi's hand.

"I love you Nephi. Let's do it." Jerome answered.

Tim being the smallest went first. "It has to be Tim. I can feel the ring. Nephi you've got to try this."

Tim shared the experience with Jerome's partner. Having paved the way Mick and Dan took over. Things hadn't progressed far before Tim returned with his tool washed. He placed it against Jerome's lips. Jerome played with the ring using his tongue. Jerome gave it a test suck and decided it was fun.

Tim stepped behind Mick and slid into the older daddy. It wasn't long before everyone took turns shooting their loads on Nephi and Jerome. The pierced dicks left splatters of blood. Tim cleaned the blood with disinfectant wipes as everyone else hopped into the big shower.

Tim wrapped the pierced dicks in gauze, taping a jumbo condom over the bandage. "I'll get the film developed and printed before you leave."

Nephi looked at the clock and realized they had played longer than he should have. "Dan will you hang out with Jerome. I'm late." Nephi kissed his love and hurried to the kitchen.

"How can you be late for anything here?" Mick asked.

Jerome answered the question with another question. "What did you think of the sweet rolls at breakfast and the raspberry tarts with a brownie crust?"

After they raved about the dessert, Jerome filled with pride. "My man made those."

Sitting around the pool snacking on Nephi's filled cookies from the buffet Jerome told Nephi's tale of filling in for the dessert chef.

"Does he own a bakery?"

"We own a landscaping company."

At dinner Jerome sat with Dan and Mick. Jerome told his dinner partners Nephi couldn't break away from the kitchen.

Before dessert, Jerome excused himself. The lights dimmed. A spot highlighted Jerome on the stage. Nephi in his white jacket and hat rolled out a frosted erect penis cake complete with scrotum and thin black licorice laces for hair. In the tip was one shining candle. The musicians and Jerome started the time-honored refrain of Happy Birthday.

When Jerome sang the line "Happy birthday dear Dan" both Dan and Mick teared up. Jerome took Dan's hand and led him to the cake to blow out the candle.

Nephi served the cake with whipped cream and berries. After dinner it was standup comedy night. After the first couple of would be comedians, Jerome led his special love to their corner in the garden. Jerome interrupted their kissing long enough to sing "If" followed by more kissing. They went to bed early. Nephi fell asleep with Jerome's head on his shoulder.

The next morning Nephi finished the morning bake in time to have an intimate breakfast by the pool with Jerome.

"Benny called. Kenneth's replacement will arrive this evening. We can go home tomorrow."

"I love being with you here, but I miss the kids." Jerome replied.

"Me too." Nephi kissed his man.

Nephi had taken care of the lunch bake as breakfast was in the oven. They spent lunch and early afternoon together. Their new jewelry drew lots of comments as they enjoyed the sun for one last day. Tim had ok'd the pool but banned the hot tub. Rather than spend the afternoon alone, Jerome helped Nephi in the kitchen. With the extra help the pair rose to the challenge of creating a dessert they wouldn't soon forget.

Nephi tried an idea Bertram didn't serve. Jerome poured dense chocolate batter into small Bundt cake pans while Nephi prepared a gooey chocolate fudge. The cherry topping had a high rum content. As the waiters cleared dinner Nephi and Jerome assembled the dessert. Filled with hot fudge and topped with the rum cherry glaze the desserts were ready.

Like the night the lights turned dimmed. Nephi and Jerome stood just inside the kitchen lighting the rum glaze. A line of flaming desserts snaked around the floor with Instrumental accompaniment, finding their way at last to their assigned tables. Nephi and Jerome experimented with sample desserts testing how long the flame would last. The flames extinguished themselves moments after being set on the tables.

Dan stood up and applauded. The room broke into applause. Jerome pushed Nephi through the door. Not knowing what to do, Nephi bowed and said thank you.

"That is a tough act to follow." Kenneth's replacement held a half-eaten dessert. A little cherry had caught in his mustache.

The chef always made plenty of food. The staff served themselves buffet style when they got a chance. Nephi and Jerome made a plate to share and took a dessert. In the dim light by the staff pool they took turns feeding each other. They lit their dessert and watched the blue flames.

"We do good work, Watson."

"I thought you were Watson." Jerome answered laughing at the stupid joke.

They had brought nothing but the clothes they were wearing and left with toiletries, memories, a cassette of Jerome singing, and a photo album no one else would ever see.

The white limo delivered five couples to the airfield. Instead of a weekend they stayed a week. Nephi hoped everything had gone smoothly in their absence. He worried, but the time away had healed much of the damage to his soul. He again felt at home in his own skin.

Next: Chapter 106: Nephi and Jerome 35

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