Riley Vs. Huey Gay male/celebrity

By Stewie griffin

Published on Dec 31, 2007



The Boondocks

Riley Vs. Huey

A Forbidden Love


Stewie Griffin

Disclaimer: This story is a complete work of friction, none of this ever happened. If you are you young, or are offended by homosexual act, please hit the back button on your Browser. The characters are copyrighted to their author, and cartoon network, that being said, pleas enjoy.

We find our character's once again Grounded for their constant fighting, if some Shrink was looking from the outside in they would say that the constant fighting was due to sibling rivalry, I know different, see I have been friends with the Brother's since they moved to Hillcrest, My Name is not important. What are important are the events I Observed A few days ago.

It was Friday and School had just let out. I was walking home with Huey and Riley, as we did every day, I have always suspected that there was more to Huey and Riley's relationship, but do to the fact that Hillcrest is such a Conservative area, any hint of Homosexuality would of set the Lynch mob into a frenzy, and would have brought the end of the freeman's, So Huey and Riley Publicly displayed their love for each other, the only way they knew how, by fighting. While some of the fights that have happened have looked serious, the truth is neither would ever hurt the other. Their love for each other was as pure as any love can be, sadly their love was taboo not only because they were the same sex, but also because they Brother's, so neither could express their love for the other in the way they wanted, at least not publicly, however what happens in public, and what happens behind closed doors and windows, is as we know two different things.

So finally I reached my house and bid the duo farewell, with a promise that I would be over as soon as my homework was through So Three Hours go by, my homework is done, and I have eaten dinner. It is now 6:00 P.M. I bid my parents farewell telling them I am going to visit the freeman's. It was only a few seconds later that I found myself ringing the door bell of the freeman's residence. It was Mr. Freeman that answered the door telling me that Huey and Riley were both upstairs doing homework, and that I could Go on up.

So as rounded the top of the stairs I heard some strange noises, noises that sounded almost like moans. So naturally I snuck quietly to the half cracked door of Ri8ley and Huey's bedroom, when I peeked into the room what I saw almost made me soil myself. Riley and huey where sitting side by side stroking each other's dicks.

Both boys stopped and started to embrace each other in a hug that was so full of passion and love, as the hugs and kisses got more heated up, it was Riley who broke the embraces to ask Huey a Question. Huey Riley said, yes? Answered huey, you know that ever since I WAS Five I have loved you and knew that we were meant to be, even then I wanted to possess your body, but you have kept telling me I am to young, that you couldn't stand the possibility of hurting me, well I am now 8 years old, says Riley to his brother, and I feel it is time to take our relationship to the next level, and while I am not as big as you, nor can I shoot stuff from my dick, I am not old enough to know that I want you, and no matter what you do it could never hurt me.

The Time for talking is over, it is now time for action stated Riley, as he slowly kissed his way down his older brothers chest stopping only to suck on each of Huey's nipples, on down he kissed past the Six pack, past the belly button, and finally coming to a rest at the tip of Huey's Penis, Riley kissed the tip of Huey's dick, which by now was oozing pre-cum. On down Huey's dick he went stopping at the base of the penis, once he reached the base, he through caution to the wind, sucking up and down like a Tornado, stopping only to suck the balls of his elder brother, and to make a simple statement, Fuck Me Huey Fuck ME NOW Gosh Darn it.

Huey's response was simple, I can't, I will hurt you, you R still too young, Riley Responded to this just as simple, he said then you leave me no choice, before Huey could even blink, Riley had pounced, surprising Huey some much, that Riley was able to pin him, and bind his Hand to head Board of Huey's bed. Have the most difficult part out of the way, it was nothing for Riley to secure Huey's legs, and because they were both naked, with in no time Riley Had lubed up both his ass, and his Brother's Dick.

Riley's only words were, now I will show you can't hurt me, now I will show you I aint to Young, and with that final statement riley straddled Huey, and with one quick motion buried Huey's dick in his ass to t the hilt.

Once he was firmly rooted on his bro's dick riley started riding him like a jockey rides his horse in a race, Long and Hard, but it was not enough, riley still needed more, no matter how fast or slow he went, or how hard he rode his bro he could not satisfy his lust, so he got an Idea, now that I have shown you I can't be hurt, will you finish what I started asked Riley, all Huey could say was yes, so once he was free from is restraints, Huey Said to his Bro, so you want me to fuck you right, Huey through is brother on the bed, and jumped on top of him pinning Riley's arms to his side, while ramming his dick all the way up Riley's asshole, all the while saying who's your bother huh, I said who's your bother, Riley simply moaned, you are, and what's my name bitch????

Smack right across Riley's face, but it was barely hard enough to crush a fly, I said what's my name, Huey, Huey Freeman stated Riley. That's right stated huey, and who does the ass I am fucking belong to???? You Stated Riley, and with one more single thrust, hooey sent him and his brother into such a powerful orgasm, that if it would have been an earthquake in San Francisco it would have leveled the entire city.

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