
Published on Jun 3, 1996



******************** WARNING ******************* If you are offended by my mutual sexual activity between members of the same sex, then don't read this story. Thank you. This is also True story. ************************************************ ************************************************

**** RIKKY **** ************************************************ ************************************************

Rikky, was a very beautiful boy, a real boybabe at fifteen years old, he was slim and wide and truly beautiful to behold. He had Shiny raven - black hair, black eyes that sparkled and shone in a cute mischevious face with a cute button - nose and rich ruby lips and a ready smile that was disarming and a truly natural grace. Poetry in motion. His skin was smooth and tanned just right, a rich sugary gold and there was a most comforting feeling for he always looked smart & appealing with a wonderful aroma about him that made your head swim with pleasure just to be .. near him. A truly affable character, just love- able and very, very, sexy. He was an excellent gymnast, and I had often watched him work out - fluently on the Roman Rings, and Horse, and yes I suppose I did stare in open admiration at his shirtless top flexing light muscles under that taught skin. No matter how hard he worked he .. never seemed to sweat, but as he passed close - you could feel him radiating heat and always .. that heady clean aroma followed him and never a hair out of place.

I was very lucky, because Rikky was my roomie - We shared this small double room with its tiny window and just our two beds a few feet apart.

I was just about a year older, but I was much - bigger, nearly a foot taller and at least ninety pounds heavier. But aside from my much larger - frame and musculature, we were pretty much the same colour, except perhaps that I was smoother and with rich brown hair and mischevious scint- illating hazel hooded eyes that burned brightly with the promises that life held sharp aqueline features the genetic inheritance of my race - a wide mouth and chiselled face developed muscles highlighted and accentuated by the dusky smooth shiny skin. With that rich clean exotic aroma - common to so many eastern Asian boys.

I suppose I knew him as well as anyone could .. after all, we lived together in very close pro- ximity. But we went to different classes and as such never really talked socially. I also know that the distance I kept from Rikky was simply an expedient, because I had noticed him and ... observed him carefully. Yeah, I watched him in the washroom in the morning's, yes, I had drunk in that delicate curve of his back as he leaned over the wash basin noticed his shoulder blades moving under that smooth skin and watched the - dappled sunlight pick out the fine soft golden hairs that prickled up in the bracing cool of a morning and seen those perfect thighs and the - back of his very shapely legs under those very hot shorts he wore to bed. He seemed oblivious of my attention and I never actually mentioned the fact that I fancied him something rotten .. openly. The truth is I didn't really think that he liked me, we were thrust together by chance and circumstance and that was that really. For if the truth be told, I rather thought his idea of me was a big footed clumsy galoot. He respe- cted me for my size and knew me. But that was - it. Thus any covert feelings I had for him .... were held in silence. He did observe me occasi- onally in very bland and indifferent manner. He if anything demonstrated an unspoken dislike of my physical size and I assumed he didn't like - my personality much either. I merely accepted - him and respected his personal space. Its clear we were very different. I was captain of the - Tug-O-War team, Football and Pumping Heavy Iron But I was also an ace swimmer and sabre fencer. But he could flop to the floor doing the splits and he always impressed the heck out of me .... But whenever he watched me, well I was bathed - in rivers of perspiration, my hair darkened and dripping in an unkempt thatch, with veins bulg- ing, broad chest heaving and muscles straining. Hardly a pretty sight ! Not helped by the odd - purple black bruise or two got in the football match. Yeah, I even tried Cricket once, first - ball came straight at me. Great, I raised my .. hands in front of me to catch it and could see it coming as I had it sighted between my partly seperated hands. Yeah, it flew straight between my palms and hit me square between the eyes ... knocked me out cold ... flatter an a pancake on the field. I got two beautiful black eyes and a really swelled up nose. But hey, I caught that ball as it fell and at least the guy was out. - (Shut up) I don't play cricket. OK ! Rikky, AH! he was a barrel of support, took one look at me looking very much like a Raccoon and burst out laughing. I felt a right ass wearing a Rob Roy mask and cherry red nose. Great sympathy vote !

One night I was wakened from my sleep by Rikky moaning and crying pitifully. I rose from my .. bed and walked over to him, he was asleep and - obviously in some distress. I felt a deep love and compassion, and sat down beside him on the bed and stroked his temples, forhead and ran my fingers gently through his shiny black hair and gently whispered SHhhhhhhhh he calmed soon & drifted back to sleep. Twice more that night he woke me and I had gone to his side and offered solace, I felt protective towards him. The next morning, he never mentioned it and I never did we just carried on as usual and all was well. - But during that night and without passion I had stroked that flat, slim, smooth, beautiful body suppressed desire had been converted into some- thing beautiful, compassion and protection from the nightmares hidden in the darkened room lit only by the shaft of moonlight from that little window. Rikky, seemed oblivious of my nocturnal care of him. I felt grateful that I had been .. there and able to comfort him without explanat- ion or the need to justify my action.

A couple of months passed and we went on as if nothing had happened. Then one night, I heard - someone yelling, as conciousness drifted back - to me, I realised that it was I that was screa- ming, I was cold and uncomfortable, my face was wet, from the rolling sweat and tears that were rolling down my face and my body felt cold and damp and quite terrible. Then I jolted awake as the figure that sat beside me was the very very beautiful Rikky, he had removed the bedclothes from my upper body to my waist and was gently - wiping my body with his towel. His other hand - gently ran sensitive fingers through my hair as he sat there quietly. There was no mistaking .. that beautiful body, he was about two feet wide with a beautiful flat chest, but in depth his - body was no more than four or five inches deep. Perfect lats and a flat smooth belly and slight light build, no more than 80 - 90 lbs in weight compared to my 180 lbs plus.

I brought my hand out and slid it over his very lovely thighs and then round his waist and then up his slender back to his slim delicate neck - then with a gentle pressure I drew him colser - he came without resistance, his head drawing so much nearer till his soft lips brushed my mouth and his soft fresh warm breath filled my senses his lips parted and I kissed him powerfully all my senses were now wide awake as I added some - pressure to my arm that circled him and he slid into my bed beside me. But as my sensitive very tactile fingers had flitted smoothly across his smooth rounded thighs goose bumps had developed and as my fingers had crossed his back and up - his body his skin prickled erecting the soft .. very fine delicate hair that was invisible but for that oblique early dappled sunlight in the mornings and then only because they stood out - against the bracing cool of the air. But right now his skin was reacting to my sensitive touch The fact that I could produce such an effect in him, made me feel very comfortable and wanted.

OOOHhhhh! I felt the length of his warm clean - smooth soft body all the way along me as he did climb up on top of me. I stuck my hands into .. the elastic of his shorts covering his butt and down they slipped as he levered his body up to make it easy, then he completed the job and lay naked upon me. He soon rid me of my own shorts and between long deep hot kisses, my hands were busy stroking and investigating this beautiful Hot smooth flat light body. Chest to chest, ... belly to belly, his hot dick pressed onto me as it prodded rigidly against my abdominals, while my own erection was gripped between his lovely warm smooth rounded thighs. I was in extasy as his physically hot naked body lay against mine. My head swam with the wonderful exotic scent of him. He breathed into my face, licked & kissed my neck, eyes and cheks and bit down on my lips while his tongue entered deep into my mouth and he breathed into me as I drew all the air right out of his lungs. He juddered and spasmed as my greater lung capacity put pressure on his chest which was now completely empty. Or maybe it was my probing finger that rimmed him then slid all the way upto the knuckle into his hot body.

I slid gently out from under him, and he lay .. there on my bed, completely still and relaxed - I lay beside him momentarily, then climbed upon his smooth slim back and licking his neck and - kissing his lips as he turned his head up to .. meet mine, I felt my dick pressing up against - his virginity. Slowly and softly I felt the ... warm soft tightness engulf the head of my very hard, hot, excited appendage and then very very easily the length of it slipped into his body - All eight inches vanished into him so smoothly and as I stroked and pumped in and out of that wonderful body with nothing but the dampness of his interior as lubrication, while he rendered a satisfied sound from deep in his throat ..... I pumped and pressed deep into his body as time passed quickly I felt the heat of friction from the long deep thrusting of my pelvis against .. his neat butt cheeks as he responded positively I had my mouth round his and sucked the breath out of his body as I shot all my load deep into his butt. I had my arm pressed up against his - belly and forced his hips hard against me every bit of my shaft was buried deep inside his body right to the hilt and my ejaculation set him to pumping harder against me. I lay there on top - of him, massaging his back and shoulders, then sliding off him, I flipped him over on his back and swallowed all of his six inches and with no waiting, he shot wonderful hot sweet cum into - my mouth and down my throat directly as he .... jerked and jinked and squirmed under me.

That was the begining of one wonderful Hot night of love and unrivalled passion that would drive anyone crazy, we made it together again & again and not to put too fine a point on it, by the .. time the morning came, I had got rid of a year's pent up desire and walked about the rest of the day like one happy zombie - Only to do it all .. over again when that night came and we shared in the privacy of our little room.

I will never forget my beautiful little Rikky ! Hotter than Hell and twice as SexY ! :-) OOHhhh! But our physical meeting was bourne of love and compassion and mutual respect, expressed in sex. Though I offered Rikky many times my body ...... He never wanted to fuck me. He just wanted me to explode deep inside his body in the perfect butt usually joining me in exploding simultaneously - I know he loved me, it was pretty obvious every time he looked upon me, his eyes misted over and he would look yearning and burning. Indeed, soon after he had gone home for a week end with his - folks and I was alone, there came a young man to my room and asked me to take him to bed with me, I said 'No' and put out he said, 'Come on .. you make it with Rikky ... please, aren't I good ... enough for you or what ?' Perplexed and vexed by this, but feeling ambivalent, I said 'OK' - that night I spent with him and he left happy, But I felt sick and angry and empty, he was beautiful too, but he just wasn't my Rikky. I could just - have beaten him to a pulp I suppose, but I never was violent and I suppose this was the best form of flattery. Clearly he was in envy. I never did tell Rikky, I just made damn sure he stayed just a little closer to me ! Mehrnosh, his curiousity sated never came again to me. But others did and tried their luck. But mostly they were unlucky !

Mehrnosh, defies description with regard to his personality, as for his phsyique, well he hadn't any, he was maybe six foot two and a soft gangly unco-ordinated kid of sixteen. Muscles that had it seems never been used, everything about this kid was limp and flaccid because he never played any form of sport. That would have been alright if he had been a titan intellect, but again he - was at best mediocre and well he was a real Dork and here he had once again chosen the worst way to find himself a partner. Briefly I thought the best thing to do was teach him a lesson he would not forget and be really cruel, but I am just .. not vindictive and so I took this gawky awkward kid to my bed, simply because it seemed kind and OH! As my hands came in contact with his upper - body, realisation dawned upon me, he flattered - me by approaching me the only way he knew how and he had dreamed about this moment of reality. But it was all a little too much for him and by the time I had reached his soft stomach he exploded into his pants. It was going to be one crazy ... night. Every time I just touched his body with - my hands within a few seconds he blew up again - This was not helped by the fact that unlike all the rest of us, he wore pyjamas instead of the - usual shorts. My body was in paroxisms jerking - from strangled silent laughter. He was sort of - put out by this and I had to roll out off the bed and ran out the room to kill myself laughing out of earshot in the cool night air. He must have - cum half a dozen times and I still had not even managed to release the draw string of his pyjama pants. Moral I never touched him and I certainly never fucked him or anything. He just cum time & time again till he was completely spent and then off he went happily to his own room and I was at last alone and grateful. By the way I felt good I felt I had accomplished something and done a - good deed that cost me nothing but it made some- one happy. I never mentioned this to anyone for the simple reason it would have been embarassing If I had actually done anything I would most ... certainly have told Rikky.

Alone, sexually hot and still unsated physically I had to resort to releasing my pent up energy -

Rikky and I were truly happy, but he never ceas- ed to amaze me, and one night he stunned me as - he asked me to beat him .... But I am a pacifist and that's another story ....... one day maybe ! This story is recounted to the best of my meager ability and I do hope you have enjoyed reading it ******************* WARNING ********************* *** Please Remember to have SAFE SEX Always. *** ************************************************* Remember that when you are lucky enough to find - a partner stay faithfully together and not wander You see I know whereof I speak for all is lost on an ocean of endless time, broken dreams and years that pass in an unending stream that used to run but runs no more it seems all that's left are now long forgotten dreams faint shadows of what could have been. So hang on tight to the wings of the - Dragon ride the storm called life and do remember that man was born to live Not to prepare for life ***************** Yours truly. ***************** Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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