Right Man at the Right Time

By Clint Dear

Published on Jun 10, 2010


"Would you like see my place and meet my brother Carl? Maybe you'll have a chance to use the pool while I'm at work." Gary asked.

"I'd love too. I need to find something else to wear and remove my nail polish." I replied.

"No. Please don't do that. I'd like you to your wear short shorts again, and stay as my girl. You're really sexy like that. I like you being my girl. No one will guess. Besides, you'll be with me and no one will care. I promise." he said.

"What about your brother?" I asked, smiling.

"Oh, I told him all about us. He's excited to meet you. We are best friends, we think alike, and we share everything." He said.

"Share everything?" I asked.

"We don't have jealousies, if that's what you mean. If he puts a move on you, just do what you think is best. I know you'll do the right thing." he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"He's my brother and it's up to you. I'll still love you." he said.

"Ok. I'll try not to embarrass you. Are you going to introduce me as Mark?"

"Mmmm, what name would you like, honey? He asked.

"Pussy Galore?" I giggled, as I got serious and said, "How about Cherie?" I said as I excused myself and went into the other bedroom where my girly clothes were.

"Cherie it is." He replied.

Ok, if that's the game he wants to play, then I'll play. So I decided to put on a pair of high cut bikini panties and chose a shorter pair of short low rider shorts. These were pale yellow and even shorter than the others and were cut higher in the back so the so they allowed my little butt cheeks to peek out. I decided to accessorize with a 1 1/2" wide white belt with a round gold buckle.

I touched up my make up with light natural tones so as to not look slutty. I decided to keep the pigtails, letting them fall down my front for a nice "young" look. Then I put on a thin snug white pull over top with three buttons. It was thin enough to let my nipples push though and as a bonus was fairly see-through.

It had a white patterned band across the midriff below my boobs that was a little tighter than the rest of the garment, and would lift them up nicely. I left the buttons unbuttoned to show some cleavage, and put on a thin necklace with small multi-color beads, that didn't hang so far as to get lost in my cleavage. I added a little pendant I made that had three pink beads in a row with eight beads with one extending up and six down from the center one. It could look like a cross or a dick, depending on where someone's head was at, and it sat nicely at the beginning of my cleavage.

For shoes, I found a pair of sandals with a 2" heel on them and rhinestones on the straps. I like the way they make my legs look, and it added some nice feminine sway to my walk. I wanted to take extra time to get ready, and make sure things were prefect. I'd never met his brother, but first impressions are important, and I wanted Gary to be proud to be seen with me.

I decided then and there that if Gary didn't expect me to be his and his alone, fuck him. I'll screw who I want. Even though I might be a very feminine guy, I'm not driven by monogamy like a woman might be. I want to have sex again. Soon. Maybe even with his brother, assuming he isn't a sasquatch. For some reason, the idea of having my man's sperm inside me seemed very natural and desirable.

"Wow! Look at you!" Gary exclaimed as I went to his make up box to see what he had for lipstick.

"You like, daddy?" I replied, giving my hips a sexy little wiggle. I applied a very light pink lipstick, and then gave him a sexy smile and made a cute little "pop" from my freshly painted lips.

On the ride over Gary's hand never left my thigh, riding higher each time we stopped next to a big rig. It was really turning me on, feeling Gary's hand just millimeters from my stiff little cock.

We got to his brother's house and Carl was at the table having a cup of coffee reading the paper.

"Hi Bro! I'd like you to meet Cherie." Carl said.

"Well, hi there sweetheart. Pleased to meet you." he said as he gave me a hug.

Man, these guys have the looks gene covered. He's as handsome as his brother. I wonder what he has below, I mused.

I cornered Gary in the kitchen and asked him "Are you sure you want to leave me here all alone with your brother? He's pretty good looking." I said teasingly.

"Sure. It's ok. You can do whatever you want. Make yourself comfortable at our home. Use the pool. I have to go to work for a half shift." He replied.

So Gary got this work clothes on and gave me a wonderfully deep kiss in front of his brother. I got quite embarrassed for some reason when he slipped his hands into my panties and gave my butt cheeks a gentle squeeze right in front of Carl. I can't help but feel I'm being handed off. But it's Gary's idea, and that will spare me the guilt should things get interesting.

"Bye honey, I'll see you at 2:30". Gary said as he left and closed the door.

"Cherie? Would you like a drink? I was planning a bloody Mary for me." Carl said.

Thinking, oh what the hell, "I'll have one, too."

He was very cute like his brother, but taller by an inch or so, but he seemed to be a perfect gentleman. I'll just see where this goes. Maybe I'll get lucky and get laid.

"Would you like to go swimming? We can have our bloody's out on the patio and work on our tans." He asked.

"I don't have a swimming suit, Carl." I replied evenly as if he should have known that.

"I have a nice two piece that would look beautiful on you. Would you like to try it on, or would you like a regular men's suit?" He asked, as if he was feeling me out.

"I'll go for a two piece. I really should cover up." I replied, eager to take the first step in hopefully getting him interested.

"I'll lay it out for you when I change. I'll be back in a few minutes." he said.

Carl left the room, and came back out wearing a tight spandex type suit. It was so tight, it was obscene. It had some leg parts, but it looked like he could be sneaking out of it at any moment. I was nearly drooling. Though only semi-hard, he looked like he was as big or bigger than his brother. Carl caught me looking, and winked at me. I liked to have died with embarrassment.

"I put your suit out on the bed in my room. Try it on. If you don't like it, I can find something else." He said, smiling.

I went in the bedroom, and saw a beautiful red and white print bikini, with a bamboo motif. All of the stems and leaves where red with a large pattern. It was really skimpy, and I'd never tried anything on like that before. I couldn't wait to see how I looked in it.

And I saw something else. I saw two different sizes of slippers, both men's styles. On top of the nightstand was a photo of Carl and Gary, both shirtless. Carl was sitting, and Gary may have been naked. It was hard to tell. Gary was standing behind Carl with his hands on his shoulders, close to his neck. Carl was leaning into Gary's arm so it was touching his cheek, and had his hand touching Gary's arm as if to pull him closer. It was very sweet and sensual at the same time, as I smiled warmly at the photo wondering if they were lovers or I was just reading too much into it because I was horny.

In the top drawer I found a bottle of silicon lube. Wondering if maybe he used it on himself, or themselves? I decided to put a little in me because I really like the sexy feeling of being lubricated down there.

As I undressed and assessed the suit. I decided to put the top on backwards, and then adjust the strings for the back and neck, then put it on over my head and scoop my boobs in.

The bottoms were more challenging. It became apparent that I needed to tie the front and rear of the bottoms together with the little string ties across my hips. I had to keep putting them on and taking them off, each time adjusting the tie on the left. Finally I got it done, and got the right side tied.

It was smaller than it looked. It was like "Oh, my God" small!

Thankfully, Gary had seen to it that my pubes were shaved, and I'm glad I shaved them again or they would have been sticking out the top!

Basically the suit had two little triangle pouches on the top. For the bottoms, there was one low, skimpy triangle panel in front that was probably all of 4" wide at the top, and tapered down to my crotch and up the other side. I could even see the outline of my tiny cock through the thin fabric. The front came up maybe three inches above my pubis, and the narrow triangle in back was at the same level and was showing a lot of my crack. I felt very Brazilian.

The top part was thin and fit nicely, and just barely big enough to hold my titties, leaving a little flesh peeking out below. The fabric was thin and stretchy enough that my nipples would not be possible to hide! I felt nearly naked, but It was a perfect fit! I looked in the mirror, and I loved it.

"Well, better now than never." I said to myself as I started to open the sliding glass door, and stopped. Realizing how horny I was feeling, and deciding I wanted to give Carl a little something to think about. I gave my nipples a little gentle massaging to make them stand proud, then opened up the sliding glass door and stepped out to make my grand entrance onto the patio. Carl was sitting there speechless, staring at me as I walked daintily to where my drink was.

"That looks really nice on you." He said, obviously taken back.

"Why thank you. You picked it out, you know." I said teasingly, as I twirled around to give him a little show so he could admire his choice. I stopped in the perfect position to glance down at his growing bulge hoping to embarrass him a little as I stood there with one hand on my hip and one hanging down, loosely.

"What do you think?" I asked matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry, I just find you really beautiful." he said, trying to cover his obvious erection.

"That's ok, I think it's cute." I said, looking down toward his erection. I sat down and leaned over the table to sip my drink through the straw while resting my breasts on the table top giving him a nice view of my cleavage and my excited nipples tearing at the thin fabric. I stretched my legs out under the table so they were touching his, and gazed into his eyes.

We made small talk about how Gary and I met as we drank our drinks. Carl made mine really strong, but I was definitely enjoying the buzz I was getting.

"Would you like to go swimming?" Carl asked nervously as he noticed my drink was empty.

"Ok, I'd like that." I teased.

I got into the pool slowly at the shallow end while Carl went to the deep end. I could see he was hard, and it was big! Being the typical male, he jumped in and did a cannon ball, eliciting a girly scream from me as the water splashed me. I worked my way into the water, slowly and carefully, finally holding my nose and dunking myself so my hair would wash back.

It was quite a nice feeling to have such a skimpy suit. I felt almost nude, and very sexual. I'm really happy Gary and Carl accept my femininity. I've never felt so free. Or so predatory.

After I got wet, I sat on the pool steps and admired Carl's muscular body as he swam effortlessly through the water. He was quite a graceful man, and very nice to look at. My nipples were really straining at the fabric as the suit began to cool in the gentle breeze and my girly mind became occupied with Carl's potential.

Carl swam up to me, with his eyes glued to my nipples pushing out the fabric, and sat next to me on the small top pool step. Our legs and hips were touching as he leaned back with an arm behind me. I put my hand on his leg and leaned back into him to let him know I approved before I popped the question:

"Carl, honey. Do you and your brother have sex together?" I asked, innocently using my girliest voice.

"Ah, Mmm. What kind of a question is that?" he replied, blushing a little.

"Come on. I won't tell anyone, I promise." I said, as sweetly as I could, adding "Would you help me with the strings, honey." as I turned my back toward him leaving him little choice.

Gary untied the back string and I lifted the neck string over my head. I leaned back into him holding my top against my chest.

"What are you doing, Cherie?" Carl said.

"I've always wanted to skinny dip. Take off your suit and we'll be even." I said, teasingly.

"Are you sure?" he asked?

"I'm sure. We're like family, aren't we?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"Ok, if it's all right with you." he said as he wiggled out of his trunks.

I moved over to sit on his lap facing him, letting his hard on stick up between my legs. I moved my swim top aside and presented Carl with my breasts at eye level as I lowered my hands to rest on his forearms. Carl's eyes were as big as golf balls.

"We aren't exactly even, Cherie." Carl replied hopefully, smiling as he rubbed my bottom through the suit.

"You are a dirty boy, aren't you? Aren't you are afraid I might embarrass you." I teased.

"No way. I think you are beautiful." Carl replied.

I stood up and turned my back to Carl and patiently slipped my suit down and stepped out of it, making a point to bend over. I wanted him to appreciate what a girly body I have before he saw my thin little stiffy jutting out it's full 2 1/2 inches.

I sat back down on his legs facing him, and teased his cock with my hand as I put it back into position sticking up between us, towering over my penis. He was at least Gary's size but longer, and very hard. He was smaller at the top, but got thick rapidly and tapered down to a much larger base. Kind of like a little blimp! My little cock looked like a finger next to his!

"There, now. How's that?" I asked Carl.

"Wonderful. It's been a long time since I've been with a girl. " He replied as he put his hand on my naked buttocks, then removed his hands.

"That's ok, your hands feel nice there. How long has it been?" I asked, not letting that morsel of information go without a follow up.

"Very long." he replied.

"How long is 'very long?'" I asked.

"Years." he replied as I smiled happily.

"Tell me about you and your brother, Carl." I said as I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Well, there isn't much to tell." Carl said quietly as he stared as my boobs.

"Come on, tell me anyway. Just close your eyes and talk to me." I said as I moved my breast close to his mouth and dragged my nipple over his lips. "Come on, honey. He's kissed me too. You can tell me. Do you kiss?" I asked gently, teasing his lips with my nipple.

"Sometimes." Carl replied.

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" I replied, gently rubbing his hair as I continued to tease his lips with my nipple.

Carl hesitated.

"Come on honey, tell me." I asked gently. "Do you kiss him first, or does he kiss you first?" I asked, as I continued to rub his lips with my nipple. "He's a good kisser, isn't he? Do you like it when he kisses you? I know I like it." I said as I pulled his head into my bosom and kissed him on the top of his head.

"Uh huh." He replied.

I reached down and stroked his cock, moving the skin up and down gently. Carl was breathing harder now, as he gave my nipple a little lick.

"Are you like equals, or is he in charge?" I asked.

Carl continued to hesitate.

"Come on honey, you can trust me." I added.

"Ok." Carl said weakly. "Sometimes he comes up to me and puts his arms around me and I just give in. I can't help it." He said plaintively as I lifted my breast and moved my nipple back to his lips again.

"It's ok honey, open your lips for mommy. We can pretend you are my baby, and you are talking to your mommy, ok? Your secrets are safe with me, honey. Tell me more." I replied as he finally took my nipple in his mouth and began to suckle. "That's a good boy. Mommy likes that, don't you?"

"Um hmm" Carl moaned.

"Do you undress your brother when he is kissing you?" I asked.

"Uh huh." he replied.

"Does he like his nipples sucked, too?" I asked gently.

"Uh hmm." he replied again with his mouth on my nipple.

"Take your time, baby. You can have all you want. That makes mommy feel really good." I replied.

It was heavenly to feel Carl sucking on my nipples. I put my hand behind his head and cooed gently to him as I rocked back and forth, and guided him from one nipple to the other, as I stroked his hard cock. I lifted and massaged my breast as he suckled helping my milk to flow.

"There, isn't that relaxing?" I asked.

"I can taste sweetness coming from you." Carl said.

"Of course, silly. You are my baby. Do you like being my baby? " I asked sweetly so as to not embarrass him. I know at times when I was really turned on I had begun to express milk, but I never really thought much about it. But the past couple of days, I've been really turned on without letup!

"Uh huh." he mumbled, as he moved from nipple to nipple sucking more earnestly each time.

"Do you put your lips on his cock?" I asked.

"Ummm." he moaned, hesitating, but not committing.

"You'd like to suck mine too, wouldn't you?" I asked, purring sexily.

"Uh Huh." he said as I smiled at his admission to the word "too".

"You put your lips on Gary's cock, don't you?" I asked tenderly.

"Um Hmm." he replied.

"That's a good boy, see how easy it was to tell me." I purred again.

"I'd really like it if you'd suck mine. You'd like to do that, wouldn't you?" I replied quietly.

"Uh huh." Carl whispered.

I stood up and put my little cock at eye level for Carl. "Be gentle, honey. She's really tender." I cooed.

Carl took my cock into his mouth, and moved in a little and engulfed my balls, too. He gently sucked and massaged my little penis with his tongue.

"Oh, honey. You are doing a wonderful job. You like that, don't you?" I asked breathlessly as my body began to tingle.

"Um hmm." he moaned, as he reached up and gently rolled my nipples in his fingers.

"Ohh, that feels wonderful." I said as the tingling became more intense and began to engulf my body. Too quickly I began to moan as the tingling reached a crescendo, and my juices flowed into Carl's mouth as milk dripped from my nipples. He held me in his mouth until the last droplets were gone, as he swallowed my meager juices.

"Oh, you are wonderful. Mommy liked that." I said happily as I sat back down on his legs and kissed him, tasting my juices.

I raised up again and moved my breasts back to his lips for him to suckle some more.

"I'll bet Gary really likes it when you suck on his, doesn't he? Tell me. It's ok. I have. See, I'm not ashamed to admit it." I said as I lifted my breast to his mouth.

"I don't know." he said, nervously.

"You don't know? Yes you do, honey." I replied sweetly as I pulled back slightly and brushed my other nipple on his lips. "That's ok, honey. Suck on mommy's breasts some more, and then you can tell me when you are ready." I said.

"I want you to know that I think it's really special that you would do that with him. It's ok, you know. You sucked mine, and I've sucked Gary's. It's like a circle." I said interrupting his suckling.

"Do you want me to put my bottoms back on?" I asked, somewhat teasingly.

"No. Please don't." he replied.

"Then please tell me everything and I might not." I added, as if I was a mommy talking to her child. As an added inducement, I lifted up and put his cock pointing behind me so it was nested in my crack and he could move it up and down over my pussy if he wanted. That seemed to do the trick, I noticed.

"Ok." he said with a resigned sigh.

"How often do you suck on his cock, Carl?" I asked again.

"When ever he wants me to." he said.

"How do you know he wants you to? After you suck his nipples, do you get down on your knees?" I asked, adding "You're doing fine. Keep going, honey. It's ok to tell mommy everything." I said gently.

"Sometimes he pushes down on my shoulders and that's my signal that me wants me to go lower." he said.

"And?" I replied.

"I don't know." he whined.

"Come on honey, tell me. Then maybe we can do more." I reiterated with a sexy smile in my voice, as I held him close to me and rode up and down letting his cock slide over my pussy.

"Ok..." he said with resignation.

I took his head in my hands and looked into his eyes, and said "Then tell me everything, every step of the way, honey."

"I can't." he said.

"Yes you can. Let it out, honey. Tell me. You've told me you kiss, and that you suck his nipples, and you suck his cock. But I can tell there is more to it than that. There is isn't there? I know you'll feel better when you've told me everything." I said.

I kissed his forehead tenderly, and guided him back into my bosom. I lifted a breast to his lips where he latched on to my nipple like a little baby. I let him suckle more, moving him from nipple to nipple as I massaged my breasts to keep the milk flowing.

The act of breastfeeding Carl was a real turn on. I never realized I could put out so much milk. I could see droplets of milk seeping out as he switched breasts. I let him suckle for quite awhile until I sensed he was ready to start talking freely.

"Baby? Tell mommy the rest." I asked as I pulled my milky nipple from his lips.

"He tells me to take off my clothes. Then he pulls me back into his embrace and we begin kissing again." he said.

"And...?" I added.

"Then he gently pushes me down, and I go to my knees and put my hands behind my back. He likes it when I kiss his cock through his pants. he said.

"And then?" I asked.

"Then he tells me to pull down his zipper with my teeth." He explained.

"Do you like that?" I asked.

"I really do. I don't know why." he said uncomfortably.

"That's very sweet and sexy, honey. Keep going." I replied, as Carl leaned in again for another nipple.

"That's a good boy, honey. You can have more whenever you want. Mommy wants you to. I know it makes you feel better, honey." I said gently, enjoying the delicious feeling his breast feeding was giving me.

"Baby? Tell me the rest." I said after he had suckled for a few more minutes.

"I pull down his zipper, and use my nose and tongue to find the opening in his boxers. He really likes it when I suck his balls as I work them out into the opening. Then I lick up and down the shaft, and use my lips to maneuver him out of the opening. When he is out, I open my mouth and wait for his next move." he confessed.

"Oooh. That sounds really sexy, honey. Keep going." I said, breathlessly. "And then?" I asked.

"He rests his cock on my tongue, then asks me to tell him how much I miss having his cock in my mouth." he explained.

"Do you miss having him in your mouth?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, yes." he whispered.

"What do you say to him?" I asked.

"I tell him how happy I am to be able to bring him pleasure and how empty and desolate I feel when his cock is not in my mouth." he said.

"Is that true?" I asked.

"Uh huh. I really crave his cock." he said.

"That is so sweet, honey. I know it was hard to tell me. Do you want mommy some more? Here you are, honey. " I said as I offered a nipple to his lips.

Carl suckled at my breasts again, sucking my sweet nectar into his mouth. I had no idea how much he was getting, but I could sense more and more coming out the longer he nursed.

"What happens next?" I asked, as I pulled my nipple from his mouth and teased his lips with droplets of milk.

"When he says 'I missed your lips on my cock, too.' That's usually my sign that he wants me to make love to his cock, just like he likes it." he explained.

"How does he like it?" I asked.

"Oh, come on." He whined.

"You promised to tell me everything, honey." I replied as I wiggled my hips on his shaft as it got closer to my hole.

"Ok... Slowly. He likes that the best, and I really like the feel of him when I know he is getting close. He goes from rock hard to semi hard, and back again. I can sense when he is hypersensitive, so that I can go slower or faster, depending on what I think he wants." he said, proudly.

"You like that don't you? Tell me what turns you on about it. Do you get really excited, too?" I asked sweetly.

"Oh, yeah. I get really turned on knowing that he comes to me in such a special way, knowing I'll never say no, yet I have the power to control him. I love to tease him so he gets so hard he seems like he will burst. I like to keep him as close to coming as I can, for as long as I can. When I've finally teased him enough, and he can't stand it anymore, I let him come." he said.

"Does he come in your mouth?" I asked.

"Of course." he answered proudly as if it were a dumb question.

"You like that a lot, don't you. What's that like?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. When he comes, his jets of come are very strong and forceful and make me feel really proud. It reminds me that I've given extra special pleasure to someone I care about. I really feel as if I've accomplished something special. I love to hold him in my mouth as he softens, so I can feel every twitch as I slowly drink down his come. When he is done, he always gives me a hug and a kiss, and tells me how much he loves me." Gary explained.

"That was sweet, honey. Now don't you feel better telling me?" I asked. "It'll be our little secret." I added.

"Would you mind rubbing some suntan lotion on me?" I asked.

"I'd love to. Why don't you lie down on the chaise lounge, ok?" Carl replied.

I lay down and Carl sat on a small stool next to me and poured some lotion into his hands. He rubbed it into my legs first and gradually moved up to my stomach. He took each arm and gently massaged in the oil, then expertly massaged each finger on my hands.

He moved up my arm and massaged some of the oil on to my breasts and stopped to kiss and suckle each one tenderly. Then he went lower and massaged my tiny cock and balls as I spread my legs to encourage him. I was purring with the attention, as he moved up and expertly massaged my breasts again, gently rolling my tender nipples between his fingers.

"Oh, Carl." was all I could manage to say.

He moved down and took my cock in his mouth, and while rolling my nipples in his fingers, he began to massage the underside of my cock with his tongue as I writhed in passion. I had been so turned on for so long, I just lay back and let the climbing of my orgasm carry me away. As my passion peaked, I was conscious of my meager juices flowing slowly into his mouth again with nary a twitch, as Carl patiently teased the rest of my juices out of me, and kept me in his mouth until I came down.

"Will you roll over for me, honey?" he asked.

"Ok, but come here first." as I took him into my arms and kissed him, eager to taste myself.

"You are such a sweetheart, Carl." I said as I began to roll over.

He started massaging the oil into my calves, and when he got to my feet, he lifted them up one by one and dragged his tongue along the sole of each foot. I couldn't resist a moan. It was heavenly.

Carl took my big toe in his mouth, and sucked it like a little dick, and proceeded to patiently suck on each toe, dragging his tongue in between each one before moving to my other foot. I was in heaven, and moaning quietly in bliss. I was on fire.

Carl moved up and straddled my legs, allowing his plump hard on to rest between my butt cheeks. I raised my butt up and undulated a little, letting him know I welcomed his touches. He spread the lotion over my bottom and massaged me gently, intimately dragging his thumbs across my little slot as he opened my cheeks a little and blew gently on my hot hole. As my hips gently undulated more as if to telegraph my heat, he bent down and began to lick up and down my sensitive boy pussy, and then gently pulled me up by my hips to allow his tongue to go deeper into my hole as I spread my legs wider. The warm, wet sensation of his tongue probing my pussy began to work it's magic as I felt my pussy relaxing allowing him to go deeper into my pussy.

He stopped and shifted his attention to massage my shoulders, as his cock slid up and down my crack. He made sure his hands massaged the sides of my boobs, occasionally reaching down to gently rub my tender nipples.

As he continued to massage my shoulders, I found myself unconsciously raising my hips as his hardness rubbed over my pussy trying to capture him. Carl, gradually changed the angle and put the head of his cock against my opening as he massaged my back and shoulders.

He appeared to not be too sure of himself, so I pushed back a little and moved my hips suggestively to encourage him as I let out a sexy purr.

Slowly, he began to push a little harder until the tip of his cock began to enter me. I pushed back again as I moaned, wanting him to fuck me.

"Oh honey, you feel so good." I said breathlessly, elated that I was going to get fucked again.

Carl kept pushing and retreating, each time getting a little deeper until finally I felt the head slip in past my inner sphincter.

"Oh, please go slow, honey. You are so big." I whined, worried about the pain that was soon to come, but to my surprise there was practically none. I was happy beyond words to know that I could finally stop worrying and enjoy myself.

"I'll be careful, sweetheart. Let's just relax and let nature take it's course." he said as he stopped to let me adjust to his size.

Soon, he pushed a little deeper and unlike his brother, he was stretching me more the deeper he went in. Carefully he worked himself in and out, each time getting a little deeper and stopping to let me adjust, as I spread my legs to open up more. He was definitely big like his brother, but different. In a good way.

Little by little he pushed and retreated, and paused until finally most of his shaft was in. He laid down on top of me and clasped my fingers in his as he slid slowly deeper, stretching me painfully.

"That's ok, honey. Just a little more." he said as I began to feel tears welling in my eyes as each new millimeter widened my canal farther than ever before.

He worked in and out slowly, each time going a little deeper until finally I felt his legs touching my buttocks, and he lay on me with all of his weight as he gradually went deeper until I could feel his balls touching me. I never felt so wonderfully full in my life, as Carl's weight gradually settled on me as he kissed my ears and cheeks.

Carl began to sense I was ready and began to thrust gently. He spread my legs as far as they would go so he could get as deep as possible with every slow gentle thrust. I lifted up my hips to meet him as he lifted up on his arms to bury himself deeply each time.

It was an out of body experience to feel such a big cock impaling my tiny pussy. I could feel my senses taking me away into another place as my skin began to tickle, and my pussy muscles began to twitch as he pushed deeply with each thrust. My breasts began leaking like never before.

The tickling changed to tingling and my muscles began to twitch and tighten, and my pussy began to tighten and relax with each stroke. My hands and feet were making tiny fists in between spastic releases. Higher and higher the sensuous feelings climbed until finally, my body could take it no more and descended into the most glorious orgasm I had ever experienced as my juices trickled out of my penis. My whole body felt like it was electric, and my pelvis glowed with tingling waves of pleasure.

My body became rigidly locked into an orgasmic waterfall, as I felt Gary get even larger and his thrusts begin to slow down and get less regular and more animal like until suddenly he stopped thrusting and I felt the throbbing of Carl's life giving liquid pouring into my pussy with powerful pulses, slowly trailing off as he began thrusting again.

He lay back down on me with him still safely inside, until he became soft again.

He carefully pulled in and out slowly, finally slowly pulling out again letting me appreciate how long and thick he was, the dirty boy. Carl snuggled up to me and we drifted off to sleep, spooned as lovers should. Slowly he slipped out of my pussy, leaving every loving drop of himself inside me, leaving me to wonder how I'm going to square this with Gary.

I woke up to a presence of something on the bed. Gary was sitting on the bed, naked, and Carl was lying next to me. Gary laid down next to me and asked me:

"Do you have any left for me, honey?"

"Uh huh" I replied, a little wary as to how he felt with me in bed with this brother. Heavy with his brothers sperm, no less.

Gary gently kissed me and rubbed some lube on my boypussy.

"Daddy's home, honey." He said, as he climbed on top of me as I lay face down.

His cock slipped into me easily, and he began to thrust without delay. He must have been very horny, because he didn't waste a lot of time with preliminaries. I lifted up my hips to meet each thrust has he pounded faster and faster, as I felt the tingling start to rush up to my head again, as my juices slowly throbbed out of my little cock. Gary grunted loudly as he released a well deserved load into my sopping boypussy.

As we lay together waiting for Gary to soften, I felt Carl gently take my hand and kiss it. I looked over and Carl was smiling at me. Gary rolled off me, and Carl climbed up and began to fuck me some more as Gary repositioned himself so Gary could suck on him.

I was intrigued by the feeling of Gary's balls touching my head as his cock slid in and out of Carl's mouth, inches above my face.

When Carl was done, they took turns cleaning my boy pussy with their tongues driving me absolutely crazy! Then Carl rolled toward Gary and licked him clean of our juices.

"Welcome to the family." Gary said, smiling.

"I think I'm going to like it here." I replied with a grin.

The idea of being a "housewife" to two gorgeous studs who wanted nothing better to do than screw my brains out when the occasion presented itself

I nestled in between my two men and blissfully rested, happy to have two horny men to keep happy!

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