Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Aug 1, 2000


Hey everybody! I'm back, once again. Sorry about the wait. Hope it was worth it. The updates should come more often from now on, but I doubt there will be a sequel. I'm not going to try and rush this story, but let me just say, the end is very near. I wanna thank all of you for you love and support, but I've got some changes in my life right now that are resulting in the inevitable- me leaving nifty, probably for good. I want to thank Susan for helping me through these times. I couldn't have done it without you. Well, I'll shut up and let you get to what you really want. Here it is. Part 9...coming at you in 5...4...3...2...1! And now, the world premiere of Right and Wrong Part 9.

Last time on Right and Wrong:

"Looking for something," the intruder asked. They both looked up at the same time, knowing who it was and what had happened.

"Christina, now look. It's not like it seems."

"Can it Lance! I always knew you two were up to something, and now I have all the proof I need. Once the guys find out about this, you two will be history, and Justin and JC...yes Justin and JC, not Justin and Britney, not poor pitiful Lance and JC, but Justin and JC will be able to move on with there lives and live as happily as they deserve to be." Christina smirked. She could see Lance shiver whenever she mentioned Justin and JC as a couple. It was like seeing Satan tremble whenever God or Jesus was mentioned, and she loved it!

"Now wait a second Christina," Britney pleaded. "I know I've done some really rotten things to you in the past, but can't we put that all behind us?"


"What if Lance and I promised to give up on JC and Justin? Would that help?"

"No! I wouldn't believe you. Anyone who would make up such an awful and cruel plan towards two of the kindest human beings I know deserves to be exposed for the rotten piece of shit that he is! Sorry Britney, but it looks like you won't be able to do it again this time." Christina loved the affect this was having on Britney. She was finally in charge, and she liked it. It was time to reveal all the things that Britney had done and was going to do, and she was the one that was going to get to do it.

"Now, I'm going to leave you two to play nice." Christina started to walk away but stopped herself and turned back around, "Oh and Lance, I know JC. He doesn't go for deceiving little bastards like you. I know you were probably sucked into this by "Ms. Implants" herself, but that's still no excuse. You do the crime, you gotta do the time. However, I will tell JC that you were manipulated by her. That's one thing that's obvious here! Don't worry too much! You can probably still be good friends with him. Ta Ta!"

Christina turned around an started for the door, but right as she reached it, she felt something come crashing down over her head. She fell to the ground and looked up just in time to see Lance standing over her with a broken lamp, smiling to himself.

"I'm sorry Christina, but you see, I just can't let you do that." That was all that Christina heard before she passed out.

Lance can be a SOB sometimes, can't he? Oh well, time to see what happens next. Here it is:

Right and Wrong Part: 9

Christina felt a sudden pain in her head as she gradually started to awaken and reenter this world of ours. She squinted her eyes as she opened them, trying to adjust to the bright light surrounding her. All of a sudden, the memories of the latest events of her life came flooding back into her recollection. She immediately stood up and begun to look around the room for any sign of her arch enemies, but they were nowhere to be found. As she looked around, she realized that this wasn't the room she had been in previously, but she didn't care. Realizing that Britney or Lance were not around, she turned and sprinted towards the door, only to find it was locked from the outside.

"You might as well give up," she heard above her. Christina looked up and saw a TV screen with a camera under it. Centered in the TV screen was her arch enemy, Britney Spears. "You see, I've made sure there is no way you can escape. Christina looked around the small room, searching for a window or door of some kind. The only door was to the bathroom, but she had checked it during her surveying earlier. Britney was right. There was no way out.

"You'll never get away with this Britney." Christina shook her head, as if trying to convince herself of what she had just said. "The others will come looking for me. They know I wouldn't just disappear." Christina turned around to face Britney, only to find Britney and herself on the screen.

Britney laughed. "Sorry to disappoint you Christina, but they don't even know you're gone," she said, motioning to the Christina standing beside her. "Oh, I'm sorry! Where are my manners? You two haven't been properly introduced. Christina Aguilera, I'd like you to meet Christina Aguilera!" Britney chuckled as she saw the look on Christina's face.

"ugh...How," was all that Christina could get out. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Did she really have someone who looked at exactly like her.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself dear. I'm just what you would call...um... a stunt double," the "fake" Christina finally spoke.

"Isn't it amazing what plastic surgery can accomplish these days?" Britney looked towards the camera with a sarcastic look.

"Yeah, and you're living proof of it." That comment sent Britney into one of her fits. Christina smiled to herself. She didn't really hear what all Britney was yelling, nor did she cared. 'At least I can have a lot more time to anger the bitch,' she thought to herself.

"You know what Christina? I tried to be nice, but you just couldn't let me could ya? Well , it doesn't really matter anymore anyways, because now that you are finally out of the way, Justin will be mine for the taking." Christina frowned at hearing this. The scary thing was that she knew that if anyone could break up Justin and JC, it was definitely Britney, and now without her there to prevent it, the couple might just be doomed.

"Now listen here you wanna-be bitch, if you do anything to separate them in anyway, then when I get out of here, I'm going to kick your silicone filled ass over and over again. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal, but you know what Christina. I wouldn't worry about me doing anything. Oh no. I think I'd be worrying more about you doing something." She motioned towards the fake Christina. "But anyways, I've gotta run dear. It was nice chatting with you. Oh and by the way, I've arranged a little gift to entertain you while I'm gone. Have fun!" Christina gave the screen a one finger salute, but it was too late. Britney had disappeared from vision. All of a sudden, two pair of curtains appeared on the screen, and Britney walked up.

"This is a story about a girl named Lucky..."

"Oh god," Christina yelled as the video continued to play. This was definitely going to be hell on earth to the extremes. She ran and locked herself in the bathroom to escape the limitless torture.

It was a very quite and peaceful evening for the crew of *NSYNC- almost too quiet. Justin and JC were both spending quality time watching the movie Hope Floats, while Joey and Chris were both working on "expanding their relationship with one another"(if you know what i mean =), but Lance on the other hand. Lance wasn't doing quite as well as the rest of them. All he could do was think about the situation that had emerged last night and what he had done, but in particular, he couldn't stop thinking about what Christina had said before he gave her the blow that would bring her to her doom. However, I will tell JC that you were manipulated by her. That's one thing that's obvious here!" Obvious. Had Britney really manipulated him into wanting to go through with this? His memories went back further to the night when JC and Justin had gotten together. If it hadn't been for the talk with Britney that night, he might not be where he was right now. Then one final memory entered his mind. The final thing Christina said. "Don't worry too much! You can probably still be good friends with him." 'Good friends. I think not!' Lance picked up the phone and dialed the numbers that would seal his fate. 'Hello, Britney? Yeah, I'm ready to go through with it. Just tell me what I need to do.'

"Now JC, I know you were looking to your break, but you've really got to do this. It means a lot to the group."

"Yeah, I know"

"So you'll do it?"

"You can count me in."

"Great a cab will be there to take you to the airport in 30 minutes. Thanx and Bye!"

Joshua Scott Chasez hung up the phone and looked at his sleeping angel. 'How is he gonna take this,' he thought as he rose to his feet to begin packing. As he started piling his clothes together, his thoughts flew back to how great the past few days had been; being able to express his feelings for Justin. Knowing that Justin felt the same way. All of his past frustration had ended, until now. Now he would have to leave all of it behind for a whole month. He almost didn't agree to it when management had said that Justin couldn't go, but he knew Justin would give him the argument of his life if he didn't.

JC finished packing his stuff and turned around to wake Justin and tell him the bad news, only to find two deep blue eyes already staring up at him. This was going to be harder than he had thought.

"Honey, where are you going," Justin inquired.

"Well Justin, management called earlier, and Lance and I have got to leave for a week." JC stared down at the ground, knowing that if he looked up into those precious eyes again, he'd instantly turn around and cancel the whole thing.

"Leave? Where?" Justin was shocked. He didn't want to lose JC for a whole week now that they were finally together.

"Well, they want us to go co-host TRL while you guys stay here and work on some choreography."

"So much for our break, so when do you leave?"

"In fifteen minutes," JC said looking at his watch.

"Fifteen minutes. That's just enough time for me to give you my patented fifteen-minute long goodbye kiss." Justin smiled mischievously.

"Oh really. Well I can't miss that; now can I?" JC smiled as he crawled over the bed. Immediately the two locked lips in what would be one of the most passion-filled experiences either one of them had ever had.

"JC, time to go," Lance yelled through the door, signaling the cab's arrival. He actually didn't know if the cab was here. He was just eager to get his one week alone with JC. Thank God the producers at MTV owed Britney a favor, or this would have never been possible. The door opened as Justin and JC both exited, still engrossed in their lip lock and oblivious to Lance. Lance turned away until they finally finished a couple of minutes later. "I should leave more often." JC smiled. "Oh no you don't. After this trip you are not leaving my side for a long time." Justin chuckled and then turned to Lance. "And don't you try to steal my man while you're gone, you hear?" Justin pulled Lance into a whig and let out a laugh, letting Lance know he was kidding. 'If you only knew Justin. If you only knew,' Lance forced a smile and then pulled back from the hug. "Well, we better get going. Don't want to keep the driver waiting," Lance said as he reached for his bag. "Actually, you go ahead. I'll be right there." Lance smiled and nodded, as he turned around. 'After this week, JC, you'll be asking everyone to go away but me.' JC turned to Justin. "I'll call everyday." "Likewise." JC pulled Justin into a tight hug, wanting to hold on for an eternity, knowing that he only had a few seconds. Then a smile came to his face. "All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door, I hate to wake you up to say goodbye. But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn, the taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn. Already I'm so lonesome I could die. So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let me go. 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go. Justin turned his head to JC's ear, tears filling his eyes and escaping quickly. "There hasn't been or never will be a moment go by when I'm not thinking of you. Don't you ever forget that." "Ditto." JC joined in on the tears and held Justin for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, realizing there was no choice in the matter, they both turned so their faces met and engaged in what would be their final kiss for longer than either of them expected. Had they have known what would have happened, neither one of them would have let go, but they did and soon parted ways. Both of them missing the other one more for the more distance put between them.

So, how'd you like it. Now that Lance and JC are alone, what's gonna happen? Let me know what you think? I promise to update soon! Send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com

Next: Chapter 10

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